I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

I have some occasionally that are disturbingly real life experiences, not sure what makes the difference but that may be the same they experience at NDE - somehow there is a different involvement. again if it is not audible by all participants it is not real.

What you say is much closer--some dreams are incredibly life-like, as the images, sounds, and even smells are the same as we experience in real life. Yet, when we wake up from these dreams, we readily identify them as a dream. Many Near Death Experiences appear to cover more of an alternate reality, sometimes described as more "real" than physical life on this planet. People who have had these types of near death experiences don't regain consciences and say they have a dream to relate. Instead it is more, "While I was out (unconscious) this is what I saw, or this is what happened."

You suggest that if it is not audible by all participants it is not real. I suggest that a more accurate description is that if it is not audible by all participants, it is not an objective experience, but rather a subjective one. Both the objective and subjective can be real, but in different ways.
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Yes our universe had a beginning.

But so does a new bubble in a lava lamp. But time and other bubbles existed before your bubble was created.

Are you sure this is the only or last universe?
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I'm watching this crazy black woman screaming at us on the Word network. Come on man you don't see how ridiculous you all are?

Yes, if society is so stupid to be falling for organized religions, it's hurts to know we are such an ignorant gullible superstitious primitive species.

No one can follow what she's saying. Like the Bible it's ramblings that brainwash wishful thinks.

Does Islam offend you? If you know why you reject all other religions why can't you see why I reject yours? You just believe in one more god than I do. But you blow off the 999 religions that came before you.

The preacher is healing people now. He's an India christian.
Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I'm watching this crazy black woman screaming at us on the Word network. Come on man you don't see how ridiculous you all are?

Yes, if society is so stupid to be falling for organized religions, it's hurts to know we are such an ignorant gullible superstitious primitive species.

No one can follow what she's saying. Like the Bible it's ramblings that brainwash wishful thinks.

Does Islam offend you? If you know why you reject all other religions why can't you see why I reject yours? You just believe in one more god than I do. But you blow off the 999 religions that came before you.

The preacher is healing people now. He's an India christian.

I believe in a creator. The science has led me to this conclusion. I don't get wrapped up in theology. You're certainly free to believe in your fairy tale and to act like a petulant little twat.
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I love it that the god believe is talking about vagina and calling me a kunt in another thread. Do you want to bang me hard while your god watches? Do you want to choke me or pee on my face after you fuck my face?
Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I love it that the god believe is talking about vagina and calling me a kunt in another thread. Do you want to bang me hard while your god watches? Do you want to choke me or pee on my face after you fuck my face?

You are a kunt. Embrace it. It's all you're good at...kunt!
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I'm watching this crazy black woman screaming at us on the Word network. Come on man you don't see how ridiculous you all are?

Yes, if society is so stupid to be falling for organized religions, it's hurts to know we are such an ignorant gullible superstitious primitive species.

No one can follow what she's saying. Like the Bible it's ramblings that brainwash wishful thinks.

Does Islam offend you? If you know why you reject all other religions why can't you see why I reject yours? You just believe in one more god than I do. But you blow off the 999 religions that came before you.

The preacher is healing people now. He's an India christian.

I believe in a creator. The science has led me to this conclusion. I don't get wrapped up in theology. You're certainly free to believe in your fairy tale and to act like a petulant little twat.
Science doesn't believe in God. God doesn't pass the scientific test.

And am I hurting your feelings snowflake? Is this cyber bullying? Wah! That's the theist fallback when logic is proven to not be on your side. You now want to let it go and live and let live. Now you don't want to discuss it.

I don't know what I said that made you give up but I'll take this win and move on if you want
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I love it that the god believe is talking about vagina and calling me a kunt in another thread. Do you want to bang me hard while your god watches? Do you want to choke me or pee on my face after you fuck my face?

You are a kunt. Embrace it. It's all you're good at...kunt!
You're gonna burn in hell. Oh yeah I forgot Christians can be the biggest assholes and still go to heaven.. they have the get out of hell free card. They simply have to believe in Jesus. Since we are all sinners it's ok you call people kunts and be racist and greedy and murderers and theives because you believe Jesus is Lord. And you were dunked as adults. Now your a god in waiting. After you die you go live with god.

