I have been Called to the Principal's Office

All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time they're told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.
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This is a Outline of the principal's Response to My Complaint:

1. He noted that weekly emails had been received for 4 weeks into the school year when it "continued to come to [his] attention" that the emails had been sent.

2. He distributed research that I had cited, supporting that frequent, timely, and detailed grading was fundamental to good teaching practice

3. He decided it "was the best idea" to host a meeting.

4. As far as He can tell, since the meeting the teachers, "have been working hard to meet the requests of Mr. Samson."

IOW: The expected Coverage of the Ass has been done. The teachers are complying with my request. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time their told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.

I AM a great example. Evidenced by the fact that my child graduated HS with a 4.0 and received a full scholarship to the University of Arkansas where he is currently making oh all As.

And not once did I have to badger a teacher for his graded papers.
This is a Outline of the principal's Response to My Complaint:

1. He noted that weekly emails had been received for 4 weeks into the school year when it "continued to come to [his] attention" that the emails had been sent.

2. He distributed research that I had cited, supporting that frequent, timely, and detailed grading was fundamental to good teaching practice

3. He decided it "was the best idea" to host a meeting.

4. As far as He can tell, since the meeting the teachers, "have been working hard to meet the requests of Mr. Samson."

IOW: The expected Coverage of the Ass has been done. The teachers are complying with my request. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yet weren't you still having problems with at least one teacher? Does his outline make you feel that it's about as good as it's going to get?
This is a Outline of the principal's Response to My Complaint:

1. He noted that weekly emails had been received for 4 weeks into the school year when it "continued to come to [his] attention" that the emails had been sent.

2. He distributed research that I had cited, supporting that frequent, timely, and detailed grading was fundamental to good teaching practice

3. He decided it "was the best idea" to host a meeting.

4. As far as He can tell, since the meeting the teachers, "have been working hard to meet the requests of Mr. Samson."

IOW: The expected Coverage of the Ass has been done. The teachers are complying with my request. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yet weren't you still having problems with at least one teacher? Does his outline make you feel that it's about as good as it's going to get?

Yes, I was having "trouble" with the Biology teacher after the meeting, which was why I had to put together the complaint. The principal's account isn't quite accurate, but it does cover his ass, and the teachers have, for the past two weeks at least, complied.

I'm a little interested as to whom the document I received was addressed. Oddly it begins with:

"What: Written summary of conference with Samson

From: Principal

Date: November 9, 2010

Where: Conference Room, High School"

I wonder why "To: ???" was omitted?? I can only guess that would give me a clue as to who to contact next up in the layers of the local School District Bureaucracy in case I was not satisfied with this response.
Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time their told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.

I AM a great example. Evidenced by the fact that my child graduated HS with a 4.0 and received a full scholarship to the University of Arkansas where he is currently making oh all As.

And not once did I have to badger a teacher for his graded papers.

The only evidence I have is your postings.

They only reveal your below average intellectual grasp of most situations which probably accounts for your need to be told what to do most of the time.
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Yeah...they probably have some cookie cutter stuff for you that they gin up in the Teacher's Lounge while swapping stories about you and your kid. Congrats. Your kid's work will now be pencil-whipped to make sure he gets passed on to the next grade and they don't have to deal with you anymore.
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time they're told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.
From what I've read...doesn't seem to me that he was doing the advocating for himself...it was YOU stepping in and demanding things in his name. You don't think he isn't learning to throw his weight around from that?
Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time they're told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.
From what I've read...doesn't seem to me that he was doing the advocating for himself...it was YOU stepping in and demanding things in his name. You don't think he isn't learning to throw his weight around from that?


If indeed you've read this account, then it should be clear that the "demands," requests, and discussions, covered a period of about 10 weeks. Actually, with the 60 day response from the district due in January, the matter could be said to be still open.

If I had demanded anything, it would that the situation be resolved after ONE week; however, the district has a defined method of filing complaints, and I followed it to the letter. The purpose for having a method of filing complaints is, in fact, to avoid having anyone with a whim about what should be taught, and how it should be taught, from capreciously fiddling with the system whenever the mood strikes them.

