I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

Discomfort? I don't follow.

Had to rush off before I could get to this part of your post. What I mean by discomfort atheists seem uncomfortable with the fact God works with us through bad things and bad times.

They are ever complaining about God not magically alleviating whatever it is they term as difficult and/or uncomfortable.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Well, if religion works for you, gets you through this life, then great.

There are different ways of dealing with pain, depression etc, most of it is escapism. Alcohol is a big one, religion, sex, even politics. Religion isn't such a bad one as long as it doesn't end up controlling you in a negative way.

Atheism, like "religion", is also a belief system.
Yeah. . . . we all know how much you love children and hate to see any of them harmed.
We all see how god loves children and innocents in cancer wards and random violence. But I still pray. It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness, as they say.[/QUOTE]

Is it possible that there is a good rationale for all of that? Is it possible that we're allowed to suffer in order to learn? Or is it your argument that, if there is a creator, the creator is evil? By the way, have you ever taken something that didn't belong to you? Have you ever lied?
I simply know God exists...even if it makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. The atheists that claim to rely on science would have us believe that everything came from nothing. It's blatantly obvious that we have a creator.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Well, if religion works for you, gets you through this life, then great.

There are different ways of dealing with pain, depression etc, most of it is escapism. Alcohol is a big one, religion, sex, even politics. Religion isn't such a bad one as long as it doesn't end up controlling you in a negative way.

Atheism, like "religion", is also a belief system.

Okay, and what makes you say this?
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.
But if you brainwash your kid from a very young age he will pray 7 times a day. More and more people are not brainwashing their kids so belief isn't a given anymore.

Any objective look into the evidence of a creator yield overwhelming evidence of said creator. Atheists just don't want to look at the science.
There really is no way I can convince you of God on an internet forum.

You have to do what I did, which is to prostrate yourself on the floor and beg God to show you the way.

What about people who have done that and still killed themselves?
This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Atheists have no competition when it comes to the numbers of those murdered.
I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Like everything in the universe, the universe itself had a beginning. Prior to the universe there was NO universe nor was there such a thing as time. Something or, someone outside of the universe had to get it all started. That would be our creator. Perhaps you subscribe to the belief that everything came from nothing. I'd like to believe that too, I just don't have the faith.

So who created the creator?

Actually your logic isn't good.

The universe might have had a beginning, and it might have come out of the stuff from a previous universe. Imagine the universe is an inner tube from a bike, and someone is squeezing one part of the inner tube so there's only the smallest gap through which only one atom can pass at a time.

Then imagine that someone set off an explosion inside the inner tube forcing all the material to move in one (or possibly both direction). And, like air going over the wing of an aircraft, the atoms below the wing and the atoms above the wing will rejoin each other at the same place. Now, they all move, they all end up hitting the small hole at the same time, they all squeeze down to the smallest possible, and then they all explode at the same time and go around the inner tube again until, billions of years later, they meet again at the same small gap. And it just keeps happening and happening and happening.

The funny thing is, I've asked the same question on this forum many times and I've never been given a good answer. Most religious people don't even bother answering.

If the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by a God, then God is so complex that God also had to have been created by a creator, and that creator had to have been created by a creator who was also created by a creator.

So who created God? And who created the first creator when then wouldn't have been a creator to create this creator?
She has some interesting pain coming to her when she dies, and she won't be in heaven.

I believe that, when we die, we meet Jesus and we ALL learn the truth and then accept him. I don't believe anyone goes to Hell, at least not for long.
But if you brainwash your kid from a very young age he will pray 7 times a day. More and more people are not brainwashing their kids so belief isn't a given anymore.

Any objective look into the evidence of a creator yield overwhelming evidence of said creator. Atheists just don't want to look at the science.

Not at all. Because science would ask "who created the creator?"
So who created God? And who created the first creator when then wouldn't have been a creator to create this creator?

You are disingenuous. You ask questions that cannot possibly be answered by anyone. The fact is, we exist. Is it really easier to believe that everything came from nothing than to believe we have a creator? There is a plethora of evidence of a creator and ZERO evidence that things come from nothing.
God isn't provable.

Correct, but there is a preponderance of evidence for a creator. Feel free to enlighten us as to how life and how the universe was created if not by a creator. I won't hold my breath waiting.
But if you brainwash your kid from a very young age he will pray 7 times a day. More and more people are not brainwashing their kids so belief isn't a given anymore.

Any objective look into the evidence of a creator yield overwhelming evidence of said creator. Atheists just don't want to look at the science.

Not at all. Because science would ask "who created the creator?"

Science can only measure what is within our physical universe. Our creator is beyond this universe. But, if you want to believe everything came from nothing then good for you. By the way, I've got a good deal on a bridge for you.

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