You are proof belief in God does not make people good.
Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I'm watching this crazy black woman screaming at us on the Word network. Come on man you don't see how ridiculous you all are?

Yes, if society is so stupid to be falling for organized religions, it's hurts to know we are such an ignorant gullible superstitious primitive species.

No one can follow what she's saying. Like the Bible it's ramblings that brainwash wishful thinks.

Does Islam offend you? If you know why you reject all other religions why can't you see why I reject yours? You just believe in one more god than I do. But you blow off the 999 religions that came before you.

The preacher is healing people now. He's an India christian.

I believe in a creator. The science has led me to this conclusion. I don't get wrapped up in theology. You're certainly free to believe in your fairy tale and to act like a petulant little twat.
Science doesn't believe in God. God doesn't pass the scientific test.

And am I hurting your feelings snowflake? Is this cyber bullying? Wah! That's the theist fallback when logic is proven to not be on your side. You now want to let it go and live and let live. Now you don't want to discuss it.

I don't know what I said that made you give up but I'll take this win and move on if you want

You're a moron. Good bye.
The reader will note that no atheist has offered an alternative theory in this 32 page thread. Atheists lack the intellectual honesty and courage to do such a thing. Instead, they ignorantly ignore the preponderance of evidence that points to a creator, ascribe views and statements to you that you never made and hurl insults. I have little patience for them. I deride them and put them on ignore.
Time as it has meaning to us yes but what happens when our universe dies in 20 billion years? Will god die too or will god live on and create other universes.

You think way too much of yourself

Do my beliefs hurt your vagina?
I'm watching this crazy black woman screaming at us on the Word network. Come on man you don't see how ridiculous you all are?

Yes, if society is so stupid to be falling for organized religions, it's hurts to know we are such an ignorant gullible superstitious primitive species.

No one can follow what she's saying. Like the Bible it's ramblings that brainwash wishful thinks.

Does Islam offend you? If you know why you reject all other religions why can't you see why I reject yours? You just believe in one more god than I do. But you blow off the 999 religions that came before you.

The preacher is healing people now. He's an India christian.

I believe in a creator. The science has led me to this conclusion. I don't get wrapped up in theology. You're certainly free to believe in your fairy tale and to act like a petulant little twat.
Science doesn't believe in God. God doesn't pass the scientific test.

And am I hurting your feelings snowflake? Is this cyber bullying? Wah! That's the theist fallback when logic is proven to not be on your side. You now want to let it go and live and let live. Now you don't want to discuss it.

I don't know what I said that made you give up but I'll take this win and move on if you want

You're a moron. Good bye.
Muslims, gays and guns. These seem to be the threads you've started. So you're a rwnj I assume? Yes, goodbye snowflake. Lol
The reader will note that no atheist has offered an alternative theory in this 32 page thread. Atheists lack the intellectual honesty and courage to do such a thing. Instead, they ignorantly ignore the preponderance of evidence that points to a creator, ascribe views and statements to you that you never made and hurl insults. I have little patience for them. I deride them and put them on ignore.
Yes I did offer an alternative theory and it went over your head. You think so small. You think before our universe there were no other universes? What was god doing before our universe? If there's a god I would think he would have trillions of universe in his garden.

Snowflakes need to bounce
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Not really, it's basic first year Physics. Einstein proved that Time = Space. So time didn't exist until there was a universe for time to be a dimension of.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Not really, it's basic first year Physics. Einstein proved that Time = Space. So time didn't exist until there was a universe for time to be a dimension of.
True as far as we are concerned but tell that to the people in the universe that died before ours was born.
I agree with hobe till Boss is able to make something physical no longer to exist in any form ...

I can't, but therein lies the problem. If matter can't be created or destroyed then it requires a force beyond physical nature for it to exist. It cannot have always existed because it's in motion and can't be in motion unless something started it in motion.

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