I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another, given enough time, do you think it is possible for some force throughout the universe to have become self aware, a living being whose existence is both absolute and intrinsic to reality and the only source of all life in the universe?

If it did humans would correctly perceive that being as God but would our God have to have had a creator?

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To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.
Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another

I don't believe that's true. The universe has been expanding ever since its conception with the "Big Bang". It had a beginning. It has NOT always existed.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another

I don't believe that's true. The universe has been expanding ever since its conception with the "Big Bang". It had a beginning. It has NOT always existed.

everything that became the universe after the big bang did not exist in its current state before but everything that became the universe was already in existence before the big bang in some other state.

And just like it doesn't require a god to do something for a star to explode, there is no reason to believe that any outside force was required to start the big bang.
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Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another

I don't believe that's true. The universe has been expanding ever since its conception with the "Big Bang". It had a beginning. It has NOT always existed.

Well, you are right, and so am I. everything that became the universe after the big bang did not exist in its current state but everything that became the universe was already in existence before the big bang in some other state.

I don't believe that either. I believe that our creator created the matter. Prior to the creation, there was absolutely nothing, or so I believe.
Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another

I don't believe that's true. The universe has been expanding ever since its conception with the "Big Bang". It had a beginning. It has NOT always existed.

Well, you are right, and so am I. everything that became the universe after the big bang did not exist in its current state but everything that became the universe was already in existence before the big bang in some other state.

I don't believe that either. I believe that our creator created the matter. Prior to the creation, there was absolutely nothing, or so I believe.
If there was nothing there was nothing to explode.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

I think you should try to differentiate between irrational religious claims about God that are intellectually and morally offensive and what you know must be true for any living being to qualify as God.

Look for evidence of a supreme being with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child and you will never find it.
Good for you Blackrook! You are right not to share deeply personal experiences on this site! They will only be used to belittle you or discredit you. I have found the people on this site to be wanting in human understanding and intolerant of perceived weakness.

But let me say that there is no credible definition for the force we call LIFE! If you want to believe it has intelligence, or is God, or you derive strength from it. No one can fault you! Perhaps you found an inner strength that you did not call upon before, something like a mother lifting a car off her son. I have seen many things that are not possible in my life and until I have physical proof of what God is, I am open to suggestions. No right, No wrong, only what you KNOW!
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

I think you should try to differentiate between irrational religious claims about God that are intellectually and morally offensive and what you know must be true for any living being to qualify as God.

Look for evidence of a supreme being with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child and you will never find it.
How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? What tell tale signs are there? Islam crashes planes, blows up people, Catholic priests bugger little boys, and we all to hold back our skepticism AND hold hands and sing Kumbaya till next Tuesday.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

Consider it an invitation to expand and enhance your knowledge of alternative views and experiences.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

Consider it an invitation to expand and enhance your knowledge of alternative views and experiences.
This works two ways, you know. If you look into the ABYSS, it LOOKS back.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

I think you should try to differentiate between irrational religious claims about God that are intellectually and morally offensive and what you know must be true for any living being to qualify as God.

Look for evidence of a supreme being with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child and you will never find it.
How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? What tell tale signs are there? Islam crashes planes, blows up people, Catholic priests bugger little boys, and we all to hold back our skepticism AND hold hands and sing Kumbaya till next Tuesday.

My personal belief is that our creator is a loving being. I don't pretend to understand all of the mysteries of the universe. For that, you'll need an athest. ;) I know a lot of people that believe in a creator who do NOT subscribe to a particular belief system.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Since everything that became the universe has always existed in one state or another, given enough time, do you think it is possible for some force throughout the universe to have become self aware, a living being whose existence is both absolute and intrinsic to reality and the only source of all life in the universe?

If it did humans would correctly perceive that being as God but would our God have to have had a creator?


Lots of things are possible, the problem is certain people are telling us that only one thing is possible, and the chances are they're probably wrong.
To be honest, I am fed up with religion. I lost my faith a long time ago, I'm not being a cynical jerk, I just am NOT seeing GOD, just a big cold dead universe. Please don't take me the wrong way. We agree to disagree.

A page or two ago I posted a YouTube link wherein an astrophysicist lays out the science that supports the concept of a creator. I also shared with you the story of Howard Storm. I HIGHLY encourage you to watch both. After doing so, you may realize hat we're not in a "big cold dead universe", far from it.
We all share the same universe. I have read all sorts of philosophies over the years. Reiterating the same basic issues won't make god any more or lesser real for either of us.

I think you should try to differentiate between irrational religious claims about God that are intellectually and morally offensive and what you know must be true for any living being to qualify as God.

Look for evidence of a supreme being with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child and you will never find it.
How do can we tell the difference between a false religion and a real one? What tell tale signs are there? Islam crashes planes, blows up people, Catholic priests bugger little boys, and we all to hold back our skepticism AND hold hands and sing Kumbaya till next Tuesday.
What you describe Meryl is not religion, but the absence of it. You will KNOW what is true, you don't have to look for it!
What you describe Meryl is not religion, but the absence of it. You will KNOW what is true, you don't have to look for it!

Unlikely. This isn't a knock on her. I think it's very difficult for ANY of us to necessarily know the truth.
Um, unlike like god, I am still here. It's Mary ( like Jesus's mother) with an "L" after...Like the H in Jesus H. never mind.
And the Lord God Google said unto them, search unto me and I will give you all knowledge. To which the masses replied "What is the cost Lord." And God Google said You must never question where my knowledge came from. What I say must be the source of all wisdom. You must never reject the Apple, or you will be cast out.

But there were among them people who had travelled the world and saw for themselves that happiness can come in many ways, and that life does not have to be in your pocket. There are many wonders that only experience can expose.
To which the people cast him out and built a Golden Calf and called it TRUMP. Our new GOD will destroy the evil Google and CNN it's servant.

And the tribe of Dems tried to destroy the Golden Calf Trump with ten commandments.
1. The mother and father need no honor. Any sex will do.
2. LGBTQ is the name of the Queen.
3. Only Color must be protected. White is not right.
4. Remember Progressive command and keep it Holy.
5. We were born unto a place of evil. The land must be cleansed with Immigrants.
6. The Media shall destroy the Trump in the name of righteousness.
7. The University Children shall lead them.
8. Give unto others that which belongs to the rich.
9. All Gods children must be healthy, no matter the cost.
10. The more we prevent the exchange of ideas, the better our education.

But a great darkness fell upon the land, and the elephants slew the donkeys, and the women wept. 'What have we done." The land of the free was no longer free, nevermore!

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