"I Had an Abortion"

I couldn't care less about abortion. If you don't want to be pregnant within the first tri mester than get rid of it. It isnt like its a person. Want me to watch the abortion take place on a screen? OK, sure. The world is already too overpopulated with unwanted children committing crimes and being detriments to society, why wouldn't I be for less of that?

It's not an adult human like you and I, but it's a developing human life. It's the promise of a person. Left unharmed, it will be a person some day.

Your last sentence troubles me. While there is a threat of overpopulation to our world, it's not solely "unwanted" children committing crimes and being detriments to society. As there are children out there who were/are wanted who commit crimes, so too are there unwanted children who grow up to be loving and decent human beings.

I'm not for preventative death.

But, it is statistically prevalent when talking about abortion.. Unwanted and kids who grow up in homes that weren't ready for them are at an increased potential for being criminals. Not to mention if my GF got pregnant, I would have to drop out of school, get some work a day 22 dollar an hour job, just to provide for this kid I never wanted. Now my life is ruined too. Who wants that?

Perhaps there is a solution other than death. Influence is everything in life. Loving, principled people (usually) pass on their values to their children. As a society, we should highlight and revere certain principles, like responsibility and respect, and encourage it for everyone. The question would be "how."

Affordable, easily-accessed birth control would be better than rampant abortion. Maturity and responsibility would be better than birth control. There are many risks out there that people take, and when people take risks they should take responsibility if they don't pay off. Having sex without birth control, like playing Russian Roulette, is a great risk. By doing so you take the risk of impregnating the female you are with. If the consequence is too great, please don't take the risk, or do something to lower it (like birth control).
I think he meant abortions CAN be a medical necessity.

Anywho..I hate these kinds of threads. Two sides, bickering, and nobody changing their minds on their stance in the subject. Just a helluvalot of arguing, name calling, spittle flying.

I've read that 2/3rds of all abortions are medically necessary.

What people forget is that many are done in hospitals by the woman's OB. They used to be called 'theraputic d&c's'. The family is often shattered by the loss and they have every right to the medical procedure and to their privacy.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.
Really? Outside of civilized society, you may have a valid argument.

You are big on eugenics, huh. Sad.

There are no winners in abortion, only loss, in one form or another, for all involved. To claim that one knows with finality the possibilities of what another may achieve, in life, is utter bullshit. Are you that vain? Never mind. Don't answer, it's a trick question. :)

Granted, there are certain rights a pregnant female has among choices, but, there is nothing to celebrate about the termination of the life of an unborn fetus. Be the pregnancy unplanned, or by force, or high risk for the mother, it is still her choice to make. Let's learn to distinguish between hardship, be it trauma, or whatever the cause, and the termination of a pregnancy because the sex of the fetus isn't what was hoped for, or a hare lip, or a risk of some sickness.

For the record, my position is pro life, through persuasion, not law, though, like all things, abortion needs to be regulated. There are always do's and dont's. Adoption should be the best supported alternative. Why anyone would have a problem with that, is beyond me. That said, dealing with women that have chose to have an abortion, I try to separate the act from the person. For those that advise others to do it, it's on you, you are not without guilt.
The ones who are in favor of the state forcing women to give birth to unwanted babies are also dead set against helping the poor out of poverty.

In other treads, they want the worst to happen to the children of the poor. They don't want to get decent food at school, they don't want Head Start funded, they don't want the poor to have a bed to sleep in and food to eat.

They want to hurt people. If you can't pay for health care, "let them die". You're a gay man, protecting your country, you're boo'd.

The rw's are not known as "haters" for nuthin'.
What a lie. What a lie that abortions are just a medical necessity. OMG,

Some abortions are a medical necessity. Try doing some research before spouting your ignorance.

Some are.

Did I argue that? I didn't. I was responding to this lie.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary.


I'd take back the neg I gave you, if I could. It's too late.

I'm drunk and I judged your statement too quickly without reading through your response to her response.

I thought you were saying no abortions were medically necessary.

I'm just really pissed off that my favorite football team lost today.
I think he meant abortions CAN be a medical necessity.

Anywho..I hate these kinds of threads. Two sides, bickering, and nobody changing their minds on their stance in the subject. Just a helluvalot of arguing, name calling, spittle flying.

