I hate to say this....

"I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues,

I have no self-esteem issues.

"but you sound very liberal"

LOL I'm a Liberal now? WTF you should take up stand up comedy you'd be a great success. What a weirdo you are, you seem to consider EVERYONE Liberal apart from you, maybe you ARE a Liberal, maybe Admiral Rockwell Tory is your Sock for when you want to start shit with people on the Right by calling EVERYONE apart from YOU a Liberal.

"with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally."

You INSULTED and TRASHED my ENTIRE Continent, that's personal you ignorant little Troll.

You act like a liberal with your personal attacks. I guess you ran out of sanity at an inopportune moment. Perhaps you can find some more when your government -provided healthcare clinic opens in the morning.

Would like a compliment on your continent? Europe is much more civilized than Africa! There, the restrooms consists of holes in the floor.

Dude seriously?
Lucy is far from being a liberal.

Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

I dont see her in that way at all.

I have had nothing against her and enjoyed reading her posts, but I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally.

Sounds like ya'll need to kiss and makeup.
You act like a liberal with your personal attacks. I guess you ran out of sanity at an inopportune moment. Perhaps you can find some more when your government -provided healthcare clinic opens in the morning.

Would like a compliment on your continent? Europe is much more civilized than Africa! There, the restrooms consists of holes in the floor.

Dude seriously?
Lucy is far from being a liberal.

Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

I dont see her in that way at all.

I have had nothing against her and enjoyed reading her posts, but I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally.

Sounds like ya'll need to kiss and makeup.

I will await her apology. Nothing more.
Dude seriously?
Lucy is far from being a liberal.

Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

I dont see her in that way at all.

I have had nothing against her and enjoyed reading her posts, but I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally.

Sounds like ya'll need to kiss and makeup.

I will await her apology. Nothing more.

Aww come on. Be the bigger man...
I gotta ask,where do you meet your europeans?


Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and the UK. There are probably more I am not recalling.


Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and the UK. There are probably more I am not recalling."

You obviously are unsophisticated and uncultured, not surprising considering you are an Ignorant American. Who knows maybe you are one of those weirdos who just visits the WORST part of anywhere you go. You actually probably have NEVER visited ANYWHERE on my Continent, if you had you would not post such complete horsecrap as you have been doing.

You probably chew tobacco and sit in your underwear scratching your balls and talking to yourself.

Yes there are not good parts of Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Britain, just like there are not good parts of America, I was driven and shown the worst parts of Dallas, full of Blacks on welfare and pointed out that's a Crack House, that's another Crack House and Junkies on the street.

However as I'm educated and not ignorant like YOU are I was aware that those bad parts of Dallas did not represent the WHOLE of Dallas County.

I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues, but you sound very liberal with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally.

As I said, Europe is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. There are many places in the US I would not choose to live for the same reasons.

"I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues,

I have no self-esteem issues.

"but you sound very liberal"

LOL I'm a Liberal now? WTF you should take up stand up comedy you'd be a great success. What a weirdo you are, you seem to consider EVERYONE Liberal apart from you, maybe you ARE a Liberal, maybe Admiral Rockwell Tory is your Sock for when you want to start shit with people on the Right by calling EVERYONE apart from YOU a Liberal.

"with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally."

You INSULTED and TRASHED my ENTIRE Continent, that's personal you ignorant little Troll.

You act like a liberal with your personal attacks. I guess you ran out of sanity at an inopportune moment. Perhaps you can find some more when your government -provided healthcare clinic opens in the morning.

Would like a compliment on your continent? Europe is much more civilized than Africa! There, the restrooms consists of holes in the floor.

You have never visited my Continent, but you have a hatred of Europeans, hopefully the part of America you are in gets flooded with Africans and Muslims.
Last edited:
"I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues,

I have no self-esteem issues.

