I Have A Challenge For Usmb Republicans. This Shouldn't Be Hard To Do

Oh look. Another Billy Triple Zip thread where he gets his ass handed to him. He has to set the rules in advance: He decides what a reliable source is. He decides what unbiased means. He decides what a valid point is. And he'll still lose.
Anyone with a half of brain knows the sources i listed have extreme bias.
LOL! Yeah, extreme bias. You must have half a brain to believe that. And to believe that "bias" equals "unreliable"
There is absolutely nothing reliable about Fox's political commentary.
I dont even know what that means. Commentary is opinion. Do you not the know the difference between opinion and fact? I am certain of it.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.
You're really comparing Clinton's final year, which was an expanding ecoomy, to Bush's which was the worst recession Democrats have created since the 1930s?

Dems didn't create the recession... Come on man, lol... Bush and Republicans were progressive liberals at best, look at all the programs, the wars, the spending, now look at Obama... See the similarity? Is Obama not a progressive?
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Where is backup from unbiased sources on that claim.

I'll decide what is unbiased.
This article by Wikipedia cites BLS data

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is from the article itself:

The exact usefulness of these numbers is debated.

Beyond that, the article does nothing to back up your claim that Bush's policies. That is a completely different analysis.

You admitted yourself you watch a lot of TV.

Why don't you try getting an on-line course in logic and debate ?
I have a problem with logic huh? Lol tell me genius. If we can't trust the BLS, what should we trust? Sean Hannity?
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
let me be very specific;

:fu: ........... :asshole: go :dig: yourself a hole jump in and pull the dirt in on top of yourself ...... :trolls:...... :lmao:
From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan

I can go on but I am not sure what is the point.

What I can't think of is an accomplishment of democrats that has actually helped anyone in the long run.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
let me be very specific;

:fu: ........... :asshole: go :dig: yourself a hole jump in and pull the dirt in on top of yourself ...... :trolls:...... :lmao:
So in other words, you admit republicanism is complete bullshit.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Yeah, those cuts. It's not the fault of American people that congress can't live within its means.

The tax cuts spurred growth, it's just too bad politicians squandered the opportunity by continuing to spend money they didn't have. Something they have always done regardless of the tax rate.
They spurred a pitiful amount of growth. Job growth under Bush reflects that.

Ya just the second longest economic expansion in our history.

Question for Billy boy,which tax bracket enjoyed the largest tax relief,which one?
From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan

I can go on but I am not sure what is the point.

What I can't think of is an accomplishment of democrats that has actually helped anyone in the long run.
Dude most of those examples are outdated policies by the Republican Party when it was ran by liberals.

Don't you think it's kind of sad you have no modern examples? I mean I'll give you credit for a few of those, but if that's all you can come up with then I feel sorry for you all.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Can you provide an unbiased source for that claim?
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Bush's tax cuts.
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Also for the retarded let me clear this fallacy up. The cuts didn't cause the debt. THE SPENDING DID[/QUOTE]

LMAO. If your boss (if you work) cuts your pay by 20% and you keep servicing the debt you had previously obligated yourself to pay and you are starting to fall behind in paying your bills, was it the debt that caused your problems or the 20% CUT IN PAY?

Would you just contact your creditors and tell them their debt is causing you problems and you won't be making any more payments. Or would you look to replace that lost 20% with some other income?
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.
You're really comparing Clinton's final year, which was an expanding ecoomy, to Bush's which was the worst recession Democrats have created since the 1930s?
This is why you appear insane, Jester. How did the minority party create a recession but the majority party, the party in charge of the government, not create the recession?
Oh you mean the cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt and did very little to create jobs?

Anything else?
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Can you provide an unbiased source for that claim?
I provided the BLS stats earlier in this thread. His job growth was pitiful.
From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan

I can go on but I am not sure what is the point.

What I can't think of is an accomplishment of democrats that has actually helped anyone in the long run.
Dude most of those examples are outdated policies by the Republican Party when it was ran by liberals.

Don't you think it's kind of sad you have no modern examples? I mean I'll give you credit for a few of those, but if that's all you can come up with then I feel sorry for you all.

