I Have A Challenge For Usmb Republicans. This Shouldn't Be Hard To Do

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

Here is the counter proposal.

1. You must provide facts that exclude biased sources such as:

ANY broadcast source, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and TV and Radio. ALL published news prints including NYT, LAT and any other major news paper, AND CNN, MSNBC, CNBC..

2. You will leave Republicans out of it unless you can demonstrate that their actions stem from hatred rather than well intentioned principles.

You will provide facts from studies that did not set out to prove your point, that the Constitution and the government is Required to provide help to ANY class of people in the United States.

Take your time.
Why should you be able to hijack my own thread? If you want to make your own thread on that, be my guest.
Whatever republicans have done to benefit the country they've done in conjunction with democrats.

There was a time when democrats and republicans worked together to address the Nation's problems, a time before the advent of the culture wars and the insanity of hyper-partisanism.
Frightening as this might be I actually agree with you maybe one day both parties will get past this my way is the only way stuff.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

Here is the counter proposal.

1. You must provide facts that exclude biased sources such as:

ANY broadcast source, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and TV and Radio. ALL published news prints including NYT, LAT and any other major news paper, AND CNN, MSNBC, CNBC..

2. You will leave Republicans out of it unless you can demonstrate that their actions stem from hatred rather than well intentioned principles.

You will provide facts from studies that did not set out to prove your point, that the Constitution and the government is Required to provide help to ANY class of people in the United States.

Take your time.
Why should you be able to hijack my own thread? If you want to make your own thread on that, be my guest.

your thread is stupid and needs to be hijacked for its own good.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

Just because you are too biased and stupid to recognize the truth doesn't mean that we have to abide by your idiotic ground rules.

You are a small man.

You see things as a small man.

You will always be a small man.

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.

Total US Debt on January 19, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64
Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08

Total Bush Debt = $4,899,100,310,608.44
2,933 days
$1,670,337,644.25 New Debt Per Day

Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08
Total US Debt on October 5, 2014 = $17,872,947,693,176.67

Total Obama Debt as of today = $7,246,070,644,263.59
2,085 days
$3,475,333,642.33 New Debt Per Day

For every $1 of debt per day added by President Bush, President Obama has added $2.08
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

Here is the counter proposal.

1. You must provide facts that exclude biased sources such as:

ANY broadcast source, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and TV and Radio. ALL published news prints including NYT, LAT and any other major news paper, AND CNN, MSNBC, CNBC..

2. You will leave Republicans out of it unless you can demonstrate that their actions stem from hatred rather than well intentioned principles.

You will provide facts from studies that did not set out to prove your point, that the Constitution and the government is Required to provide help to ANY class of people in the United States.

Take your time.
Why should you be able to hijack my own thread? If you want to make your own thread on that, be my guest.
Because your rules are deliberately lopsided. This means that you fear having to answer rebuttals to your challenge. The only effort you have to put into a reply is, "That does not meet My rules".

Why not just state what your really mean? You want republicans to answer your question with policies and ideology that only YOU agree with; otherwise you reject any good that has been done.

Its a no-lose of you.

Why should I play your game with your rules?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
How did those "tax cuts" benefit the nation as a whole? Where are your statistics?
Whatever republicans have done to benefit the country they've done in conjunction with democrats.

There was a time when democrats and republicans worked together to address the Nation's problems, a time before the advent of the culture wars and the insanity of hyper-partisanism.

Right. Democrats and Republicans worked together quite well when the poiltical system operated on the basis of ideals and philosophies. Then Democrats got it in their head to transform the demographics of the nation by importing a client class and every since Democrats embraced identity politics, all cooperation has turned to shit because there's nothing to cooperate on when the topic is to extract wealth from whites and via the Democrats spread the loot amongst minorities.
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class
Whatever republicans have done to benefit the country they've done in conjunction with democrats.

There was a time when democrats and republicans worked together to address the Nation's problems, a time before the advent of the culture wars and the insanity of hyper-partisanism.
You mean like Obama announcing he did not need Republicans in Congress to get his plans through? Or like Reid and Pelosi refusing to even inform republicans of what was in bills they wanted passed in 2009 and 2010? Like that? How about like Obama telling republicans what he wanted to work out the Budget and then when they gave him what he wanted he demanded more? Like that? How about 2 years of Reid ignoring the republican House refusing to even send to committee bill after bill. Like that?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
How did those "tax cuts" benefit the nation as a whole? Where are your statistics?

The Bush tax cuts are a descendent of the Reagan cuts, so let's look at the counterfactual - if we had kept on with the European model we were working with , how would we have fared since Reagan?

So, let's compare the US economy since 1980 to various European economies which followed the model preferred by Democrats.

In 1980 US GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 12,394
In 1980 French GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 12,562
In 1980 German GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 11,674
In 1980 Dutch GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 12,941
In 1980 United Kingdom GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 9,509

In 2000 US GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 36,618
In 2000 French GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 22,080
In 2000 German GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 22,350
In 2000 Dutch GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 24,804
In 2000 United Kingdom GNI/Capita (in constant dollars) was 25,232

The US economy grew by 195%
The French economy grew by 76%
The German economy grew by 91%
The Dutch economy grew by 92%
The UK economy grew by 165%

After this point we run into EU integration problems - the nature of the economy changed in Europe. It's interesting to observe the UK experience - Thatcherism seems to produce the same results as Reaganism.

So what is/was the liberal alternative? Slower growth for America.

If we followed the French model, US GNI/cap in 2000 would be 21,813 instead of 36,618
If we followed the German model, US GNI/cap in 2000 would be 23,672 instead of 36,618
If we followed the Dutch model, US GNI/cap in 2000 would be 23,796 instead of 36,618
If we followed the English model, US GNI/cap in 2000 would be 32,844 instead of 36,618

Frankly I don't see the appeal of choosing a path which makes the nation purposely poorer. Then again, I'm not a liberal and I don't share the mindset that equality bought by making everyone poorer is a better outcome than everyone being better off even if that increases inequality.
You guy's do realize no matter what you cite as a Republican accomplishment it will be rejected don't you?

I'll list

Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
Gasoline broke $1.00/gal
S&L Crisis
Iran Contra affair
Hundreds of billions wasted for Star Wars
Deregulation of HMO's
Two stock market crashes
Housing crash
Economic terrorism on the middle class
Thank you for the liberal talking points unoriginal though they may be.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID
cutting taxes and over spending is Bush's 10 trillion contribution to the debt.

Total US Debt on January 19, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64
Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08

Total Bush Debt = $4,899,100,310,608.44
2,933 days
$1,670,337,644.25 New Debt Per Day

Total US Debt on January 20, 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08
Total US Debt on October 5, 2014 = $17,872,947,693,176.67

Total Obama Debt as of today = $7,246,070,644,263.59
2,085 days
$3,475,333,642.33 New Debt Per Day

For every $1 of debt per day added by President Bush, President Obama has added $2.08
Couldn't help deflected to President Obama, could you?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

They have done nothing.

Neither have democrats.

Now answer my question:

Why would anyone be so naïve to believe otherwise?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

What rules ?

Why are your threads always so retarded ?

Great thread in the Flame Zone
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

They have done nothing.

Neither have democrats.

Now answer my question:

Why would anyone be so naïve to believe otherwise?
''Who is the man in your avatar? He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

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