I Have A Question For Republicans

it is you who went to the far right corner and I'm surprised you don't see it.

I love this desperate lie by the Democrats. True conservatives sit firmly planted the U.S. Constitution. Which is neither right nor left. It is ground zero - the legal structure of government implemented by our founders. Please tell me how we've moved "right" of that? I'd love to see a single example you could demonstrate. In fact - I'll make you this sincere promise right here and now. If you can give just a single real illustration of how true conservatives have "moved right" of the Constitution - I'll vote Democrat for the rest of my life. Examples of libertarian's, sovereign citizens, and anarchists don't count as they self-identify as not being conservatives but another group entirely.

Show me any true conservative that has suggested we violate the U.S. Constitution by stopping the federal government of one of their 18 emulated powers. I've never heard a conservative suggest that the states should run 50 individual patent offices (maybe a sovereign citizens has - but not a conservative). I've never heard a conservative suggest that the states should coin their own money. Please show me any conservative group (Tea Party, Constitution Party, etc.) that makes such an official (or even unofficial for that matter) part of their platform.

I appreciate your political stand but I hope you understand you don't speak for "all" Republicans. How the Supreme Court has interpreted the document has probably more to do with how we move about the Constitution. Each Party, actually each citizen is free to express to the court their concerns on how the document should be interpreted to protect their own varied interests. That's what makes the document so dynamic and interesting.
Please point me to examples of those experiments to prove they are worthy of replacing government health, where are they?

We're not. But according to you liberals - your hearts bleed around the clock for those so less fortunate. If that's the case, you liberals are worthy. Something tells me many of you are paralyzed with fear that this would prove you're not as worthy and you don't care as much as you'd like people to believe.

I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Thank God Republican's have finally become "afraid to come to the table". For over 100 years "compromise" has meant sliding further left on every "deal". When has the left ever compromised to take things to the right - back towards the U.S. Constitution where we started? When have liberals ever proposed ridding the federal government of the department of education? The department of energy? National Endowment for the Arts? National Wild Horse and Burro Program?!? Yes....we actually have a fucking "National Wild Horse and Burro Program. And why? Because "compromise" to libtards means an ever lasting slide into communism without any capitulation on their part other than maybe "compromising" on the speed at which we move left. Wow. Some "compromise" by you people. Very big of you.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable.
The death of fellow citizens to me isn't an option

The violation of the U.S. Constitution isn't an option to me. And only one of us is being a hypocrite here. You haven't shed too many tears for the millions of "fellow citizens" who have died to give you freedom and the U.S. Constitution. I honor their sacrifice by vehemently defending and upholding what they gave their life for. You want to render their death senseless and make their efforts in vain by surrendering what it is they died for just so you can supposedly save someone else who didn't even make that same sacrifice.

Well you probably need to go and find your own country, there are just too many people in this country that believe in "us" and not "me." Personally I'm gratified and encouraged that there are.

I have individual rights that shall not be infringed on and they are not bestowed upon me by a benevolent "gubermint"...they come from my creator. This corporate entity that has been passing itself off as a legitimate governmental body has stolen our sweat equity using a worthless fiat currency to rape, pillage and plunder the resources of weaker countries that did not have the ability to fight off this monstrosity. Unless you understand the root cause, you can't possibly attack this problem and the impending financial collapse that is on the horizon.
Please point me to examples of those experiments to prove they are worthy of replacing government health, where are they?

We're not. But according to you liberals - your hearts bleed around the clock for those so less fortunate. If that's the case, you liberals are worthy. Something tells me many of you are paralyzed with fear that this would prove you're not as worthy and you don't care as much as you'd like people to believe.

I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Thank God Republican's have finally become "afraid to come to the table". For over 100 years "compromise" has meant sliding further left on every "deal". When has the left ever compromised to take things to the right - back towards the U.S. Constitution where we started? When have liberals ever proposed ridding the federal government of the department of education? The department of energy? National Endowment for the Arts? National Wild Horse and Burro Program?!? Yes....we actually have a fucking "National Wild Horse and Burro Program. And why? Because "compromise" to libtards means an ever lasting slide into communism without any capitulation on their part other than maybe "compromising" on the speed at which we move left. Wow. Some "compromise" by you people. Very big of you.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable.

