I hate to say this....

Well it doesn't make me happy because we didn't ask for this situation, but it's a strong sense of honour, duty and loyalty to something you love, your soil is what you are, the forests are what you are, your blood is what you are, you cannot abandon any of these things you must remain and fight to preserve all of them. That is what our Ancestors did, which is why we are here, we will do if we have to what they did, so future generations of our people can live and look back and be proud of us as we are proud of our Ancestors who prevailed.

So you worried we won't protect you?

No problem.

We always will.


Some Americans say fuck the Europeans let us sink, we asked for this by letting the savage hordes in, but it's the opposite we didn't ask and our permission wasn't asked, just like in America was your permission asked for example that Minnesota was turned into Somalia II? I was reading a while ago that there are now more Somalians in Minnesota than in Mogadishu and that's fucked up.

No you get the wrong opinion..

Us Americans love Europe just don't want to be like them..you do your thing we do.ours.

But if there is a fight we got your back.


What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

Yes we are quite aware of your warning..

Don't worry we got this.


The way we see this we all need to work together, but they are doing EVERYTHING they can to prevent ANY nation working with Donald Trump, it's very complicated, but we can do this.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.
How many are with you over there? It kind of concerns me how far Europe has let this go.

We would say that a good 70% of Europeans are with us, meaning are against this organised invasion aka "poor refugees", those who support it are a minority, this is shown throughout the Continent in all types of Internal and External polling and the percentages have not greatly changed since January 2016.

Also I add we already have many Americans who have come home, meaning come home to the Continent their Ancestors left to go to America and we welcome our American brothers and sisters, we know they are here to assist us when the time comes.

There are also bad Americans here, mainly in Southern Greece and various parts of South Italy and they are ALL with NGOs, essentially people smugglers, they have HUGE vessels that go off the coast of Libya EVERY DAY and collect TENS OF THOUSANDS of Sub-Saharan Africans and instead as International Law dictates drop them at the FIRST safe port which would be Tunisia they ship them across the Mediterranean to the Italian Island of Lampedusa and from there into mainland Italy



We are being invaded from three directions, ALL assisted by the NGOs, Western Mediterranean from Africa into Spain, Central Mediterranean from Africa into Italy, Eastern Mediterranean from the Middle East into Greece.

View attachment 136600

There are also bad Americans here

Yea I know my uncle got caught flying drugs into Morocco..he died in a prison there a few years ago.


I'm sorry about your Uncle, I was of course meaning the ones working for the NGOs people smuggling.
Well it doesn't make me happy because we didn't ask for this situation, but it's a strong sense of honour, duty and loyalty to something you love, your soil is what you are, the forests are what you are, your blood is what you are, you cannot abandon any of these things you must remain and fight to preserve all of them. That is what our Ancestors did, which is why we are here, we will do if we have to what they did, so future generations of our people can live and look back and be proud of us as we are proud of our Ancestors who prevailed.

So you worried we won't protect you?

No problem.

We always will.


Some Americans say fuck the Europeans let us sink, we asked for this by letting the savage hordes in, but it's the opposite we didn't ask and our permission wasn't asked, just like in America was your permission asked for example that Minnesota was turned into Somalia II? I was reading a while ago that there are now more Somalians in Minnesota than in Mogadishu and that's fucked up.

No you get the wrong opinion..

Us Americans love Europe just don't want to be like them..you do your thing we do.ours.

But if there is a fight we got your back.


What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

I just hope to God England can survive the onslaught.

I'm not sure what the English are going to do, they have a dilemma as their capital city is in the control of the Pakistani Mayor and they have huge sections of that capital that are non-English and Muslim, almost Occupied Territory.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.
How many are with you over there? It kind of concerns me how far Europe has let this go.

We would say that a good 70% of Europeans are with us, meaning are against this organised invasion aka "poor refugees", those who support it are a minority, this is shown throughout the Continent in all types of Internal and External polling and the percentages have not greatly changed since January 2016.

Also I add we already have many Americans who have come home, meaning come home to the Continent their Ancestors left to go to America and we welcome our American brothers and sisters, we know they are here to assist us when the time comes.

