I have been Called to the Principal's Office

Well I've read through enough of 'no papers, totally digital,' Samson, did you ever get the superintendent's or board's response? I'm hoping it's reasonable?

I'll go pick-up the Principal's report to the District Monday. I'm wondering why they didn't mail it? I suspect they're waiting to see how I respond to it before they send it to the District.

Geez, the principal is just getting around to this? For krisakes, I'd be pissed too! By now you should be hearing from his boss, not waiting around.
Well I've read through enough of 'no papers, totally digital,' Samson, did you ever get the superintendent's or board's response? I'm hoping it's reasonable?

I'll go pick-up the Principal's report to the District Monday. I'm wondering why they didn't mail it? I suspect they're waiting to see how I respond to it before they send it to the District.

Geez, the principal is just getting around to this? For krisakes, I'd be pissed too! By now you should be hearing from his boss, not waiting around.

No, he's OK: He had until 11/9/2010 to do it, and the AP called me to tell me it was ready Tuesday.

I need to be up at the school Monday anyway, so it makes it convenient for me to pickup my copy of the report then..

Regardless, between now and the end of the year there are so few weeks left, the point is a little mute.
I'll go pick-up the Principal's report to the District Monday. I'm wondering why they didn't mail it? I suspect they're waiting to see how I respond to it before they send it to the District.

Geez, the principal is just getting around to this? For krisakes, I'd be pissed too! By now you should be hearing from his boss, not waiting around.

No, he's OK: He had until 11/9/2010 to do it, and the AP called me to tell me it was ready Tuesday.

I need to be up at the school Monday anyway, so it makes it convenient for me to pickup my copy of the report then..

Regardless, between now and the end of the year there are so few weeks left, the point is a little mute.

Well in my opinion, you've been at this a long time. He couldn't or wouldn't go beyond the first step, so he needs to kick it up. You shouldn't be in limbo waiting. Honestly, though we don't see eye-to-eye on all aspects of this, you've been more patient than I would have been, if I thought as you do.
Geez, the principal is just getting around to this? For krisakes, I'd be pissed too! By now you should be hearing from his boss, not waiting around.

No, he's OK: He had until 11/9/2010 to do it, and the AP called me to tell me it was ready Tuesday.

I need to be up at the school Monday anyway, so it makes it convenient for me to pickup my copy of the report then..

Regardless, between now and the end of the year there are so few weeks left, the point is a little mute.

Well in my opinion, you've been at this a long time. He couldn't or wouldn't go beyond the first step, so he needs to kick it up. You shouldn't be in limbo waiting. Honestly, though we don't see eye-to-eye on all aspects of this, you've been more patient than I would have been, if I thought as you do.

Well, quite to the contrary of this being some knee-jerk reaction of a demanding parent, it has been a very carefully documented process that has strictly followed all school district requirements: Meaning it cannot be rushed.

Interestingly, all teachers, except for two, will be different next semester.:tongue:
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.

No, you've never taught in public school.

The school district must be desperate if you're truely the best they could find.
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.

No, you've never taught in public school.

The school district must be desperate if you're truely the best they could find.

Does a man who can't seem to manage to get his son to make good grades without a magical paper arriving from each teacher once a week really need to be hurling insults? My own son just graduated last May with a 4.0. From the time he was a sophomore on I never knew what was going on in his classes other than when report cards came around he had As, there was no need to.

I'm thinking perhaps you and Junior need to do a little self evaluation.
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.

No, you've never taught in public school.

The school district must be desperate if you're truely the best they could find.

Does a man who can't seem to manage to get his son to make good grades without a magical paper arriving from each teacher once a week really need to be hurling insults? My own son just graduated last May with a 4.0. From the time he was a sophomore on I never knew what was going on in his classes other than when report cards came around he had As, there was no need to.

I'm thinking perhaps you and Junior need to do a little self evaluation.

