I have been waiting two days to post this thread: Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory

Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.


If you want to change your handle talk to the mods.

That Klan was founded Thanksgiving Day 1915 by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons at Stone Mountain Georgia.

Which comes first --- 1908 or 1915? Feel free to use Google.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

My mistake I do apologies ..1924

December 5 1924 throw that man a fish. A month after the election in which the Klan endorsed Coolidge. I tried to tell the guy nobody holds political conventions on trolley tracks. The funniest part of this grand faux pas is that he got it from ---- Chuck Woolery. Yup, he mined his history from a fat ex-TV game show host. Serves him right.

You tried to spin it and I caught you..

So who is your daddy?

Bear513 is... :)

Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.


If you want to change your handle talk to the mods.

That Klan was founded Thanksgiving Day 1915 by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons at Stone Mountain Georgia.

Which comes first --- 1908 or 1915? Feel free to use Google.

Try 1865

KKK founded
Share this:

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.


If you want to change your handle talk to the mods.

That Klan was founded Thanksgiving Day 1915 by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons at Stone Mountain Georgia.

Which comes first --- 1908 or 1915? Feel free to use Google.

In 1865...

Quit spinning

KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

My mistake I do apologies ..1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Ku Klux Klan.CreditThe New York Times

By Jim Dwyer

March 15, 2016
A presidential candidate who banked on support from the Ku Klux Klan. Blunt demands to ban certain religions and races from playing a full role in society. Violence and disorder at campaign rallies.

And a political party that tore itself apart not only over whom it would nominate for president, but also over whether religious and racial bigotry would be visible in its fabric.

Welcome to the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, when the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Klan, fiercely opposed by the Tammany Hall Democrats. It was the longest political convention in American history, going 16 days and requiring 103 ballots before a compromise candidate was selected

Ah well if it's a tangent you want --- the Klan had camped out in New Jersey across the river and kept agitating against the country's leading voices denouncing the Klan, one Oscar Underwood, Senator of Alabama, and Al Smith of New York. Klan tried to get sycophant William Gibbs McAdoo of California nominated. McAdoo didn't court the Klan but also wouldn't denounce them. After many deadlocked votes they settled on a dark horse Ambassador John Davis --- who then promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The Klan then endorsed Coolidge, the only major candidate who didn't denounce them. Klan had a lot of influence that year, electing governors in Maine, Kansas, Colorado and Indiana as well as a Colorado Senator, a mayor in Portland (OR) and the city council of Anaheim. All Republicans.

But we digress.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.


If you want to change your handle talk to the mods.

That Klan was founded Thanksgiving Day 1915 by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons at Stone Mountain Georgia.

Which comes first --- 1908 or 1915? Feel free to use Google.

Try 1865

KKK founded
Share this:

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population

That's the original Klan. It was defunct within ten years.

Read back --- I said that Klan. The one in the picture from 1924. The big one. The one that made all the noise about Prohibition and labor unions and immigrants and Catholics and Jews and loose women.
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

My father was born in the twenties, suffered under the depression. He fought in WW2. He was a union man, through and through. I wonder WHO is opposed to unions NOW? Because if they are, they need to explain themselves...
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

My mistake I do apologies ..1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Ku Klux Klan.CreditThe New York Times

By Jim Dwyer

March 15, 2016
A presidential candidate who banked on support from the Ku Klux Klan. Blunt demands to ban certain religions and races from playing a full role in society. Violence and disorder at campaign rallies.

And a political party that tore itself apart not only over whom it would nominate for president, but also over whether religious and racial bigotry would be visible in its fabric.

Welcome to the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, when the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Klan, fiercely opposed by the Tammany Hall Democrats. It was the longest political convention in American history, going 16 days and requiring 103 ballots before a compromise candidate was selected

Ah well if it's a tangent you want --- the Klan had camped out in New Jersey across the river and kept agitating against the country's leading voice denouncing the Klan, one Oscar Underwood, Senator of Alabama, and Al Smith of New York. Klan tried to get sycophant William Gibbs McAdoo of California nominated. McAdoo didn't court the Klan but also wouldn't denounce them. After many deadlocked votes they settled on a dark horse Ambassador John Davis --- who then promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The Klan then endorsed Coolidge, the only major candidate who didn't denounce them. Klan had a lot of influence that year, electing governors in Maine, Kansas, Colorado and Indiana as well as a Colorado Senator, a mayor in Portland (OR) and the city council of Anaheim. All Republicans.

