I have experiences leading me to believe there is a God

Why? It should be hard? For what purpose?

To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?

Trolling, inappropriate in this forum.
So you have nothing. Got it.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Sounds like a good team was formed.

View attachment 136588

If they are allowed, bowing down to some imaginary creature would be required by law.

Sound just like Sharia law?

With pushing gheys off of buildings and cliff?
Along with brutality to women, e.g. clitoral mutilation.
That's a great reason for you but not convincing for us. If all you have is that and a 2000 year old story that's weak. I don't care how many Mormons there are that doesn't give the story any credibility

Try to understand. Many--if not most--of us are not trying to convince you and other atheists of anything. (I understand this may be different in the Bible Belt, but I don't live there.) In that regard, God works with each unique individual in His own way, and often it is best for the rest of us to stay out of the way.

On the other hand, God, through scripture, encourages people of faith to be like a city on the hillside and not to hide light under a bushel basket.

In order to understand that 2000 year old story, one has to understand the original language and culture, and one has to be willing to live it. Many people simply read the account through their 21st century experiences, perspectives, and understanding of modern English--which can change the story drastically and into something never intended.

Throughout time, some have had experiences of God. These experiences, not evolution, is what keeps belief ever present in the world's cultures. It encourages some to seek out an experience of God in their own life. Others have no interest in any such experience and that is okay as well.
I don't believe that because many or most people have not had those experiences.

Or maybe you mean some believe because they've heard from so many of you that you've had those experiences. I need more than that
To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?

Trolling, inappropriate in this forum.
So you have nothing. Got it.
Trolling. Inappropriate in this forum.

YOu can make a thread demanding evidence of God. Nothing will satisfy you, but that is a different topic than what is being discussed in this forum. If your only response to any theological discussion is "prove God exists" then you aren't discussing, you're just trolling, and have nothing to offer.
I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?

Trolling, inappropriate in this forum.
So you have nothing. Got it.
Trolling. Inappropriate in this forum.

YOu can make a thread demanding evidence of God. Nothing will satisfy you, but that is a different topic than what is being discussed in this forum. If your only response to any theological discussion is "prove God exists" then you aren't discussing, you're just trolling, and have nothing to offer.
The OP said that he had experienced god. Asking for proof is relevant.
Here's one.

For years, I had been suffering deep, dark, depression, a total sense of hopelessness that made me want to die. I wouldn't kill myself, but I desperately wanted to die.

One day, after I had lost a job, I got down on my knees and desperately prayed to God to release me of my depression. It wasn't like a casual prayer, it was a total prayer, from deep in my soul, a prayer of total desperation because I had reached the end of my rope.

At the next moment, the depression was lifted, and I felt my soul liberated in a way I had never felt before.

Since that day, I have had problems, but I have never suffered the kind of deep depression and hopelessness that I had felt before.

Sounds like a good team was formed.

View attachment 136588

Reminds me of that idiot football player who actually thanked god for a touchdown. Children starving but that dolt kneels for a shallow, though lucrative game.

People eat up that kind of phony piety but hated a black player for an ting the same constitutionally-guaranteed rights his white team mates enjoy.

As to the OP, believing in myths and superstitions has always given some sort of strength and confidence to the weak. That's fine. As long as they keep their delusions out of schools and government.

But they don't. These cults always have their hands out for more. If they are allowed, bowing down to some imaginary creature would be required by law.

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Look at satan sneering at thankfulness. We shouldn't thank God for the little things because Boob thinks he's mean.

We're supposed to thank God for everything. If we desire something and God grants it publicly, we to thank Him publicly. Thankfulness for the little things makes people happy, btw.

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Gratitude is good for you! Science finds being grateful has positive health benefits

Obedience to God makes us happy, and God tells us to be thankful.

LooneyNeddite is fine with freedom of religion and speech as long as he agrees and approves of said speech.

Sad really.
I must have that God gene that science has pointed out where some people are susceptible in believing ...because none of it makes sense, it's even crazy in a way, and definitely illogical, but nothing can change my mind...I just know God exists no matter how crazy it is!!!

I'm very happy that you had such a wonderful experience. I can sense from reading your post how much it means to you. I have had an experience similar to yours in a lot of ways, with the same intensity of pleading for mercy, but the outcome wasn't good. Forgive me if your experience doesn't convince me. As long as you can bask in the warmth of your experience you should, as long as your experience doesn't give you the idea that you can make judgments or rules for other.
I've never felt or thought that my relationship with God had some set of rules I was suppose to push on to others.... It is a personal thing with me...I simply know God exists...even if it makes no sense.



Care's purpose on earth is to advocate for baby killing as a "christian". She has some interesting pain coming to her when she dies, and she won't be in heaven.

