I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

Maybe there were benefits but those aren't necessary anymore. And we all know the benefits to religion. Maybe those benefits outweigh the fact god doesn't really exist.

And we are still very primitive. Give it time. We haven't been around that long. More and more people are waking up.

No, benefits are still benefits. Fundamental benefits are always necessary according to Darwinism unless we are to become victims of natural selection.

I can't argue about the possible existence of any particular incarnation of God. Maybe none of the incarnations man has developed is accurate? Still, something must exist or we wouldn't gain any benefit in belief that it did.

You're wrong about more and more people "waking up" if you mean disavowing God and moving away from human spirituality. You can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better about your denial but it couldn't be further from the truth. There are more Christians on this planet today than anytime in human history.

Only about 5% of the human population define themselves as Nihilist. A nihilist is
a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles. The other 95% believe something else.

In Sweden, the most Atheistic country on Earth, nearly 66% claim they don't believe in God. However... when asked the follow-up question: Do you believe there is absolutely no possibility of any kind of spiritual entity whatsoever? Only 37% said yes. So... half of their Atheists admit it's possible there is something else.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic , that would lead us to value life more in the here and now and not be looking for Jesus to come back and the end of the world. This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Birds of a feather flock together.
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Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Great to hear this. That's awesome!

Allah works in mysterious ways.
I am romantic, I want there to be a god. But, fist hand experience leads me to believe it's all just random stuff that just happens. Little babies get cancer, children's hospital in Denver has a hall lined with plagues with little kid's hand prints and childish writing. It takes your breath away. Suffer the little children...really? Were is GOD and his mercy?

Psalm 23 talks about the dark valleys in life, the shadow of death. No matter what is happening in this life, during all aspects of it, God is at our side. They physical realities of this life will not change before God, but nor will He abandon us. God works with our spirits, not our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are subject to trauma of all kinds, and it is my experience that (mostly) God let's what is happening in our physical reality play out according to the laws of nature. It is our spirit and our spiritual reality that God rescues and is near. Since we are made of body, mind, and spirit, it makes sense that what ails one part of us can affect the whole. Being healed spiritually--or mentally--can (but not always) lead to better physical health as well. This has been the premise of wholistic medicine--to deal with the entire person, not just a physical symptom.
I have other experiences, but they are more personal so I am loathe to share them.
Sharing your testimonies may bring other people to God.

Now you've asked God to help you and He blessed you in that instance...have you accepted Christ as your savior?
I am romantic, I want there to be a god. But, fist hand experience leads me to believe it's all just random stuff that just happens. Little babies get cancer, children's hospital in Denver has a hall lined with plagues with little kid's hand prints and childish writing. It takes your breath away. Suffer the little children...really? Were is GOD and his mercy?

Yeah. . . . we all know how much you love children and hate to see any of them harmed.
We all see how god loves children and innocents in cancer wards and random violence. But I still pray. It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness, as they say.
God loves us all. Your prayers will not bring you salvation, however, if you enter into them "just in case" and have not asked for salvation.

All humans suffer, that is the nature of our existence separate from God. And children go directly from earth and pain, to heaven, where they are granted joy and love. To God our time on earth is just a flash and something we go through before we are able to reside with Him. It's like taking a shot. It hurts, but it serves a purpose we can't always understand, and afterwards, we reap the benefits.
I must have that God gene that science has pointed out where some people are susceptible in believing ...because none of it makes sense, it's even crazy in a way, and definitely illogical, but nothing can change my mind...I just know God exists no matter how crazy it is!!!

I'm very happy that you had such a wonderful experience. I can sense from reading your post how much it means to you. I have had an experience similar to yours in a lot of ways, with the same intensity of pleading for mercy, but the outcome wasn't good. Forgive me if your experience doesn't convince me. As long as you can bask in the warmth of your experience you should, as long as your experience doesn't give you the idea that you can make judgments or rules for other.
I've never felt or thought that my relationship with God had some set of rules I was suppose to push on to others.... It is a personal thing with me...I simply know God exists...even if it makes no sense.



That's a great reason for you but not convincing for us. If all you have is that and a 2000 year old story that's weak. I don't care how many Mormons there are that doesn't give the story any credibility

Try to understand. Many--if not most--of us are not trying to convince you and other atheists of anything. (I understand this may be different in the Bible Belt, but I don't live there.) In that regard, God works with each unique individual in His own way, and often it is best for the rest of us to stay out of the way.

On the other hand, God, through scripture, encourages people of faith to be like a city on the hillside and not to hide light under a bushel basket.

In order to understand that 2000 year old story, one has to understand the original language and culture, and one has to be willing to live it. Many people simply read the account through their 21st century experiences, perspectives, and understanding of modern English--which can change the story drastically and into something never intended.

