I Have A Challenge For Usmb Republicans. This Shouldn't Be Hard To Do

Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
I don't have a platform jackass. I am a voter, nothing more. You, on the otherhand appear to be quite the tinfoil hoarder.

That answers all my questions. You've never heard of a business platform?
Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
I don't have a platform jackass. I am a voter, nothing more. You, on the otherhand appear to be quite the tinfoil hoarder.

That answers all my questions. You've never heard of a business platform?
This thread isn't about any businesses prospective platform. Do try to keep up
Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
I don't have a platform jackass. I am a voter, nothing more. You, on the otherhand appear to be quite the tinfoil hoarder.

That answers all my questions. You've never heard of a business platform?
This thread isn't about any businesses prospective platform. Do try to keep up

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

You brought it up, I answered......Remember?
Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
I don't have a platform jackass. I am a voter, nothing more. You, on the otherhand appear to be quite the tinfoil hoarder.

That answers all my questions. You've never heard of a business platform?
This thread isn't about any businesses prospective platform. Do try to keep up

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

You brought it up, I answered......Remember?
I brought up anecdotal evidence. You trolled. Learn the difference idiot
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Where is backup from unbiased sources on that claim.

I'll decide what is unbiased.
This article by Wikipedia cites BLS data

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is from the article itself:

The exact usefulness of these numbers is debated.

Beyond that, the article does nothing to back up your claim that Bush's policies. That is a completely different analysis.

You admitted yourself you watch a lot of TV.

Why don't you try getting an on-line course in logic and debate ?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

These kind of statements are as stupid as the ones claiming Obama hasn't done anything good. It's statistically impossible for everything the Republicans have done in the last 20-30 years to be either all good, or all bad.

Same with the Democrats.
All you have to do is give examples of republican policies that have benefited the American people as a whole. That's it.

Who decides what a benefit is ?

You never answered. You just argue with people when the respond because you don't like their answers.

Any policy that shuts down welfare, cuts taxes and expands liberty is a benefit to the American people.

The Federal GOP is as worthless as Obama.
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class

We need another option on the thank you list.

It would be "You are an asshole".

I'd give it to this post.

Reagan was defeated in 1984, wasn't he. Oh wait, he won 49 states (which means he lost 8 by Obama's counting).

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

These kind of statements are as stupid as the ones claiming Obama hasn't done anything good. It's statistically impossible for everything the Republicans have done in the last 20-30 years to be either all good, or all bad.

Same with the Democrats.
All you have to do is give examples of republican policies that have benefited the American people as a whole. That's it.

Who decides what a benefit is ?

You never answered. You just argue with people when the respond because you don't like their answers.

Any policy that shuts down welfare, cuts taxes and expands liberty is a benefit to the American people.

The Federal GOP is as worthless as Obama.
Bush's largest tax cut was for the wealthy. It did very little to create jobs. These are facts.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
This is really getting old. The jobs losses were due to toxic loans written years earlier. And the Democrats did not block any legislation. Even Bush ripped apart one of the 3 bills you're talking about.
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class

We need another option on the thank you list.

It would be "You are an asshole".

I'd give it to this post.

Reagan was defeated in 1984, wasn't he. Oh wait, he won 49 states (which means he lost 8 by Obama's counting).


I see a lot of bloviating without substance. What's your point?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

These kind of statements are as stupid as the ones claiming Obama hasn't done anything good. It's statistically impossible for everything the Republicans have done in the last 20-30 years to be either all good, or all bad.

Same with the Democrats.
All you have to do is give examples of republican policies that have benefited the American people as a whole. That's it.

Who decides what a benefit is ?

You never answered. You just argue with people when the respond because you don't like their answers.

Any policy that shuts down welfare, cuts taxes and expands liberty is a benefit to the American people.

The Federal GOP is as worthless as Obama.
Bush's largest tax cut was for the wealthy. It did very little to create jobs. These are facts.

And the far left can not admit they were wrong to vote for worse than Bush twice and would much rather watch the world burn than admit doing so..
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

The stupidity never ends....

Watching both sides is quite amazing. Reps VS Dems, same arguments about how their side created all the wealth, the jobs the whatever good, and how the other side burned it all down.

Obama added over 200 billion to Bush's 2009 budget btw... But whatever, Bush evil Obama great right? Makes one wonder how the next year Obama managed to spend 1.3 trillion, I guess Bush gave him that budget too....
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.
Which Obama then ramped up.
How do you think the debt went from 10T under Bush to 17T under Obama?
The deficit is still not down from pre-recession levels, despite over 4 years of "recovery".
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.
You're really comparing Clinton's final year, which was an expanding ecoomy, to Bush's which was the worst recession Democrats have created since the 1930s?
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.

Clinton also was robbing SS to make it look like he was nearing a surplus while in actuality he was adding greatly to the deficit... Clinton also deregulated the housing market that helped lead to the crash in 2007.

Bush evil, Dems all amazing great, wonderful people... right?

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