"I Had an Abortion"

So if stephanie calls my coffee cup my child, and then mentions my coffee cup, is that *mentioning family*?

Moron. You loons maintain that aborted babies aren't even human. So spare us with the hard stretch to get Stephanie in *trouble* for referencing family if she dares to mention aborted children of a poster...you are the ones who maintain they aren't children. If they aren't children, then they can't be family now, can they?

If they are, then you have a problem.

You can't have it both ways, death cultist.

If she is making things personal and attacking you or insinuating things about your family I would have a problem with it.

Do you think it's better to attack a person posting or attack the issue being discussed?

I think she was talking about steinem or somebody from the article.
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?

They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?

True so if you refer to them as "aborted children" you see them as human beings.

That said to tell anyone you hope they aborted all their children if you are pro-life is personal.

I am not sure why Stephanie said that.

"Personal" and "family reference" are not one and the same. You said she was referencing family.

Feminist dogs. This thread makes meh sad.

You can father babies you don't want and then walk away but you want to force women to give birth to babies they can't support and don't want.

If I wore a shirt that read "I fathered 5 aborted babies and now its Miller time", do you think the feminazis would get upset?

For many men, that would just be a simple fact. We call them dead beat dads and rw's love men who don't support their own kids so much, they even elected one to congress.

You "men" are scared of women so you denigrate them. Rush the fat Lush coined the term "feminazi" because he can't get it up without a drug he had his maid smuggle in for him because he doesn't have the balls to do it himself.

Feminism is nothing more than the belief that women are equal to men, that women should be paid the same as men for the same job and that women should have the same control over their own bodies that men take for granted.

Men can "donate" sperm. They're paid for it but they lie and call it "donations". Women cannot sell their eggs.

You lily-livered little squirts need to figure out why you're so afraid of women who control their own bodies. Or, just shut up and go on screwing over women and walking away.

I know you are an idiot, but I did not know that you are an idiot to such an extent
women sell their eggs left and right and are bragging about it in the leftard media

Jasmine Stein: I Donated My Eggs For The Money -- And I Don't Regret It
And mentally disturbed person #2 steps up to provide some input.

Yes, good strategy. Calling women "vaginas with vocal cords" will just bring 'em running to your cause.

not all women ARE angry vaginas with vocal cords. But steinem and some here on the board are the most perfect examples of exactly that - brainless angry vaginas with vocal cords.

and listen, retard.

I am a woman and there are PLENTY of women who do not want to be EVER considered anything like the angry vagina with vocal cords. EVER.
It is denigrating to be considered a sex object used without any commitments - which all those steinems, flukes and others vaginal shrieks are promoting( but they are not the ones which are puppeteers, though they are too stupid to know that)
But it takes a brain to grow to realize that.
Which you lack.

What is the purpose of using that language to refer to women, it's disrespectful in my opinion.

Can't you just disagree with some females opinions without attempting to reduce them or demean them?

yeah cause advocating having your child ripped from your uterus because they are an inconvience to the mother just screams " respect me".:eusa_boohoo:
Oh, seriously, luddly currently reigns as the site's most retarded poster.

He had to work hard to gain that position, but now he has it, he seems to be hell bent on keeping it, and proving to us every single day exactly why he deserves it.
Oh, seriously, luddly currently reigns as the site's most retarded poster.

He had to work hard to gain that position, but now he has it, he seems to be hell bent on keeping it, and proving to us every single day exactly why he deserves it.

looks like it.
not all women ARE angry vaginas with vocal cords. But steinem and some here on the board are the most perfect examples of exactly that - brainless angry vaginas with vocal cords.

and listen, retard.

I am a woman and there are PLENTY of women who do not want to be EVER considered anything like the angry vagina with vocal cords. EVER.
It is denigrating to be considered a sex object used without any commitments - which all those steinems, flukes and others vaginal shrieks are promoting( but they are not the ones which are puppeteers, though they are too stupid to know that)
But it takes a brain to grow to realize that.
Which you lack.

What is the purpose of using that language to refer to women, it's disrespectful in my opinion.