The bible is really specific about how despised are those who pretend to be Christian, but advocate against God.

It's also really specific about our commission to share our faith with others. So it makes sense that Care refuses to...of course, it's because she's one of those who seek to pervert the church.
That's right. I wish pro choice people would stop calling themselves Christians. I wonder what percent of Americans would be christian then? 46% are pro life. Some of those are Muslims Mormons and Jews. That would make about 30% of America christian. I'll agree
Because science isn't pretending to believe in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension that no one has ever seen?

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence
So what? That doesn't point to a god who wants us to obey some book.

You don't know what it points to.... you can't see it or evaluate it. You said "science isn't pretending to believe in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension that no one has ever seen." Well, science doesn't "believe in" anything, it is the practice of testing and observation, prediction and probability. But science DOES have such a theory and quantum mechanics seems to support it.

There is also something in our own universe... it's called Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of our universe, yet we can't see it or interact with it. Science not only "believes" it exists, it's proven it exists with mathematics.
Because science isn't pretending to believe in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension that no one has ever seen?

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence
So what? That doesn't point to a god who wants us to obey some book.

You don't know what it points to.... you can't see it or evaluate it. You said "science isn't pretending to believe in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension that no one has ever seen." Well, science doesn't "believe in" anything, it is the practice of testing and observation, prediction and probability. But science DOES have such a theory and quantum mechanics seems to support it.

There is also something in our own universe... it's called Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of our universe, yet we can't see it or interact with it. Science not only "believes" it exists, it's proven it exists with mathematics.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.

No, you DON'T know... if you did, you wouldn't require FAITH.

You and Billy Graham have faith. You may be right. You will not KNOW you're right until you die. None of us can know until we die, all we can have is FAITH.
YEs, I DO know. Knowing is subjective. I know that I am full. There is no evidence of it to the outward eye..no proof that I can show you that proves I'm full (aside from a full stomach which may or may not trigger fullness in a person). But I know that I am full because I feel full. YOu can't prove I'm full, if I say I'm not, and I can't prove I'm full if you can't see it with your eye...neither has any bearing upon my knowledge.

I know that I will go to heaven and be with my savior. I have no proof of it, and the fact that I KNOW this without proof is due to faith. But my knowing is irrefutable because it is my understanding. Not yours. You don't tell me what I know and what I don't know, only I know what I know...and my knowing is not the same as yours. I know I'm going to heaven, just as Leonardo knew that we could build flying machines. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean I don't.

I'm not disputing your faith or how deeply you believe in your faith. I'm sure you believe you know. However, you're not going to know for certain until you die.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Uhm... Sorry.... If it were possible for me to prove God, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we? I've never claimed that I can prove God. I'm simply refuting the argument there is no God... and more specifically here, the idea that Science doesn't theorize about other dimensions where things can't be seen, examined or measured.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic , that would lead us to value life more in the here and now and not be looking for Jesus to come back and the end of the world. This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Birds of a feather flock together.


You think most of us Christian's think Jesus is going to come back in our lifetime? That's like saying man made global warming is going to kill us all today..

I don't think either.. Jesus like care4all said is a personal matter believe or don't believe I don't give a shit..

The bible says we won't know the day.

She doesn't know it. But neither do you. It could happen in our lifetime. Noboy knows. And a lot of Christians believe it will be during their lifetime. There are always those who do...there always have been.

The day was 70AD, the destruction of the temple. Why do you pick and chose what to believe from the bible and put it out of context?
To give you wisdom, to give you scars..

Wisdom and knowledge is two different things..learn the difference.

I have PLENTY of scars, lol, but I never needed an invisible friend to acquire them.

The bottom line is you and your atheist buddy's do what ever you want I am covering all my bases , death is real and it will happen....I have no desire to go to hell, would prefer a nice breakfast in heaven next to the Lord then that..

Heaven and hell are a figment of your imagination. Or do you have some proof?
What proof would you accept that could not be immediately denied by those who did not witness it?
Show me what you have. :popcorn:
Not what I asked. Would you accept something that only you could verify was true, or would you deny your own experience because it couldn't be replicated in a lab?
But yet when you pray , you pray alone...

Most of the time, yes, because that is my preference. However, I often join in group prayer/worship as well. Contemplation is perhaps my favored type of prayer, but other types work well depending on mood and situation.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic....

In a certain sense, we all are. Oh, I can see the lights going off in sillyboob's head... did Boss just say that? Yep... now let me qualify that remark....

We can agree that Billy Graham, the great evangelist, is probably one of the most devout Christians of our lifetime... correct? The man believes he is going to heaven after he dies, as do so many millions of Christians.

