I have been waiting two days to post this thread: Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory

I have been waiting for this case. Fuck the filthy greedy unions.

Those unions are the only way workers can score good wages and benefits by evening the playing field with management.
It depends on how the Supreme Court rules. If the court rules that Unions cannot require workers to pay dues against their will, then, yes, this will deal a huge blow to public sector unions. Once again, liberals show that they're really not all about "choice." Liberals think it's just fine to force workers to pay union dues, even when the unions are using those dues for political causes with which the workers do not agree.

Does the worker that does not pay union dues still benefit via negotiations?

Yes, but the union is not supposed to be using any dues--not one dime--for political purposes. When unions do that, they forfeit their "right" to force workers to pay union dues.

I also don't like it when unions force members to enroll in the union pension fund, given unions' track record for squandering those pension funds. There should be levels of dues and workers should be able to choose their level of support for the union. For example, non-union workers should only be required to pay minimal union dues if they benefit from union-negotiated conditions, and only if the union does not use any part of them for political purposes.
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It depends on how the Supreme Court rules. If the court rules that Unions cannot require workers to pay dues against their will, then, yes, this will deal a huge blow to public sector unions. Once again, liberals show that they're really not all about "choice." Liberals think it's just fine to force workers to pay union dues, even when the unions are using those dues for political causes with which the workers do not agree.

Does the worker that does not pay union dues still benefit via negotiations?

Yes, but the union is not supposed to be using any dues--not one dime--for political purposes. When unions do that, they forfeit their "right" to force workers to pay union dues.

No, they don't. Are corporations people too?

I am over the 27 different ways to screw over US workers. I am over Unions choosing the lesser of two evils. Just between you and me, the Democrats took the unions for granted and they should do, as Ohio did, run their own people. That said, if they were backing a Republican this would not be an issue. At issue though is the consistent union busting game.
It depends on how the Supreme Court rules. If the court rules that Unions cannot require workers to pay dues against their will, then, yes, this will deal a huge blow to public sector unions. Once again, liberals show that they're really not all about "choice." Liberals think it's just fine to force workers to pay union dues, even when the unions are using those dues for political causes with which the workers do not agree.

Does the worker that does not pay union dues still benefit via negotiations?

Yes, but the union is not supposed to be using any dues--not one dime--for political purposes. When unions do that, they forfeit their "right" to force workers to pay union dues.

No, they don't. Are corporations people too?

I am over the 27 different ways to screw over US workers. I am over Unions choosing the lesser of two evils. Just between you and me, the Democrats took the unions for granted and they should do, as Ohio did, run their own people. That said, if they were backing a Republican this would not be an issue. At issue though is the consistent union busting game.

No, the case now before the Supreme Court involves exactly this issue of unions using dues for political purposes. That is the basis of the lawsuit that the worker filed.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?


Those are democrats....
It depends on how the Supreme Court rules. If the court rules that Unions cannot require workers to pay dues against their will, then, yes, this will deal a huge blow to public sector unions. Once again, liberals show that they're really not all about "choice." Liberals think it's just fine to force workers to pay union dues, even when the unions are using those dues for political causes with which the workers do not agree.

Does the worker that does not pay union dues still benefit via negotiations?

Yes, but the union is not supposed to be using any dues--not one dime--for political purposes. When unions do that, they forfeit their "right" to force workers to pay union dues.

No, they don't. Are corporations people too?

I am over the 27 different ways to screw over US workers. I am over Unions choosing the lesser of two evils. Just between you and me, the Democrats took the unions for granted and they should do, as Ohio did, run their own people. That said, if they were backing a Republican this would not be an issue. At issue though is the consistent union busting game.

No, the case now before the Supreme Court involves exactly this issue of unions using dues for political purposes. That is the basis of the lawsuit that the worker filed.

I understand that. I have been watching this issue for quite some time.
Ah, "anti-union challengers" is it?

Like these guys?

That's the 1908 Democrat convention..

Am I right?

Nope. Although there is a poster here, not to mantion any names but if we did it would be Geaux4it who posted that and claimed it was a 1924 Democratic convention. It's actually a funeral march for a slain policeman in Wisconsin from December of that year. Seems there was bootlegging afoot, and the Klan of course was always about Prohibition in addition to the anti-union stuff.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.

Klan didn't exist in 1908 anyway.


If you want to change your handle talk to the mods.

That Klan was founded Thanksgiving Day 1915 by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons at Stone Mountain Georgia.

Which comes first --- 1908 or 1915? Feel free to use Google.

What a dumb ass you are...

Everyone knows the democrats started the klan right

after the Civil War....

The democrats of that day are just like todays...

They want to keep the black man in his place...
It depends on how the Supreme Court rules. If the court rules that Unions cannot require workers to pay dues against their will, then, yes, this will deal a huge blow to public sector unions. Once again, liberals show that they're really not all about "choice." Liberals think it's just fine to force workers to pay union dues, even when the unions are using those dues for political causes with which the workers do not agree.

