I hate Catholicism

Every religion if taken to extreme causes counterproductive results. It depends on each individual

Is "extreme" the right word. Which teachings of Christ, taken to the extreme would be counterproductive? This isn't a challenge, it's a question.
'Taken' at all, the teachings would be 'counter-consumerism'. That would not go over well with the vested interests, just as it has not up to now.
The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family. Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
You wrote, "Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family" in relation to pedophiles and the family.

You misunderstand. This was related to pedophelia: The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family.

This is my speculation that some view "the family" as not such a good thing in defense of the above sentence: Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.

My apologies if I was unclear.
My fault if I don't understand what you mean by "political spectrum." What part of the political spectrum, in your view, is deliberately trying to eliminate the traditional family? Child abuse has always operated within the confines of the traditional family.

The extreme side IMO. There's a part of it on the left and a part of it on the right, destructive to the family in different ways. Maybe fringe is a better word? You've got one side diminishing parental involvement and rights (medications and procedures offered too young without parental consent, which can cause harm to the child) and the other isolating the family from outside influence completely (FLDS and such, which also harms the child). There are other examples (unschooling on the left and religious homeschooling without the required curriculum on the right).

Re the bolded. Please clarify. I agree that it happens in families, but do not agree it is confined to families. Often, it is a crime of opportunity and access. Family members (and "friends of the family") have opportunity and access, as do teachers, coaches, religious leaders, mentors, and a host of others.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.

Jesus loathed control.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.

Jesus loathed control.
What makes you say that?
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.

Jesus loathed control.
What makes you say that?
It's the reason he got killed over, so he must have hated it to have taken it that far.
I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.

Jesus loathed control.
What makes you say that?
It's the reason he got killed over, so he must have hated it to have taken it that far.
What you say makes no sense. He knew he was to die. He knew how far it would go.
Those who attack children represent all parts of the political spectrum: there is no evidence that the issue politically is binary.

Yeah. That's not what I said at all. I said nothing about the political affiliation of the pedophiles.
You wrote, "Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family" in relation to pedophiles and the family.

You misunderstand. This was related to pedophelia: The highest percentage is family and family "friends" brought in by family.

This is my speculation that some view "the family" as not such a good thing in defense of the above sentence: Maybe that's why a chunk of one side of the political spectrum is hell bent on destroying the traditional family.

My apologies if I was unclear.
My fault if I don't understand what you mean by "political spectrum." What part of the political spectrum, in your view, is deliberately trying to eliminate the traditional family? Child abuse has always operated within the confines of the traditional family.

The extreme side IMO. There's a part of it on the left and a part of it on the right, destructive to the family in different ways. Maybe fringe is a better word? You've got one side diminishing parental involvement and rights (medications and procedures offered too young without parental consent, which can cause harm to the child) and the other isolating the family from outside influence completely (FLDS and such, which also harms the child). There are other examples (unschooling on the left and religious homeschooling without the required curriculum on the right).

Re the bolded. Please clarify. I agree that it happens in families, but do not agree it is confined to families. Often, it is a crime of opportunity and access. Family members (and "friends of the family") have opportunity and access, as do teachers, coaches, religious leaders, mentors, and a host of others.
I have no problem with what you have written.
I hate anything that tries to use society to limit me. Fuck fascistic crap!
Religion is all about limiting bad behavior....and on the whole it only benefits society.


What's scary is that "christians" need religion to keep from "sinning". Or are you going to say that only atheists "sin"?
Religion is the guide to a relationship with God. I don't know why you find that "scary."

I found books on higher math to be much scarier. :)
"..giant stick up your arse.."

Interesting choice of words.

