I Have A Challenge For Usmb Republicans. This Shouldn't Be Hard To Do

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.

Total US Debt on January 19, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64
Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08

Total Bush Debt = $4,899,100,310,608.44
2,933 days
$1,670,337,644.25 New Debt Per Day

Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08
Total US Debt on October 5, 2014 = $17,872,947,693,176.67

Total Obama Debt as of today = $7,246,070,644,263.59
2,085 days
$3,475,333,642.33 New Debt Per Day

For every $1 of debt per day added by President Bush, President Obama has added $2.08
Well if you can agree that the defense spending and Obama's tax cuts - the two main drivers of Obama's debt - were bad policies, tthen maybe we can be on the same page. Are tax cuts an example of communism? Obviously not,

Obama has spent a lot. I don't dispute that.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

Here is the counter proposal.

1. You must provide facts that exclude biased sources such as:

ANY broadcast source, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and TV and Radio. ALL published news prints including NYT, LAT and any other major news paper, AND CNN, MSNBC, CNBC..

2. You will leave Republicans out of it unless you can demonstrate that their actions stem from hatred rather than well intentioned principles.

You will provide facts from studies that did not set out to prove your point, that the Constitution and the government is Required to provide help to ANY class of people in the United States.

Take your time.
Why should you be able to hijack my own thread? If you want to make your own thread on that, be my guest.
Because your rules are deliberately lopsided. This means that you fear having to answer rebuttals to your challenge. The only effort you have to put into a reply is, "That does not meet My rules".

Why not just state what your really mean? You want republicans to answer your question with policies and ideology that only YOU agree with; otherwise you reject any good that has been done.

Its a no-lose of you.

Why should I play your game with your rules?
My rules are quite fair.
Republicans passed the Civil Rights act when democrats were lynching Blacks in the south. We got to the Moon during a republican administration. The Berlin Wall went down during a republican administration. On the other hand every war in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration.
Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
I'll list

Japan product dumping

Trade wars are much more preferable.
Fake gasoline shortage

Nothing fake about the shortage in the 70's, but I'm sure you have messaged data to the contrary.
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
Due to normal product inflation, not government intervention like the Dem crisis of the past decade.
S&L Crisis
Both parties had a hand in it.
Iran Contra affair
You list one. Obama alone has a half dozen.
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
The Israelis disagree.
Deregulation of HMO's
Deregulation has not happened in over a century, but deregulation is never a bad thing. We should try it sometime.
Two stock market crashes
No President is directly responsible for the Market.
Housing crash
A Democrat party crisis wholly owned.
Economic terrorism on the middle class
A cute turn of phrase, but plays better in fiction novels than real life.

That should keep you busy for a few hours and give the board a break.[/QUOTE]
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class
Thank you for the liberal talking points unoriginal though they may be.

If you believe it to be wrong then challenge it.....
Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
Lol "DUDE" I don't click on wiki links. The spin is unnecessary.

I've run a business for over 25 years now and I know FIRST HAND when the good times were. From Clinton to the primaries for 08. NOTHING has gone good since Obama was elected. Under Clinton & Bush I had almost a dozen crews. Now I have two.

I don't need some stupid link to tell me what I already know

Failure to expand your platform is your problem. Quit blaming others for your failure.
I don't have a platform jackass. I am a voter, nothing more. You, on the otherhand appear to be quite the tinfoil hoarder.
Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
Anyone with a half of brain knows the sources i listed have extreme bias.
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class
Thank you for the liberal talking points unoriginal though they may be.

If you believe it to be wrong then challenge it.....
As I pointed out about the OP they would not accept anything a Republican listed it would be the same with you C Clayton someone I normally don't agree with had the best response on this thread I would suggest you read it. And in case you missed it someone already has challenged it.
Well 4 pages in and no one can answer my question. Great, now let's all stop voting republican.
Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
Anyone with a half of brain knows the sources i listed have extreme bias.
LOL! Yeah, extreme bias. You must have half a brain to believe that. And to believe that "bias" equals "unreliable"
Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
Anyone with a half of brain knows the sources i listed have extreme bias.
And EVERYONE knows that the sources I cited are biased 100%.....So, what to do?

I have a solution, but you won't agree with it and therefore, you'll wanted it excluded from use.

The only real way information is unbiased is if it is discovered accidentally.

An example. Say someone is doing a study on the properties of a specific flower on a physical ailment, like headaches.

During the course of that study, it is discovered that the flower is responsible for the low IQ's of Bakersfield, CA residents.

It can then be said that the flower has an effect upon the cognitive ability of residents of any region in which the flower thrives.

That is unbiased because no one set out to prove the effects of the flower.

Now, YOU provide that kind of evidence that government should be required to work for the benefit of a single class of people in this country.
Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
Anyone with a half of brain knows the sources i listed have extreme bias.
LOL! Yeah, extreme bias. You must have half a brain to believe that. And to believe that "bias" equals "unreliable"
There is absolutely nothing reliable about Fox's political commentary.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Yeah, those cuts. It's not the fault of American people that congress can't live within its means.

The tax cuts spurred growth, it's just too bad politicians squandered the opportunity by continuing to spend money they didn't have. Something they have always done regardless of the tax rate.
They spurred a pitiful amount of growth. Job growth under Bush reflects that.
Job growth under obutthury is worse you blitjeting idiot.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

What rules ?

Why are your threads always so retarded ?
Because he is a retard.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Yeah, those cuts. It's not the fault of American people that congress can't live within its means.

The tax cuts spurred growth, it's just too bad politicians squandered the opportunity by continuing to spend money they didn't have. Something they have always done regardless of the tax rate.
They spurred a pitiful amount of growth. Job growth under Bush reflects that.
Job growth under obutthury is worse you blitjeting idiot.
Lol except the actual facts say otherwise.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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