There are also bad Americans here, mainly in Southern Greece and various parts of South Italy and they are ALL with NGOs, essentially people smugglers, they have HUGE vessels that go off the coast of Libya EVERY DAY and collect TENS OF THOUSANDS of Sub-Saharan Africans and instead as International Law dictates drop them at the FIRST safe port which would be Tunisia they ship them across the Mediterranean to the Italian Island of Lampedusa and from there into mainland Italy



We are being invaded from three directions, ALL assisted by the NGOs, Western Mediterranean from Africa into Spain, Central Mediterranean from Africa into Italy, Eastern Mediterranean from the Middle East into Greece.

View attachment 136600

There are also bad Americans here

Yea I know my uncle got caught flying drugs into Morocco..he died in a prison there a few years ago.


I'm sorry about your Uncle, I was of course meaning the ones working for the NGOs people smuggling.

Life is werid I never could comprehend how he got involved in it from a guy in Chicago..

And he flew across the Atlantic in his Piper cub?
So you worried we won't protect you?

No problem.

We always will.


Some Americans say fuck the Europeans let us sink, we asked for this by letting the savage hordes in, but it's the opposite we didn't ask and our permission wasn't asked, just like in America was your permission asked for example that Minnesota was turned into Somalia II? I was reading a while ago that there are now more Somalians in Minnesota than in Mogadishu and that's fucked up.

No you get the wrong opinion..

Us Americans love Europe just don't want to be like them..you do your thing we do.ours.

But if there is a fight we got your back.


What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

I just hope to God England can survive the onslaught.

I'm not sure what the English are going to do, they have a dilemma as their capital city is in the control of the Pakistani Mayor and they have huge sections of that capital that are non-English and Muslim, almost Occupied Territory.

I thought you were British, your Austrian?

High five girl I am one of you..well half Austrian and polish..

I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.
Not only that, but let Putin take all of it if he wants it.

Remind us what Putin took in the last 7 months it would be world war Iiii

If he trys anything.

He is not dealing with Obama here.


Our danger is not Russia, our danger is Turkey, Erdogan has frequently threatened to flood us with MILLIONS of Muslims who are currently in Turkey from all around the Middle East, Turkey has a direct border with us at Bulgaria, this is our External Border Bulgaria actually touching land with Turkey.

The only good thing that came out of the First War was the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which Erdogan has openly expressed the wish to recreate.

Nothing good came out of the Second War, from that came the EU, increasingly dictatorial and telling Sovereign nations that we cannot keep our borders closed, that we cannot throw out Economic Migrants and demanding that we take in more Muslims and now actually threatening at least six of our nations with SANCTIONS if they don't take in more Muslims.

Some Americans say fuck the Europeans let us sink, we asked for this by letting the savage hordes in, but it's the opposite we didn't ask and our permission wasn't asked, just like in America was your permission asked for example that Minnesota was turned into Somalia II? I was reading a while ago that there are now more Somalians in Minnesota than in Mogadishu and that's fucked up.

No you get the wrong opinion..

Us Americans love Europe just don't want to be like them..you do your thing we do.ours.

But if there is a fight we got your back.


What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

I just hope to God England can survive the onslaught.

I'm not sure what the English are going to do, they have a dilemma as their capital city is in the control of the Pakistani Mayor and they have huge sections of that capital that are non-English and Muslim, almost Occupied Territory.

I thought you were British, your Austrian?

High five girl I am one of you..well half Austrian and polish..


Yes Salzburg, the most beautiful city.

Mr. Lucy is from Trondheim, Norway, we lived in London for two years, I also spent six months at Oxford University and we have many very good English friends.

We love the Poles, so half Austrian and half Polish is good.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.
Not only that, but let Putin take all of it if he wants it.

Remind us what Putin took in the last 7 months it would be world war Iiii

If he trys anything.

He is not dealing with Obama here.


Our danger is not Russia, our danger is Turkey, Erdogan has frequently threatened to flood us with MILLIONS of Muslims who are currently in Turkey from all around the Middle East, Turkey has a direct border with us at Bulgaria, this is our External Border Bulgaria actually touching land with Turkey.

The only good thing that came out of the First War was the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which Erdogan has openly expressed the wish to recreate.