Throughout time, some have had experiences of God. These experiences, not evolution, is what keeps belief ever present in the world's cultures. It encourages some to seek out an experience of God in their own life. Others have no interest in any such experience and that is okay as well.
I must have that God gene that science has pointed out where some people are susceptible in believing ...because none of it makes sense, it's even crazy in a way, and definitely illogical, but nothing can change my mind...I just know God exists no matter how crazy it is!!!

I'm very happy that you had such a wonderful experience. I can sense from reading your post how much it means to you. I have had an experience similar to yours in a lot of ways, with the same intensity of pleading for mercy, but the outcome wasn't good. Forgive me if your experience doesn't convince me. As long as you can bask in the warmth of your experience you should, as long as your experience doesn't give you the idea that you can make judgments or rules for other.
I've never felt or thought that my relationship with God had some set of rules I was suppose to push on to others.... It is a personal thing with me...I simply know God exists...even if it makes no sense.



Care's purpose on earth is to advocate for baby killing as a "christian". She has some interesting pain coming to her when she dies, and she won't be in heaven.

The bible is really specific about how despised are those who pretend to be Christian, but advocate against God.

It's also really specific about our commission to share our faith with others. So it makes sense that Care refuses to...of course, it's because she's one of those who seek to pervert the church.
Matthew 28:16-20New International Version (NIV)
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Trust me, just as Care encourages abortion, she is going to encourage people to hide their faith and their testimonies of miracles from others. And she will target those who are babes in faith, present herself as a mentor, and encourage them to hide and reject Christ.
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Perhaps we should all be agnostic , that would lead us to value life more in the here and now and not be looking for Jesus to come back and the end of the world. This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Birds of a feather flock together.


You think most of us Christian's think Jesus is going to come back in our lifetime? That's like saying man made global warming is going to kill us all today..

I don't think either.. Jesus like care4all said is a personal matter believe or don't believe I don't give a shit..

Perhaps we should all be agnostic , that would lead us to value life more in the here and now and not be looking for Jesus to come back and the end of the world. This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Birds of a feather flock together.


You think most of us Christian's think Jesus is going to come back in our lifetime? That's like saying man made global warming is going to kill us all today..

I don't think either.. Jesus like care4all said is a personal matter believe or don't believe I don't give a shit..

The bible says we won't know the day.

She doesn't know it. But neither do you. It could happen in our lifetime. Noboy knows. And a lot of Christians believe it will be during their lifetime. There are always those who do...there always have been.
That's a great reason for you but not convincing for us. If all you have is that and a 2000 year old story that's weak. I don't care how many Mormons there are that doesn't give the story any credibility

Try to understand. Many--if not most--of us are not trying to convince you and other atheists of anything. (I understand this may be different in the Bible Belt, but I don't live there.) In that regard, God works with each unique individual in His own way, and often it is best for the rest of us to stay out of the way.

On the other hand, God, through scripture, encourages people of faith to be like a city on the hillside and not to hide light under a bushel basket.

In order to understand that 2000 year old story, one has to understand the original language and culture, and one has to be willing to live it. Many people simply read the account through their 21st century experiences, perspectives, and understanding of modern English--which can change the story drastically and into something never intended.

Throughout time, some have had experiences of God. These experiences, not evolution, is what keeps belief ever present in the world's cultures. It encourages some to seek out an experience of God in their own life. Others have no interest in any such experience and that is okay as well.

But yet when you pray , you pray alone..

That's a great reason for you but not convincing for us. If all you have is that and a 2000 year old story that's weak. I don't care how many Mormons there are that doesn't give the story any credibility

Try to understand. Many--if not most--of us are not trying to convince you and other atheists of anything. (I understand this may be different in the Bible Belt, but I don't live there.) In that regard, God works with each unique individual in His own way, and often it is best for the rest of us to stay out of the way.

On the other hand, God, through scripture, encourages people of faith to be like a city on the hillside and not to hide light under a bushel basket.

In order to understand that 2000 year old story, one has to understand the original language and culture, and one has to be willing to live it. Many people simply read the account through their 21st century experiences, perspectives, and understanding of modern English--which can change the story drastically and into something never intended.

Throughout time, some have had experiences of God. These experiences, not evolution, is what keeps belief ever present in the world's cultures. It encourages some to seek out an experience of God in their own life. Others have no interest in any such experience and that is okay as well.

But yet when you pray , you pray alone..


Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.
You weren't depressed any longer because you were released from a shit job. Why would a god make you depressed in the first place? He likes to see people beg?
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Great to hear this. That's awesome!

Allah works in mysterious ways.

Uh, not Allah.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.
You weren't depressed any longer because you were released from a shit job. Why would a god make you depressed in the first place? He likes to see people beg?
No, he was released from depression because God heard his plea and answered his prayer.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.
You weren't depressed any longer because you were released from a shit job. Why would a god make you depressed in the first place? He likes to see people beg?

Humility builds character

Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.
You weren't depressed any longer because you were released from a shit job. Why would a god make you depressed in the first place? He likes to see people beg?
No, he was released from depression because God heard his plea and answered his prayer.
Why did god make him depressed in the first place?

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