"I Had an Abortion"

women can sleep around. that does not mean they should have abortions.

men do not murder their babies. at least not usually.
women, on the other hand, especially the vaginas with vocal cords - do, and proudly parade their murders - and that makes them sluts, not the fact of having sex around - who cares how much STD they encounter, really :rolleyes:

So you called me a slut and said I hated men because you think I had an abortion?
A. When did I tell you I had an abortion?
B. when did I parade said abortion?

you are too stupid to be involved in conversation. the thread in not about YOU :lol:
but for the last time I'll repeat - you are a slut because you support abortion and you even supported this disgusting POS steinem with her t-shirts.
supporting abortion makes you a slut and an angry vagina with vocal cords, not sleeping around - i could not care less what you do with your body when it is ONLY your body. Unborn baby is NOT YOUR BODY.

and here I will end this explanation to the retarded VWVC - enough for tonight, because your small brain is too inflamed and your process of "thinking" is getting too incoherent. :badgrin:

You obviously did not see my post about the actual topic, moron.
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So you are only calling me a slut because I am pro choice?
I figured I would give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was because you thought I had an abortion. I just couldn't fathom calling someone a slut for being pro choice.
You are real winner.
I think the only thing I said about men was you hate women, and my child's father didn't dump me.
Please provide a link proving otherwise.

Before I slapped his moronic ass on ignore, I saw where he said that to you. Did you report him for bringing in such filth about FAMILY and your chiild? Do it. He's a nasty troll. Which is why he is on ignore but I still get blessed (barf) to see the spewing when someone quotes him.
Guess I am a slut too cuz I AM pro choice.

Fellow like minded folks...Hiya, sluts!
I think the only thing I said about men was you hate women, and my child's father didn't dump me.
Please provide a link proving otherwise.

Before I slapped his moronic ass on ignore, I saw where he said that to you. Did you report him for bringing in such filth about FAMILY and your chiild? Do it. He's a nasty troll. Which is why he is on ignore but I still get blessed (barf) to see the spewing when someone quotes him.

Nah! I don't think it's a direct hit to family. Plus this way the comment won't be deleted and everyone can see what an asshole he is.
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?

They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?

True so if you refer to them as "aborted children" you see them as human beings.

That said to tell anyone you hope they aborted all their children if you are pro-life is personal.

I am not sure why Stephanie said that.

Me neither and I questioned her about it. She ignored it. Odd.
I am not pro abortion. What a horrid phrase. I am not this choice of ending life.

Some how we must tend to these words.
What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

IDK about Vox but I actually found myself in that situation. I chose not to abort,put my life on the line, and had my daughter in my 7th month by emergency c-section; we both almost died. She was 2lbs,7oz at birth, had complications but pulled through. She is a healthy 21 year old today. When it's a life against a life I could never put down a woman for choosing her own over the child,especially if she has other children who need her. It's a tough call I hope not to many people have to make.

oh, you reminded me something I forgot to answer about life choice.

actually there are almost non-existent "threats to the life of mother" nowadays almost until the end of pregnancy, certainly way after the baby is viable by today's standards( 22-24 weeks). yes at that gestational age it is extremely high possibilities the baby won't survive - but if the dilemma arrives - I do not understand why should it be an ABORTION?
at that gestational age performing an abortion is an extremely dangerous and lengthy operation, whereas the c-section is much shorter, much more safe and much more beneficial - because it saves BOTH.
That is how it is being done in Europe - an emergency CS, and later whatever happens - happens.

Only in this country is a late-term abortion considered instead of the C-section.
And nobody ever can answer - WHY?

So - why, anybody knows? There are NO MEDICAL ADVANTAGES in performing a late-term abortion vs c-section if mother's life is in danger.
NONE, zilch, nada.
But is is still pushed at least as a talking point.
actually the same question is valid to any post-22 weeks "decisions" by the women - as it is in US ONLY that abortion on demand can be done that late - everywhere else it is either denied or the woman is offered to have emergency c-section at 30 weeks and giving the child for adoption.

I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.
I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.

Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.
I chose not to abort


You had a choice; there was a time not long ago when that wasn’t the case.

I'm not advocating to take away choice when a womans life is in danger. I want to get rid of abortion of healthy women by way of birthcontrol. There is no reason why any healthy woman should have an abortion with so many effective methods of birthcontrol available. There is also no reason men shouldn't use a condom or even help a woman who they are in a long term relationship with with the cost of her birthcontrol. As Drifter has been saying all night, the men need to be included in the process, they have rights too.
So Gloria had an abortion?
How did it taste? Like chicken?
Was it sautéed, steamed oven baked or subjected to one of those new weird French slow poaching thingies in a sealed plastic bag?

What is the best wine to serve with an abortion?
Is abortion best for lunch or dinner?

Can abortion be served as brunch?
How many does one serve?

Posts like this only inflame the disagreement, Paul.

I thought they offered a bit of a break from the monotony of fanaticism.
Laughter is the best Medcine!!
Read the The ACA!!!!
Best Joke Ever!!
They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?

True so if you refer to them as "aborted children" you see them as human beings.

That said to tell anyone you hope they aborted all their children if you are pro-life is personal.

I am not sure why Stephanie said that.

Me neither and I questioned her about it. She ignored it. Odd.

It turns out that she was saying it toward the person the article was about Gloria Steinem
Why is it everyone's issue.

Why should anybody be thinking they have a say in anybody else's personal medical decisions.

Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.
Why is it everyone's issue.

Why should anybody be thinking they have a say in anybody else's personal medical decisions.

Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

If she had let him do " something different" there would be no problem!!

Guys, if they don't do anal, they don't get done!!
Save yourselves the bother with nutters!!
Why is it everyone's issue.

Why should anybody be thinking they have a say in anybody else's personal medical decisions.

Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

I am not talking about couples. I am referring to people on the interweb, ffs, thinking they have a say in what said couples decide.

Or just the woman.

Because if you want tire marks on your chest and forehead, just tell a man "I think I'm pregnant."
Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

And that's why men should never have sex if they're not ready to be a father.
Why is it everyone's issue.

Why should anybody be thinking they have a say in anybody else's personal medical decisions.

Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

I am not talking about couples. I am referring to people on the interweb, ffs, thinking they have a say in what said couples decide.

Or just the woman.

Because if you want tire marks on your chest and forehead, just tell a man "I think I'm pregnant."

I don't agree with they way some people in this thread have made things personal.

I really despise the words that have been used toward you and Luissa.

I probably should just exit this thread because it is very upsetting to watch that kind of treatment.

You don't deserve it.
Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

I am not talking about couples. I am referring to people on the interweb, ffs, thinking they have a say in what said couples decide.

Or just the woman.

Because if you want tire marks on your chest and forehead, just tell a man "I think I'm pregnant."

I don't agree with they way some people in this thread have made things personal.

I really despise the words that have been used toward you and Luissa.

I probably should just exit this thread because it is very upsetting to watch that kind of treatment.

You don't deserve it.

Thank you. And while you have been an absolute breath of fresh air, I'd hate to adversely affect your weekend. :) You should go think happy thoughts.


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