I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

There is just as much evidence FOR as AGAINST the existence of a supreme being. I don't know how any rational intelligent person can begin to presume their region IS the word of god.

Not really. Feel free to present it.
OK, your proof is WHAT again? How funny that IS.

I don't have proof. I'm simply stating that there is a PREPONDERANCE of evidence to support the theory of a creator. You, in turn, have contributed NOTHING to this discussion except idiotic, snide comments.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. ...
Jeepers! Humans must be very important indeed.

Arrogance is the word that springs to mind. The next thing that springs to mind is, should I have written arrogance with quotation marks?

Arrogance? LOL. It's atheists that rush into a discussion such as this to mindlessly bash believers. When the discussion turns to scientific and other evidence, they slither away. LOL again.
You are deluded, I can't take you out of that. But, I still fear God, buddy, I still pray. I am as neurotic as they come. And god? I don't know, and NEITHER do YOU.

I'm deluded? I'm still waiting to hear your reasoned argument on how the universe and us came to be. You don't have one.
There is just as much evidence FOR as AGAINST the existence of a supreme being. I don't know how any rational intelligent person can begin to presume their region IS the word of god.

Not really. Feel free to present it.
OK, your proof is WHAT again? How funny that IS.

I don't have proof. I'm simply stating that there is a PREPONDERANCE of evidence to support the theory of a creator. You, in turn, have contributed NOTHING to this discussion except idiotic, snide comments.
You don't actually have ANY proof whatsoever, YOU DO have faith. I respect that. Facts, you don't have.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. The expansion rate of the universe, gravitational rate, etc. and many other factors are set just so and, if any of them were changed by an iota, we couldn't exist. I shared a video above that makes a scientific argument for the existence of a creator. He explains is far better than I.

No, you "believe" our universe has been created for us.

The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Humans can't live for 2.5 million years. And that's the speed it takes light to travel. The fastest humans can go (without humans inside) is 25 miles per second, that's 1,500 miles a minute or 90,000 miles an hour. At that speed it would take a ridiculously long time to reach the next galaxy.

Within each solar system there is a potential for other life. Within each galaxy there is a potential for billions of solar systems. We have managed to get one object to the edge of our solar system.

And you're telling me the universe is our play ground. We can't see most of it, we can't reach 99.99999999999999999999% of it.

Yes, you shared a video. And sharing a video doesn't help YOUR argument. Making YOUR argument helps (or not) your argument.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. ...
Jeepers! Humans must be very important indeed.

Arrogance is the word that springs to mind. The next thing that springs to mind is, should I have written arrogance with quotation marks?

Arrogance? LOL. It's atheists that rush into a discussion such as this to mindlessly bash believers. When the discussion turns to scientific and other evidence, they slither away. LOL again.

Yes, it's arrogant to think that you are, inherently, the most important thing.

I don't care what atheists say. You're not an atheist, neither am I. I am discussing this with you. So, let's stick to what I say and what you say about this topic, and not what atheists say. If I find an atheist I will discuss those things with them.

As for "slithering away", you still haven't answered my questions.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. The expansion rate of the universe, gravitational rate, etc. and many other factors are set just so and, if any of them were changed by an iota, we couldn't exist. I shared a video above that makes a scientific argument for the existence of a creator. He explains is far better than I.

No, you "believe" our universe has been created for us.

The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Humans can't live for 2.5 million years. And that's the speed it takes light to travel. The fastest humans can go (without humans inside) is 25 miles per second, that's 1,500 miles a minute or 90,000 miles an hour. At that speed it would take a ridiculously long time to reach the next galaxy.

Within each solar system there is a potential for other life. Within each galaxy there is a potential for billions of solar systems. We have managed to get one object to the edge of our solar system.

And you're telling me the universe is our play ground. We can't see most of it, we can't reach 99.99999999999999999999% of it.

Yes, you shared a video. And sharing a video doesn't help YOUR argument. Making YOUR argument helps (or not) your argument.

The universe may very well be teeming with life. If it is, how does that contradict the argument that a creator created an environment wherein physical life can thrive?
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. The expansion rate of the universe, gravitational rate, etc. and many other factors are set just so and, if any of them were changed by an iota, we couldn't exist. I shared a video above that makes a scientific argument for the existence of a creator. He explains is far better than I.