And you wonder why people dislike you around here. Here's a clue, you're a major ASS! It's obvious that you came ino the thread late and started offering opinions without reading from the beginning. Don't be that guy.
Bullshit! He's asking to see the measured work of what his child is being taught.

No. The childs final grades are a "measured work of what his child is being taught". Samson is DEMANDING more than just a final grade

Samson has been clear that he will accept no less than one graded assignment from every teacher every week. Why reword it into some"glittering generality" when the specifics are so clear?

Glittering generalities

You sir or madam or idiot or whatever you are are a moron and obviously childless. The child's final grade is made up of all the graded assignments made thru the year. You are aware that many schools send home progress reports about every nine weeks and report cards at the end of semesters aren't you? That is all fine and wonderful, but imagine your surprise if we followed your method and your child brings home an F at year end and has to repeat the year again. Wanting to know how your child is doing along the way to the final grade is natural and normal and has been the standard way of doing things.

Samson has been clear that he will accept no less than one graded assignment from every teacher every week. Why make up stuff like " graded assignments made thru the year"??

Samson has been clear that he will accept no less than one graded assignment from every teacher every week, even if there is no graded assignment for the week

Because I led a push to turn our high school completely digital. Beginning this year, we have no books, no paper tests, nothing. Each child received a laptop at the beginning of the year loaded with all their textbooks and all homework and or tests is done on the laptop and emailed to teachers in the case of homework or done online and monitored by the teacher in the case of tests. So far it's working out really well, but again, there is nothing to return to parents. Although technically that is not true because they could access their child's file on our server and check their coursework anytime they wish.

I see most schools going to this in the next 5 years.

You miss the point conhog. Signing on online and looking at the grade only tells you part of the story. You see a grade, but not the work. My son took pre-AP chemistry. Made an A. He never touched a test tube, touched a chemical or had to learn the periodic chart. Nothing hands on, it was all "book learning". They read about chemical reactions, they didn't see any. I believe you are a vet. Imagine what it would be like if you read a book and watched a video on weapons and never went to the firing range and touched a weapon. Imagine that you are qualified as a sharpshooter based on your multiple choice answers to the video you watched. That is what is going on in our schools today. Looking online and seeing an A makes it easy to satisfy yourself that you have an egghead i nthe class. Being able to hold his paper in your hand, read the questions and see his responses is something else entirely. Parents have a right to know what and how their children are being taught.

If that's why someone is concerned about, then why ask for a copy of the test? If all they're getting is "book learning" then seeing the results of a test or a written assignment won't reveal that they never did anything hands on.

If one si concerned about what and how their child is being taught, then they should ask to see the curriculum and the lesson plans. But that would take some time to review all that. I get the impression Samson isn't interested in doing much work, unless it involves annoying someone.
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.

No, you've never taught in public school.

The school district must be desperate if you're truely the best they could find.

According to you, the teachers don't know how to teach, and the non-teachers don't know how to teach

No one knows better than Samson:lol::lol:
You sound like you're just being a pain in the ass. Have I taught? Well does teaching new soldiers how to survive in a war environment count?

By the way, I am OBVIOUSLY doing something right as I've been reelected to the school board twice after my original term.

No, you've never taught in public school.

The school district must be desperate if you're truely the best they could find.

Does a man who can't seem to manage to get his son to make good grades without a magical paper arriving from each teacher once a week really need to be hurling insults? My own son just graduated last May with a 4.0. From the time he was a sophomore on I never knew what was going on in his classes other than when report cards came around he had As, there was no need to.

I'm thinking perhaps you and Junior need to do a little self evaluation.

He can't even communicate with his own child , and he thinks he has the credibility to tell teachers how to communicate and teach to a class full of children:cuckoo:
I'm assuming you are saying that you think I'm a decent teacher, from what you know of me. I'll concur. ;) Seems the two districts I'm now subbing in agree, as I'm being requested faster than I can block myself out for jobs accepted. Now the question will be, will any hire me for the coming year?