I've read that 2/3rds of all abortions are medically necessary.

What people forget is that many are done in hospitals by the woman's OB. They used to be called 'theraputic d&c's'. The family is often shattered by the loss and they have every right to the medical procedure and to their privacy.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.
Really? Outside of civilized society, you may have a valid argument.

You are big on eugenics, huh. Sad.

There are no winners in abortion, only loss, in one form or another, for all involved. To claim that one knows with finality the possibilities of what another may achieve, in life, is utter bullshit. Are you that vain? Never mind. Don't answer, it's a trick question. :)

Granted, there are certain rights a pregnant female has among choices, but, there is nothing to celebrate about the termination of the life of an unborn fetus. Be the pregnancy unplanned, or by force, or high risk for the mother, it is still her choice to make. Let's learn to distinguish between hardship, be it trauma, or whatever the cause, and the termination of a pregnancy because the sex of the fetus isn't what was hoped for, or a hare lip, or a risk of some sickness.

For the record, my position is pro life, through persuasion, not law, though, like all things, abortion needs to be regulated. There are always do's and dont's. Adoption should be the best supported alternative. Why anyone would have a problem with that, is beyond me. That said, dealing with women that have chose to have an abortion, I try to separate the act from the person. For those that advise others to do it, it's on you, you are not without guilt.

You are big on eugenics

Didn't read the rest of your post because that is bullshit and you know it.

Gawd. Are you another one of those fools who refuses to see any of the good that Margaret Sanger did?

How do you feel about Charles Lindbergh flying the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis? Or Ayn Rand being pro-nazi and pro-abortion?

That's a complete and total fabrication. If children aren't wanted these days, they are killed. There is absolutely no evidence that legalized abortion results in FEWER unwanted children, and in fact the evidence, gathered over MILLENNIA, shows us that societies that practice and encourage abortion actually are more likely to kill and harm children.

You just get nuttier and nuttier.

People are not killing unwanted children.

Yes, there are people like Casey Anthony or the religious freak in Texasss who drowned her 5 kids but no - there is not reason to think that people are killing unwanted children.

And, children have always been abused and harmed. There was a thread here on this board not long ago where usual haters said they routinely hit their kids. Some said they think its fine to hit children as young as still in diapers.
Some abortions are a medical necessity. Try doing some research before spouting your ignorance.

Some are.

Did I argue that? I didn't. I was responding to this lie.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary.


I'd take back the neg I gave you, if I could. It's too late.

I'm drunk and I judged your statement too quickly without reading through your response to her response.

I thought you were saying no abortions were medically necessary.

I'm just really pissed off that my favorite football team lost today.

Not a worry

I'm no angel preaching to a choir here. I understand why there needs to be birth control. I understand really truly sadly why abortions need to be, why the morning after pill.

I understand.

Its trying to find a way a way for a medium stance. I am no angel. I can't make things better. But I sure as heck wish we could stop hurtling on.

I wish I could stop that much.
Guys, guys, let's go have a drink or take a break from this thread.

Please? I don't like seeing people I like fighting each other.
Luissa, Koshergrl, I'm certain both of you are good people.

Hey, I know! Maybe you two can share with me your points on this issue? Yeah, bounce'em off me and maybe we can land on a new middleground? That sounds fun! What'd you say guys?
I've read that 2/3rds of all abortions are medically necessary.

What people forget is that many are done in hospitals by the woman's OB. They used to be called 'theraputic d&c's'. The family is often shattered by the loss and they have every right to the medical procedure and to their privacy.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.
Really? Outside of civilized society, you may have a valid argument.

You are big on eugenics, huh. Sad.

There are no winners in abortion, only loss, in one form or another, for all involved. To claim that one knows with finality the possibilities of what another may achieve, in life, is utter bullshit. Are you that vain? Never mind. Don't answer, it's a trick question. :)

Granted, there are certain rights a pregnant female has among choices, but, there is nothing to celebrate about the termination of the life of an unborn fetus. Be the pregnancy unplanned, or by force, or high risk for the mother, it is still her choice to make. Let's learn to distinguish between hardship, be it trauma, or whatever the cause, and the termination of a pregnancy because the sex of the fetus isn't what was hoped for, or a hare lip, or a risk of some sickness.