No, you "believe" our universe has been created for us.

The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Humans can't live for 2.5 million years. And that's the speed it takes light to travel. The fastest humans can go (without humans inside) is 25 miles per second, that's 1,500 miles a minute or 90,000 miles an hour. At that speed it would take a ridiculously long time to reach the next galaxy.

Within each solar system there is a potential for other life. Within each galaxy there is a potential for billions of solar systems. We have managed to get one object to the edge of our solar system.

And you're telling me the universe is our play ground. We can't see most of it, we can't reach 99.99999999999999999999% of it.

Yes, you shared a video. And sharing a video doesn't help YOUR argument. Making YOUR argument helps (or not) your argument.

The universe may very well be teeming with life. If it is, how does that contradict the argument that a creator created an environment wherein physical life can thrive?

Well, firstly you didn't say anything about physical life, you said about humans beings (I'm assuming by "us" you meant human beings) being the most important thing in the universe and that the universe has been created for us.

The universe teeming with life would clearly show that the universe has not been created for us.
So, I ask again, provide me one piece of evidence that there is a creator.

Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. The expansion rate of the universe, gravitational rate, etc. and many other factors are set just so and, if any of them were changed by an iota, we couldn't exist. I shared a video above that makes a scientific argument for the existence of a creator. He explains is far better than I.

No, you "believe" our universe has been created for us.

The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Humans can't live for 2.5 million years. And that's the speed it takes light to travel. The fastest humans can go (without humans inside) is 25 miles per second, that's 1,500 miles a minute or 90,000 miles an hour. At that speed it would take a ridiculously long time to reach the next galaxy.

Within each solar system there is a potential for other life. Within each galaxy there is a potential for billions of solar systems. We have managed to get one object to the edge of our solar system.

And you're telling me the universe is our play ground. We can't see most of it, we can't reach 99.99999999999999999999% of it.

Yes, you shared a video. And sharing a video doesn't help YOUR argument. Making YOUR argument helps (or not) your argument.

The universe may very well be teeming with life. If it is, how does that contradict the argument that a creator created an environment wherein physical life can thrive?

Well, firstly you didn't say anything about physical life, you said about humans beings (I'm assuming by "us" you meant human beings) being the most important thing in the universe and that the universe has been created for us.

The universe teeming with life would clearly show that the universe has not been created for us.

Is it possible that our creator has filled the universe with human beings?
I'm still waiting for someone to present a reasoned argument as to how the universe came to be and how life came into existence if NOT for a creator. Undoubtedly, Hell will freeze over before one of those really smart atheists have the intellectual courage to state their case. Come on, I could use a good laugh.
I heard of something called a Multiverse. It's possible a Christian God exists in one of them. In a twilight zone twist, this might be that universe.
There have always been those who don't believe.

I think our creator's intent was to see how we would behave NOT knowing for sure that he exists.

You think. You don't know.

Tell me what you KNOW.

That's right, it's pure speculation on my part. Are we only permitted to discuss established facts in this forum? Or is speculating on things unknown permissible?

You can say whatever you like. However you said you could prove that God exists. Saying what you think, what you believe, is NOT proving anything. It's saying what you think or believe, right?

I also asked you a question which basically stated that if the Universe is so complex it had to be created by a creator, then something had to have created the creator, as it's also so complex.

The argument that the universe couldn't have just come out of nothing, because that would absurd, and then stating that the creator came out of nothing and this is not absurd, doesn't make any sense, does it?

So you can say what you believe, but to me it's like you saying the moon is made out of cheese. It doesn't mean anything to me. So, if you're going to speak to me, then yes, you need to stick to things that you can show or prove. If you go off to your church, or speak with other believers, then you can talk all you like about the stuff you believe, I don't care, if it makes you happy.

However you have chosen to converse with people who don't believe, in an attempt to maybe show people that you are right. But you can't do it by just throwing beliefs at people. You need evidence. If you don't wish to talk to me then that's fine, I have no problem with that. But if you choose to speak to me, then you need to understand that I'm not going to accept what you believe as true.
As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak.

Your belief that everything came from nothing is the biggest myth every perpetuated; you're just too stupid to realize it.

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