"but you sound very liberal"

LOL I'm a Liberal now? WTF you should take up stand up comedy you'd be a great success. What a weirdo you are, you seem to consider EVERYONE Liberal apart from you, maybe you ARE a Liberal, maybe Admiral Rockwell Tory is your Sock for when you want to start shit with people on the Right by calling EVERYONE apart from YOU a Liberal.

"with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally."

You INSULTED and TRASHED my ENTIRE Continent, that's personal you ignorant little Troll.
You act like a liberal with your personal attacks. I guess you ran out of sanity at an inopportune moment. Perhaps you can find some more when your government -provided healthcare clinic opens in the morning.

Would like a compliment on your continent? Europe is much more civilized than Africa! There, the restrooms consists of holes in the floor.

Dude seriously?
Lucy is far from being a liberal.

Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

I dont see her in that way at all.

I have had nothing against her and enjoyed reading her posts, but I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally.

"I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally."

You are obviously so uneducated you have reading comprehension problems, you trashed my Continent you ignorant American Mutt, trashing my Continent is you being hateful and personal.
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Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

I dont see her in that way at all.

I have had nothing against her and enjoyed reading her posts, but I will not tolerate such hateful comments about me when I said nothing about her personally.

Sounds like ya'll need to kiss and makeup.

I will await her apology. Nothing more.

Aww come on. Be the bigger man...

He's a Leftist, each comment he makes makes that apparent.

Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and the UK. There are probably more I am not recalling."

You obviously are unsophisticated and uncultured, not surprising considering you are an Ignorant American. Who knows maybe you are one of those weirdos who just visits the WORST part of anywhere you go. You actually probably have NEVER visited ANYWHERE on my Continent, if you had you would not post such complete horsecrap as you have been doing.

You probably chew tobacco and sit in your underwear scratching your balls and talking to yourself.

Yes there are not good parts of Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Britain, just like there are not good parts of America, I was driven and shown the worst parts of Dallas, full of Blacks on welfare and pointed out that's a Crack House, that's another Crack House and Junkies on the street.

However as I'm educated and not ignorant like YOU are I was aware that those bad parts of Dallas did not represent the WHOLE of Dallas County.

I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues, but you sound very liberal with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally.

As I said, Europe is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. There are many places in the US I would not choose to live for the same reasons.

"I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues,

I have no self-esteem issues.

"but you sound very liberal"

LOL I'm a Liberal now? WTF you should take up stand up comedy you'd be a great success. What a weirdo you are, you seem to consider EVERYONE Liberal apart from you, maybe you ARE a Liberal, maybe Admiral Rockwell Tory is your Sock for when you want to start shit with people on the Right by calling EVERYONE apart from YOU a Liberal.

"with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally."

You INSULTED and TRASHED my ENTIRE Continent, that's personal you ignorant little Troll.

You act like a liberal with your personal attacks. I guess you ran out of sanity at an inopportune moment. Perhaps you can find some more when your government -provided healthcare clinic opens in the morning.

Would like a compliment on your continent? Europe is much more civilized than Africa! There, the restrooms consists of holes in the floor.

Dude seriously?
Lucy is far from being a liberal.

Her personal attacks on me are typical of a liberal mindset. She went straight to the over the top, bordering on lunatic attack mode. She would fit in well at MSNBC or CNN.

Anyone who reads this thread can read your ignorant and vile comments about my Continent and you calling it a cesspit, so STFU Leftist American Mutt.
Then they are as rare as hen's teeth!

I gotta ask,where do you meet your europeans?


Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and the UK. There are probably more I am not recalling.


Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and the UK. There are probably more I am not recalling."

You obviously are unsophisticated and uncultured, not surprising considering you are an Ignorant American. Who knows maybe you are one of those weirdos who just visits the WORST part of anywhere you go. You actually probably have NEVER visited ANYWHERE on my Continent, if you had you would not post such complete horsecrap as you have been doing.

You probably chew tobacco and sit in your underwear scratching your balls and talking to yourself.