For the record, my position is pro life, through persuasion, not law, though, like all things, abortion needs to be regulated. There are always do's and dont's. Adoption should be the best supported alternative. Why anyone would have a problem with that, is beyond me. That said, dealing with women that have chose to have an abortion, I try to separate the act from the person. For those that advise others to do it, it's on you, you are not without guilt.

You are big on eugenics

Didn't read the rest of your post because that is bullshit and you know it.

Gawd. Are you another one of those fools who refuses to see any of the good that Margaret Sanger did?

How do you feel about Charles Lindbergh flying the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis? Or Ayn Rand being pro-nazi and pro-abortion?


I'm so sorry if the language is to complicated for you to digest. Let me try to simplify for you......

the reason for an abortion is no one's business.

Your words. Do you really need a translation??? That's bullshit.
For arguments sake.... Translation.....

Anything goes, and there is nothing to do about it. No room for guidelines, regulation, that's what you are implying. You want to tailor or amend that? fine with me.

Gawd. Are you another one of those fools who refuses to see any of the good that Margaret Sanger did?
Would you want to credit her for the mass murders involved with her legacy? Where or when have so many lost lives been associated with a single event or person? Noah's Flood? I don't hate her. I don't hate anyone for that matter. I may pray for her salvation. Someone should.

How do you feel about Charles Lindbergh flying the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis? Or Ayn Rand being pro-nazi and pro-abortion?

I grew up near Roosevelt Field. I thought it was a brave and coreagous flight. I don't see a point here, Sparky. ;)

Ayn Rand was Human, translation, not perfect. I admire most of her work, I don't idolize her, or walk in lock step with her or anyone else. I thought you knew that.

Why waste his time? When you are ready, call on him.

Didn't read the rest of your post because that is bullshit and you know it.
My favorite part of your post. I saved it for last, I doubt you will get this far, considering your self proclaimed disorder, commenting about things you have not yet read, so I just thought I would share this futile attempt to say hi to your following. ;)

Thursday, 07 March 2013 10:44

Group Warns that Cuomo Abortion Expansion Would Reverse Progress

New York, NY, March 6...Discernible progress is being made in New York City on the ratio of abortions to live births just released 2011 City data shows, but that progress could easily be reversed if Governor Cuomo forces through an abortion expansion measure in Albany that could drive abortion rates higher, the Chiaroscuro Foundation today said.

While the city remained the abortion capital of America in 2011, with abortion ratios almost twice the national average (the national average was 22% in 2008), the ratio of live births to abortions citywide in 2011 fell below 40% (39.55%) for the first time since 1970, when abortion was legalized in New York. The Bronx continues to lead the city in percentage of abortions to live births at 47.97%, and Staten Island women terminated pregnancies the least often at 29.89%. The ratio of abortions for African-American women remained demographically highest in the city in 2011 at 57.7% Asian and Pacific Island women had the lowest ratio at 18.2%. City abortion data from 1994-2011, broken down by borough and ethnicity, is available here.

“New York City has one of the highest abortion rates in America, but progress is slowly being made,” said Greg Pfundstein, president of the Chiaroscuro Foundation. “It is all the more alarming then that Governor Cuomo is talking about measures in Albany, like allowing non-physicians to perform abortions, that would dramatically increase the number of abortions in the state. Polling clearly shows that New Yorkers think there are too many abortions as it is, and we hope Governor Cuomo is beginning to hear that message.”

Recent statewide polling on the issue is available here, and a comprehensive 2010 citywide survey on abortion attitudes is available here.

In the midst of the overall progress, the number of late term abortions after 21 weeks reached a reached a ten year high as a percentage of the total number of pregnancies.

Of the 203, 514 viable pregnancies in New York City in 2011, 80,485 were terminated by abortion. 2,085, or 2.59%, of the abortions performed in the City in 2011 were performed at gestational ages of 21 weeks or later. “Gov. Cuomo’s effort to expand late term abortions will certainly drive this number higher in the coming years if he forces through his abortion expansion effort,” Pfundstein said. “ At a time when medical advances have enabled doctors to save younger and younger preterm babies, the Governor’s effort to increase the number of late term abortions in unconscionable.”

NYC 41 Percent - NYC 41 Percent
How do you feel about Charles Lindbergh flying the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis? Or Ayn Rand being pro-nazi and pro-abortion?