Nothing good came out of the Second War, from that came the EU, increasingly dictatorial and telling Sovereign nations that we cannot keep our borders closed, that we cannot throw out Economic Migrants and demanding that we take in more Muslims and now actually threatening at least six of our nations with SANCTIONS if they don't take in more Muslims.


What are you taking about ?

Austrian is to the north west of Italy ..

No you get the wrong opinion..

Us Americans love Europe just don't want to be like them..you do your thing we do.ours.

But if there is a fight we got your back.


What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

I just hope to God England can survive the onslaught.

I'm not sure what the English are going to do, they have a dilemma as their capital city is in the control of the Pakistani Mayor and they have huge sections of that capital that are non-English and Muslim, almost Occupied Territory.

I thought you were British, your Austrian?

High five girl I am one of you..well half Austrian and polish..


Yes Salzburg, the most beautiful city.

Mr. Lucy is from Trondheim, Norway, we lived in London for two years, I also spent six months at Oxford University and we have many very good English friends.

We love the Poles, so half Austrian and half Polish is good.

You went to Oxford University I am really impressed how did you like it?

I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.
How many are with you over there? It kind of concerns me how far Europe has let this go.

We would say that a good 70% of Europeans are with us, meaning are against this organised invasion aka "poor refugees", those who support it are a minority, this is shown throughout the Continent in all types of Internal and External polling and the percentages have not greatly changed since January 2016.

Also I add we already have many Americans who have come home, meaning come home to the Continent their Ancestors left to go to America and we welcome our American brothers and sisters, we know they are here to assist us when the time comes.

There are also bad Americans here, mainly in Southern Greece and various parts of South Italy and they are ALL with NGOs, essentially people smugglers, they have HUGE vessels that go off the coast of Libya EVERY DAY and collect TENS OF THOUSANDS of Sub-Saharan Africans and instead as International Law dictates drop them at the FIRST safe port which would be Tunisia they ship them across the Mediterranean to the Italian Island of Lampedusa and from there into mainland Italy



We are being invaded from three directions, ALL assisted by the NGOs, Western Mediterranean from Africa into Spain, Central Mediterranean from Africa into Italy, Eastern Mediterranean from the Middle East into Greece.

View attachment 136600
We have to deal with those same Americans here undermining our country. They're called democrats.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.
Not only that, but let Putin take all of it if he wants it.

Remind us what Putin took in the last 7 months it would be world war Iiii

If he trys anything.

He is not dealing with Obama here.


Our danger is not Russia, our danger is Turkey, Erdogan has frequently threatened to flood us with MILLIONS of Muslims who are currently in Turkey from all around the Middle East, Turkey has a direct border with us at Bulgaria, this is our External Border Bulgaria actually touching land with Turkey.

The only good thing that came out of the First War was the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which Erdogan has openly expressed the wish to recreate.

Nothing good came out of the Second War, from that came the EU, increasingly dictatorial and telling Sovereign nations that we cannot keep our borders closed, that we cannot throw out Economic Migrants and demanding that we take in more Muslims and now actually threatening at least six of our nations with SANCTIONS if they don't take in more Muslims.


What are you taking about ?

Austrian is to the north west of Italy ..


No I'm talking about Bulgaria having a border with Turkey, that's why I posted the picture of that map. If you reread my post # 46.


Our borders are with Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Slovakia, Italy and the Czech Republic, we have no border with Bulgaria, you can see with the below map that we are nowhere near Bulgaria.

What people have to understand, this is a long-term Agenda. Just because we are not witnessing the situation that we did from August-December 2015 with literally unlimited amounts of "poor refugees" storming across our entire Continent, this doesn't mean it has ended. Those in charge of organising this invasion know they must slow it at points so people don't en masse panic.

They have we think a 10 year plan, they already are mentioning that within the next ten years 100 MILLION Africans will descend upon this Continent as what they refer as "Climate Refugees"

The end product is to Population Replace until we Native Europeans are a MINORITY on our OWN Continent, then "They" will have achieved their aim, which will be people will be easier to herd into servitude.

All this Culture Clash, all different peoples with NOTHING in common, with NO loyalty to each other, NO Community Spirit, NO common History, so NOBODY fights to preserve what was.

