I have changed my mind about Trump

If it comes to Hillary v Trump, I'm voting for Hillary. And I really, really don't want to vote for Hillary. I want the Clintons to go away forever. I won't vote for her if anyone other than Trump is the nominee.

He is an unstable divisive demagogue who should be nowhere near the button.

Even if I agreed with everything Trump said, I wouldn't vote for him.

He wants to restore European pride, which scares you because you're a Jew. That's the only reason you oppose him, don't come up with other reasons out of your ass.
This is the United States of America not Europe dumb ass.

Americans have European heritage, another way of saying white heritage, dumbass.
America is about America not Europeans whatever color they are dicksmack.

White Americans and White Europeans are victims of the same scheme, asswipe.
If it comes to Hillary v Trump, I'm voting for Hillary. And I really, really don't want to vote for Hillary. I want the Clintons to go away forever. I won't vote for her if anyone other than Trump is the nominee.

He is an unstable divisive demagogue who should be nowhere near the button.

Even if I agreed with everything Trump said, I wouldn't vote for him.

He wants to restore European pride, which scares you because you're a Jew. That's the only reason you oppose him, don't come up with other reasons out of your ass.
This is the United States of America not Europe dumb ass.

Americans have European heritage, another way of saying white heritage, dumbass.
America is about America not Europeans whatever color they are dicksmack.

White Americans and White Europeans are victims of the same scheme, asswipe.
I'm a white American and there isn't a "scheme" affecting me weirdo.
He wants to restore European pride, which scares you because you're a Jew. That's the only reason you oppose him, don't come up with other reasons out of your ass.
This is the United States of America not Europe dumb ass.

Americans have European heritage, another way of saying white heritage, dumbass.
America is about America not Europeans whatever color they are dicksmack.

White Americans and White Europeans are victims of the same scheme, asswipe.
I'm a white American and there isn't a "scheme" affecting me weirdo.

White or Jewish? Or cuck?
If it comes to Hillary v Trump, I'm voting for Hillary. And I really, really don't want to vote for Hillary. I want the Clintons to go away forever. I won't vote for her if anyone other than Trump is the nominee.

He is an unstable divisive demagogue who should be nowhere near the button.

Even if I agreed with everything Trump said, I wouldn't vote for him.

He wants to restore European pride, which scares you because you're a Jew. That's the only reason you oppose him, don't come up with other reasons out of your ass.
This is the United States of America not Europe dumb ass.

Americans have European heritage, another way of saying white heritage, dumbass.
America is about America not Europeans whatever color they are dicksmack.

White Americans and White Europeans are victims of the same scheme, asswipe.

Lowlifes like you represent The Racist Paradox: Racists think they're better than everyone else because of their race, but everyone else in their race thinks they're scum.
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I won't vote for Hillary or Trump, although I think Hillary will win and no, it won't be that bad. I doubt anyone will notice any difference at all, actually.
If you believe in the United States and the Constitution there is no way in hell you can vote for Hillary.
If that is your excuse for voting for the Hildabeast than you were never a Conservative or even a republican.
I won't vote for Hillary or Trump, although I think Hillary will win and no, it won't be that bad. I doubt anyone will notice any difference at all, actually.
Yep...........more of the same policies of Obama.......3 Supreme Court Justice Picks for a Kangaroo Court that will all Judicial Activist Dems to go around Congress anytime they please........
I have changed my mind about Trump. Formerly, I was thinking that if it was a choice between Hillary and Trump, I would stay home.

Now, after seeing the violence in Chicago, I have changed my mind. If the choice is between Hillary and Trump, I will vote for Hillary.

Hillary would be a very bad President and our country would continue to decline. But the damage would be blamed on the Democrats, and Republicans might increase their power in state and local levels.

But with Trump, there's no way to say what happens. Trump has proven over and over that he lacks the temperament to be a President. He is actually encouraging his followers to act violently towards anti-Trump demonstrators. We can't trust this man to have his finger on the nuclear button.

I'm the polar opposite.

What happened in Chicago was a clinic on the problem with the left. Any opinion is ok as long as it's theirs and any other will be silenced.

Hillary v trump I'm voting trump. Hillary v anyone I'm voting anyone, but I'm not staying home, as I was going to. I've had it...
If you don't want 3 new liberal SCOTUS justices, vote for Kasich or Rubio. Or maybe even Cruz.

But don't vote for a loser like Trump. That pretty much guarantees a liberal SCOTUS.
That dog doesn't hunt with me.............Your guaranteed liberal choices with Hillary. Your not with Trump. Unless you have a crystal ball telling you so or a Tara Cards saying so.......boo........it is nothing more than semantics.
I have changed my mind about Trump. Formerly, I was thinking that if it was a choice between Hillary and Trump, I would stay home.

Now, after seeing the violence in Chicago, I have changed my mind. If the choice is between Hillary and Trump, I will vote for Hillary.

Hillary would be a very bad President and our country would continue to decline. But the damage would be blamed on the Democrats, and Republicans might increase their power in state and local levels.

But with Trump, there's no way to say what happens. Trump has proven over and over that he lacks the temperament to be a President. He is actually encouraging his followers to act violently towards anti-Trump demonstrators. We can't trust this man to have his finger on the nuclear button.

I'm the polar opposite.

What happened in Chicago was a clinic on the problem with the left. Any opinion is ok as long as it's theirs and any other will be silenced.

Hillary v trump I'm voting trump. Hillary v anyone I'm voting anyone, but I'm not staying home, as I was going to. I've had it...
He is the only one trying to stop the Free Trade agreements that are killing jobs. I agree that they are killing us. The TPP must be stopped.
Trump guarantees a HRC or Sanders victory.
Only in your little establishment mind...............and only because of the RINO brigade joining their side..............

Continue with your bought and paid for whore politicians.
Trump guarantees a HRC or Sanders victory.
Only in your little establishment mind...............and only because of the RINO brigade joining their side..............

Continue with your bought and paid for whore politicians.
My mind has nothing to do with the fact that you are correct about "RINO brigades" not voting for Trump.
Well we already knew that dump ass.......You people are Democratic bitches.............bought and paid for by the Republicans in Name only. Who want the establishment and more of the same anyway...........

Do us a favor and go ahead and join them...........stop pretending to be conservatives...........Because you sure as hell aren't.
The establishment gave us the last 2 RINO losers............Said they'd win..........both lost..............Losers shouldn't be telling others how to win..........

Eagle, your hatred changes nothing. Trump means a Democrat as president.
Eagle, your hatred changes nothing. Trump means a Democrat as president.
One key word Hatred. Do you see the anger against the establishment and Washington DC.........Who you tell us will fix it when they are the ones who got us here.

Stupidity is keep hiring the same people who over and over again fail at their job.

Kinda like fixing your ac and it's broke again. He did a shitty job, and then calling him back to fix it again. Paying again because you are too stupid to get someone else to fix it. Your Stupidity and sheepish bowing to the establishment is clear. You would rather hand the election to Hillary...........to keep it the same...........There is only one party. The establishment party which is why you should just join the Dems and stop being a fake. Are you ashamed of being a liberal. At least they show who they are.....you hide it.

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