I grew up near Roosevelt Field. I thought it was a brave and coreagous flight. I don't see a point here, Sparky.

Ayn Rand was Human, translation, not perfect. I admire most of her work, I don't idolize her, or walk in lock step with her or anyone else. I thought you knew that.

You don't see the point but that doesn't stop you from insulting me?

The point is simple.

Those who want to take rights away from women often name Margaret Sanger because of her stand on eugenics. They willfully CHOOSE to hold on to their ignorance about the incredible good she did for the poor in the cold water tenement flats of NYC. Women begged her for help in stopping the repeated pregnancies that were killing them and starving entire families. Sanger brought "French letters" from France and got deported as a result. She did came back to the US and continued to teach women how to prevent pregnancy. And, she believed in eugenics.

Charles Lindbergh is still considered an American hero in spite of the fact that he was a nazi and funnel US money to them. His wife left him for his work against the US.

About Margaret Sanger, I admire most of her work, I don't idolize her, or walk in lock step with her or anyone else.

About Chas Lindbergh, I have nothing but contempt. Ayn Rand - heh. She was an interesting read in high school but I outgrew her and she means nothing to me now.

Do you get the point now? Or are you just going to go on insulting me for no reason?
Thread reopened. Please try to keep it civil and on topic.

Ok. Abortion is murder. The willful killing of an innocent life.

The devil is in the details

That's an opinion.

Not one shared by most women who have them, medical science or the law.

But let's all agree that it would be nice if there were less abortions.

How do you get there? By banning them? Hasn't worked with drugs, didn't work with alcohol and most gun bans don't work, either.

You get there by 1) Preventing pregnancy from happening to start with and 2) giving women options if they are on the fence about abortion.
Thread reopened. Please try to keep it civil and on topic.

Ok. Abortion is murder. The willful killing of an innocent life.

The devil is in the details

That's an opinion.

Not one shared by most women who have them, medical science or the law.

But let's all agree that it would be nice if there were less abortions.

How do you get there? By banning them? Hasn't worked with drugs, didn't work with alcohol and most gun bans don't work, either.

You get there by 1) Preventing pregnancy from happening to start with and 2) giving women options if they are on the fence about abortion.

Only you delude yourself into thinking your opinion is the only one that holds weight.

Quite ironic you would push gun bans, but say most of them don't work. Thank you for debunking a key premise of your very own progressive worldview. Freudian slip, perhaps?
Last edited:
Ok. Abortion is murder. The willful killing of an innocent life.

The devil is in the details

That's an opinion.

Not one shared by most women who have them, medical science or the law.

But let's all agree that it would be nice if there were less abortions.

How do you get there? By banning them? Hasn't worked with drugs, didn't work with alcohol and most gun bans don't work, either.

You get there by 1) Preventing pregnancy from happening to start with and 2) giving women options if they are on the fence about abortion.

Only you delude yourself into thinking your opinion is the only one that holds weight.

Quite ironic you would push gun bans, but say most of them don't work.

I think we need to push SMARTER gun laws...

Such as holding gun makers liable for the damage t heir products cause.

But let's keep on topic.

My opinion is frankly irrelevent. And so is yours.

The only RELEVENT opinion is the one of the woman that the fetus/embryo/pre-born person whatever you want to call it resides in.

If her opinion is that it's not a baby and she is going to get rid of it, she's going to get rid of it.

On another thread, someone pointed out that in 1967, Romania banned not only abortion but contraception. And they had a baby boom that lasted exactly one year.

AFter that, women figured out how to beat the system- in a Communist Dicatorship, no less.

Oh, yeah, and Communist dictatorships actually had no problem making gun control work.
That's an opinion.

Not one shared by most women who have them, medical science or the law.

But let's all agree that it would be nice if there were less abortions.

How do you get there? By banning them? Hasn't worked with drugs, didn't work with alcohol and most gun bans don't work, either.

You get there by 1) Preventing pregnancy from happening to start with and 2) giving women options if they are on the fence about abortion.

Only you delude yourself into thinking your opinion is the only one that holds weight.

Quite ironic you would push gun bans, but say most of them don't work.

My opinion is frankly irrelevent.

Then shut your trap and stop giving it.

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