I hate Catholicism

I hate anything that tries to use society to limit me. Fuck fascistic crap!
Religion is all about limiting bad behavior....and on the whole it only benefits society.
On a whole . . . you just made a silly comment.

Catholics, Jews, and Muslims, children of Father Abraham, have probably killed a cool billion souls in the last 2000 years.
I think Buddhism is the way to go, or something involving Krishna.
Why do anything at all?
Every religion if taken to extreme causes counterproductive results. It depends on each individual

Is "extreme" the right word. Which teachings of Christ, taken to the extreme would be counterproductive? This isn't a challenge, it's a question.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there. Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.
Full disclosure, I'm a comfy agnostic, but I'm curious here - could you provide examples?

And, I know that it has its detractors within the Christian community. Are those examples the main reason why this is so?
We don't need to meet with intercessors to the Father in a confessional; we have the Son, Jesus.

What is the point of supplication to Mary? Is she divine?

Did Peter consider himself a pope?
Mary is the Mother of the Church and has the ear of her Son. Think about it, all she had to do was point out that they were running out of wine. She didn't ask Him to take care of it. She just made a comment about it. Our faith asks for intercessory prayers of those we know are in heaven. We don't worship them. It really is no different than having a prayer group here on earth. If you knew someone who was really good here, you would ask them to pray for you. We do the same thing.

I don't know if Peter thought he was a pope. Probably not, but it's a good question.
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901
Although the Catholic church was wrong in the way they handled pervert priests; pedophile teachers and coaches far out-number pedophile priests.
Yes, we should have done something about it back in the 50's, 60's 70's and 80's and we should not have tried to cover it up. That was wrong. But what people do not realize is that it was not really a pedophile problem, it was really a homosexuality problem.


Not just untrue but the most sorry ass excuse of all time.

Pedophiles are pedophiles are pedophiles.

I hate anything that tries to use society to limit me. Fuck fascistic crap!
Religion is all about limiting bad behavior....and on the whole it only benefits society.


What's scary is that "christians" need religion to keep from "sinning". Or are you going to say that only atheists "sin"?
If you're wrong about this, you don't know the first thing about Christians, who do not think themselves immune to sin.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.
Uh, bored are ya? How bout a game of chess!!www.sparkchess.com
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there. Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.
Full disclosure, I'm a comfy agnostic, but I'm curious here - could you provide examples?

And, I know that it has its detractors within the Christian community. Are those examples the main reason why this is so?
We don't need to meet with intercessors to the Father in a confessional; we have the Son, Jesus.

What is the point of supplication to Mary? Is she divine?

Did Peter consider himself a pope?
There is a practical application of speaking one's sins out loud to another person. It doesn't have to be a priest but by doing so it releases the power that sin holds over us. We are only as sick as the secrets we keep. That's why we have confession.

Real reason for confession is so (editorial) "you" can go out and commit the same behavior tomorrow.

Religion exists today as a way to separate the sheep from their money.
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901
Although the Catholic church was wrong in the way they handled pervert priests; pedophile teachers and coaches far out-number pedophile priests.
In actual numbers of pedophiles to actual numbers in the profession groups, the priest are way ahead and are gaining ground by leaps and bounds.
Yup. It was your assertion and you can't prove your assertion.
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901

Pedophiles will take any job, play any part, perform in any role to gain access to their prey - children. When someone applies to the priesthood all the Church has to go on is that person's word. So it's easy for a pervert to pretend to be devote. The issue with the Church is once they were discovered, the perverts were moved from parish to parish and everything was kept quiet until the victims reached their majority and came forward. The Bishops should have called the DA and turned the perverts in.
Catholicism, like the Mormon faith, is a top down religion, whereas the Protestants are the reverse. If you are a Catholic, or a Mormon, you are told what to believe and there is no room for discussion. You can not fire your priest. If you do not tow the line, you are banned from communion, or temple privileges. It is an authoritarian dictatorship. Their sole purpose is total control of your mind and soul.
Catholicism, like the Mormon faith, is a top down religion, whereas the Protestants are the reverse. If you are a Catholic, or a Mormon, you are told what to believe and there is no room for discussion. You can not fire your priest. If you do not tow the line, you are banned from communion, or temple privileges. It is an authoritarian dictatorship. Their sole purpose is total control of your mind and soul.
Montesquieu likened Catholicism with monarchy, both having "a visible head," and deemed Protestantism more amenable to "a spirit of liberty and independence." Puritans, for example, descended on more republican systems in Holland and America.
Every religion if taken to extreme causes counterproductive results. It depends on each individual

Is "extreme" the right word. Which teachings of Christ, taken to the extreme would be counterproductive? This isn't a challenge, it's a question.
Since I'm referring to organized religion I would say that extreme would be considered a strict and literal interpretation to the doctrine of that religion. Of course my comment in itself is a generalization and not applicable to everybody, as it always goes back to each individual and some groups with how they choose to act based on their beliefs
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901

Pedophiles will take any job, play any part, perform in any role to gain access to their prey - children. When someone applies to the priesthood all the Church has to go on is that person's word. So it's easy for a pervert to pretend to be devote. The issue with the Church is once they were discovered, the perverts were moved from parish to parish and everything was kept quiet until the victims reached their majority and came forward. The Bishops should have called the DA and turned the perverts in.
When someone applies to the priesthood ...

celibacy made it less a crime within the church to allow the behavior as an alternative rather than correct their errant policy. for centuries. an example of so many of their policies and beliefs.