You're correct that he really hasn't advocated for himself: That's why I said he's LEARNING to do it, the right way: Document, Document, Document, Document, Meet and present your position, base your position on confirmed research, Document, Document, Document, Document, Use the District's complaint form (attaching all documentation), give the Principal 10 days to investigate/make changes, give the District 60 days to respond, go before the School Board to complain is there is continued dissatisfaction.

Not really the least complicated method of resolution, and hardly one that reflects a "bullying" character.
I taught him to advocate for himself in the face of unmoving bureaucracy, and how to win against unyielding bullshit.

King George III may be your hero, but he's not mine. You go ahead and teach your kids to be pussies, and how to bend over every time they're told to reach for the soap.

I'm sure you'll be a great example.
From what I've read...doesn't seem to me that he was doing the advocating for himself...it was YOU stepping in and demanding things in his name. You don't think he isn't learning to throw his weight around from that?


If indeed you've read this account, then it should be clear that the "demands," requests, and discussions, covered a period of about 10 weeks. Actually, with the 60 day response from the district due in January, the matter could be said to be still open.

If I had demanded anything, it would that the situation be resolved after ONE week; however, the district has a defined method of filing complaints, and I followed it to the letter. The purpose for having a method of filing complaints is, in fact, to avoid having anyone with a whim about what should be taught, and how it should be taught, from capreciously fiddling with the system whenever the mood strikes them.

You're correct that he really hasn't advocated for himself: That's why I said he's LEARNING to do it, the right way: Document, Document, Document, Document, Meet and present your position, base your position on confirmed research, Document, Document, Document, Document, Use the District's complaint form (attaching all documentation), give the Principal 10 days to investigate/make changes, give the District 60 days to respond, go before the School Board to complain is there is continued dissatisfaction.

Not really the least complicated method of resolution, and hardly one that reflects a "bullying" character.

Sure is....the kind of bully who threatens lawsuits. The kind of bully who is a litigation fool. The kind of bully that plays the system to the nth degree just so they can be the center of attention.
From what I've read...doesn't seem to me that he was doing the advocating for himself...it was YOU stepping in and demanding things in his name. You don't think he isn't learning to throw his weight around from that?


If indeed you've read this account, then it should be clear that the "demands," requests, and discussions, covered a period of about 10 weeks. Actually, with the 60 day response from the district due in January, the matter could be said to be still open.

If I had demanded anything, it would that the situation be resolved after ONE week; however, the district has a defined method of filing complaints, and I followed it to the letter. The purpose for having a method of filing complaints is, in fact, to avoid having anyone with a whim about what should be taught, and how it should be taught, from capreciously fiddling with the system whenever the mood strikes them.

You're correct that he really hasn't advocated for himself: That's why I said he's LEARNING to do it, the right way: Document, Document, Document, Document, Meet and present your position, base your position on confirmed research, Document, Document, Document, Document, Use the District's complaint form (attaching all documentation), give the Principal 10 days to investigate/make changes, give the District 60 days to respond, go before the School Board to complain is there is continued dissatisfaction.

Not really the least complicated method of resolution, and hardly one that reflects a "bullying" character.

Sure is....the kind of bully who threatens lawsuits. The kind of bully who is a litigation fool. The kind of bully that plays the system to the nth degree just so they can be the center of attention.

Come on bodecea, he had a legitimate concern and question. We pay taxes to support the schools that we are compelled by law to send our children to unless we opt to homeschool or send them to private schools. Stonewalling a parent who wants to know what their child is being taught and getting to see actual work papers is unacceptable. The biggest issue with the state of our education today is lack of parental involvement. This idea of packing junior onto the bus and he's yours for the next 6 to 7 hours, five days a week for nine months out of the year.......give me back an educated child is what is killing education. When my son was in grade school, papers were sent home everyday. We reviewed them, found any errors and gave them back to him to correct. We didn't give him the answers, we simply pointed out the errors. He had to do the work. I began to worry if his A's were really A's since we were showing him his mistakes. Every single teacher told me NO, as long as you are not giving him the answers and make him work and figure it out. They all said they wish every parent took enough interest in their child's education to do this. But DWTS is on TV and they can't be bothered. When they move to junior high and senior high, the teachers have a tendancy to hold all work in a notebook that you can only see at teacher/parent conference or at the end of the year. There is a disconnect there. Now you are expected to log on to a website and view a grade and nothing but a grade. As a parent concerned with my child's quality of education, I have an issue with that. My tax dollars pay for the schools, the teachers and the admins. There needs to be some accountability.....especially when a parent asks to see their childs work. How hard is that to do? Why would a teacher or school balk at that?
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From what I've read...doesn't seem to me that he was doing the advocating for himself...it was YOU stepping in and demanding things in his name. You don't think he isn't learning to throw his weight around from that?