Great job............you knocked that one out of the park.......it has yet to land.
I hope we have learned something from 1929, 1987, 2002, 2008, it is those lessons we should take to heart. God isn't needed in our economic stability, it is god given common sense.

Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.
Please point me to examples of those experiments to prove they are worthy of replacing government health, where are they?

We're not. But according to you liberals - your hearts bleed around the clock for those so less fortunate. If that's the case, you liberals are worthy. Something tells me many of you are paralyzed with fear that this would prove you're not as worthy and you don't care as much as you'd like people to believe.

I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Thank God Republican's have finally become "afraid to come to the table". For over 100 years "compromise" has meant sliding further left on every "deal". When has the left ever compromised to take things to the right - back towards the U.S. Constitution where we started? When have liberals ever proposed ridding the federal government of the department of education? The department of energy? National Endowment for the Arts? National Wild Horse and Burro Program?!? Yes....we actually have a fucking "National Wild Horse and Burro Program. And why? Because "compromise" to libtards means an ever lasting slide into communism without any capitulation on their part other than maybe "compromising" on the speed at which we move left. Wow. Some "compromise" by you people. Very big of you.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable.

You're slipping again Mr. Rebubbaklan, you've done pretty well until now. The only program I've seen come up repeatedly is the Department of Education. There was a point in time when Republicans could have taken it down and didn't, so I wouldn't put that on the shoulders of Democrats alone.
I hope we have learned something from 1929, 1987, 2002, 2008, it is those lessons we should take to heart. God isn't needed in our economic stability, it is god given common sense.

Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.
How the Supreme Court has interpreted the document has probably more to do with how we move about the Constitution. Each Party, actually each citizen is free to express to the court their concerns on how the document should be interpreted to protect their own varied interests. That's what makes the document so dynamic and interesting.

Charming for sure, but 100% inaccurate (not to mention slightly desperate at your desire to avoid having to admit you can't provide even a single instance of conservatives "moving right" of the U.S. Constitution). First of all, it is illegal to "interpret" the document. The U.S. Constitution is the law (and the highest law in the land as established by the Supremacy Clause). A law which is "open to interpretation" is a law that cannot be adhered to. The speed limit in your neighborhood is the law. If you interpret 25mph to mean "anything up to 40mph" while an officer interprets it to mean "anything above 24mph" - you'll never be able to be compliant with that speed limit. Especially if yet another officer on that department interprets the speed limit a third way (say...impermissible to be at even 24mph or 26mph).

The U.S. Constitution is not "dynamic" (another silly liberal talking point). It is set in stone, says exactly what it says, and stays that way until such time as it is amended. At which time, that new version becomes the new law set in stone.
Please point me to examples of those experiments to prove they are worthy of replacing government health, where are they?

We're not. But according to you liberals - your hearts bleed around the clock for those so less fortunate. If that's the case, you liberals are worthy. Something tells me many of you are paralyzed with fear that this would prove you're not as worthy and you don't care as much as you'd like people to believe.

I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Thank God Republican's have finally become "afraid to come to the table". For over 100 years "compromise" has meant sliding further left on every "deal". When has the left ever compromised to take things to the right - back towards the U.S. Constitution where we started? When have liberals ever proposed ridding the federal government of the department of education? The department of energy? National Endowment for the Arts? National Wild Horse and Burro Program?!? Yes....we actually have a fucking "National Wild Horse and Burro Program. And why? Because "compromise" to libtards means an ever lasting slide into communism without any capitulation on their part other than maybe "compromising" on the speed at which we move left. Wow. Some "compromise" by you people. Very big of you.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable.

You're slipping again Mr. Rebubbaklan, you've done pretty well until now. The only program I've seen come up repeatedly is the Department of Education. There was a point in time when Republicans could have taken it down and didn't, so I wouldn't put that on the shoulders of Democrats alone.
And you do realize that the Republican Party is almost exclusively made up of true liberals, don't you? And the Democrat Party has been completely hijacked by the socialists (ahem...Bernie Sanders anyone?!?), marxists (ahem.....Barack Obama anyone?!?), and the communists.
I hope we have learned something from 1929, 1987, 2002, 2008, it is those lessons we should take to heart. God isn't needed in our economic stability, it is god given common sense.

Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.

Not at all, it was over quickly because the Republican President did nothing. The Great Depression was extended by seven years due to the interference of FDR.
The death of fellow citizens to me isn't an option

The violation of the U.S. Constitution isn't an option to me. And only one of us is being a hypocrite here. You haven't shed too many tears for the millions of "fellow citizens" who have died to give you freedom and the U.S. Constitution. I honor their sacrifice by vehemently defending and upholding what they gave their life for. You want to render their death senseless and make their efforts in vain by surrendering what it is they died for just so you can supposedly save someone else who didn't even make that same sacrifice.

Well you probably need to go and find your own country, there are just too many people in this country that believe in "us" and not "me." Personally I'm gratified and encouraged that there are.

I have individual rights that shall not be infringed on and they are not bestowed upon me by a benevolent "gubermint"...they come from my creator. This corporate entity that has been passing itself off as a legitimate governmental body has stolen our sweat equity using a worthless fiat currency to rape, pillage and plunder the resources of weaker countries that did not have the ability to fight off this monstrosity. Unless you understand the root cause, you can't possibly attack this problem and the impending financial collapse that is on the horizon.

That's what the Malheur occupiers thought too. I understand jail has been difficult for them so far.
I hope we have learned something from 1929, 1987, 2002, 2008, it is those lessons we should take to heart. God isn't needed in our economic stability, it is god given common sense.

Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.

I will bet you a dime to a dollar that you have no clue as to what the"roaring 20's" were about and what caused the crash in 1929, who benefitted from it and why it lasted as long as it did...........
Please point me to examples of those experiments to prove they are worthy of replacing government health, where are they?

We're not. But according to you liberals - your hearts bleed around the clock for those so less fortunate. If that's the case, you liberals are worthy. Something tells me many of you are paralyzed with fear that this would prove you're not as worthy and you don't care as much as you'd like people to believe.

I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Thank God Republican's have finally become "afraid to come to the table". For over 100 years "compromise" has meant sliding further left on every "deal". When has the left ever compromised to take things to the right - back towards the U.S. Constitution where we started? When have liberals ever proposed ridding the federal government of the department of education? The department of energy? National Endowment for the Arts? National Wild Horse and Burro Program?!? Yes....we actually have a fucking "National Wild Horse and Burro Program. And why? Because "compromise" to libtards means an ever lasting slide into communism without any capitulation on their part other than maybe "compromising" on the speed at which we move left. Wow. Some "compromise" by you people. Very big of you.

Those are the facts. And they are indisputable.

You're slipping again Mr. Rebubbaklan, you've done pretty well until now. The only program I've seen come up repeatedly is the Department of Education. There was a point in time when Republicans could have taken it down and didn't, so I wouldn't put that on the shoulders of Democrats alone.
And you do realize that the Republican Party is almost exclusively made up of true liberals, don't you? And the Democrat Party has been completely hijacked by the socialists (ahem...Bernie Sanders anyone?!?), marxists (ahem.....Barack Obama anyone?!?), and the communists.

What is happening in the Democratic party is every bit as interesting as what is happening in the Republican party. New parties and new ideas are being forged and the next five years should be very interesting. I have no way of knowing just hoe far each will be pushed or how they will react, but what we end up with will be very interesting indeed.
The death of fellow citizens to me isn't an option

The violation of the U.S. Constitution isn't an option to me. And only one of us is being a hypocrite here. You haven't shed too many tears for the millions of "fellow citizens" who have died to give you freedom and the U.S. Constitution. I honor their sacrifice by vehemently defending and upholding what they gave their life for. You want to render their death senseless and make their efforts in vain by surrendering what it is they died for just so you can supposedly save someone else who didn't even make that same sacrifice.

Well you probably need to go and find your own country, there are just too many people in this country that believe in "us" and not "me." Personally I'm gratified and encouraged that there are.