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Although the Catholic church was wrong in the way they handled pervert priests; pedophile teachers and coaches far out-number pedophile priests.
In actual numbers of pedophiles to actual numbers in the profession groups, the priest are way ahead and are gaining ground by leaps and bounds.
Yup. It was your assertion and you can't prove your assertion.
Pedophilia (the sexual abuse of a prepubescent child) among priests is extremely rare, affecting only 0.3% of the entire population of clergy. This figure, cited in the book Pedophiles and Priests by non-Catholic scholar, Philip Jenkins, is from the most comprehensive study to date, which found that only one out of 2,252 priests considered over a thirty-year period was afflicted with pedophilia.
The vast majority of the clerical sex-abuse scandals now coming to light do not involve pedophilia. Rather, they involve ephebophilia – homosexual attraction to adolescent boys. While the total number of sexual abusers in the priesthood is much higher than those guilty of pedophilia, it still amounts to less than 2 percent – comparable to the rate among married men (Jenkins, Pedophiles and Priests).

Priests don't become pedophiles, pedophiles become priests..... and teachers, coaches, counselors and any other profession that gives them access to children. Pedophiles and sexual abusers of minors are in all walks of life.
Sarah read the book and commented.

"I thought this book was going to be about priests who molested children, but instead, it is about the way the public looks at the priest sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. I felt that the author made excuses for the Catholic Church, claiming that there responses to the victims were justifiable and that any other institution would have acted the same way. These excuses were intended to make the Catholic Church seem less guilty than it is. The author also minimizes the impact of abuse on children and emphasizes that many of the children were older such as in their teens. The author does not seem to consider abuse of children in their teens to be all that serious. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I felt that this author was clearly biased and was trying to make the Catholic Church out to be a victim." Pedophiles and Priests
Pedophile Priest Statistics

Nonetheless, A Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States has generated a fog of figures, which cannot obscure the extent of this massive failure of institutional religion. It is indeed a crisis. Though this is a step forward, it is not the solution by any means, but a half-hearted admission that there is a problem.

Here are a few of the highlights.

  • US clerics (priests, deacons, bishops, etc.) accused of abuse from 1950-2002: 4,392.
    About 4% of the 109,694 serving during those 52 years.
  • Individuals making accusations: 10,667.
  • Victims' ages: 5.8% under 7; 16% ages 8-10; 50.9% ages 11-14; 27.3% ages 15-17.
  • Victims' gender: 81% male, 19% female
  • Duration of abuse: Among victims, 38.4% said all incidents occurred within one year; 21.8% said one to two years; 28%, two to four years; 11.8% longer.
  • Victims per priest: 55.7% with one alleged victim; 26.9% with two or three; 13.9% with four to nine; 3.5% with 10 or more (these 149 priests caused 27% of allegations).
  • Abuse locations: 40.9% at priest's residence; 16.3% in church; 42.8% elsewhere.
  • Known cost to dioceses and religious orders: $572,507,094 (does not include the $85 million Boston settlement and other expenses after research was concluded). (Hartford Courant, 2/27/04)
It should be noted that 30% of all accusations included in these figures were not investigated as they were deemed unsubstantiated (10%) or because the accused priest was dead or inactive (20%). They do not include allegations that were "unfounded" or later recanted.

In any case, all these figures are widely suspected to be grossly underestimated. For example, the late Fr. Tom Economus, former President of the Linkup, a national survivors' advocacy group, said back in the mid-90s that he knew of "1,400 insurance claims on the books and that the Church has paid out over $1 billion in liability with an estimated $500 million pending." (Emphasis added.)

He also said that over 800 priests had been removed from ministry and that there might be as many as
As Fr. Malachi Martin pointed out many years ago in one of his chats with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM there is the institutional Catholicism (aka the Vatican, the Vatican Mafia, etc) and the Christian religion. The former is rotten to the core and is probably run by Satan-worshiping clergymen, assuming the good Father's assertions are true, whereas the latter is the religion given to man by Jesus.
Pedophile Priest Statistics

Nonetheless, A Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States has generated a fog of figures, which cannot obscure the extent of this massive failure of institutional religion. It is indeed a crisis. Though this is a step forward, it is not the solution by any means, but a half-hearted admission that there is a problem.

Here are a few of the highlights.