The thing is.... No one KNOWS. As much faith as Rev. Graham has, he doesn't KNOW and he won't KNOW until he dies. He believes he will.... he has faith that is the case... but he can't KNOW... no one can.
He knows. So do I.

What you meant to say is that YOU don't know.

No, you DON'T know... if you did, you wouldn't require FAITH.

You and Billy Graham have faith. You may be right. You will not KNOW you're right until you die. None of us can know until we die, all we can have is FAITH.
YEs, I DO know. Knowing is subjective. I know that I am full. There is no evidence of it to the outward eye..no proof that I can show you that proves I'm full (aside from a full stomach which may or may not trigger fullness in a person). But I know that I am full because I feel full. YOu can't prove I'm full, if I say I'm not, and I can't prove I'm full if you can't see it with your eye...neither has any bearing upon my knowledge.

I know that I will go to heaven and be with my savior. I have no proof of it, and the fact that I KNOW this without proof is due to faith. But my knowing is irrefutable because it is my understanding. Not yours. You don't tell me what I know and what I don't know, only I know what I know...and my knowing is not the same as yours. I know I'm going to heaven, just as Leonardo knew that we could build flying machines. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean I don't.

I'm not disputing your faith or how deeply you believe in your faith. I'm sure you believe you know. However, you're not going to know for certain until you die.

Yes, I can. I know for absolute certain.

You are confusing "knowing" with "indisputable proof". They are different things. People will always dispute the existence of Heaven. THat doesn't mean I don't know it exists.

Definition of knowledge
  1. 1a (1) : the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association (2) : acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or techniqueb (1) : the fact or condition of being aware of something (2) : the range of one's information or understanding answered to the best of my knowledgec : the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact through reasoning : cognitiond : the fact or condition of having information or of being learned a person of unusualknowledge

  2. 2a : the sum of what is known : the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankindb archaic : a branch of learning
Definition of KNOWLEDGE

Definition of faith
play\ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
  1. 1a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty lost faith in the company's presidentb (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions acted in good faith

  2. 2a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religionb (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return (2) : complete trust

  3. 3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith
Definition of FAITH

See, my faith exists because I know Christ as my savior. I know there is Heaven. I know God is real. Therefore I have faith.
Perhaps we should all be agnostic , that would lead us to value life more in the here and now and not be looking for Jesus to come back and the end of the world. This is now, and those who do not care about anything are called sociopaths, its an illness that many religious seem to exhume. Look at T's attorney.

Birds of a feather flock together.


You think most of us Christian's think Jesus is going to come back in our lifetime? That's like saying man made global warming is going to kill us all today..

I don't think either.. Jesus like care4all said is a personal matter believe or don't believe I don't give a shit..

The bible says we won't know the day.

She doesn't know it. But neither do you. It could happen in our lifetime. Noboy knows. And a lot of Christians believe it will be during their lifetime. There are always those who do...there always have been.

The day was 70AD, the destruction of the temple. Why do you pick and chose what to believe from the bible and put it out of context?

that's a theory, why do you pick and choose and put it out of context?
I don't believe that because many or most people have not had those experiences.

Or maybe you mean some believe because they've heard from so many of you that you've had those experiences. I need more than that

I don't believe because Jesus walked on water, stilled a storm, or cured someone's child two thousand years ago. That's all very nice but none of that has anything to do with my own life. What Jesus taught brought these experiences to people in his day. Therefore, I focus on what scripture teaches and incorporating those teachings into my own life. Along the way I've had a few of my own experiences that are equally as meaningless to others' lives as walking on water, stilling a storm, or curing a child two thousand years ago is to mine.

It's a matter of each individual choosing what they want in his/her life.

I only have an average amount of upper body strength. I could benefit by having a bit more, but to do that I would have to bring more weightlifting and exercise into my life. Wanting/having an experience of God is a lot like that. The gate is narrow, and so is the way. When people are satisfied with life on a broader path, then they are not going to seek out the narrow path any more than I am going to seek out weights and weightlifting when I'm okay with the amount of muscle strength I already possess.
Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Private prayer should not be advertised. Scripture tells of times Jesus went off by himself for private prayer. But keep in mind that Jesus participated in both group prayer/worship and also prayed in public. There is a time and a place for each.
Still, what you just said doesn't prove a god. Please try again.

Uhm... Sorry.... If it were possible for me to prove God, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we? I've never claimed that I can prove God. I'm simply refuting the argument there is no God... and more specifically here, the idea that Science doesn't theorize about other dimensions where things can't be seen, examined or measured.
I never said that there is no god. Go lie down.

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