I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

A LOT of people cling to a now-debunked theory regarding our universe. It's actually a very old theory that our universe has always existed, it simply expands then contracts back into a "singularity."

There has always been a problem with the "Singularity" theory because it seemingly defies principles of physics. Most notably, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. There is no way to account for all the atoms in the universe because nature herself doesn't know where they all are at any given time. Particle physics further pokes holes in the theory. So, since about 1911, science has been consistently finding this theory has many faults.

It wasn't until around the 1990s and the observations from the Hubble telescope, we discovered that the universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating in expansion. This is odd because it shouldn't be accelerating if the universe expands then contracts. We previously assumed the general laws of motion applied and the universe was in a state of expanding but consistently slowing down as friction acted on matter, in accordance with Newtonian physics. The theory was, eventually, after many billions of years, the universe slows to a full halt then begins to collapse back in on itself. But this isn't happening, the universe is expanding faster as time passes.

That discovery is essentially the death knell for the problematic Singularity theory. It even has astrophysicists and theoretic physicists contemplating whether there was ever an actual "Big Bang" to start everything. Still, some force had to set the universe in motion because it is, in fact, in motion.

There are lots of speculative theories for how the universe began but one simple point remains troublesome... Laws of physics can't apply to a non-existing universe for them to apply in. There are no "laws of physics" if the physical is yet to exist. So this leaves us pondering, what is beyond the laws of physics?

The "logical" answer here is, the metaphysical. It's really the only thing it can be. Proof of God? No... but it is evidence there is something beyond Physical Nature... there simply HAS to be.
A LOT of people cling to a now-debunked theory regarding our universe. It's actually a very old theory that our universe has always existed, it simply expands then contracts back into a "singularity."

There has always been a problem with the "Singularity" theory because it seemingly defies principles of physics. Most notably, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. There is no way to account for all the atoms in the universe because nature herself doesn't know where they all are at any given time. Particle physics further pokes holes in the theory. So, since about 1911, science has been consistently finding this theory has many faults.

It wasn't until around the 1990s and the observations from the Hubble telescope, we discovered that the universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating in expansion. This is odd because it shouldn't be accelerating if the universe expands then contracts. We previously assumed the general laws of motion applied and the universe was in a state of expanding but consistently slowing down as friction acted on matter, in accordance with Newtonian physics. The theory was, eventually, after many billions of years, the universe slows to a full halt then begins to collapse back in on itself. But this isn't happening, the universe is expanding faster as time passes.

That discovery is essentially the death knell for the problematic Singularity theory. It even has astrophysicists and theoretic physicists contemplating whether there was ever an actual "Big Bang" to start everything. Still, some force had to set the universe in motion because it is, in fact, in motion.

There are lots of speculative theories for how the universe began but one simple point remains troublesome... Laws of physics can't apply to a non-existing universe for them to apply in. There are no "laws of physics" if the physical is yet to exist. So this leaves us pondering, what is beyond the laws of physics?

The "logical" answer here is, the metaphysical. It's really the only thing it can be. Proof of God? No... but it is evidence there is something beyond Physical Nature... there simply HAS to be.
That discovery is essentially the death knell for the problematic Singularity theory.

no, not really - the matter in our universe is traveling at a finite angle and will all eventually return to their origin and at the same time if there was an initial expulsion after compaction to recompact and initiate a new Singularity - no matter what - the Singularity will always be in whatever new theory that may come along for whatever reason till the answerable question is resolved.
no, not really - the matter in our universe is traveling at a finite angle and will all eventually return to their origin and at the same time if there was an initial expulsion after compaction to recompact and initiate a new Singularity - no matter what - the Singularity will always be in whatever new theory that may come along for whatever reason till the answerable question is resolved.

OMG... This crap again? Really? How many times are you going to repeat this absolute moronic nonsense? What do you mean "traveling at a finite angle?" It's not "traveling" anywhere, the universe CAN'T travel, it is expanding.