Can't you just disagree with some females opinions without attempting to reduce them or demean them?

yeah cause advocating having your child ripped from your uterus because they are an inconvience to the mother just screams " respect me".:eusa_boohoo:

Particularly when it's in response to rape..."Let's kill the baby..it's half mine but I don't count anyway, and the important thing is that nobody SEES that I've been raped. Cuz that will make it easier for everybody to forget, and will increase the chance of the rapist getting away with it. Cuz that's what we do when we *value* women."
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

In reading the article behind the photo, it looks like the purpose was to :

Supporters of the shirts told WWAY that they are simply trying to de-stigmatize the word abortion. Critics said the abortion shirts are out of line and embarrassing to the UNCW student body.

?I Had an Abortion? Shirt Sales Stir Controversy at University of North Carolina Wilmington | TheBlaze.com

[ame=http://youtu.be/mf74l9Oc38g]"I had an Abortion" T-Shirt Sparks Controversy - YouTube[/ame]

"I had an abortion" isn't what we expect to see on a t-shirt, but author Jennifer Baumgardner (speaking at the University of North Carolina Wilmington) felt like it would be a wise move as a promotion for her book, and as a way to fight anti-abortion stigma. Critics of the shirts fought back with protests and a counter t-shirt that read "I haven't killed a baby." Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola respond to this t-shirt back and forth.

Was it wise to wear the "I had an abortion" t-shirts? Or could Baumgardner have gotten her message across in a wiser way? And what about the "I haven't killed a baby" shirts? Is that any better? What would you say if you came across someone wearing one of these shirts?

You can't de-stigmatize abortion because everybody with a working brain knows it's infanticide. Using the death of countless aborted babies as promo to sell more books just makes it even more disgusting. Unfortunately I'm not surprised that selfish people who advocate the killing innocent children would try to cash in on it. It does show how sick the minds of these people are.
Was it wise to wear the "I had an abortion" t-shirts? Or could Baumgardner have gotten her message across in a wiser way? And what about the "I haven't killed a baby" shirts? Is that any better? What would you say if you came across someone wearing one of these shirts?

If someone can trot around with a t-shirt stating "I haven't killed a baby" then I see nothing wrong with a t-shirt that says "I had an abortion".

Political correctness is going wayyyyyy overboard. Goose, gander.

It was the other way around. The I haven't killed a baby was a sarcastic response to the
"I had an abortion t-shirt."

"Critics of the shirts fought back with protests and a counter t-shirt that read "I haven't killed a baby."
What is the purpose of using that language to refer to women, it's disrespectful in my opinion.

Can't you just disagree with some females opinions without attempting to reduce them or demean them?

yeah cause advocating having your child ripped from your uterus because they are an inconvience to the mother just screams " respect me".:eusa_boohoo:

Particularly when it's in response to rape..."Let's kill the baby..it's half mine but I don't count anyway, and the important thing is that nobody SEES that I've been raped. Cuz that will make it easier for everybody to forget, and will increase the chance of the rapist getting away with it. Cuz that's what we do when we *value* women."

great points - BOTH :clap2:
All people in this discussion deserve respect, including you.

While the topic can become emotional, it can still be a discussion when people are respectful.

pardon me, I don't have respect to shrieking vaginas.

whose only argument in defense of the murder is - it is my body ( a LIE) and I can do whatever I want ( a selfish irresponsibility of a bitch).

We are talking XXI century extremely affluent country here - there is no NEED for abortion as it might have been decades ago in a poor or repressive community ( still a murder, but at least can be explained by the reality of real difficulties existence, which is not the case NOW.
Plus what was known about fetal development in 1921 is not the same as in 2013.
If one can do fetal surgeries as early as 14-15 week gestation and consider that baby to be a baby and at the same time advocate the murder of the totally the same baby but unwanted - for convenience - I can not consider such a "woman" anything more than a brainless vagina with vocal cords.

Sure, well why can't you make your points about abortion without all that other vulgar name calling?

It just distracts from the points you want to make about the topic.

You don't have to do anything but your argument would be taken more seriously and discussed if you left all that other stuff out.

fair enough, I'd like to see some evidence that justifies abortion from the pro choicers. So far they haven't produced much of anything to back their arguments. At least Vox and I have posted information.
I don't hate women at all Luissa. I think they should be protected from slutty ghouls like you, who think their only worth is as a tool to satisfy a man, at the cost of their own health, and the lives of their children.

And she says I'm the "creepy" one.
In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

Where has vox *shamed* women?

I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.

