I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.

No, you DON'T know... if you did, you wouldn't require FAITH.

You and Billy Graham have faith. You may be right. You will not KNOW you're right until you die. None of us can know until we die, all we can have is FAITH.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.

So you prefer being a stupid ghost?

It doesn't matter what I prefer. The truth has nothing to do with preferences. I'm simply making an observational statement. You don't know what happens after you die... none of us do. You can have an opinion. You can have a belief. You can have faith.... but you can't KNOW.
Me too, but I went the other way. I haven't seen god's hand since ever. We all need to hang in there and don't give into the darker angels.It's all up to YOU. God won't lift a finger, either way.
You couldn't be more wrong. God is like the father, waiting for the prodigal son to return. All the son had to do was make one step towards the father, and the father ran the rest of the way to greet the son, and embrace him, and welcome him home.
God is also a sovereign being, who does things according to His master plan. We don't know how our suffering fits into that plan, but He does.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Sounds like a good team was formed.

View attachment 136588

Reminds me of that idiot football player who actually thanked god for a touchdown. Children starving but that dolt kneels for a shallow, though lucrative game.

People eat up that kind of phony piety but hated a black player for an ting the same constitutionally-guaranteed rights his white team mates enjoy.

As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak. That's fine. As long as they keep their delusions out of schools and government.

But they don't. These cults always have their hands out for more. If they are allowed, bowing down to some imaginary creature would be required by law.

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I am romantic, I want there to be a god. But, fist hand experience leads me to believe it's all just random stuff that just happens. Little babies get cancer, children's hospital in Denver has a hall lined with plagues with little kid's hand prints and childish writing. It takes your breath away. Suffer the little children...really? Were is GOD and his mercy?
Yeah, the effects of sin are long lasting and horrible. We should not rage against God when cause our own problems.
How many theists use the argument that too many believe for it to not be true? You even did it yourself. Because lots of people say they met god it must be true.

That's not what I've said. My argument has been that human spirituality has been an attribute in mankind since humans became a civilized creature. Such an attribute (regardless of whether any incarnation of Gods are real) is a fundamental and important attribute beneficial to the species.... that's according to Darwin himself.

So we have this thing where we believe in something spiritual that is greater than ourselves... and it provides important fundamental benefits to our species. My summation is, if there were nothing behind it, we couldn't have fooled ourselves for so long and we certainly wouldn't have retained a meaningless attribute.
Has it been that long? We may shebehavior someday'dbehavio superstitions behavi
This thread is about why the guy believes. I'm just telling him those aren't good enough for us. You know who is is. You argue with us everyday.

I hate it when idiots say we reject god. No we don't. He would have to exist and I would have to then reject him. I simply reject your stories. No God to reject.

Again... psychologically, you are associating yourself with "US" ...a group of like-minded God deniers. This is very telling from a strictly psychoanalytical standpoint. You don't speak for anyone other than yourself... you're not speaking as the head of some organization or something, are you?

Why can't you say "I'm just telling him those aren't good enough for me."? Then you go on to talk about "WE" instead of yourself personally. This tells me that you would have a very difficult time accepting your own stated beliefs if you didn't feel you were part of a larger group. It is the comfort of the group which emboldens you.
you too.. that's why you don't hear people talking about the Lord anymore. It's not a given he exists like in the past. Strength in numbers. A benefit of religion

There has never been a time when it was a universal belief that God exists. There have always been those who don't believe. It is interesting, since we've had the ability to conduct worldwide surveys, the numbers haven't changed much.... 5% Nihilists -- 95% Non-Nihilist. That has been accurate for many decades.
Decades? Drop in the bucket of time. We see humans are going through an enlightenment. It's early.

So are you here looking for acknowledgment or are you trying to convince?
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.

No, you DON'T know... if you did, you wouldn't require FAITH.

You and Billy Graham have faith. You may be right. You will not KNOW you're right until you die. None of us can know until we die, all we can have is FAITH.
YEs, I DO know. Knowing is subjective. I know that I am full. There is no evidence of it to the outward eye..no proof that I can show you that proves I'm full (aside from a full stomach which may or may not trigger fullness in a person). But I know that I am full because I feel full. YOu can't prove I'm full, if I say I'm not, and I can't prove I'm full if you can't see it with your eye...neither has any bearing upon my knowledge.