Singularity is BULLSHIT... it defies known principles of physics. Where have you explained the contradiction of the Uncertainty Principle? :dunno: How can nature's atoms all be in one place if nature does not know where all of it's atoms are at any given time? :dunno:

You believe in a theory that began being questioned over a century ago by Niels Bohr and others. Back in 1911, there were stubborn scientists who adopted your same bullheaded attitude and it took most of the 20th century for science to finally answer the question definitively on the Singularity. You're just fucking wrong... no big deal.... smarter people than you were wrong as well, you'll live through it.
no, not really - the matter in our universe is traveling at a finite angle and will all eventually return to their origin and at the same time if there was an initial expulsion after compaction to recompact and initiate a new Singularity - no matter what - the Singularity will always be in whatever new theory that may come along for whatever reason till the answerable question is resolved.

OMG... This crap again? Really? How many times are you going to repeat this absolute moronic nonsense? What do you mean "traveling at a finite angle?" It's not "traveling" anywhere, the universe CAN'T travel, it is expanding.

Singularity is BULLSHIT... it defies known principles of physics. Where have you explained the contradiction of the Uncertainty Principle? :dunno: How can nature's atoms all be in one place if nature does not know where all of it's atoms are at any given time? :dunno:

You believe in a theory that began being questioned over a century ago by Niels Bohr and others. Back in 1911, there were stubborn scientists who adopted your same bullheaded attitude and it took most of the 20th century for science to finally answer the question definitively on the Singularity. You're just fucking wrong... no big deal.... smarter people than you were wrong as well, you'll live through it.
It's not "traveling" anywhere, the universe CAN'T travel, it is expanding.

there is no contraction Bossy its a finite angular loop that returns through acceleration to its origin - BB is cyclical.

Singularity is the cycles Apex - all theory's will have a Singularity as part of their component to resolve the answerable origin of the universe.
there is no contraction Bossy its a finite angular loop that returns through acceleration to its origin - BB is cyclical.

Singularity is the cycles Apex - all theory's will have a Singularity as part of their component to resolve the answerable origin of the universe.

Nonsense is what it is. You can't have a "Singularity" if you can't find all your atoms. If all the matter is constantly moving further away it can't be coming together at the same time... that doesn't even comport with logic and reason, much less physics.

As much as you obviously believe you've solved the riddle, you haven't. Just do a Google search and see how many various opinions and ideas exist when pondering this question. To me, that should tell even the most stubborn and bullheaded moron in the world that it's, at the very least, not a certainty. And the question surely hasn't been answered.

To be sitting here, relentlessly arguing against physics and logic, making absolutely no sense whatsoever, and doing so as if you are certain you're absolutely correct, puts you in the category of an abject idiot who deserves no further comment.
Lets say there is a god for a minute...Why would God hate me for he made me the way I am and suppose to love me.
Most atheists ascribe to the "Anything but God" theory.
Because it doesn't even qualify as a theory. Not a scientific one. So yes, the god concept isn't even being entertained since no evidence can be given
Lets say there is a god for a minute...Why would God hate me for he made me the way I am and suppose to love me.
Hebrew is a language of images and does not translate exactly into subjective languages such as English. For example, what is translated into English as "anger" should literally be translated as "nostrils flared." A preference is translated as "love", while what is not preferred is "hated".

Next, take a look at the Commandments. They can be looked at as obstacles in the way to having a bit of fun, or they can be seen much the same way as "Warning - Quicksand!" or "Bridge Out Ahead" are intended. Commandments have the same intent: They are posted so danger and unhappiness might be averted.

God loves us and what is best for us. He is a willing guide around life's obstacles. In the same way we would hate it if it happened to someone we loved, God hates it when we get bogged down in quicksand or step off a bridge into a chasm. God hates what hurts us.
why make the "force" into a living being why not from the force a Spirit evolves and is given a physiology for it to evolve further or parish. and why not other forces than a single source of "all" life as other forms of life may also exist.

Why not other sources? Why a living being?

Because logic and reason dictate that any living being that can attribute its existence some other source cannot be the living God.

There can only be one living being , without equal, whose existence is absolute. There is no other god in existence either above or below him. Life can only come from life.

There may be many life forms struggling to evolve towards the everlasting as you say, but not all qualify as living beings even though they have, like a cocoon, a physical body.

"The spirit alone gives life, the flesh is of no avail (worthless) ; the WORDS that I have spoken to you are both Spirit and Life."

Eternal life is attained through comprehension. There is no life in a body without comprehension in the same way that there is no wisdom in the person who has knowledge without understanding.