Personally attacking any woman with name calling and accusing them of why they are single mothers is shameful in my opinion.

It's not even part of the topic which is the "t-shirt" and also has turned into abortion.

People should be willing to discuss reason why they are for or against an issue without being personally attacked or called vulgar names using female anatomy.

I don't see vox calling other women names only those who disagree with Vox's opinion.

If you disagree with someones argument attack the argument not the person.

Just as a little social experiment, I am putting everybody who insults women, as a group or personally in this thread, on ignore.

Man, it's quiet.
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pardon me, I don't have respect to shrieking vaginas.

whose only argument in defense of the murder is - it is my body ( a LIE) and I can do whatever I want ( a selfish irresponsibility of a bitch).

We are talking XXI century extremely affluent country here - there is no NEED for abortion as it might have been decades ago in a poor or repressive community ( still a murder, but at least can be explained by the reality of real difficulties existence, which is not the case NOW.
Plus what was known about fetal development in 1921 is not the same as in 2013.
If one can do fetal surgeries as early as 14-15 week gestation and consider that baby to be a baby and at the same time advocate the murder of the totally the same baby but unwanted - for convenience - I can not consider such a "woman" anything more than a brainless vagina with vocal cords.

Sure, well why can't you make your points about abortion without all that other vulgar name calling?

It just distracts from the points you want to make about the topic.

You don't have to do anything but your argument would be taken more seriously and discussed if you left all that other stuff out.

fair enough, I'd like to see some evidence that justifies abortion from the pro choicers. So far they haven't produced much of anything to back their arguments. At least Vox and I have posted information.

Well in my opinion men should be more involved in this topic.

I think both men & women have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other

and they both are responsible to wear protection.

Then female gender privilege takes over, in that once a pregnancy occurs only the woman gets to choose about keeping the baby ( which legally makes men responsible whether they want to or not) or to have an abortion ( which men have no choice in) on adoption I am not sure currently whether men get choice or not but in the past men did not.

Mainly if both parties create the pregnancy shouldn't both parties be responsible in that choice of what to do?

If not then explain why?
Where has vox *shamed* women?

I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.

Personally attacking any woman with name calling and accusing them of why they are single mothers is shameful in my opinion.

It's not even part of the topic which is the "t-shirt" and also has turned into abortion.

People should be willing to discuss reason why they are for or against an issue without being personally attacked or called vulgar names using female anatomy.

I don't see vox calling other women names only those who disagree with Vox's opinion.

If you disagree with someones argument attack the argument not the person.

Just as a little social experiment, I am putting everybody who insults women as a group or personally in this thread, on ignore.

Man, it's quiet.

I will probably just leave the thread if people can't keep it impersonal.

I understand how it's emotional for both sides, but attack the issue not the person.
Multiple wrongs make no right.

I don't like seeing people take joy in the ceasing in life, and it's wrong to make negative assumptions about whole groups of women. It's OK to qualify statements, though, in my opinion.

Currently what I hold to is this:

1) Innocent life should be protected.
2) Misogyny is disgusting.
3) Not all statements are misogynistic.
They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?

True so if you refer to them as "aborted children" you see them as human beings.

That said to tell anyone you hope they aborted all their children if you are pro-life is personal.

I am not sure why Stephanie said that.

"Personal" and "family reference" are not one and the same. You said she was referencing family.


If she made the post at luissa about her children , it is family, just like if anyone says something about someones wife or mother in a post.

"your children" directed at a particular person is personal and is talking about that person children /family.

At any rate, you never did answer whether which is better attacking a person or attacking the issue in a thread.

We will just have to disagree on how we see what Stephanie said.
Multiple wrongs make no right.

I don't like seeing people take joy in the ceasing in life, and it's wrong to make negative assumptions about whole groups of women. It's OK to qualify statements, though, in my opinion.

Currently what I hold to is this:

1) Innocent life should be protected.
2) Misogyny is disgusting.
3) Not all statements are misogynistic.

Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?
Multiple wrongs make no right.

I don't like seeing people take joy in the ceasing in life, and it's wrong to make negative assumptions about whole groups of women. It's OK to qualify statements, though, in my opinion.

Currently what I hold to is this:

1) Innocent life should be protected.
2) Misogyny is disgusting.
3) Not all statements are misogynistic.

Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?

Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.

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