For nearly a month now, sans 4 assignments, all my jobs have been in special ed, which I do NOT have an endorsement in. However, since I began teaching, I've differentiated my lessons and assessments. I've gotten my master degree in admin, with differentiation as a concentration. Don't blame me on the idiocy of such, blame the university. I KNOW it's illogical, but heh, it works for certification. Perhaps we can agree, that staff needs some differentiation? ;)

I guess I bring up the IEP, as a defense against those like Squeeze that are attacking.

Truthfully, I think you should have seen what compromises you could have made with the teachers, though with an IEP, principal was the best route.

If it was for a student without an IEP, I would assume the board would shoot your 'demand' down, but agree that the spirit of your request should be seriously considered by each teacher.

As I said, without an IEP, I'd say, "Mr. S, I don't grade/correct subjective responses, but here is your son's/daughter's response to these remarks on 'such and such date' in 3 minutes before leaving class on this date. Here is the text of my note outlines and that is what they were responding to. Tomorrow I'll send you my notes on adjustments to my lessons. If you have any questions, please call me between 7:20-7:55 am or after 2:15." I'd also tell you what we did in class, besides my notes.

Could I recite verbatim all the discussion, questions? No. From your posts I'm assuming you'd want my hide for so little info.

Now maybe I'm reading you wrong, but if I'm right, yeah, the administration should be protecting the teachers from that. At least if they can demonstrate that the kids are learning and have been based on test results and standardized tests.

An average unit has plenty of assessments for the results you are asking for, though may not be at the frequency you demand:

Civil War-5 weeks:

9 quizzes
40 bell ringers
3 tests
15 assignments

Seems like enough grades to me in 7th grade for 5 weeks.

Again, my primary objective is not to evaluate teachers bases on the quality of their assignments, grading, or whatever: ALL I want to see is some minimum effort. While I have been shocked at the astonishingly low standards this has yielded, I have not complained about it.

Gee, and I thought this had something to do with your child; not an evaluation of the teachers efforts

that ^ is really what it's all about
Again, my primary objective is not to evaluate teachers bases on the quality of their assignments, grading, or whatever: ALL I want to see is some minimum effort. While I have been shocked at the astonishingly low standards this has yielded, I have not complained about it.

Gee, and I thought this had something to do with your child; not an evaluation of the teachers efforts

that ^ is really what it's all about


What it's really about is Samsons need to exert the only power he has; the power to annoy
All teachers complied with my policy this week.



I just don't get it. If you look on , I believe it's called Infinite Campus at Samson's school, and see that the child is making good grades why do you need further evidence?

Here's an idea Samson, if you want to evaluate where your child is on a national level go to Barnes and Noble and spend $50 on a SAT study guide, it comes with practice tests, have him take those practice tests and if the results fall below what you find acceptable and you feel the problem isn't your child's aptitude, THEN you might have cause to question what is being taught at his school.

The main thing here is that you are refusing to see one simple thing. There are standards that each class has to meet, and they are being met, guarantee that. It's not like no one is checking if you aren't down at the school making demands.

One graded paper per week returned home is NOT one of those standards.
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

He's already paying a price. He and his child have a communication problem and he just taught his child that it's the teachers fault.

And I suspect that Samson will claim that he is now receiving everything he asked for in order to avoid admitting failure. He has no idea that he is failing his child, or how.
All teachers complied with my policy this week.




Congratulations, you have taught your child that being a bully will get him what he wants.

Although I suspect he will pay the price for your arrogance, don't think his work might be graded a little more closely than that of some of the other kids do you?

He's already paying a price. He and his child have a communication problem and he just taught his child that it's the teachers fault.

And I suspect that Samson will claim that he is now receiving everything he asked for in order to avoid admitting failure. He has no idea that he is failing his child, or how.
Yep, I said this awhile ago in the thread and Samson the coward put me on ignore for saying it.

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