An unenlightened mind is like an egg that hasn't hatched.
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there is no contraction Bossy its a finite angular loop that returns through acceleration to its origin - BB is cyclical.

Singularity is the cycles Apex - all theory's will have a Singularity as part of their component to resolve the answerable origin of the universe.

Nonsense is what it is. You can't have a "Singularity" if you can't find all your atoms. If all the matter is constantly moving further away it can't be coming together at the same time... that doesn't even comport with logic and reason, much less physics.

As much as you obviously believe you've solved the riddle, you haven't. Just do a Google search and see how many various opinions and ideas exist when pondering this question. To me, that should tell even the most stubborn and bullheaded moron in the world that it's, at the very least, not a certainty. And the question surely hasn't been answered.

To be sitting here, relentlessly arguing against physics and logic, making absolutely no sense whatsoever, and doing so as if you are certain you're absolutely correct, puts you in the category of an abject idiot who deserves no further comment.
... that it's, at the very least, not a certainty.

no kidding boss, you undoubtedly are the one with a closed mind - pretending otherwise * and also we are off course for the thread ...

one more attempt for you to understand the boomerang theory - a baseball pitcher throws a curveball in (vacuum) space, eventually the ball will return to his hand (origin) by never reversing course.
why make the "force" into a living being why not from the force a Spirit evolves and is given a physiology for it to evolve further or parish. and why not other forces than a single source of "all" life as other forms of life may also exist.

Why not other sources? Why a living being?

Because logic and reason dictate that any living being that can attribute its existence some other source cannot be the living God.

There can only be one living being , without equal, whose existence is absolute. There is no other god in existence either above or below him. Life can only come from life.

There may be many life forms struggling to evolve towards the everlasting as you say, but not all qualify as living beings even though they have, like a cocoon, a physical body.

"The spirit alone gives life, the flesh is of no avail (worthless) ; the WORDS that I have spoken to you are both Spirit and Life."

Eternal life is attained through comprehension. There is no life in a body without comprehension in the same way that there is no wisdom in the person who has knowledge without understanding.

An unenlightened mind is like an egg that hasn't hatched.
There can only be one living being , without equal, whose existence is absolute. There is no other god in existence either above or below him. Life can only come from life.

... without equal

I believe many misunderstand the same as the above, we are all equal (to the Almighty) the difference is purity - The Triumph of Good vs Evil : The Apex of Knowledge - these are the differences and the Almighty has conquered them all and from that knowledge has informed all others they will do the same or eventually perish ... all beings alive are the same, humanity is no different than a floral blade of grass in their attempt for admission to the Everlasting.
A LOT of people cling to a now-debunked theory regarding our universe. It's actually a very old theory that our universe has always existed, it simply expands then contracts back into a "singularity."

There has always been a problem with the "Singularity" theory because it seemingly defies principles of physics. Most notably, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. There is no way to account for all the atoms in the universe because nature herself doesn't know where they all are at any given time. Particle physics further pokes holes in the theory. So, since about 1911, science has been consistently finding this theory has many faults.

It wasn't until around the 1990s and the observations from the Hubble telescope, we discovered that the universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating in expansion. This is odd because it shouldn't be accelerating if the universe expands then contracts. We previously assumed the general laws of motion applied and the universe was in a state of expanding but consistently slowing down as friction acted on matter, in accordance with Newtonian physics. The theory was, eventually, after many billions of years, the universe slows to a full halt then begins to collapse back in on itself. But this isn't happening, the universe is expanding faster as time passes.

That discovery is essentially the death knell for the problematic Singularity theory. It even has astrophysicists and theoretic physicists contemplating whether there was ever an actual "Big Bang" to start everything. Still, some force had to set the universe in motion because it is, in fact, in motion.

There are lots of speculative theories for how the universe began but one simple point remains troublesome... Laws of physics can't apply to a non-existing universe for them to apply in. There are no "laws of physics" if the physical is yet to exist. So this leaves us pondering, what is beyond the laws of physics?

The "logical" answer here is, the metaphysical. It's really the only thing it can be. Proof of God? No... but it is evidence there is something beyond Physical Nature... there simply HAS to be.

I just heard in America half of us say religion is important. In Canada, Europe and Australia only 25% say it's important. You don't realize it but we are losing our religion. We are shedding this primitive trait.