Yes there are not good parts of Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Britain, just like there are not good parts of America, I was driven and shown the worst parts of Dallas, full of Blacks on welfare and pointed out that's a Crack House, that's another Crack House and Junkies on the street.

However as I'm educated and not ignorant like YOU are I was aware that those bad parts of Dallas did not represent the WHOLE of Dallas County.

I am sorry that you have self-esteem issues, but you sound very liberal with your personal insults as I have said nothing about you personally.

As I said, Europe is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. There are many places in the US I would not choose to live for the same reasons.

You're missing the boat like a cuban refugee.....

That might be his problem, his people might have to have fled to America as refugees....perhaps in say the 1930s :eusa_whistle: Which would explain his hatred of my Continent.

This type cannot contain their HATE of Native Europeans it's in their DNA, they want my Continent destroyed, they want Native Europeans dead, they dream about ALL being raped and murdered and then replaced by Kebabs and Africans, they want WHITE Europeans of Christian Heritage DEAD AND BURIED. PERIOD. END OF.

It's not like we don't know what - They - want to happen to my Continent.

Admiral Rockwell Tory is one of them.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.

It's not about abandoned it, it's going for your dreams..if it makes you happy instead of picking a place on the map.. just do it.

Yep sure bring the Sheetheads over they fit right in. As far as the French they have never like us that well, so just keep them in the North, or send them to the Left Coast.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.

Nobody has a right to go to another place and demand that that place is changed to suit them, that goes for America or anywhere on my Continent or anywhere else.

People have a right not to have their way of life, traditions and communities disrupted in any way and to be respected and to have their Heritage respected.

I also add how would Americans feel if some ignorant fool called America a cesspit? Would Americans appreciate that or would you get pissed about that?
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.

Nobody has a right to go to another place and demand that that place is changed to suit them, that goes for America or anywhere on my Continent or anywhere else.

People have a right not to have their way of life, traditions and communities disrupted in any way and to be respected and to have their Heritage respected.

I also add how would Americans feel if some ignorant fool called America a cesspit? Would Americans appreciate that or would you get pissed about that?

Nailed it.
The Europeans and the Australians I meet in Texas want nothing more than to stay in Texas.
They love our gun culture and our gun laws.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Thank you darling and I love Texas, but I could NEVER abandon my Continent that I love and that my Ancestors loved, if the SHTF we must all stay and fight for what we love and we WILL WIN.

Running away would to me be cowardice.

It's not about abandoned it, it's going for your dreams..if it makes you happy instead of picking a place on the map.. just do it.

Yep sure bring the Sheetheads over they fit right in. As far as the French they have never like us that well, so just keep them in the North, or send them to the Left Coast.

There are millions of French Patriots, France in general is fucked because of the Traitors within, like you in America have Traitors within, Cucked Politicians and a Traitor MSM who dream of America collapsing and failing, this is why they hate Donald Trump with an organic fanaticism because they know he has America's best interest at heart.

We have the same type of Cucked Politicians and Traitors in our MSM, who dream and want this Continent to collapse and fail.

But there are millions of European Patriots - our Continent is NOT the EU, the EU is NOT Europa, read my sig line - and like the American Patriots who if the SHTF will fight tooth and nail to protect and preserve the America they love so it can be handed down to future generations, European Patriots will do the same thing.

We will win, the Evil will fail, God is with us, God is against them because they hate Him.

We will win, we will prevail.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.

Nobody has a right to go to another place and demand that that place is changed to suit them, that goes for America or anywhere on my Continent or anywhere else.

People have a right not to have their way of life, traditions and communities disrupted in any way and to be respected and to have their Heritage respected.

I also add how would Americans feel if some ignorant fool called America a cesspit? Would Americans appreciate that or would you get pissed about that?

Nailed it.
The Europeans and the Australians I meet in Texas want nothing more than to stay in Texas.
They love our gun culture and our gun laws.

