I Hate to Say It, But the January 6 Committee Has Proved that Trump Committed a Serious Crime on January 6, 2021

When it's an attempt at overthrowing the free election of the United States of America by a sitting President then there is a huge difference.

THIS is the "Big Lie." The Democrats are the ones who overthrew the election, with massive ballot fraud in eight swing states and elsewhere. Trump realized this and was merely trying to get the Senate to reject the electoral college votes from those states until such recounts and/or audits were performed. That is not "overthrowing a free election"--it is trying to obtain the real results from that election.

Trump incited the riot and then gleefully watched as they stormed the Capitol

Anyone expecting peaceful protest would have immediately acted
Instead, he sent an incendiary tweet questioning the loyalty of Mike Pence
The crowd responded……Hang Mike Pence

What would have happened if the TRUMPmob had captured Mike Pence, Pelosi or AOC?

Watching them beat Capitol Police, it would not have been pretty
This is what many cultists regret....that they didn't capture Pence, Pelosi, or AOC.
This is what many cultists regret....that they didn't capture Pence, Pelosi, or AOC.
Given the vicious beatings they gave to armed Capitol Police, they would have killed Pelosi or AOC
Pence has Secret Service protection and probably would have survived ……which would have disappointed Trump
THIS is the "Big Lie." The Democrats are the ones who overthrew the election, with massive ballot fraud in eight swing states and elsewhere. Trump realized this and was merely trying to get the Senate to reject the electoral college votes from those states until such recounts and/or audits were performed. That is not "overthrowing a free election"--it is trying to obtain the real results from that election.

Amazing how many support the stolen election fantasy with no proof

Show me where Trump overcomes 7 million votes
Show me how Trump overcomes 306 to 232 in Republican led states that say he has no case
I really hate to say this, and I fully acknowledge that Schumer and Pelosi committed their share of wrongdoing in the matter, but the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the January 6 riot to continue by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

This is a two-edged sword that cuts at both sides. Chuck Schumer sat on vital intel about plans to storm the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi twice turned down requests to use National Guard troops to guard the Capitol on January 6, even though Trump had approved their use. However, the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the riot to continue, that he purposely delayed telling his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

Trump clearly acted as an accessory to the riot after it began. He never called for violence before it occurred; in fact, he urged his supporters to protest peacefully, and he authorized 20,000 NG troops to guard the Capitol. But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it.

At the other end, Schumer's failure to act on the FBI intel, or even to ensure that the capitol police received the intel, is inexcusable and suggests that he wanted the riot to occur so he could use it for propaganda purposes against the Republicans. The Democrats should force Schumer to resign over his failure to act on the FBI intel.

Similarly, Nancy Pelosi's inexplicable failure to allow NG troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6 suggests that she, too, wanted the riot to occur so it could be used for propaganda purposes. The claim that she refused to use the troops because this would have been "bad optics" is lame, given that she had no problem forcing the troops to guard the Capitol for five months after the riot, long after there was any credible need for them to be there. Pelosi should be forced to resign because of her refusal to allow NG troops to guard the Capitol on January 6.

From John Solomon's second blockbuster article based on newly obtained documents:

FBI intelligence warning that Jan. 6 protesters might violently storm the Capitol, target lawmakers and blockade Democrats in tunnels was never sent to frontline police commanders and officers, but was quietly emailed the night before to a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to documents that raise new concern that politics trumped security preparedness in the fateful hours before the riot.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher emailed top Schumer aide Kelly Fado, now the Senate's deputy sergeant of arms, at about 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 saying he wanted to "provide you visibility" to new intelligence that an FBI threat analysis center had received from a website owner, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

The information explicitly warned that demonstrators had detailed maps of the tunnel systems around the Capitol frequented by lawmakers and their staffs and they were plotting to create a "perimeter" for potential violence and to find "Democratic members early to block them from entering the Capitol." One point of entry the rioters were targeting was the Library of Congress, he warned.(Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn't)

You are a proud, dumb, progressive twit. You are happy to spew fascist propaganda.

You always have been.
What if, what if. Reality, he sent them. And they were even quoting his own tweets word for word.
/——-/ Prove he sent them. You won’t because you can’t.


