I have a theory on the Ukraine "whistle blower"


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
First, it seems evident that members of our intelligence agencies continue to spy on Trump. One such member caught wind of Trump speaking to the Ukraine President about possible corruption by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. He (or she) shared this information with "higher ups" in the deep state and when the news reached someone (Joe Biden? Barack Obama? Another?), panic ensued. The "whistle blower" was instructed to anonymously go public with the claims about Trump demanding "dirt" on Biden in return for U.S. financial aid.

Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama. Therefore, there is an all-out effort to delegitimize Trump and any subsequent investigation that the left would, potentially, claim to be tainted. They will claim that Trump and the Ukraine President conspired or "colluded" to create false "crimes".

What do you think?
I think Biden went sniffing in the wrong yard, and got caught...
First, it seems evident that members of our intelligence agencies continue to spy on Trump. One such member caught wind of Trump speaking to the Ukraine President about possible corruption by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. He (or she) shared this information with "higher ups" in the deep state and when the news reached someone (Joe Biden? Barack Obama? Another?), panic ensued. The "whistle blower" was instructed to anonymously go public with the claims about Trump demanding "dirt" on Biden in return for U.S. financial aid.

Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama. Therefore, there is an all-out effort to delegitimize Trump and any subsequent investigation that the left would, potentially, claim to be tainted. They will claim that Trump and the Ukraine President conspired or "colluded" to create false "crimes".

What do you think?

It is plausible, as the law is just a rough guideline for Democrats now and really doesn't mean anything to them.
First, it seems evident that members of our intelligence agencies continue to spy on Trump. One such member caught wind of Trump speaking to the Ukraine President about possible corruption by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. He (or she) shared this information with "higher ups" in the deep state and when the news reached someone (Joe Biden? Barack Obama? Another?), panic ensued. The "whistle blower" was instructed to anonymously go public with the claims about Trump demanding "dirt" on Biden in return for U.S. financial aid.

Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama. Therefore, there is an all-out effort to delegitimize Trump and any subsequent investigation that the left would, potentially, claim to be tainted. They will claim that Trump and the Ukraine President conspired or "colluded" to create false "crimes".

What do you think?

The entire "Trump/Russia" hoax was built on Democrat lies and fabrications. They even paid the Russians to concoct a phony "dossier" in order to unseat Trump.

As it's already been proven how deceitful and unprincipled the democrats are, and how they have nothing left in their playbook, one can only deduce that this is also a fabricated hoax. It doesn't take a fucking Einstein to figure this one out.

Like they say: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.."
Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama.
Absolutely correct. I'm from Ukraine and tell you for sure: Soros and his puppets like Obama and Biden have a lot to hide in corrupt Ukraine and they DO NOT want the world to know that dirty truth. However it would be very beneficial to all the sane people in the world to pull out that ugly truth about Soros&Co from my miserable country occupied by Soros and his puppets since they overthrew our dully elected president in 2014.
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Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama.
Absolutely correct. I'm from Ukraine and tell you for sure: Soros and his puppets like Obama and Biden have a lot to hide in corrupt Ukraine and they DO NOT want the world to know that dirty truth. However it would be very beneficial to all the sane people in the world to pull out that ugly truth about Soros&Co from my miserable country occupied by Soros and his puppets since they overthrew our dully elected president in 2016.
Hmm the people of the world's interest vrs the International Oligarchs....who would win?

Let me think about it...….

Still thinking...….
The entire "Trump/Russia" hoax was built on Democrat lies and fabrications. They even paid the Russians to concoct a phony "dossier" in order to unseat Trump.
Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: It's very important to understand where this McCarthy style campaign originated from. It was driven by a number of reasons. One was Donald Trump himself, he was the one who went against the Establishment. Russia was a more and more seen as an adversary of the USA. Finally, external forces played their own role in the entire story. I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

Ukraine should have been deeply investigated for interfering in US elections, where is Mr. Mueller when he's really needed?
First, it seems evident that members of our intelligence agencies continue to spy on Trump. One such member caught wind of Trump speaking to the Ukraine President about possible corruption by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. He (or she) shared this information with "higher ups" in the deep state and when the news reached someone (Joe Biden? Barack Obama? Another?), panic ensued. The "whistle blower" was instructed to anonymously go public with the claims about Trump demanding "dirt" on Biden in return for U.S. financial aid.

Perhaps an investigation would yield evidence or even proof of corruption, which would reflect negatively on Biden and Obama. Therefore, there is an all-out effort to delegitimize Trump and any subsequent investigation that the left would, potentially, claim to be tainted. They will claim that Trump and the Ukraine President conspired or "colluded" to create false "crimes".

What do you think?

I think you nailed it.
Dems think they have a reason to impeach Trump for "putting a pressure" on Ukrainian president. But in 2014 Dems (Obama/Soros) overthrew a dully elected president of Ukraine and installed Soros puppet regime there. Putting a pressure" , my ass! vs overthrowing of our dully elected president!!!!

Luke 6:41
Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

I can tell you for sure that Ukrainian officials won't investigate Biden: over 70% of new government there are Soros' people.
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Dems think they have a reason to impeach Trump for "putting a pressure" on Ukrainian president. But in 2014 Dems (Obama/Soros) overthrew a dully elected president of Ukraine and installed Soros puppet regime there. How come "putting a pressure" is a worse crime than overthrowing a president?

Luke 6:41
Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

I can tell you for sure that Ukrainian officials won't investigate Biden: over 70% of new government there are Soros' people.
You can prove that they`re Soros` people or are you just taking your instructions from Russian trolls. They`ve been known to target Trump`s simpletons.
Dems think they have a reason to impeach Trump for "putting a pressure" on Ukrainian president. But in 2014 Dems (Obama/Soros) overthrew a dully elected president of Ukraine and installed Soros puppet regime there. How come "putting a pressure" is a worse crime than overthrowing a president?

Luke 6:41
Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

I can tell you for sure that Ukrainian officials won't investigate Biden: over 70% of new government there are Soros' people.
You can prove that they`re Soros` people or are you just taking your instructions from Russian trolls. They`ve been known to target Trump`s simpletons.
You can prove nothing in a corrupt and Soros controlled Ukraine right now. But as soon as Soros gets out off Ukraine (and hopefully, investigated) a lot of dirty and criminal things will be proved, including Ukrainian interference in US elections. The sooner the better.
[QUOTE="Stratford57, post: 23173708, member: 49659"my miserable country occupied by Soros and his puppets since they overthrew our dully elected president in 2016.
Hmm the people of the world's interest vrs the International Oligarchs....who would win?
Let me think about it...….
Still thinking...….[/QUOTE]
Still thinking on it.....

All this is happening because there was no punishment for the people that created the Russian hoax, just like there was more dirt on Judge Kavanaugh because Christine Blasey Ford is not doing time for perjury
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