I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

I'm still waiting for someone to present a reasoned argument as to how the universe came to be and how life came into existence if NOT for a creator. Undoubtedly, Hell will freeze over before one of those really smart atheists have the intellectual courage to state their case. Come on, I could use a good laugh.

I'm still waiting for someone to give me an answer that if it's absurd that the universe just existed, then why is it not absurd that a creator just existed?
God made everything, so why the need to make him depressed to find salvation? Why would a god build us and then subject us to bad things so we beg it for help? Dude not too bright? Or just plain evil?

You have to learn, that's the only way to build a person up.

Learning is cool, but I never needed an invisible friend to learn.

But that invisible friend is carrying you right now.

Says who?

You are alive today right?

and lots of people who use that invisible friend crutch are dead. rather random, if you ask me.
As for "slithering away", you still haven't answered my questions.

I've answered ALL of your questions.

No, you did not.

You may have written something below the questions I asked, but they weren't answers.

It's like I say "What's 2 plus 2?" and you say "I like to eat potato" and then claiming you answered my question.

But let's just say that you did answer my questions and I just didn't get it, I'll ask again and you can answer again, just for clarity's sake.

If it's absurd that a universe just existed and wasn't created, then why isn't it absurd that a creator just existed and wasn't created?

If the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by a creator, then that creator is also so complex it had to have been created by a creator, which was also created by a creator and on and on. Who created the first creator?

What evidence do you have that God exists?
However you said you could prove that God exists.

I stopped reading there. Good bye.

Okay, fine.

Hardly surprising. It happens every time. Religious people come on here thinking they can get their message across and they all end up slithering off, as you put it.

The reality is you believe stuff. You don't know stuff. I don't accept belief, you do. That's fine.
However you said you could prove that God exists.

I stopped reading there. Good bye.

Okay, fine.

Hardly surprising. It happens every time. Religious people come on here thinking they can get their message across and they all end up slithering off, as you put it.

The reality is you believe stuff. You don't know stuff. I don't accept belief, you do. That's fine.

You lied. You attributed something to me that I did not say. There's no point in engaging you in further discussion.
As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak.
As for "slithering away", you still haven't answered my questions.

I've answered ALL of your questions.

No, you did not.

You may have written something below the questions I asked, but they weren't answers.

It's like I say "What's 2 plus 2?" and you say "I like to eat potato" and then claiming you answered my question.

But let's just say that you did answer my questions and I just didn't get it, I'll ask again and you can answer again, just for clarity's sake.

If it's absurd that a universe just existed and wasn't created, then why isn't it absurd that a creator just existed and wasn't created?

If the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by a creator, then that creator is also so complex it had to have been created by a creator, which was also created by a creator and on and on. Who created the first creator?

What evidence do you have that God exists?
Don't you mean, What proof do I have god Doesn't exist?.I don't have any proof one way or the other. Perhaps the Universe always existed outside a creator. And's that's the point, god is unnecessary and creation is a myth.
God is very real, present and merciful. You can choose to accept his spirit or reject it. There are obvious signs in our lives daily, numerous times, good vs evil is the easiest for me to see. I lived in doubt for many years, argued, debated and scrutinized all of the best intentions form the many believers he put in front of me. Then all of a sudden it was clear as the sun light I see every day. I can tell you many of my prayers have been answered and I know they happened because I believe in Him...

I can tell you this, I am a much better person today because I know he is alive, I am more forgiving, understanding, cooperative, a better leader, a better teacher, a better husband, a better father, a better friend, etc...
However you said you could prove that God exists.

I stopped reading there. Good bye.

Okay, fine.

Hardly surprising. It happens every time. Religious people come on here thinking they can get their message across and they all end up slithering off, as you put it.

The reality is you believe stuff. You don't know stuff. I don't accept belief, you do. That's fine.

You lied. You attributed something to me that I did not say. There's no point in engaging you in further discussion.

No, I did not lie.

You said:
Our universe has been designed for one purpose - us. The expansion rate of the universe, gravitational rate, etc. and many other factors are set just so and, if any of them were changed by an iota, we couldn't exist. I shared a video above that makes a scientific argument for the existence of a creator. He explains is far better than I.

However seeing your posts to other people, I do see you have said that have said you cannot prove that God exists, however you have said that there is evidence that God exists and this what I have been attacking.

But hey, if you want to take something that someone said that doesn't quite match what you think you said, then you have two choices, run off saying how bad I am, or correct me. You seem to have done the former. But again, it's your choice.
God is very real, present and merciful. You can choose to accept his spirit or reject it. There are obvious signs in our lives daily, numerous times, good vs evil is the easiest for me to see. I lived in doubt for many years, argued, debated and scrutinized all of the best intentions form the many believers he put in front of me. Then all of a sudden it was clear as the sun light I see every day. I can tell you many of my prayers have been answered and I know they happened because I believe in Him...

I can tell you this, I am a much better person today because I know he is alive, I am more forgiving, understanding, cooperative, a better leader, a better teacher, a better husband, a better father, a better friend, etc...
I love ya, but are you kidding? Ever work in a hospital? God's mercy? You realize how pathetic and deluded that is? God's Mercy? SIDS, Cancer,disease, accidents...God doesn't seem to have too much mercy by my lights.
As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak.
As for "slithering away", you still haven't answered my questions.

I've answered ALL of your questions.

No, you did not.

You may have written something below the questions I asked, but they weren't answers.

It's like I say "What's 2 plus 2?" and you say "I like to eat potato" and then claiming you answered my question.