But we digress.

You lie who am I to believe a transplant from Philly or real facts? The KKK was started in 1865 after the damn civil war quit lying..
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

My father was born in the twenties, suffered under the depression. He fought in WW2 He was a union man, through and trough. I wonder WHO is opposed to unions NOW? Because if they are, they need to explain themselves...

It's to numerous to explain to you, no offense but if your father was born in the 1920s you must be 95 years old today and don't have a clue.
Trying to edge back toward the thread topic......

It would be easier to accept people who choose not to join unions being forced to pay some part of the costs of union wage/condition negotiations if it were also made a felony punishable by life imprisonment for spending one dime of union dues on any political activism including party/candidate contributions. Now if there were a separate fund to which union members could donate to specific parties/causes/candidates that would be fair until the day, probably late in the afternoon of day 1, when people were coerced to "donate".
Unions are the bane of the American worker. ... :cool:

I was in a union job once for a year. Great money but the mentality of the workers was bizarre. Half of them were hard workers, and the other half were super lazy because they knew it was almost impossible to get fired on a union job.

I'm surprised that a privately owned company that has a Union can make any money? .... :dunno:

But I guess that's why government Union jobs don't have to be profitable. Because they survive on free taxpayer money.
Unions are the bane of the American worker. ... :cool:

I was in a union job once for a year. Great money but the mentality of the workers was bizarre. Half of them were hard workers, and the other half were super lazy because they knew it was almost impossible to get fired on a union job.

I'm surprised that a privite company that has a Union can make any money? .... :dunno:

But I guess that's why government Union jobs don't have to be profitable. Because they survive on free taxpayer money.

Exactly I was in a union for 3 months , I couldn't handle it, every one kept on telling me to slow down , shut up .. take a break on your two hour break , I felt like I was a girl / a whore.
Nobody should be forced to join a union as a condition of employment, aside from the fact they are crooked and corrupt
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

My mistake I do apologies ..1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Ku Klux Klan.CreditThe New York Times

By Jim Dwyer

March 15, 2016
A presidential candidate who banked on support from the Ku Klux Klan. Blunt demands to ban certain religions and races from playing a full role in society. Violence and disorder at campaign rallies.

And a political party that tore itself apart not only over whom it would nominate for president, but also over whether religious and racial bigotry would be visible in its fabric.

Welcome to the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, when the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Klan, fiercely opposed by the Tammany Hall Democrats. It was the longest political convention in American history, going 16 days and requiring 103 ballots before a compromise candidate was selected

Ah well if it's a tangent you want --- the Klan had camped out in New Jersey across the river and kept agitating against the country's leading voice denouncing the Klan, one Oscar Underwood, Senator of Alabama, and Al Smith of New York. Klan tried to get sycophant William Gibbs McAdoo of California nominated. McAdoo didn't court the Klan but also wouldn't denounce them. After many deadlocked votes they settled on a dark horse Ambassador John Davis --- who then promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The Klan then endorsed Coolidge, the only major candidate who didn't denounce them. Klan had a lot of influence that year, electing governors in Maine, Kansas, Colorado and Indiana as well as a Colorado Senator, a mayor in Portland (OR) and the city council of Anaheim. All Republicans.

But we digress.

You lie who am I to believe a transplant from Philly or real facts? The KKK was started in 1865 after the damn civil war quit lying..

December 24 at 205 West Madison Street in the law office of Thomas Jones by Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed to be exact. And again, that Klan was gone by the early 1870s. Meaning that when D.W. Griffith portrayed it in "Birth of a Natio" he was portraying stories from the past. It was in fact that very film that inspired Simmons to rent a bus and go up Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving 1915 and re-establish it using an unsheathed sword, and American flag and a bible, and proceeded to light up the first-ever Klan flaming cross.