I have individual rights that shall not be infringed on and they are not bestowed upon me by a benevolent "gubermint"...they come from my creator. This corporate entity that has been passing itself off as a legitimate governmental body has stolen our sweat equity using a worthless fiat currency to rape, pillage and plunder the resources of weaker countries that did not have the ability to fight off this monstrosity. Unless you understand the root cause, you can't possibly attack this problem and the impending financial collapse that is on the horizon.

That's what the Malheur occupiers thought too. I understand jail has been difficult for them so far.

So, what you are saying is that "da gubermint" is the end all be all? That they have carte blanche to make up the rules as they go? That's tyranny and I will never submit nor will I ever comply....etch that in stone.
I hope we have learned something from 1929, 1987, 2002, 2008, it is those lessons we should take to heart. God isn't needed in our economic stability, it is god given common sense.

Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.

I will bet you a dime to a dollar that you have no clue as to what the"roaring 20's" were about and what caused the crash in 1929, who benefitted from it and why it lasted as long as it did...........

Well you would be wrong and if you want to debate it I would be happy to somewhere else like the clean debate zone.
Why did you not include the Depression of 1921?

Are you saying that there have been only three recessions since 1929?
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.

I will bet you a dime to a dollar that you have no clue as to what the"roaring 20's" were about and what caused the crash in 1929, who benefitted from it and why it lasted as long as it did...........

Well you would be wrong and if you want to debate it I would be happy to somewhere else like the clean debate zone.

Debating it here is just fine.........so what caused the crash of 1929 in your opinion?
The death of fellow citizens to me isn't an option

The violation of the U.S. Constitution isn't an option to me. And only one of us is being a hypocrite here. You haven't shed too many tears for the millions of "fellow citizens" who have died to give you freedom and the U.S. Constitution. I honor their sacrifice by vehemently defending and upholding what they gave their life for. You want to render their death senseless and make their efforts in vain by surrendering what it is they died for just so you can supposedly save someone else who didn't even make that same sacrifice.

Well you probably need to go and find your own country, there are just too many people in this country that believe in "us" and not "me." Personally I'm gratified and encouraged that there are.

I have individual rights that shall not be infringed on and they are not bestowed upon me by a benevolent "gubermint"...they come from my creator. This corporate entity that has been passing itself off as a legitimate governmental body has stolen our sweat equity using a worthless fiat currency to rape, pillage and plunder the resources of weaker countries that did not have the ability to fight off this monstrosity. Unless you understand the root cause, you can't possibly attack this problem and the impending financial collapse that is on the horizon.

That's what the Malheur occupiers thought too. I understand jail has been difficult for them so far.

So, what you are saying is that "da gubermint" is the end all be all? That they have carte blanche to make up the rules as they go? That's tyranny and I will never submit nor will I ever comply....etch that in stone.

No of course not. The government has a lot of latitude to protect the status quo, your position is merely an attempt to have the say so, what develops over that is a tussle of power. Get the power, you get the say so.
Same reason I didn't include the recession of 1937, or the depression of 1921, they were over very quickly.

Why was the depression of 1921 over so quickly? It was definitely as drastic as the Great Depression of 1929.

The birth of the roaring 20's.

I will bet you a dime to a dollar that you have no clue as to what the"roaring 20's" were about and what caused the crash in 1929, who benefitted from it and why it lasted as long as it did...........

Well you would be wrong and if you want to debate it I would be happy to somewhere else like the clean debate zone.

Debating it here is just fine.........so what caused the crash of 1929 in your opinion?
I think I just got done telling you where I would debate, and it isn't on this thread.
What is happening in the Democratic party is every bit as interesting as what is happening in the Republican party. New parties and new ideas are being forged and the next five years should be very interesting. I have no way of knowing just hoe far each will be pushed or how they will react, but what we end up with will be very interesting indeed.

I can tell you exactly where we will end up if we don't restore constitutional government. A North Korean nanny-state. Devoid of rights and privacy. We're about 75% of the way there already. Did you see where New York City made it a crime to not spread a lie? The government had deemed that a person can choose their gender even though that is scientifically decided by chromosomes. Well, in New York City, if a business owner (such as a landlord) calls a person by their biological gender rather than the gender desired by the person with the mental illness, they will be charged with a crime. In other words, by law, the landlord must deny science and reality and propagate a lie. That is some scary shit right there. That is vintage George Orwell 1984.

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