I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

So who created the creator?

What does "create" mean? In context of human beings, it means PHYSICAL creation... to bring into physical existence and state of being. A spiritual entity doesn't require physical creation, it's not physical. So the answer is NOTHING created the Creator. The Creator has always existed and existed before time. The Creator created time... along with a physical universe.
Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.

Physical nature cannot create itself. This is a paradox that anti-creationists can't overcome. At some point, something HAD to create physical nature because it exists and it hasn't always existed. We know the universe hasn't always existed because it's in motion and things can't be in motion unless something caused them to be in motion.
Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.

Physical nature cannot create itself. This is a paradox that anti-creationists can't overcome. At some point, something HAD to create physical nature because it exists and it hasn't always existed. We know the universe hasn't always existed because it's in motion and things can't be in motion unless something caused them to be in motion.

Yep. It's basic logic that atheists refuse to accept. Then they mock us for believing the obvious and then accuse me of being arrogant. LMAO!
So who created the creator?

What does "create" mean? In context of human beings, it means PHYSICAL creation... to bring into physical existence and state of being. A spiritual entity doesn't require physical creation, it's not physical. So the answer is NOTHING created the Creator. The Creator has always existed and existed before time. The Creator created time... along with a physical universe.

These concepts are sort of mind-benders and atheists cannot fathom such things. For them it's easier (somehow) to believe that everything came from nothing.
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another, given enough time, do you think it is possible for some force throughout the universe to have become self aware, a living being whose existence is both absolute and intrinsic to reality and the only source of all life in the universe?

If it did humans would correctly perceive that being as God but would our God have to have had a creator?


Lots of things are possible, the problem is certain people are telling us that only one thing is possible, and the chances are they're probably wrong.

"chances are they are probably wrong"...

You need to develop more faith than that,,,

Since the story of genesis isn't even about the creation of the universe or solar system, (how could it be?) the fact that they all don't know what the hell they are talking about should be abundantly clear.
Because science isn't pretending to believe in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension that no one has ever seen?

The science points to a creator. Feel free to show us how everything came from nothing.[/QUOTE]
Never said everything came from nothing, but not knowing what was before the Big Bang doesn't automatically default to an intelligent creator who cares that we obey a book.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.

Will it? I doubt that.
God was designed by an intelligent being.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

I think you should try to differentiate between irrational religious claims about God that are intellectually and morally offensive and what you know must be true for any living being to qualify as God.

Look for evidence of a supreme being with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child and you will never find it.
How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? What tell tale signs are there? Islam crashes planes, blows up people, Catholic priests bugger little boys, and we all to hold back our skepticism AND hold hands and sing Kumbaya till next Tuesday.

Good question. They are all false, like a turd wrapped up in pretty paper with a bow on top.

If there is a God who wanted to save you from something he would knock on your door in person and open your mind to the danger..

obviously something at the gut level is keeping you from relinquishing control over your own mind. Trust that.

If someone is trying to hand you something that draws flies and isn't pleasing to the eye, it isn't good to eat.

Have faith in your own sense of smell.

remember, the way to life is straight , narrow, and difficult.

Anyone trying to sell you a house on easy street is a liar.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

If you look on YouTube you can also find many people sharing their "near-death" experiences wherein they claim to have been to the other side.
The brain doesn't die immediately when the heart stops pumping, otherwise people could never get revived. People could be simply dreaming.
How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? What tell tale signs are there? Islam crashes planes, blows up people, Catholic priests bugger little boys, and we all to hold back our skepticism AND hold hands and sing Kumbaya till next Tuesday.

One mother kills her children--let's eradicate all mothers. One man rapes a woman--let's eradicate all men. One man does not live up to religious ideals--yup, let's eradicate all religion. And, if one person fails to learn to read, eradicating all reading programs must be the solution.

What else besides religion would you give up because someone else failed at it? Reading? Cooking? Your favorite hobby? We give up things not because someone else failed, but because we failed. Then we are eager to point out all the other people who failed as well.

You ask a good question: How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? To find an answer to this, let's start with: What do you want from a religion?
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another, given enough time, do you think it is possible for some force throughout the universe to have become self aware, a living being whose existence is both absolute and intrinsic to reality and the only source of all life in the universe?

If it did humans would correctly perceive that being as God but would our God have to have had a creator?


Lots of things are possible, the problem is certain people are telling us that only one thing is possible, and the chances are they're probably wrong.

"chances are they are probably wrong"...

You need to develop more faith than that,,,

Since the story of genesis isn't even about the creation of the universe or solar system, (how could it be?) the fact that they all don't know what the hell they are talking about should be abundantly clear.

Yes, and the problem with people who are willing to believe anything and everything that is convenient for them, is that they carry this over into politics. Hence the partisan politics of the US>
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.

Will it? I doubt that.
God was designed by an intelligent being.

Who, and who created the creator of God?
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

If you look on YouTube you can also find many people sharing their "near-death" experiences wherein they claim to have been to the other side.
The brain doesn't die immediately when the heart stops pumping, otherwise people could never get revived. People could be simply dreaming.

I have been personally acquainted with two people who both claimed to have died, visited the other side and returned. One was woman who, as a girl, nearly died. She said she could see the surgeon operating on her and that he said "I've never lost a child before and I'm not going to start today!" She then said she met Jesus and was told she would be ok. She fully recovered. I said to her "It must have really strengthened your faith". She responded "It's not faith, it's FACT!".

I knew another woman, a low-key accountant that kept mostly to herself. In the course of conversation I learned that she nearly died during childbirth. I asked her if she had an NDE. She said she did. She said she knew she was "dead" but had total peace and was ok with it until she thought that her baby would grow up without a mother and then she was revived.

There are countless others, certainly way too many to discount as a lie, dream, etc.
The brain doesn't die immediately when the heart stops pumping, otherwise people could never get revived. People could be simply dreaming.

Could be. However, dreams generally fade over time. Near Death Experiences seem to do the opposite. Dreams seem less real than actual life; Near Death Experiences seem to be more real than life. Dreams seldom educate, yet Near Death Experiences usually do.

Is it usual for dying organisms to become stronger than they ever were?
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
Time didnt exist before our universe? Are you sure? Wow! You're the smartest person on the planet then.

Then god didn't exist before our universe.

Actually we are only about a million years old so god was born when humans invented him probably 500,000 years ago in a cave

Did the universe have a beginning? Time began at the moment of the "Big Bang". Feel free to offer a counter-argument.

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