"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901
Although the Catholic church was wrong in the way they handled pervert priests; pedophile teachers and coaches far out-number pedophile priests.
Yes, we should have done something about it back in the 50's, 60's 70's and 80's and we should not have tried to cover it up. That was wrong. But what people do not realize is that it was not really a pedophile problem, it was really a homosexuality problem.


Not just untrue but the most sorry ass excuse of all time.

Pedophiles are pedophiles are pedophiles.

View attachment 104907
Ahhh... the joys of interacting with militant atheists.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there. Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.
Full disclosure, I'm a comfy agnostic, but I'm curious here - could you provide examples?

And, I know that it has its detractors within the Christian community. Are those examples the main reason why this is so?
We don't need to meet with intercessors to the Father in a confessional; we have the Son, Jesus.

What is the point of supplication to Mary? Is she divine?

Did Peter consider himself a pope?
There is a practical application of speaking one's sins out loud to another person. It doesn't have to be a priest but by doing so it releases the power that sin holds over us. We are only as sick as the secrets we keep. That's why we have confession.

Real reason for confession is so (editorial) "you" can go out and commit the same behavior tomorrow.

Religion exists today as a way to separate the sheep from their money. View attachment 104909
You are in such great company....

...in order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph

I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.
"Keeping up appearances" is a very odd statement. One of the many things I find peaceful about the Catholic Church is that the congregation is so large I am largely anonymous to all around me. I am lost in the crowd, yet a part of it. No one around me is keeping up any appearance, and I have no appearance to keep up. My experience is that the Catholic faith is everything but keeping up appearances. It is a way of living life.

The Catholic faith saved my life, setting me free, so I am guessing you had an experience that was quite different. As far as the statement Jesus loathes us, that's just not in Christ's nature to begin with. Beyond that, we all know it is nearly impossible to loathe the people that dearly love you--and Catholics dearly love Christ.

The purpose of every faith is to draw one closer to the Father. I am saddened that the Catholic faith failed you--especially to the extent you hate it even though you haven't practiced in years.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.
"Keeping up appearances" is a very odd statement. One of the many things I find peaceful about the Catholic Church is that the congregation is so large I am largely anonymous to all around me. I am lost in the crowd, yet a part of it. No one around me is keeping up any appearance, and I have no appearance to keep up. My experience is that the Catholic faith is everything but keeping up appearances. It is a way of living life.

The Catholic faith saved my life, setting me free, so I am guessing you had an experience that was quite different. As far as the statement Jesus loathes us, that's just not in Christ's nature to begin with. Beyond that, we all know it is nearly impossible to loathe the people that dearly love you--and Catholics dearly love Christ.

The purpose of every faith is to draw one closer to the Father. I am saddened that the Catholic faith failed you--especially to the extent you hate it even though you haven't practiced in years.
You merely adopted the Catholic faith. I was born in it, molded by it. By the time I was a man, it was nothing to me but blinding.
Real reason for confession is so (editorial) "you" can go out and commit the same behavior tomorrow.

Would you say that slaves escape only to be recaptured so that they might escape again the next day?

Catholics pick up on the great irony of life that obedience to God is actually freeing, while disobedience is what enslaves. It seems more logical to do anything we want, freeing ourselves to do anything, doesn't it? The reverse proves true. Obedience is what frees us.

Confession of sins reminds us of a number of things. First, to turn our lives around so that we are following God. Second, sins are forgiven. Third, that we are forgiven each time we ask, which prompts our forgiveness of others. Fourth, we learn humility--that there is something and Someone greater than self. Fifth, we realize we are part of a greater community, again something greater than self. Sixth, we are encouraged to reach that goal of shedding bad habits. There is comfort and encouragement, and one has a glimpse of how greatly we are loved and cared for. Jesus wanted us to have these gifts and graces.
You merely adopted the Catholic faith. I was born in it, molded by it. By the time I was a man, it was nothing to me but blinding.
What gives the impression I "merely adopted" the Catholic faith? I, too, was born into the Catholic faith, attended Catholic school, and married an atheist in the Catholic Church. It remains a living, vibrant part of my life.

What part of the faith did you find binding?

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