  • US clerics (priests, deacons, bishops, etc.) accused of abuse from 1950-2002: 4,392.
    About 4% of the 109,694 serving during those 52 years.
  • Individuals making accusations: 10,667.
  • Victims' ages: 5.8% under 7; 16% ages 8-10; 50.9% ages 11-14; 27.3% ages 15-17.
  • Victims' gender: 81% male, 19% female
  • Duration of abuse: Among victims, 38.4% said all incidents occurred within one year; 21.8% said one to two years; 28%, two to four years; 11.8% longer.
  • Victims per priest: 55.7% with one alleged victim; 26.9% with two or three; 13.9% with four to nine; 3.5% with 10 or more (these 149 priests caused 27% of allegations).
  • Abuse locations: 40.9% at priest's residence; 16.3% in church; 42.8% elsewhere.
  • Known cost to dioceses and religious orders: $572,507,094 (does not include the $85 million Boston settlement and other expenses after research was concluded). (Hartford Courant, 2/27/04)
It should be noted that 30% of all accusations included in these figures were not investigated as they were deemed unsubstantiated (10%) or because the accused priest was dead or inactive (20%). They do not include allegations that were "unfounded" or later recanted.

In any case, all these figures are widely suspected to be grossly underestimated. For example, the late Fr. Tom Economus, former President of the Linkup, a national survivors' advocacy group, said back in the mid-90s that he knew of "1,400 insurance claims on the books and that the Church has paid out over $1 billion in liability with an estimated $500 million pending." (Emphasis added.)

He also said that over 800 priests had been removed from ministry and that there might be as many as

More info here. Report: Protestant Church Insurers Handle 260 Sex Abuse Cases a Year
You merely adopted the Catholic faith. I was born in it, molded by it. By the time I was a man, it was nothing to me but blinding.
What happened to your dick?

I've been non-practicing for years, but now I've finally found a small measure of peace in admitting to myself that it's a giant stick up your arse.

It's nothing but keeping up appearances. What a life ruining nasty religion it is. Jesus would have loathed it.

You sure are full of hate, Goose. I feel sorry for you.

I left the Church as a teenager. I was sooooo sure that I didn't need a go between to speak to God. It turned out though that free from the bossy Church, I not only talked to God less, I thought about God less.

A couple decades later, I returned to the Church. I discovered I love the big deal Catholics make about Jesus, I love the way the liturgy takes you through different themes in scripture, I love the music, I love the rituals, I love the community, I love learning about the lives of saints... in short, being back in the Church has brought me closer to God.

Goose, if you think what Catholics are doing is "keeping up appearances" then you may be spending more time judging others than dealing with your own issues. The Catholic faith is "life ruining" and "nasty"? You give no specifics. That makes you appear to be projecting your own sense of a nasty ruined life onto others.

If you think Jesus would have loathed Eucharistic adoration, than it is good that you are not Catholic.

Good luck in your search, Goose. I pray that you find something positive in your life, then maybe you'll send less time to tossing hate on what others love.
Goose is a troll.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
The John Jay report reinforces the concept that neither homosexual nor heterosexual priests are more likely than the other to attack children. This does not discount that per capita in the professional population that RC priests are more likely to attack children than other professional populations.
You actually have to look at the data to understand the phenomenon. Do you seriously believe the Church would admit to having had a homosexual problem? It wasn't children, moron. Look at the data. It was predominantly teenagers, Jake. Gay teenagers and gay priests. Look at the data, Jake.
Odd. I don't feel any stick up there.

Catholicism: I could take it or leave it. It'd be nice if it were aligned more with the Scriptures, though.

The only religion that takes what Jesus said literally, eat my flesh and drink my blood, yet Protestants serve crackers and juice.
Did you know that crackers and juice are not literally flesh and blood?
They are to me. It is called the mystery of faith.
A lot of blathering above, with absolutely no evidence that the RC priests have less pedophiles per professional population. As pedophiles are both homosexual and heterosexual, the nonsense above is nonsense. Those who include personal attacks in lieu of factual argumentation apparently are sexually disturbed and are fighting their inner demons. Good luck to them in their battle.
Read the John Jay report.
Yes, and confirming statistics as well. They are easy to find if one wants the truth.
Yes, I should have said, look at the data instead of read the report. The report does not paint the full picture. It only took me all of ten minutes of looking at the statistics to figure out the root cause.

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