I hate Catholicism

"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901
Although the Catholic church was wrong in the way they handled pervert priests; pedophile teachers and coaches far out-number pedophile priests.
In actual numbers of pedophiles to actual numbers in the profession groups, the priest are way ahead and are gaining ground by leaps and bounds.
Yup. It was your assertion and you can't prove your assertion.
I can. There were 200 or so pedaphiles, Jake. They are in prison. The rest were homosexuals engaged in homosexual sex from kissing to oral sex and everything else in between with a limited number of partners. Basically, it was your gay brothers who have given you this platform to pontificate.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.
"Keeping up appearances" is a very odd statement. One of the many things I find peaceful about the Catholic Church is that the congregation is so large I am largely anonymous to all around me. I am lost in the crowd, yet a part of it. No one around me is keeping up any appearance, and I have no appearance to keep up. My experience is that the Catholic faith is everything but keeping up appearances. It is a way of living life.

The Catholic faith saved my life, setting me free, so I am guessing you had an experience that was quite different. As far as the statement Jesus loathes us, that's just not in Christ's nature to begin with. Beyond that, we all know it is nearly impossible to loathe the people that dearly love you--and Catholics dearly love Christ.

The purpose of every faith is to draw one closer to the Father. I am saddened that the Catholic faith failed you--especially to the extent you hate it even though you haven't practiced in years.
You merely adopted the Catholic faith. I was born in it, molded by it. By the time I was a man, it was nothing to me but blinding.
It is my observation that the RCIA adults - as a whole - are better Catholics than cradle Catholics.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
Yes, and confirming statistics as well. They are easy to find if one wants the truth.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there. Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.
Full disclosure, I'm a comfy agnostic, but I'm curious here - could you provide examples?

And, I know that it has its detractors within the Christian community. Are those examples the main reason why this is so?
We don't need to meet with intercessors to the Father in a confessional; we have the Son, Jesus.

What is the point of supplication to Mary? Is she divine?

Did Peter consider himself a pope?
Mary is the Mother of the Church and has the ear of her Son. Think about it, all she had to do was point out that they were running out of wine. She didn't ask Him to take care of it. She just made a comment about it. Our faith asks for intercessory prayers of those we know are in heaven. We don't worship them. It really is no different than having a prayer group here on earth. If you knew someone who was really good here, you would ask them to pray for you. We do the same thing.

I don't know if Peter thought he was a pope. Probably not, but it's a good question.

I don't think he thought of himself as a pope. I think the faith grew and the head of the church got busier, bigger staff, bigger place, etc. I do think Peter recognized he was the general manager of the church as it was at the time.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there.

Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.

The only religion that takes what Jesus said literally, eat my flesh and drink my blood, yet Protestants serve crackers and juice.
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901

Pedophiles will take any job, play any part, perform in any role to gain access to their prey - children. When someone applies to the priesthood all the Church has to go on is that person's word. So it's easy for a pervert to pretend to be devote. The issue with the Church is once they were discovered, the perverts were moved from parish to parish and everything was kept quiet until the victims reached their majority and came forward. The Bishops should have called the DA and turned the perverts in.

Rabbis do that , they send them to Israel and from Israel they send them to NY. Actually very few Priests were pedophiles in those movies wrote and edited by jews.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

View attachment 104901

Pedophiles will take any job, play any part, perform in any role to gain access to their prey - children. When someone applies to the priesthood all the Church has to go on is that person's word. So it's easy for a pervert to pretend to be devote. The issue with the Church is once they were discovered, the perverts were moved from parish to parish and everything was kept quiet until the victims reached their majority and came forward. The Bishops should have called the DA and turned the perverts in.

I kinda understand how homosexuals and pedophiles (they are NOT related, just 2 groups who choose the priesthood at times) ended up in the priesthood. Take a normal homosexual male in the 70's raised in a Catholic family. When he realizes he's not going to be able to "fake it" by getting married and having kids and living a lie, he has a couple of options. He can come out and risk being rejected by the people who "love" him the most, he can try to buy time by dating girls, he can run off to seminary (either to buy more time to figure it out or to actually become a priest). It is a respectable position, one family members would be thrilled he take on. There would never be the issue of a wife and kids charade, and no one would harp on him about it.

I suspect pedophiles who are fighting their urges got there the same way. They are looking for a respectable, safe place where they can hide but still live a "normal" life (without wife and kids, which generally neither wants). I also suspect there are pedophiles who want to act on their urges who joined the priesthood for cover and access.

The problem was the Church itself. The tunnel vision to "protect the Church" led to some truly evil behavior by those in management positions in all levels of the Church. "Protecting the Church" ended up nearly destroying it. It seems they have learned their lesson, but we shall see. I am Catholic, born into RC family and had RC schooling, Episcopalian (Catholic Lite) in my early to mid adulthood, and lapsed presently (although the RC Church still claims me and I am fine with that). I intend to find some form of Catholic church in the upcoming year. I am picky about my churches, though, so it takes time and it has not been a priority the last 2 years.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
You wrote, "Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family" in relation to pedophiles and the family.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there.

Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.

The only religion that takes what Jesus said literally, eat my flesh and drink my blood, yet Protestants serve crackers and juice.
Did you know that crackers and juice are not literally flesh and blood?
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there.

Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.

The only religion that takes what Jesus said literally, eat my flesh and drink my blood, yet Protestants serve crackers and juice.
Did you know that crackers and juice are not literally flesh and blood?

Yes I know, but you said the Catholics do not follow the bible, I'm here to tell you they follow it more than Prots.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.

Beyond Bad-Apple Priests: Who the Pedophiles Really Are
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
You wrote, "Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family" in relation to pedophiles and the family.

You misunderstand. This was related to pedophelia: The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family.

This is my speculation that some view "the family" as not such a good thing in defense of the above sentence: Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.

My apologies if I was unclear.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.

The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
You wrote, "Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family" in relation to pedophiles and the family.

You misunderstand. This was related to pedophelia: The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family.

This is my speculation that some view "the family" as not such a good thing in defense of the above sentence: Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.

My apologies if I was unclear.
My fault if I don't understand what you mean by "political spectrum." What part of the political spectrum, in your view, is deliberately trying to eliminate the traditional family? Child abuse has always operated within the confines of the traditional family.

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