It's the same in America, they want you to be a MINORITY in your own nation, the nation of your Ancestors, most of your Ancestors came to the American Continent from our Continent, they want to take your Heritage away from you and deny it to future generations, WTF does a Somalian, an Ethiopian, an Afghan, an Iraqi have in common with YOUR Heritage? Nothing.

They are allowed to have their own Heritage, all these peoples, but our peoples are NOT allowed to preserve OUR Heritage because that's "racist"

We do not wish to destroy other peoples Heritage and Culture, so why should our peoples be treated with such disregard to the point they wish to not only deny our right to preserve our Heritage and Culture they wish to destroy it.

We wish to remain Monolithic, we do NOT have to accept Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism is death to our unique Heritage and Culture, it renders it down to nothing.

We should all be Monolithic and with that have a respect for each others Heritage and Culture, that's how it was for Centuries and regardless what the International Globalists want it's going to remain like this for many more Centuries, you cannot FORCE people to accept the death of who they are and FORCE them to become part of a confusing herd of nothing.

I just hope to God England can survive the onslaught.

I'm not sure what the English are going to do, they have a dilemma as their capital city is in the control of the Pakistani Mayor and they have huge sections of that capital that are non-English and Muslim, almost Occupied Territory.

I thought you were British, your Austrian?

High five girl I am one of you..well half Austrian and polish..


Yes Salzburg, the most beautiful city.

Mr. Lucy is from Trondheim, Norway, we lived in London for two years, I also spent six months at Oxford University and we have many very good English friends.

We love the Poles, so half Austrian and half Polish is good.

You went to Oxford University I am really impressed how did you like it?


Yes I was there six months, I liked it very much, also we used to take the boating along The Thames at Henley-on-Thames which is a very picturesque setting.

English friends of my family at first joked that Oxford University is full of Leftists, well some is, but also parts are not Leftist and they have a good Conservative debating group that also used to have excellent dining parties.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.
How many are with you over there? It kind of concerns me how far Europe has let this go.

We would say that a good 70% of Europeans are with us, meaning are against this organised invasion aka "poor refugees", those who support it are a minority, this is shown throughout the Continent in all types of Internal and External polling and the percentages have not greatly changed since January 2016.

Also I add we already have many Americans who have come home, meaning come home to the Continent their Ancestors left to go to America and we welcome our American brothers and sisters, we know they are here to assist us when the time comes.

There are also bad Americans here, mainly in Southern Greece and various parts of South Italy and they are ALL with NGOs, essentially people smugglers, they have HUGE vessels that go off the coast of Libya EVERY DAY and collect TENS OF THOUSANDS of Sub-Saharan Africans and instead as International Law dictates drop them at the FIRST safe port which would be Tunisia they ship them across the Mediterranean to the Italian Island of Lampedusa and from there into mainland Italy



We are being invaded from three directions, ALL assisted by the NGOs, Western Mediterranean from Africa into Spain, Central Mediterranean from Africa into Italy, Eastern Mediterranean from the Middle East into Greece.

View attachment 136600
We have to deal with those same Americans here undermining our country. They're called democrats.

Their inner Communist is on the rampage now though, it's unusual a party called Democratic and yet they have such contempt for Democracy.

Although I have never got where Americans say you are not a Democracy but a Republic, can you be a Democracy and also a Republic?
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.
Not only that, but let Putin take all of it if he wants it.

Remind us what Putin took in the last 7 months it would be world war Iiii

If he trys anything.

He is not dealing with Obama here.


Our danger is not Russia, our danger is Turkey, Erdogan has frequently threatened to flood us with MILLIONS of Muslims who are currently in Turkey from all around the Middle East, Turkey has a direct border with us at Bulgaria, this is our External Border Bulgaria actually touching land with Turkey.

The only good thing that came out of the First War was the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which Erdogan has openly expressed the wish to recreate.

Nothing good came out of the Second War, from that came the EU, increasingly dictatorial and telling Sovereign nations that we cannot keep our borders closed, that we cannot throw out Economic Migrants and demanding that we take in more Muslims and now actually threatening at least six of our nations with SANCTIONS if they don't take in more Muslims.


What are you taking about ?

Austrian is to the north west of Italy ..


I think I know the confusion in your comment.