Well you know many of us we have guns also, Americans think that Europeans can't get guns, but many European nations have quite liberal gun laws, we don't of course have a Second Amendment like you do which is a right to bear arms, but it's not like we cannot get a permit and buy a gun.

I have three Glocks, I've posted about them, I have some other guns also, my entire family has guns, all of our friends have guns across many European nations.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.

Nobody has a right to go to another place and demand that that place is changed to suit them, that goes for America or anywhere on my Continent or anywhere else.

People have a right not to have their way of life, traditions and communities disrupted in any way and to be respected and to have their Heritage respected.

I also add how would Americans feel if some ignorant fool called America a cesspit? Would Americans appreciate that or would you get pissed about that?

Nailed it.
The Europeans and the Australians I meet in Texas want nothing more than to stay in Texas.
They love our gun culture and our gun laws.

Well you know many of us we have guns also, Americans think that Europeans can't get guns, but many European nations have quite liberal gun laws, we don't of course have a Second Amendment like you do which is a right to bear arms, but it's not like we cannot get a permit and buy a gun.

I have three Glocks, I've posted about them, I have some other guns also, my entire family has guns, all of our friends have guns across many European nations.

As it should be.
Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!
Keep them away from Alabama please. Everytime I meet one of them they seem like they want to make the USA like Europe. It sort of like people from NJ who move down and the first thing they want to do is change stuff and make it like up North.

Nobody has a right to go to another place and demand that that place is changed to suit them, that goes for America or anywhere on my Continent or anywhere else.

People have a right not to have their way of life, traditions and communities disrupted in any way and to be respected and to have their Heritage respected.

I also add how would Americans feel if some ignorant fool called America a cesspit? Would Americans appreciate that or would you get pissed about that?

Nailed it.
The Europeans and the Australians I meet in Texas want nothing more than to stay in Texas.
They love our gun culture and our gun laws.

Well you know many of us we have guns also, Americans think that Europeans can't get guns, but many European nations have quite liberal gun laws, we don't of course have a Second Amendment like you do which is a right to bear arms, but it's not like we cannot get a permit and buy a gun.

I have three Glocks, I've posted about them, I have some other guns also, my entire family has guns, all of our friends have guns across many European nations.

As it should be.

I'll be on the evening news the day they come for my guns.
Along with all of the winners of the battle. The dozers and the digging equipment will be coming for the other side along with the flamethrowers to burn them before they are interred.
Those will not be the people moving here. Europe is a cesspool for the most part. It's just like California. It is a nice place to visit, but no one should want to live there.

There are some conservative europeans.

Their conservatives are our liberals.

Not really.
I speak with a lot of Europeans that hang out at Baker Street Pub and they're every bit as Conservative as I am.
View attachment 136658

Anecdotal evidence is not data. That being said, how much time have you spent in the cesspool that is Europe?

A few weeks here and there.
Of course not enough time to get a real feel.
I'm going off the dozens of europeans I've spoken to in my area.
They're conservative as a mofo.

Lots of rich folks from Mexico in that area to. We sold our house in Cypresswood for 371 and change. Houses are getting hard to find. We went to the clear lake area. As far as work go's depends on what one does, but lots of private schools are hireing down here.
I think Europe needs to be made an a example of.
Let the Mussies start fuking around until Europe stands up,if they dont I see no reason to support them.
I will however invite all real European natives to come to Texas.
Dont be a pussy and you'll do fine.

Hell no! Send them to NY or California with all of the other liberal socialists. I am in Texas now and considering moving here in a few years. Don't ruin it for me!

I am not a Liberal Socialist, I wouldn't want to go to New York or California, I have many friends in Texas, so Texas is good.

You have a weird thinking, thinking we ALL are Liberal Socialists on our Continent.

It could be because you eat anchovies on your pizza... only Pinko's eat anchovies on their pizza and they live in Killafornia...

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