If indeed you've read this account, then it should be clear that the "demands," requests, and discussions, covered a period of about 10 weeks. Actually, with the 60 day response from the district due in January, the matter could be said to be still open.

If I had demanded anything, it would that the situation be resolved after ONE week; however, the district has a defined method of filing complaints, and I followed it to the letter. The purpose for having a method of filing complaints is, in fact, to avoid having anyone with a whim about what should be taught, and how it should be taught, from capreciously fiddling with the system whenever the mood strikes them.

You're correct that he really hasn't advocated for himself: That's why I said he's LEARNING to do it, the right way: Document, Document, Document, Document, Meet and present your position, base your position on confirmed research, Document, Document, Document, Document, Use the District's complaint form (attaching all documentation), give the Principal 10 days to investigate/make changes, give the District 60 days to respond, go before the School Board to complain is there is continued dissatisfaction.

Not really the least complicated method of resolution, and hardly one that reflects a "bullying" character.

Sure is....the kind of bully who threatens lawsuits. The kind of bully who is a litigation fool. The kind of bully that plays the system to the nth degree just so they can be the center of attention.

I suppose I should have contacted the ACLU and claimed to be a disinfrachized lesbian.:(
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If indeed you've read this account, then it should be clear that the "demands," requests, and discussions, covered a period of about 10 weeks. Actually, with the 60 day response from the district due in January, the matter could be said to be still open.

If I had demanded anything, it would that the situation be resolved after ONE week; however, the district has a defined method of filing complaints, and I followed it to the letter. The purpose for having a method of filing complaints is, in fact, to avoid having anyone with a whim about what should be taught, and how it should be taught, from capreciously fiddling with the system whenever the mood strikes them.

You're correct that he really hasn't advocated for himself: That's why I said he's LEARNING to do it, the right way: Document, Document, Document, Document, Meet and present your position, base your position on confirmed research, Document, Document, Document, Document, Use the District's complaint form (attaching all documentation), give the Principal 10 days to investigate/make changes, give the District 60 days to respond, go before the School Board to complain is there is continued dissatisfaction.

Not really the least complicated method of resolution, and hardly one that reflects a "bullying" character.

Sure is....the kind of bully who threatens lawsuits. The kind of bully who is a litigation fool. The kind of bully that plays the system to the nth degree just so they can be the center of attention.

I suppose I should have contacted the ACLU and claimed to be a disinfrachized lesbian.:(

If that could have worked for you, I'm sure you would consider it.
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?
Sure is....the kind of bully who threatens lawsuits. The kind of bully who is a litigation fool. The kind of bully that plays the system to the nth degree just so they can be the center of attention.

I suppose I should have contacted the ACLU and claimed to be a disinfrachized lesbian.:(

If that could have worked for you, I'm sure you would consider it.

If it will make you feel better, I'll demand to chaparone the prom while wearing a little black dress.
If that could have worked for you, I'm sure you would consider it.

If it will make you feel better, I'll demand to chaparone the prom while wearing a little black dress.

Once again, I doubt you have ever volunteered to do ANYTHING at you child's school.

That would make a great thread instead of a non-sequitur posting....

....but I'm sure you cannot comprehend why.
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That would make a great thread instead of a non-sequitur posting....

....but I'm sure you cannot comprehend why.

Now Now Samson. You know you are a member of the liars club!!
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

I don't think Samson was bullying them but asking them to do their jobs. For lack of a better word, for those who's excuse is always, over worked, under paid. AND union workers, sometimes "bullying" is the only method that lits the fire under them .

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