I have been wondering when this would come out.

So, how many boosters will you get and for how long?

Are you going to be 100% reliant on Moderna for your immunity and health?
I would not be averse to an annual thing. That second question is an interesting one. I have seen nothing about the effects or drawbacks from mixing two different types of Covid vaccines and trading horses (so to speak) in the middle of the covid stream. If I do, it won't be at time of the first booster, having gotten my initial doses in late March and April. Maybe I will know more before a year from now. Very interesting question, though.
Yes it is. A couple of my friends have gotten the 2 shots and they got quite ill with both shots FYI.
Thanks a bunch. Two people I relatively trust on here, told me they'd had the shots and recommended. That is how I learned it was 2 shot. My dad actually got shingles down one of his legs and one arm and from arm pit halfway down his side. He was not a happy camper at all. I favor his side of the family, pretty heavy. It sucked for him. I figure it will suck for me. There was no vaccine for it back then, so he had no choice but to suffer with it until it went away, as there was no way to prevent it. I don't have to take that chance, as there is a vaccine now, and I usually do not have much reaction to vaccines most of the time, and with an extensive track record. Maybe I won't have much reaction this time either. Everything's a crap shoot, ain't it?
Copper Mountain, Alta, Crested Butte. It was our 2nd trip to Crested Butte when I caught it.
Nice. I live just down the road from Copper. Haven't been to Alta or Crested Butte, but hoping to this year.
I said nothing of the sort. Don’t distort my words. It’s a weak minded way to debate.
Wasnt this your reply to me Slade?

That’s a very selfish POV. The time for you to trust doctors is when you’re sick and in need but during a time when your country is sick and in need you don’t see the need to even talk to doctors to see what their medical suggestions are… well that’s just wonderful.

I am not distorting your words, that is what you said. You are accusing me of being "selfish" because I don't trust doctors and prefer to manage my own health. Also, the country IS NOT SICK. 85% of the country has NOT contracted Covid so you are making grandiose, false statements. That is weak-minded and emotional, not logical.
Wasnt this your reply to me Slade?

That’s a very selfish POV. The time for you to trust doctors is when you’re sick and in need but during a time when your country is sick and in need you don’t see the need to even talk to doctors to see what their medical suggestions are… well that’s just wonderful.

I am not distorting your words, that is what you said. You are accusing me of being "selfish" because I don't trust doctors and prefer to manage my own health. Also, the country IS NOT SICK. 85% of the country has NOT contracted Covid so you are making grandiose, false statements. That is weak-minded and emotional, not logical.
If you dont think the world is sick then you are blind. I never said anything about you trusting doctors regarding Covid, I said talk to. You aren’t even bothering to speak to them to get a professionals opinion and information for you to make an informed decision. You will only do that when you get older and sick. Yes that’s pretty much the definition of selfish
If you dont think the world is sick then you are blind. I never said anything about you trusting doctors regarding Covid, I said talk to. You aren’t even bothering to speak to them to get a professionals opinion and information for you to make an informed decision. You will only do that when you get older and sick. Yes that’s pretty much the definition of selfish
The bottom line is, it is not selfish of me to make my personal choices about managing my health and having a distrust of doctors. I have been prescribed medicine that made me SICKER than I was when I went to the doctor. I have had medications pushed at me that I did not need. My best friend was just prescribed blood pressure medication when all he needed to do was cut down on salt, eat better and exercise. His BP is fine now. If you want to put your full and trust into doctors, that is your CHOICE. If I distrust doctors and choose to manage my own health that is my CHOICE. I don't call you a sheep for your choice, don't call me selfish for my choice.
For some reason vaccine afficianados seem to look forward to being injected with this junk. Maybe there is a mental condition that covers it. There's other stuff out there you can get for "shingles" and the regular flu but they all come with warnings.
The bottom line is, it is not selfish of me to make my personal choices about managing my health and having a distrust of doctors.
That not what I was calling selfish. I've already explained it twice, I'm not going to a third time. Reread the conversation and try to comprehend this time.
I never said they were… what’s your view on abortions. Just curious? Do women get a choice or does the state get to tell them what to do?
Who am I to stop an ignorant asshole from murdering her worthless, filthy, moron bastards? Have at it. In fact, it should be legal up to the 143 week.
Just saw this article on AP from 28 minutes ago about discussion and process of when a Moderna Covid-19 booster might be available. As a Moderna recipient, 67 years of age, it is of interest to me. If and when it is recommended, I plan to take it, hopefully in November or December.

Cool. Enjoy!
Experimental vaccines are so cool...Putting unproven medicine with no track record in your body is soooooo PROGRESSIVE!
That’s a very selfish POV. The time for you to trust doctors is when you’re sick and in need but during a time when your country is sick and in need you don’t see the need to even talk to doctors to see what their medical suggestions are… well that’s just wonderful.

It was only a matter of time until one of you leftists went on the attack. You must comply!
If that is the case, why aren't your antibodies all you need?
Call it double protection, if you like. I was a convalescent plasma donor for about 3 months through Lifeline. Then they said the no longer detected at level beneficial for use in the program. Now they take platelets and plasma regularly, but not in the therapeutic program. I assume I still have some antibodies, but the vaccine is insurance, as the natural ones fade also, from what I understand.

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