I have been waiting two days to post this thread: Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory

So the gov tells a company how much they can charge when politicians are getting a cut....seems legit.

Electric and Gas utilities are regulated by the State(s) they provide service in. EVERY so many years the companes submit a rste case to the Department of Public Utilities and the Attorney General requesting a certain rate, with supporting documentation for that rate. The AG and DPU review the rate case, hear public and private testimony on the case and then either accept or reject the new rate. Nothing goes to the politicians.

And the rate is based on your bloated payroll...how convenient.
Ahh flash money says your work ethic is not a smidge better than anyone else's.....I laugh at your "I work harder than most". That attitude is comical.
A good smart worker lives by this motto my dad taught me: "pretend to pay me I pretend to work". I still remember him telling me this in high school...
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

I can agree with this, anything that damages unions is a good thing. They were once a good and useful thing, but they have gone the way of the buggy whip.
Ahh flash money says your work ethic is not a smidge better than anyone else's.....I laugh at your "I work harder than most". That attitude is comical.

Yup your like poster meth head Joe on here, never got anywhere in life.
A good smart worker lives by this motto my dad taught me: "pretend to pay me I pretend to work". I still remember him telling me this in high school...

Funny...thats a common saying in Cuba.

My motto has always been work harder than the next guy and it will pay off in the long run.

That motto served me well enough to retire at 46.

Used to love the millennials that would expect 25 to 30 bucks an hour with a year of experience.
The Foreman would hand em a print and say go at it......within thirty minutes the "Youths" would be crying foul.....pathetic.
Now workers take in on the chin so the only way a worker can stick it to their bosses is to be n demand so you can walk into a better job and tell em to stick it. I'm outta here to hack with 2 weeks notice.
Now workers take in on the chin so the only way a worker can stick it to their bosses is to be n demand so you can walk into a better job and tell em to stick it. I'm outta here to hack with 2 weeks notice.

To be in demand is the only way to stick it to the boss, it's always been that way.
The echo work harder than everyone is reserved for morons. A good solid days work is what is required. Breaking records most always goes unnoticed. This has zero to do with Cuba what an ignorant backwards comment.
Sticking it to a boss is truly gratifying.....walk away when most needed into a better job. Two weeks notice? I don't think so.
Now workers take in on the chin so the only way a worker can stick it to their bosses is to be n demand so you can walk into a better job and tell em to stick it. I'm outta here to hack with 2 weeks notice.

No...actually you make yourself so valuable the boss has no choice other than to take it on the chin.
If you find yourself in a position that your boss doesnt respect those skills? You find a company that will.
The only time I ever took a job and got a pay cut was during the oil crunch in the eighties. Other than that I increased my wages every time I changed jobs,that after all is how the game is played.
The echo work harder than everyone is reserved for morons. A good solid days work is what is required. Breaking records most always goes unnoticed. This has zero to do with Cuba what an ignorant backwards comment.

The echo work harder than everyone is reserved for morons. A good solid days work is what is required. Breaking records most always goes unnoticed. This has zero to do with Cuba what an ignorant backwards comment.

Sticking it to a boss is truly gratifying.....walk away when most needed into a better job. Two weeks notice? I don't think so.

I'm in no way opposed to putting the powers that be balls in a vice to make more money.
In fact thats how you get ahead.
I feel no loyalty to a company that is willingly screwing me.
When I've felt underpaid I'd go to the boss and say so. If nothing came of it I'd start looking.
As far as a two week notice? Thats what my new employer thought,I actually was taking a vaca because I told the ones that dont want to pay for my abilities to pound sand.
Why didn't anyone think it was significant besides me?

Public sector unions are finished..

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

Anti-union challengers are on the verge of victory at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Dianne Knox describes herself as "a child of the '60s." Pam Harris grew up a butcher's daughter in a proud union household. Rebecca Friedrichs was secretary of her local teachers' union. Mark Janus supports the rights of workers to organize.

A 5-4 decision against the unions would free about 5 million government workers, teachers, police and firefighters, and others in 22 states from being forced to pay "fair share" fees — a potentially staggering blow to public employee unions.

The challengers' battles against the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers are based on disagreements with the political and policy priorities of the national leadership.

“This is not my father’s or my grandfather’s union," says Harris, recalling the Amalgamated Meat Cutters to which they belonged. “This is a money-making scheme. It is a way to advance political agendas.”

Union leaders see the opposite — a power grab by what they call corporate billionaires and right-wing special interests to cripple the unions standing in their way.

"It is a defunding strategy," Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said at a press conference with other union leaders Wednesday. "They want the economy to be further rigged in their favor."

My father was born in the twenties, suffered under the depression. He fought in WW2. He was a union man, through and through. I wonder WHO is opposed to unions NOW? Because if they are, they need to explain themselves...

They have outlived their purpose. Unions destroyed the auto industry in Michigan leaving the field wide open for foreign automakers who discovered they could build their cars in America, and compete if they stayed out of union states.
  • So now auto manufacturing jobs will pay what? 20 dollars per hour? Many of those will not be filled for that...rightfully so.
Exactly I was in a union for 3 months , I couldn't handle it, every one kept on telling me to slow down , shut up .. take a break on your two hour break , I felt like I was a girl / a whore.

I had a brief, similar experience with unions.

For decades I have believed that part of the training to work in the Postal Service was mastering a treadmill set at a specific slow pace. Have you ever seen anyone in a post office rush?
I was fortunate to walk off of 3 different jobs in my life no notice nothing. All for better ones. TALK about exhilarating and empoering....wonderful.
And the rate is based on your bloated payroll...how convenient.

Yep. It's based on the cost necessary to get someone to do this job. At the pay rate the non-union sector would pay for the work I do, you'd have constant turnover. Mostly to to a work management system and computer hardware/software/IT/IS setup so inefficient we roitinely joke it was acquired from a children's cereal box.

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