You can not say that Canada, Europe, Australia or America are getting more religious. None of them are.

I'm ok with your generic god. Harmless. It's the gods that cause people to make others feel bad about themselves or ones that get people to blow themselves up. Your generic god is ok in my book.
there is no contraction Bossy its a finite angular loop that returns through acceleration to its origin - BB is cyclical.

Singularity is the cycles Apex - all theory's will have a Singularity as part of their component to resolve the answerable origin of the universe.

Nonsense is what it is. You can't have a "Singularity" if you can't find all your atoms. If all the matter is constantly moving further away it can't be coming together at the same time... that doesn't even comport with logic and reason, much less physics.

As much as you obviously believe you've solved the riddle, you haven't. Just do a Google search and see how many various opinions and ideas exist when pondering this question. To me, that should tell even the most stubborn and bullheaded moron in the world that it's, at the very least, not a certainty. And the question surely hasn't been answered.

To be sitting here, relentlessly arguing against physics and logic, making absolutely no sense whatsoever, and doing so as if you are certain you're absolutely correct, puts you in the category of an abject idiot who deserves no further comment.
... that it's, at the very least, not a certainty.

no kidding boss, you undoubtedly are the one with a closed mind - pretending otherwise * and also we are off course for the thread ...

one more attempt for you to understand the boomerang theory - a baseball pitcher throws a curveball in (vacuum) space, eventually the ball will return to his hand (origin) by never reversing course.

Very poor analogy to explain your inexplicable theory. It is only possible in theory for the baseball to return to point of origin because gravity remains constant on Earth. Therefore, the force of gravity on the ball would remain constant. However, gravity is not constant across the universe. AND... the universe is not "traveling" as an object. A more proper analogy to describe what is happening with the universe would be, if the pitcher threw the ball and the ball disintegrated with all the atoms of the ball constantly moving outward in all different directions, and the speed at which the atoms are moving away from each other is ever-increasing... the ball ain't ever coming back to the point of origin. This completely defies physics.

Your "boomerang theory" has been debunked by physics over the past century. It's simply not a valid theory anymore and no serious astrophysicist still believes in it. Singularity has ALWAYS been problematic because it defies the Uncertainty Principle.
I just heard in America half of us say religion is important. In Canada, Europe and Australia only 25% say it's important. You don't realize it but we are losing our religion. We are shedding this primitive trait.

You can not say that Canada, Europe, Australia or America are getting more religious. None of them are.

I'm ok with your generic god. Harmless. It's the gods that cause people to make others feel bad about themselves or ones that get people to blow themselves up. Your generic god is ok in my book.

Here's the thing, that's not a valid representation of the entire world population. That's cherry-picking specific countries where you can make an argument that religion is on the decline. The truth of the matter is, in places across Africa, Asia and South America, religion is on the rise. More humans are practicing some form of religious belief now than any time in human history.

Here's another thing... Whenever the world or parts of the world experience some form of cataclysmic event, revival of religion always occurs. People tend to get on their knees and pray when things go bad. It's because we are inherently spiritual creatures and it's in our nature.

I believe you know in your heart that everything I am saying is true. You have some degree of belief in spirit. You are desperately trying to live in denial of it because you believe that is a popular viewpoint and it makes you part of the popular crowd. (You're actually in the vast minority.)

Now let me explain to you what the dangers are for intentionally attempting to deny your own spirituality. You acclimate yourself to the disbelief in anything greater than yourself. Once you've done that in your mind, you become unable to moor yourself to any true ethical value. All of your moral principles simply become self-defined and worthless. There is absolutely nothing to hold you accountable beyond your own conscience and this enables you to develop your own justifications for personal gratification.

As appealing as this may sound and as easy it is to fall into that mindset, it is the ultimate downfall of many a man. Eventually, you will come to realize your error but it be far too late to save you from what you've become. You will eventually die a lonely and miserable person with no redeeming values and very little, if any, respect from others. The longer you live in denial of your own spiritual health, the less likely it is that you can recover from this.
I just heard in America half of us say religion is important. In Canada, Europe and Australia only 25% say it's important. You don't realize it but we are losing our religion. We are shedding this primitive trait.

You can not say that Canada, Europe, Australia or America are getting more religious. None of them are.