1915. You could look it up.

Simmons was trying to (and did) make money off the Birth of a Nation craze by selling memberships.
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

My father was born in the twenties, suffered under the depression. He fought in WW2 He was a union man, through and trough. I wonder WHO is opposed to unions NOW? Because if they are, they need to explain themselves...

It's to numerous to explain to you, no offense but if your father was born in the 1920s you must be 95 years old today and don't have a clue.

Actually my father was born in 1920 and I won't be 95 for three more decades. You don't have a math.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

My mistake I do apologies ..1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Ku Klux Klan.CreditThe New York Times

By Jim Dwyer

March 15, 2016
A presidential candidate who banked on support from the Ku Klux Klan. Blunt demands to ban certain religions and races from playing a full role in society. Violence and disorder at campaign rallies.

And a political party that tore itself apart not only over whom it would nominate for president, but also over whether religious and racial bigotry would be visible in its fabric.

Welcome to the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, when the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Klan, fiercely opposed by the Tammany Hall Democrats. It was the longest political convention in American history, going 16 days and requiring 103 ballots before a compromise candidate was selected

Ah well if it's a tangent you want --- the Klan had camped out in New Jersey across the river and kept agitating against the country's leading voice denouncing the Klan, one Oscar Underwood, Senator of Alabama, and Al Smith of New York. Klan tried to get sycophant William Gibbs McAdoo of California nominated. McAdoo didn't court the Klan but also wouldn't denounce them. After many deadlocked votes they settled on a dark horse Ambassador John Davis --- who then promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The Klan then endorsed Coolidge, the only major candidate who didn't denounce them. Klan had a lot of influence that year, electing governors in Maine, Kansas, Colorado and Indiana as well as a Colorado Senator, a mayor in Portland (OR) and the city council of Anaheim. All Republicans.

But we digress.

You lie who am I to believe a transplant from Philly or real facts? The KKK was started in 1865 after the damn civil war quit lying..

December 24 at 205 West Madison Street in the law office of Thomas Jones by Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed to be exact. And again, that Klan was gone by the early 1870s. Meaning that when D.W. Griffith portrayed it in "Birth of a Natio" he was portraying stories from the past. It was in fact that very film that inspired Simmons to rent a bus and go up Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving 1915 and re-establish it using an unsheathed sword, and American flag and a bible.

1915. You could look it up.

Simmons was trying to (and did) make money off the Birth of a Nation craze by selling memberships.

Get the fuck out of here why would they start it up 50 fucking years latter after the civil war..quit lying pogo.
My mistake I do apologies ..1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

G.O.P. Path Recalls Democrats’ Convention Disaster, in 1924

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Ku Klux Klan.CreditThe New York Times

By Jim Dwyer

March 15, 2016
A presidential candidate who banked on support from the Ku Klux Klan. Blunt demands to ban certain religions and races from playing a full role in society. Violence and disorder at campaign rallies.

And a political party that tore itself apart not only over whom it would nominate for president, but also over whether religious and racial bigotry would be visible in its fabric.

Welcome to the 1924 Democratic National Convention, held at Madison Square Garden in New York, when the most powerful bloc in the Democratic Party was the Klan, fiercely opposed by the Tammany Hall Democrats. It was the longest political convention in American history, going 16 days and requiring 103 ballots before a compromise candidate was selected

Ah well if it's a tangent you want --- the Klan had camped out in New Jersey across the river and kept agitating against the country's leading voice denouncing the Klan, one Oscar Underwood, Senator of Alabama, and Al Smith of New York. Klan tried to get sycophant William Gibbs McAdoo of California nominated. McAdoo didn't court the Klan but also wouldn't denounce them. After many deadlocked votes they settled on a dark horse Ambassador John Davis --- who then promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The Klan then endorsed Coolidge, the only major candidate who didn't denounce them. Klan had a lot of influence that year, electing governors in Maine, Kansas, Colorado and Indiana as well as a Colorado Senator, a mayor in Portland (OR) and the city council of Anaheim. All Republicans.