Re. With us, us I mean our Continent, Turkey has a direct border with the European Continent at Bulgaria, that Bulgarian border is the European Continents External Border.


My post # 46

I hate to say this....
Well it doesn't make me happy because we didn't ask for this situation, but it's a strong sense of honour, duty and loyalty to something you love, your soil is what you are, the forests are what you are, your blood is what you are, you cannot abandon any of these things you must remain and fight to preserve all of them. That is what our Ancestors did, which is why we are here, we will do if we have to what they did, so future generations of our people can live and look back and be proud of us as we are proud of our Ancestors who prevailed.

I suspect nobody disagrees with the aspirationally utopian, visionary themes in your comments above. After all, it's both romantic and easy to yearn for the simpler times of yore whereof one had no trouble thriving under the paradigms of the day. Far more difficult is it to maintain one's values and simultaneously embrace change, particularly when thriving in the wake of the changes requires one be more capable -- more ingenious,more innovative, more pensive, more industrious, etc. -- than before. Thus, while no one will basely differ with your sentiments, far too many, in places high and low, espouse quixotic tactics for effecting them.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.
How many are with you over there? It kind of concerns me how far Europe has let this go.

We would say that a good 70% of Europeans are with us, meaning are against this organised invasion aka "poor refugees", those who support it are a minority, this is shown throughout the Continent in all types of Internal and External polling and the percentages have not greatly changed since January 2016.

Also I add we already have many Americans who have come home, meaning come home to the Continent their Ancestors left to go to America and we welcome our American brothers and sisters, we know they are here to assist us when the time comes.

There are also bad Americans here, mainly in Southern Greece and various parts of South Italy and they are ALL with NGOs, essentially people smugglers, they have HUGE vessels that go off the coast of Libya EVERY DAY and collect TENS OF THOUSANDS of Sub-Saharan Africans and instead as International Law dictates drop them at the FIRST safe port which would be Tunisia they ship them across the Mediterranean to the Italian Island of Lampedusa and from there into mainland Italy



We are being invaded from three directions, ALL assisted by the NGOs, Western Mediterranean from Africa into Spain, Central Mediterranean from Africa into Italy, Eastern Mediterranean from the Middle East into Greece.

View attachment 136600
We have to deal with those same Americans here undermining our country. They're called democrats.

Their inner Communist is on the rampage now though, it's unusual a party called Democratic and yet they have such contempt for Democracy.

Although I have never got where Americans say you are not a Democracy but a Republic, can you be a Democracy and also a Republic?
Republics aren't mob ruled. I'll work on a link.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!

I've lived in Houston/Katy Texas for 47 years which is along the energy corridor.
The area is way upper middle class and is full of oil execs from all over the world.
The majority are from Europe and Australia.
Trust someone who has spent their entire life in Texas....

Those will not be the people moving here. Europe is a cesspool for the most part. It's just like California. It is a nice place to visit, but no one should want to live there.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!

I've lived in Houston/Katy Texas for 47 years which is along the energy corridor.
The area is way upper middle class and is full of oil execs from all over the world.
The majority are from Europe and Australia.
Trust someone who has spent their entire life in Texas....

Those will not be the people moving here. Europe is a cesspool for the most part. It's just like California. It is a nice place to visit, but no one should want to live there.

There are some conservative europeans.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!

I've lived in Houston/Katy Texas for 47 years which is along the energy corridor.
The area is way upper middle class and is full of oil execs from all over the world.
The majority are from Europe and Australia.
Trust someone who has spent their entire life in Texas....

Those will not be the people moving here. Europe is a cesspool for the most part. It's just like California. It is a nice place to visit, but no one should want to live there.

There are some conservative europeans.

Their conservatives are our liberals.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!

I've lived in Houston/Katy Texas for 47 years which is along the energy corridor.
The area is way upper middle class and is full of oil execs from all over the world.
The majority are from Europe and Australia.
Trust someone who has spent their entire life in Texas....

Those will not be the people moving here. Europe is a cesspool for the most part. It's just like California. It is a nice place to visit, but no one should want to live there.

There are some conservative europeans.

Their conservatives are our liberals.

Not really.
I speak with a lot of Europeans that hang out at Baker Street Pub and they're every bit as Conservative as I am.

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