I'm ok with your generic god. Harmless. It's the gods that cause people to make others feel bad about themselves or ones that get people to blow themselves up. Your generic god is ok in my book.

Here's the thing, that's not a valid representation of the entire world population. That's cherry-picking specific countries where you can make an argument that religion is on the decline. The truth of the matter is, in places across Africa, Asia and South America, religion is on the rise. More humans are practicing some form of religious belief now than any time in human history.

Here's another thing... Whenever the world or parts of the world experience some form of cataclysmic event, revival of religion always occurs. People tend to get on their knees and pray when things go bad. It's because we are inherently spiritual creatures and it's in our nature.

I believe you know in your heart that everything I am saying is true. You have some degree of belief in spirit. You are desperately trying to live in denial of it because you believe that is a popular viewpoint and it makes you part of the popular crowd. (You're actually in the vast minority.)

Now let me explain to you what the dangers are for intentionally attempting to deny your own spirituality. You acclimate yourself to the disbelief in anything greater than yourself. Once you've done that in your mind, you become unable to moor yourself to any true ethical value. All of your moral principles simply become self-defined and worthless. There is absolutely nothing to hold you accountable beyond your own conscience and this enables you to develop your own justifications for personal gratification.

As appealing as this may sound and as easy it is to fall into that mindset, it is the ultimate downfall of many a man. Eventually, you will come to realize your error but it be far too late to save you from what you've become. You will eventually die a lonely and miserable person with no redeeming values and very little, if any, respect from others. The longer you live in denial of your own spiritual health, the less likely it is that you can recover from this.

Ha! In the most backward uncivilized places religion is stronger than ever.

So for this exercise you theists are willing to accept Muslims as one of you?
I just heard in America half of us say religion is important. In Canada, Europe and Australia only 25% say it's important. You don't realize it but we are losing our religion. We are shedding this primitive trait.

You can not say that Canada, Europe, Australia or America are getting more religious. None of them are.

I'm ok with your generic god. Harmless. It's the gods that cause people to make others feel bad about themselves or ones that get people to blow themselves up. Your generic god is ok in my book.

Here's the thing, that's not a valid representation of the entire world population. That's cherry-picking specific countries where you can make an argument that religion is on the decline. The truth of the matter is, in places across Africa, Asia and South America, religion is on the rise. More humans are practicing some form of religious belief now than any time in human history.

Here's another thing... Whenever the world or parts of the world experience some form of cataclysmic event, revival of religion always occurs. People tend to get on their knees and pray when things go bad. It's because we are inherently spiritual creatures and it's in our nature.

I believe you know in your heart that everything I am saying is true. You have some degree of belief in spirit. You are desperately trying to live in denial of it because you believe that is a popular viewpoint and it makes you part of the popular crowd. (You're actually in the vast minority.)

Now let me explain to you what the dangers are for intentionally attempting to deny your own spirituality. You acclimate yourself to the disbelief in anything greater than yourself. Once you've done that in your mind, you become unable to moor yourself to any true ethical value. All of your moral principles simply become self-defined and worthless. There is absolutely nothing to hold you accountable beyond your own conscience and this enables you to develop your own justifications for personal gratification.

As appealing as this may sound and as easy it is to fall into that mindset, it is the ultimate downfall of many a man. Eventually, you will come to realize your error but it be far too late to save you from what you've become. You will eventually die a lonely and miserable person with no redeeming values and very little, if any, respect from others. The longer you live in denial of your own spiritual health, the less likely it is that you can recover from this.

I know I'm in the minority. So who's trying to fit in. YOU are trying to show that your belief is popular not me. Well, I do like the fact that so many people don't believe. Yes, that does provide me comfort. Being an atheist is like being the only sober person at a party and no one will let you drive.

Yes, I am good despite not believing in god. And I don't feel the need to rape or murder because I don't think there is a punishment or reward in the there after.

This is a really funny post. I finally read your last paragraph. How depressing you are. I would hate to live in your skin.
The Catechism tells us in entry #847: "Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience — these too may achieve eternal salvation.

This is me!!! i'm looking hard but I don't see him. Oh well, I'm a good guy so I should be cool.
The Catechism tells us in entry #847: "Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience — these too may achieve eternal salvation.

This is me!!! i'm looking hard but I don't see him. Oh well, I'm a good guy so I should be cool.
Yes. And many others as well.

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