But we digress.

You lie who am I to believe a transplant from Philly or real facts? The KKK was started in 1865 after the damn civil war quit lying..

December 24 at 205 West Madison Street in the law office of Thomas Jones by Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed to be exact. And again, that Klan was gone by the early 1870s. Meaning that when D.W. Griffith portrayed it in "Birth of a Natio" he was portraying stories from the past. It was in fact that very film that inspired Simmons to rent a bus and go up Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving 1915 and re-establish it using an unsheathed sword, and American flag and a bible.

1915. You could look it up.

Simmons was trying to (and did) make money off the Birth of a Nation craze by selling memberships.

Get the fuck out of here why would they start it up 50 fucking years latter after the civil war..quit lying pogo.

Because ---- and I just said this --- Simmons wanted to capitalize on the then-wild controversy of "Birth of a Nation" and made the Klan pictured in the movie into a real thing that people could join -- for a fee. At the same time, capitalizing on the racism, the xenophobia, the anti-Catholic, the anti-labor, and the Prohibition sentiments of the time.

He chartered it with the state of Georgia and did just that. After a few years he hired an Atlanta PR firm that worked so well in spreading the Klan nationwide, that he was forced out. But suffice to say ---- in 1908 none of that had been done yet.

And as far as "50 years after the Civil War" -- that was the peak period of the Cult of the Lost Cause movement. The same movement --- we use the term as a double entendre ---that put up all those Confederate statues and monuments in public squares as propaganda transmitters FOR that Lost Cause cult, that are finally getting removed. One of those monuments was a plaque on that building in Pulaski, listing those names, put there in 1917.
That's not the story, the story is that's where the Democratic party gets their money. Dem politicians raise taxes on the people, funnel the money to public employees where unions then force employees to pay "dues" which are then kicked back to the Dem politicians. A scheme that would make a mob boss blush.

One thing at a time, this supreme court ruling will be big if they vote against the public Unions.

Dem's are already coming up with schemes to get around the SCOTUS ruling should they lose, typical of lawless lowlife scum.

Without the greedy unions giving them so much campaign money and without the Illegals voting for them the Democrats would have a hard time getting 20% of the vote, wouldn't they?

I like you flash, you hate public Unions as much as I do ..


Why? The Democrats have screwed unions over for so long they are just as much despised as the Republicans.
That's not the story, the story is that's where the Democratic party gets their money. Dem politicians raise taxes on the people, funnel the money to public employees where unions then force employees to pay "dues" which are then kicked back to the Dem politicians. A scheme that would make a mob boss blush.

One thing at a time, this supreme court ruling will be big if they vote against the public Unions.

Dem's are already coming up with schemes to get around the SCOTUS ruling should they lose, typical of lawless lowlife scum.

Without the greedy unions giving them so much campaign money and without the Illegals voting for them the Democrats would have a hard time getting 20% of the vote, wouldn't they?

I like you flash, you hate public Unions as much as I do ..


Why? The Democrats have screwed unions over for so long they are just as much despised as the Republicans.

When Trump was elected that was an indication that the rank and file blue collar (potentially union) workers were starting to understand that the Democrats have nothing for them.

Now if we could just get the Blacks to understand the same thing thing then the Democrat Party would be hard put to ever get more than 20% of the votes.
One thing at a time, this supreme court ruling will be big if they vote against the public Unions.

Dem's are already coming up with schemes to get around the SCOTUS ruling should they lose, typical of lawless lowlife scum.

Without the greedy unions giving them so much campaign money and without the Illegals voting for them the Democrats would have a hard time getting 20% of the vote, wouldn't they?

I like you flash, you hate public Unions as much as I do ..


Why? The Democrats have screwed unions over for so long they are just as much despised as the Republicans.

When Trump was elected that was an indication that the rank and file blue collar (potentially union) workers were starting to understand that the Democrats have nothing for them.

Now if we could just get the Blacks to understand the same thing thing then the Democrat Party would be hard put to ever get more than 20% of the votes.

No. Way before that. In fact, in Ohio unions were backing their own candidates.

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