I have been waiting two days to post this thread: Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory

The thing is I don't trust unions anymore and employers are not trustworthy. I guess the only way for a worker to get one up on their employer is to be in demand and be happily willing to leave their current employer when most needed....for a higher paying job. Loyalty to an employer is the sign today of a bad ignorant employee. In today's world you owe your employer no respect honor nor loyalty....only a good days work.

I've never seen that to be true but then, I have not been an employee for well over 40 years. I have been a Realtor so I determined my own income. I've also owned several successful businesses.
And the rate is based on your bloated payroll...how convenient.

Yep. It's based on the cost necessary to get someone to do this job. At the pay rate the non-union sector would pay for the work I do, you'd have constant turnover. Mostly to to a work management system and computer hardware/software/IT/IS setup so inefficient we roitinely joke it was acquired from a children's cereal box.

Aaaah in the land of the cant be fired maybe.
Im my world you do a better job than the other guy and make more money the honest way,you know,like merit based raises like it should be?
The thing is I don't trust unions anymore and employers are not trustworthy. I guess the only way for a worker to get one up on their employer is to be in demand and be happily willing to leave their current employer when most needed....for a higher paying job. Loyalty to an employer is the sign today of a bad ignorant employee. In today's world you owe your employer no respect honor nor loyalty....only a good days work.

I've never seen that to be true but then, I have not been an employee for well over 40 years. I have been a Realtor so I determined my own income. I've also owned several successful businesses.

How hard is it to become a realtor?

(Serious question)
One thing at a time, this supreme court ruling will be big if they vote against the public Unions.

Dem's are already coming up with schemes to get around the SCOTUS ruling should they lose, typical of lawless lowlife scum.

Without the greedy unions giving them so much campaign money and without the Illegals voting for them the Democrats would have a hard time getting 20% of the vote, wouldn't they?

I like you flash, you hate public Unions as much as I do ..


Why? The Democrats have screwed unions over for so long they are just as much despised as the Republicans.

When Trump was elected that was an indication that the rank and file blue collar (potentially union) workers were starting to understand that the Democrats have nothing for them.

Now if we could just get the Blacks to understand the same thing thing then the Democrat Party would be hard put to ever get more than 20% of the votes.

The Democrats absolutely shunned the white working class in ‘16. That is what lost them the Election. Create more job opportunities and push for the working man to keep more of his pay after taxes. The Democrats ignored this. Trump is President. Elections are the result of consequences.
Never before have American workers been as productive and hard working as they are today.

Productive maybe,but that has more to do with tech advances than hard work.
In fact I'd say the workers from thirty years ago worked much harder,and I can attest to that fact.
Aaaah in the land of the cant be fired maybe.
Im my world you do a better job than the other guy and make more money the honest way,you know,like merit based raises like it should be?

We can be fired for cause. We get paid to put up with the complete and total stupidity and incompetence of the Company's management and systems as much as for the work we do.

That's not to say we don't work. We bust our butts. We put our more work per month last year than in any previous year. Even our management had to admit that we do more work, with less tools and assistance than pretty much any other department in the company.

Now we're pushing back to force some of those other departments to stsrt doing their work properly.
Nope..I disagree. Workers today work alot harder than 30 years ago while their wages are bad and at a standstill. i also believe today's employers are uninterested in treating their employees fairly.
Never before have American workers been as productive and hard working as they are today.

People that say that , I feel so embarrassed for their ignorance.

You are posting right now in a smart phone, tablet, computer not by snail mail for Christ sakes.
Nope..I disagree. Workers today work alot harder than 30 years ago while their wages are bad and at a standstill. i also believe today's employers are uninterested in treating their employees fairly.

My ass they do..

30 years ago



The work ethic today is stronger than ever. Pay however is so so and most employers are below average. Fact
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

Ignorance of history and false promises have helped to create the growing wage discrepancy between labor and capitol - as union dies that gap will expand.

"The labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired."
Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
How hard is it to become a realtor?

(Serious question)

In most states, not difficult at all. Being successful is a totally different matter. Seventy to eighty percent who enter the profession are out before their third year. Most are not willing to do what is necessary to be successful.
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

Ignorance of history and false promises have helped to create the growing discrepancy between labor and capitol - as union die that gap will expand.

"The labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired."
Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

When ever did I post I was ignorant of the Union history in America?

Unions are great today if you belong to a European style...

An American Union, fuck that.
Nope..I disagree. Workers today work alot harder than 30 years ago while their wages are bad and at a standstill. i also believe today's employers are uninterested in treating their employees fairly.

Sorry Jr. I lived through the tech changes and my job became far easier,and the pay went way further back then.
The advent of the immigrant class killed wages not the companies.
I've never had a problem with my employers. Probably because i did my job and proved my worth through hard work.
Shiiiit...most of the time I didnt even have to ask for a raise when starting a new job,they'd just give it to me.
Yes, I would characterize them as being greedy. I could give you several examples if you would like.

As the Steward for a Unionized Engineering group at a private gas/electric utility company, I can give you just as many examples of the way a company seeks to deny Union workers (and management employees) their just due to increase profits.

While living in the NW during the Seattle WTO I saw the union dickheads load up on buses to go and riot in the streets with the Communists, anarchists and bat shit crazy Left Wing pricks. Their union bosses told them to go do it and like dumbshits they loaded on the buses.

A few of the guys tried to do decent work. A few of the workers were downright lazy worthless assholes protected by the union and the rest hardly gave a crap as long as they could finagle double overtime.

Fuck the filthy unions. Greedy scum of America.
Those left wing pricks were on the front line fighting globalization. Now you sit back 16 years too late and beg Trump to end it for you.
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How hard is it to become a realtor?

(Serious question)

In most states, not difficult at all. Being successful is a totally different matter. Seventy to eighty percent who enter the profession are out before their third year. Most are not willing to do what is necessary to be successful.

That's what I thought...

But how do you be sucessful? The art of bull shit (not making fun of you, I know it's a skill) the good ol' boy network ?

Just interested
Nope..I disagree. Workers today work alot harder than 30 years ago while their wages are bad and at a standstill. i also believe today's employers are uninterested in treating their employees fairly.

The reason why all workers are losing money is because of the cost of government. The combined cost of government in this country is almost 40% of GDP.

According to the CIA Factbook the combined (Fed, State and Local) cost of government is greater than the GDP of all other except two countries on earth. Despicable, isn't it?

No wonder families have declining income when the cost of government is usually the largest family expense, regardless of income.

The problem is not the businesses that employ workers and pay them wages. It is the filthy government that takes the money that the workers earn and gives very little in return.

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