But let's just say that you did answer my questions and I just didn't get it, I'll ask again and you can answer again, just for clarity's sake.

If it's absurd that a universe just existed and wasn't created, then why isn't it absurd that a creator just existed and wasn't created?

If the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by a creator, then that creator is also so complex it had to have been created by a creator, which was also created by a creator and on and on. Who created the first creator?

What evidence do you have that God exists?
Don't you mean, What proof do I have god Doesn't exist?.I don't have any proof one way or the other. Perhaps the Universe always existed outside a creator. And's that's the point, god is unnecessary and creation is a myth.

So your theory is that matter created itself and so did life. I'd like to believe that, I just don't share your faith.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.

Will it? I doubt that.
God is very real, present and merciful. You can choose to accept his spirit or reject it. There are obvious signs in our lives daily, numerous times, good vs evil is the easiest for me to see. I lived in doubt for many years, argued, debated and scrutinized all of the best intentions form the many believers he put in front of me. Then all of a sudden it was clear as the sun light I see every day. I can tell you many of my prayers have been answered and I know they happened because I believe in Him...

I can tell you this, I am a much better person today because I know he is alive, I am more forgiving, understanding, cooperative, a better leader, a better teacher, a better husband, a better father, a better friend, etc...
I love ya, but are you kidding? Ever work in a hospital? God's mercy? You realize how pathetic and deluded that is? God's Mercy? SIDS, Cancer,disease, accidents...God doesn't seem to have too much mercy by my lights.

No l'm not kidding, I have buried both my parents (Father at 4 and Mother at 27) that died from cancer, my grand father from heart problems, my uncles both from heart attacks. I couldn't work in a ICU or hospital for that matter, but I have several close friends who work as nurses. I have no stomach for it, can't imagine seeing people die daily.

That being said, I know this life is going to end on this earth someday, but I believe there is a heaven, that day will come and I hope I'm ready for it...
God is very real, present and merciful. You can choose to accept his spirit or reject it. There are obvious signs in our lives daily, numerous times, good vs evil is the easiest for me to see. I lived in doubt for many years, argued, debated and scrutinized all of the best intentions form the many believers he put in front of me. Then all of a sudden it was clear as the sun light I see every day. I can tell you many of my prayers have been answered and I know they happened because I believe in Him...

I can tell you this, I am a much better person today because I know he is alive, I am more forgiving, understanding, cooperative, a better leader, a better teacher, a better husband, a better father, a better friend, etc...
I love ya, but are you kidding? Ever work in a hospital? God's mercy? You realize how pathetic and deluded that is? God's Mercy? SIDS, Cancer,disease, accidents...God doesn't seem to have too much mercy by my lights.

No l'm not kidding, I have buried both my parents (Father at 4 and Mother at 27) that died from cancer, my grand father from heart problems, my uncles both from heart attacks. I couldn't work in a ICU or hospital for that matter, but I have several close friends who work as nurses. I have no stomach for it, can't imagine seeing people die daily.

That being said, I know this life is going to end on this earth someday, but I believe there is a heaven, that day will come and I hope I'm ready for it...
Me too, it hurts. I am an agnostic, I want GOD to be out there. I'ts funny how your experiences lead you one way, and me the other. I WANT god but he JUST isn't there for me. I am glad you see god out there. They say it's better to light a candle...than curse the darkness.
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Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Where's your "proof" that everything came from nothing? Cue the **** act.

The point here seems to be there are two sides.

One says "we don't know what happened, there are many possibilities" and the other says "God made it".
OK, were did GOD come from, then? That would tidy up the issue.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

If you look on YouTube you can also find many people sharing their "near-death" experiences wherein they claim to have been to the other side.
God is very real, present and merciful. You can choose to accept his spirit or reject it. There are obvious signs in our lives daily, numerous times, good vs evil is the easiest for me to see. I lived in doubt for many years, argued, debated and scrutinized all of the best intentions form the many believers he put in front of me. Then all of a sudden it was clear as the sun light I see every day. I can tell you many of my prayers have been answered and I know they happened because I believe in Him...

I can tell you this, I am a much better person today because I know he is alive, I am more forgiving, understanding, cooperative, a better leader, a better teacher, a better husband, a better father, a better friend, etc...
I love ya, but are you kidding? Ever work in a hospital? God's mercy? You realize how pathetic and deluded that is? God's Mercy? SIDS, Cancer,disease, accidents...God doesn't seem to have too much mercy by my lights.

No l'm not kidding, I have buried both my parents (Father at 4 and Mother at 27) that died from cancer, my grand father from heart problems, my uncles both from heart attacks. I couldn't work in a ICU or hospital for that matter, but I have several close friends who work as nurses. I have no stomach for it, can't imagine seeing people die daily.

That being said, I know this life is going to end on this earth someday, but I believe there is a heaven, that day will come and I hope I'm ready for it...
Me too, it hurts. I am an agnostic, I want GOD to be out there. I'ts funny how your experiences lead you one way, and me the other. I WANT god but he JUST isn't there for me. I am glad you see god out there. They say it's better to light a candle...than curse the darkness.

Have you ever heard of Howard Storm? He was a self-described, hardcore atheist. He used to mock people for believing in God. He also had a good job as a department chair at the University of Northern Kentucky. Anyway, he had an NDE wherein he claimed to have gone to Hell and was subsequently rescued by Jesus. Yea, I know, he could have just been making it all up, right? Well, he QUIT his lucrative job, went to seminary school and became a church pastor. I believe him. Look for him on YouTube. You will be amazed!

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