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Amazing how many support the stolen election fantasy with no proof

Show me where Trump overcomes 7 million votes
Show me how Trump overcomes 306 to 232 in Republican led states that say he has no case
/———/ “Amazing how many support the stolen election fantasy with no proof”
Oh, you mean the 2018 Russia Collusion fake news ?
THIS is the "Big Lie." The Democrats are the ones who overthrew the election, with massive ballot fraud in eight swing states and elsewhere. Trump realized this and was merely trying to get the Senate to reject the electoral college votes from those states until such recounts and/or audits were performed. That is not "overthrowing a free election"--it is trying to obtain the real results from that election.

Pa. is a swing state and the state GOP officials were delighted that they won seats they haven`t had in years although Trump lost here. Why was the vote rigged to defeat Trump but not the down ballot offices?
THIS is the "Big Lie." The Democrats are the ones who overthrew the election, with massive ballot fraud in eight swing states and elsewhere. Trump realized this and was merely trying to get the Senate to reject the electoral college votes from those states until such recounts and/or audits were performed. That is not "overthrowing a free election"--it is trying to obtain the real results from that election.

Using a lie to back up a lie is still lying, liar.
There are over 74 million trump Nazis that believe their cult leader can do nothing wrong. They are convinced all evidence the House Committee uncovers is false, and that trump's Big Lie is anything but.

With the many red state legislatures passing bills to greatly limit minority voting in their states coupled with the refusal by moderate Senate Democrats to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021, the trump Nazis will take control of this country early next year.

Fascism wins, the American people lose, including over 74 million trump Nazis.

Both of my Grandfathers fought against real Nazi's and if alive today I'm sure it would be a toss up between laughing their asses off or slapping the shit out of you loons that make that comparison. By the way Nazi's where socialist.
I really hate to say this, and I fully acknowledge that Schumer and Pelosi committed their share of wrongdoing in the matter, but the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the January 6 riot to continue by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to stand down after the riot began.
Of course he did. But no one cares. At all. Most people either support Trump, and they don't care what he's done - they just want to win. Or they despise Trump, and they don't care what he's done - they just want to win.

This is the culture wars destroying our country. Trump is just a symptom.
Not once that hasn't been debunked. Using a lie to back up a lie is still a lie.

When you declare any evidence that doesn’t support your agenda to be a lie…..It is impossible to argue with you
Of course he did. But no one cares. At all. Most people either support Trump, and they don't care what he's done - they just want to win. Or they despise Trump, and they don't care what he's done - they just want to win.

This is the culture wars destroying our country. Trump is just a symptom.
I think most Republicans realize that Trump lost the election.
But as long as they win in the end, they will support any lie as fact
From John Solomon's second blockbuster article based on newly obtained documents:

FBI intelligence warning that Jan. 6 protesters might violently storm the Capitol, target lawmakers and blockade Democrats in tunnels was never sent to frontline police commanders and officers, but was quietly emailed the night before to a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to documents that raise new concern that politics trumped security preparedness in the fateful hours before the riot.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher emailed top Schumer aide Kelly Fado, now the Senate's deputy sergeant of arms, at about 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 saying he wanted to "provide you visibility" to new intelligence that an FBI threat analysis center had received from a website owner, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

The information explicitly warned that demonstrators had detailed maps of the tunnel systems around the Capitol frequented by lawmakers and their staffs and they were plotting to create a "perimeter" for potential violence and to find "Democratic members early to block them from entering the Capitol." One point of entry the rioters were targeting was the Library of Congress, he warned.(Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn't)
Was the FBI at fault? Or capitol police at fault? Do you think the Schumer aide should not have been given this info?

So, you are saying Capitol Police Deputy who got the warning from the FBI and passed it to a Schumer Aide via email at 9:45pm, did not pass it further along in the Capitol Police Force that he belonged to? So he left the danger out there, for senate and congress critters without warning the rest of his police force to protect them.....

Tell me please, what does Jon Solomon want me to be angry with........? :rolleyes:

As far as I'm concerned, there were so many fubars, even Murphy's Law couldn't keep up!

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