Does the worker that does not pay union dues still benefit via negotiations?

Yes, but the union is not supposed to be using any dues--not one dime--for political purposes. When unions do that, they forfeit their "right" to force workers to pay union dues.

No, they don't. Are corporations people too?

I am over the 27 different ways to screw over US workers. I am over Unions choosing the lesser of two evils. Just between you and me, the Democrats took the unions for granted and they should do, as Ohio did, run their own people. That said, if they were backing a Republican this would not be an issue. At issue though is the consistent union busting game.

No, the case now before the Supreme Court involves exactly this issue of unions using dues for political purposes. That is the basis of the lawsuit that the worker filed.

I understand that. I have been watching this issue for quite some time.

I have no problem at all with workers organizing to form a union, but I also think an employer has a right to hire only non-union workers. Many unions have cost their workers their jobs and even their pensions through corruption, incompetence, and over-reaching in negotiations.

If I want to hire someone to fix my plumbing, I should have the right to choose a non-union plumber. My house. My property. My money. My choice.
I see you ignored the part about being forced to support a party you may not like.

I see you avoided the more important question.

My union supports Leftist candidates exclusively. I'm a Conservative. I focus my attention far more on what my dues help the union do to improve my work experience thsn what they spend on politics.

Typical Modern Union Man……

You don’t care about the big picture.

It’s all about you and your benefits..

In the old days the Unions were needed to

fight the company store mentality…

The Unions of that day brought the working man

many benefits. I live in Coal Country and if I were

alive back in the day I would have been up in

the hills shooting at the Company men and their thugs..

Todays unions are not your daddy’s union….

They are socialist that are hell bent on destroying our Country.
I like you flash, you hate public Unions as much as I do ..


Why? The Democrats have screwed unions over for so long they are just as much despised as the Republicans.

When Trump was elected that was an indication that the rank and file blue collar (potentially union) workers were starting to understand that the Democrats have nothing for them.

Now if we could just get the Blacks to understand the same thing thing then the Democrat Party would be hard put to ever get more than 20% of the votes.

The Democrats absolutely shunned the white working class in ‘16. That is what lost them the Election. Create more job opportunities and push for the working man to keep more of his pay after taxes. The Democrats ignored this. Trump is President. Elections are the result of consequences.

And 2017 and 2018 Dem's are dumb as a post.

I prefer to characterize Democrats as dumber than a door knob.

But a door knob is useful.
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?
Those unions are the only way workers can score good wages and benefits by evening the playing field with management.

Maybe 50 years ago. Not now. The vast majority of federal contractors are not unionized, and federal workers cannot collectively bargain for benefits--yet both groups are doing very well.

Unions have bankrupted some state and many local governments by bullying them into signing unreasonable, extravagant labor contracts that were not sustainable. Unions have also ruined some companies by bullying them into signing unrealistic labor contracts that made them far less competitive. Just exactly how much are employers supposed to pay people to run a computerized cash register that does most of the work for them, do basic cleaning, stock shelves, answer phones, etc., etc.?

And shall we talk about the unions that have squandered their members' pension funds, that have been caught in bed with organized crime, that are top heavy with highly paid "administrative" positions, and that use member dues for political campaigns?
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?

Because the people that work in government (education for example) work no matter which moron is elected. They weather the storms even when the dipshits take money out of one area or refuse to fund it.
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?

Because the people that work in government (education for example) work no matter which moron is elected. They weather the storms even when the dipshits take money out of one area or refuse to fund it.

Name me the last time a Republican was elected mayor of Chicago for example?

They in bed with each other and that's the problem.
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?

Because the people that work in government (education for example) work no matter which moron is elected. They weather the storms even when the dipshits take money out of one area or refuse to fund it.

Name me the last time a Republican was elected mayor of Chicago for example?

They in bed with each other and that's the problem.

Did you need a Republican elected if the Democrat is doing the same thing?
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?
Overbearing bosses who use their government positions like monopolistic fiefdoms.
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?

Because the people that work in government (education for example) work no matter which moron is elected. They weather the storms even when the dipshits take money out of one area or refuse to fund it.

Name me the last time a Republican was elected mayor of Chicago for example?

They in bed with each other and that's the problem.
And Chicago will be America soon. Shifting demographics favor Dems in a big way. GOP will be a rump party soon
It's like a class revolt. The poor, uneducated, unskilled and powerless people are cheering on the super wealthy who want to crush another obstacle in their way to total power. The jealous people not in unions hate that union people are getting good salaries, pensions and health care while they live in traitor parks

Why does government workers need unions to protect them from themselves?
Overbearing bosses who use their government positions like monopolistic fiefdoms.

Translation ~ the boss told me to quit screwing around and do some work.

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