I know that I will go to heaven and be with my savior. I have no proof of it, and the fact that I KNOW this without proof is due to faith. But my knowing is irrefutable because it is my understanding. Not yours. You don't tell me what I know and what I don't know, only I know what I know...and my knowing is not the same as yours. I know I'm going to heaven, just as Leonardo knew that we could build flying machines. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean I don't.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Sounds like a good team was formed.

View attachment 136588

Reminds me of that idiot football player who actually thanked god for a touchdown. Children starving but that dolt kneels for a shallow, though lucrative game.

People eat up that kind of phony piety but hated a black player for an ting the same constitutionally-guaranteed rights his white team mates enjoy.

As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak. That's fine. As long as they keep their delusions out of schools and government.

But they don't. These cults always have their hands out for more. If they are allowed, bowing down to some imaginary creature would be required by law.

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Look at satan sneering at thankfulness. We shouldn't thank God for the little things because Boob thinks he's mean.

We're supposed to thank God for everything. If we desire something and God grants it publicly, we to thank Him publicly. Thankfulness for the little things makes people happy, btw.

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Obedience to God makes us happy, and God tells us to be thankful.
So god wants you depressed because he didn't build enough character into us in the first place?

Life would be to easy that way,.don't you think?

Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

Yea and he wants you to learn from those scars.

I used to be like you 30 years ago..

I gained wisdom.

How do you know that an invisible person wants something?
God made everything, so why the need to make him depressed to find salvation? Why would a god build us and then subject us to bad things so we beg it for help? Dude not too bright? Or just plain evil?

You have to learn, that's the only way to build a person up.

Learning is cool, but I never needed an invisible friend to learn.

But that invisible friend is carrying you right now.

Says who?

You are alive today right?

So what?
So god wants you depressed because he didn't build enough character into us in the first place?

Life would be to easy that way,.don't you think?

Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.

No, you DON'T know... if you did, you wouldn't require FAITH.

You and Billy Graham have faith. You may be right. You will not KNOW you're right until you die. None of us can know until we die, all we can have is FAITH.
YEs, I DO know. Knowing is subjective. I know that I am full. There is no evidence of it to the outward eye..no proof that I can show you that proves I'm full (aside from a full stomach which may or may not trigger fullness in a person). But I know that I am full because I feel full. YOu can't prove I'm full, if I say I'm not, and I can't prove I'm full if you can't see it with your eye...neither has any bearing upon my knowledge.

I know that I will go to heaven and be with my savior. I have no proof of it, and the fact that I KNOW this without proof is due to faith. But my knowing is irrefutable because it is my understanding. Not yours. You don't tell me what I know and what I don't know, only I know what I know...and my knowing is not the same as yours. I know I'm going to heaven, just as Leonardo knew that we could build flying machines. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean I don't.
That's really what it comes down to. God is a sovereign being who acts when and where He chooses to act. He is not an ATM, wherein you push the right buttons in the right sequence to have the goodies come out. He proves Himself to those who seek Him.

Let's look at this logically. Hundreds saw Jesus die horribly on a cross, a death verified by professional executioners. Hundreds more saw Him alive and well after walking out of the tomb. That is not something you are likely to forget, but how long did it take before people were trying to deny that it ever happened? The holocaust of the last century is perhaps one of the most extensively documented horrendous events in history, and there are still people around who survived it, yet notice how many are trying to deny that it ever happened.

Man is infinitely capable of denial, and if God were to adopt the "do a trick" means of proving Himself, He would have to do it repeatedly for every new generation and there would STILL be deniers.
Life would be to easy that way,.don't you think?

Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?
What proof would you accept that could not be immediately denied by those who did not witness it?
Life would be to easy that way,.don't you think?

Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?

Trolling, inappropriate in this forum.
Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?
What proof would you accept that could not be immediately denied by those who did not witness it?
Show me what you have. :popcorn:
Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?
What proof would you accept that could not be immediately denied by those who did not witness it?
They don't accept the proof even when it's right before them.

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