I have been waiting two days to post this thread: Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory

Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

Public sector unions were such a bad idea even FDR said hell no.

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - NYTimes.com

I've never needed a union,I did my own negotiating.
I've always had insurance,401K and top pay in my field and I got there through hard work.

Then you've been fortunate. I felt and lived thst way for the first twelve years I was in this industry.

I spent three years with a structural engineer, three with a commercial/municipal architect, then five years as a contractor plus a year and a half as a non-union employee with my current employer.

Then in the summer of 2007 my current employer indicated they would be totally revamping our entire work management, engineering, and work close-out process. They called it "Transformation", and our new Management had tried it at teo different companies previously, with apocolyptic results. They'd put one company out of business and nearly run a west ciast utility company into bankrupcy.

Those of us in the engineering and design departments took one look at their plan and immediately realized it waz doomed to fail. We told them thst in no uncertain terms. They didn't listen. We unionized.we got paid to implement their flawed system and now we're getting paid again to undo all of it.

Without the union, most of us would have been let go. Not because we couldn't or wouldn't do the work. It because their flawed system was doomed from the beginning.

Signjng thst union card was the best work decision I've ever made. There isn't enough money or benefits on the Management side to ever get me to leave the union.
I've never needed a union,I did my own negotiating.
I've always had insurance,401K and top pay in my field and I got there through hard work.

Then you've been fortunate. I felt and lived thst way for the first twelve years I was in this industry.

I spent three years with a structural engineer, three with a commercial/municipal architect, then five years as a contractor plus a year and a half as a non-union employee with my current employer.

Then in the summer of 2007 my current employer indicated they would be totally revamping our entire work management, engineering, and work close-out process. They called it "Transformation", and our new Management had tried it at teo different companies previously, with apocolyptic results. They'd put one company out of business and nearly run a west ciast utility company into bankrupcy.

Those of us in the engineering and design departments took one look at their plan and immediately realized it waz doomed to fail. We told them thst in no uncertain terms. They didn't listen. We unionized.we got paid to implement their flawed system and now we're getting paid again to undo all of it.

Without the union, most of us would have been let go. Not because we couldn't or wouldn't do the work. It because their flawed system was doomed from the beginning.

Signjng thst union card was the best work decision I've ever made. There isn't enough money or benefits on the Management side to ever get me to leave the union.

Why would you work for a company with morons running it?
That would have been my que to start looking for a better job.
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

i belonged to a public union and was not forced to join,it was totally voluntary........
Why would you work for a company with morons running it?

That would have been my que to start looking for a better job.

1. Well above market value pay
2. Very good health insurance & benefits
3. A pension
4. A union contract limiting the work I can be forced to do.
5. Wage and Job Protection.

That's a good start.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

The Klan was founded in 1865.

Once AGAIN for those who can't read what's sitting right here in the thread --- not the one I posted the picture of. The original KKK was founded Xmas Eve 1865 but it was defunct and gone within a decade. The one in the picture --- which was the one that battled unions and labor -- and relatedly immigrants and Catholics and Jews --- wasn't founded until Thanksgiving 1915.

I can post this over and over and it's not going to change, because it's recorded history. As such it's non-negotiable.
Why would you work for a company with morons running it?

That would have been my que to start looking for a better job.

1. Well above market value pay
2. Very good health insurance & benefits
3. A pension
4. A union contract limiting the work I can be forced to do.
5. Wage and Job Protection.

That's a good start.

You dont need a union to enjoy those benefits.
You dont need a union to enjoy those benefits.

How do you figure that?

1. My pay rate is probably 35-40% higher in the Union than my education, skills, and experience would draw anywhere else.

2. What I pay for my insurance and the benefits package are far better than anywhere else I've ever worked, and better than the company's Management employees get.

3. My employer doesn't even offer a pension to its own Management hires at thus time. No other company I've worked for offered one.

4. No Non-union position I've ever had came without thst "other duties as assigned" caveat at the end if the job description.

5. Where else do you find a GUARANTEE thst you cannot be laid off, hsve your pay reduced, or be relocated?
You dont need a union to enjoy those benefits.

How do you figure that?

1. My pay rate is probably 35-40% higher in the Union than my education, skills, and experience would draw anywhere else.

2. What I pay for my insurance and the benefits package are far better than anywhere else I've ever worked, and better than the company's Management employees get.

3. My employer doesn't even offer a pension to its own Management hires at thus time. No other company I've worked for offered one.

4. No Non-union position I've ever had came without thst "other duties as assigned" caveat at the end if the job description.

5. Where else do you find a GUARANTEE thst you cannot be laid off, hsve your pay reduced, or be relocated?

So when the company goes broke you still have a job?
So when the company goes broke you still have a job?

This is a private electric utility company. They've made record profits pretty much every year of this decade. As part of a regulated industry, putting an ele tric company out of business is almost impossible. Even if the Company were to be sold, our union contract is required to be honored to its end.
So when the company goes broke you still have a job?

This is a private electric utility company. They've made record profits pretty much every year of this decade. As part of a regulated industry, putting an ele tric company out of business is almost impossible. Even if the Company were to be sold, our union contract is required to be honored to its end.

To the detriment of the customer.
Why would you work for a company with morons running it?

That would have been my que to start looking for a better job.

1. Well above market value pay
2. Very good health insurance & benefits
3. A pension
4. A union contract limiting the work I can be forced to do.
5. Wage and Job Protection.

That's a good start.

You dont need a union to enjoy those benefits.
yea if you work for a company that actually takes care of their employees....lots of them out there dont....
To the detriment of the customer.

We are a Regulated industry. If it's that bad talk to the stste AG and DPU. They don't seem to find it too much of a detriment to our customers.

The customer pays more to cover the ridiculous overhead created by unions.
Shits no different than than a gov run business. You never get your money's worth.
The customer pays more to cover the ridiculous overhead created by unions.

Customers pay the rate that the state's Attorney General and Department of Public Utilities determines is appropriate based on the costs and reasonable profit margin of the company. It's that simple
Wow. If Dems lose both the Illegals and the extorted money from the Unions, what's left for them?
The customer pays more to cover the ridiculous overhead created by unions.

Customers pay the rate that the state's Attorney General and Department of Public Utilities determines is appropriate based on the costs and reasonable profit margin of the company. It's that simple

So the gov tells a company how much they can charge when politicians are getting a cut....seems legit.
So the gov tells a company how much they can charge when politicians are getting a cut....seems legit.

Electric and Gas utilities are regulated by the State(s) they provide service in. EVERY so many years the companes submit a rste case to the Department of Public Utilities and the Attorney General requesting a certain rate, with supporting documentation for that rate. The AG and DPU review the rate case, hear public and private testimony on the case and then either accept or reject the new rate. Nothing goes to the politicians.
Yes, I would characterize them as being greedy. I could give you several examples if you would like.

As the Steward for a Unionized Engineering group at a private gas/electric utility company, I can give you just as many examples of the way a company seeks to deny Union workers (and management employees) their just due to increase profits.

While living in the NW during the Seattle WTO I saw the union dickheads load up on buses to go and riot in the streets with the Communists, anarchists and bat shit crazy Left Wing pricks. Their union bosses told them to go do it and like dumbshits they loaded on the buses.

A few of the guys tried to do decent work. A few of the workers were downright lazy worthless assholes protected by the union and the rest hardly gave a crap as long as they could finagle double overtime.

Fuck the filthy unions. Greedy scum of America.

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