No sir you don't get to mince your damn own OP. I provided you many modern examples. YOU asked for Republican initiatives you were provided with them. THEY all continue to help YOU today. YOUR OP didn't mention liberals or conservatives YOU said Republicans. If you wish to assign Eisenhower to your side then does that mean you assign JFK and LBJ to then the right? What foolishness it is that when you asked for a list and are provided a list you try and move the goalpost.
Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years. Obama added $7 trillion in 5 years.
$4 trillion?? Why lie?

Bush inauguration: 5,727,776,738,305
Obama inauguration: 10,628,881,485,510

Debt to the Penny Daily History Search Application

That's $4.9 trillion, not 4 trillion.

Also, in the year leading up to Bush's inauguration, Clinton increased the debt by $626 million

In the year leading up to Obama's inauguration, Bush increased the debt by $1,440,241 million ($1.4 trillion)

So while Bush inherited a near balanced budget, he handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit.

So please post the last fiscal year budget passed and signed by the president..
Oops lol
Oops? You do know that no money gets spent without the president's approval, right? It doesn't matter if they sign a budget bill or a continuing resolution. Clinton's final year in office produced a $626 million deficit; Bush's produced a $1,440,241 million deficit -- 2,300 times bigger than what he inherited.

Clinton also was robbing SS to make it look like he was nearing a surplus while in actuality he was adding greatly to the deficit... Clinton also deregulated the housing market that helped lead to the crash in 2007.

Bush evil, Dems all amazing great, wonderful people... right?
Despite that, the deficit during Clinton's final year rose only $626 million. Given the deficits we've had since the 80's, that's practically nothing. Bush turned that into trillion dollar deficits.
From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan

I can go on but I am not sure what is the point.

What I can't think of is an accomplishment of democrats that has actually helped anyone in the long run.
Dude most of those examples are outdated policies by the Republican Party when it was ran by liberals.

Don't you think it's kind of sad you have no modern examples? I mean I'll give you credit for a few of those, but if that's all you can come up with then I feel sorry for you all.

No sir you don't get to mince your damn own OP. I provided you many modern examples. YOU asked for Republican initiatives you were provided with them. THEY all continue to help YOU today. YOUR OP didn't mention liberals or conservatives YOU said Republicans. If you wish to assign Eisenhower to your side then does that mean you assign JFK and LBJ to then the right? What foolishness it is that when you asked for a list and are provided a list you try and move the goalpost.
Oh sure I moved the goal posts, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm right. Liberal policies really shouldn't count I'm sorry lol.
Wrong as usual. Until the Dems took over Congress in 2006 the Bush admin continued to add jobs and to have an unemployment rate at or under 6 percent. The housing crash could have been avoided if the the Dems had NOT prevent Bush and McCain from taking Fanny and Freddy and the entire market to task as they tried 3 times and were beaten by Dodd and Franks. Hell Franks went on national TV just before the crash and INSISTED the only danger to the vibrant Housing Market was to impose new regulations on it.
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Can you provide an unbiased source for that claim?
I provided the BLS stats earlier in this thread. His job growth was pitiful.
Ya buts live in the woods,where are we at this moment?? Talk about pathetic job growth, Which party has had control of things for how long?
The solid unemployment rate in Bush's years predates any Bush policies.

You people are so thick. I can't believe you actually think fanny and Freddie alone was the cause of the loss of 8 million jobs. It's just non sense. The crash would have happened with or without that.

Again, you people are breaking the rules.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Can you provide an unbiased source for that claim?
I provided the BLS stats earlier in this thread. His job growth was pitiful.
Ya buts live in the woods,where are we at this moment?? Talk about pathetic job growth, Which party has had control of things for how long?
Job growth under Obama has been much better than Bush. The BLS stats reflect that.
Let's review some democrat actions that have effected us all.

Civil war
Opposition to all civil rights acts up to 1964 when they decided to give the blacks a little something.
Poll taxes
Jim Crow
Federal reserve
Income Taxes
The draft
Worse of all Obama.
The 2008 housing bubble that burst and we all know the result.

So depressing to think about the democrat history.
Let's review some democrat actions that have effected us all.

Civil war
Opposition to all civil rights acts up to 1964 when they decided to give the blacks a little something.
Poll taxes
Jim Crow
Federal reserve
Income Taxes
The draft
Worse of all Obama.
The 2008 housing bubble that burst and we all know the result.

So depressing to think about the democrat history.
Income tax huh? Hmm so how are we supposed to pay for our expenses without taxes?

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