I have lost my objectivity


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.

Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


Why should you care? What jobs have any politicians made?
Haven't any of the politicians lied enough?

What is objective?

(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.


When the source is the people or party instead of facts, any information is influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing of the facts. Who doesn't become biased by their own personal feelings or opinions?

I tell people what I've learned about economics and how the parties make things worse for economics and what I hear from people is, "I don't care." I don't have enough money to retire on but everyone tells me that I shouldn't worry about taxes. What is good for you isn't necessarily good for me. How merciful are the taxes by taking from me and not giving me retirement and giving them to other people. Haven't I worked hard enough? Now I have to work till I die.
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I have lost my objectivity

Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


Sounds like you looked between the cushions on your couch, and found it again.

Good one on ya.
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid

Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


Why should you care? What jobs have any politicians made?
Haven't any of the politicians lied enough?

What is objective?

(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.


When the source is the people or party instead of facts, any information is influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing of the facts. Who doesn't become biased by their own personal feelings or opinions?

I tell people what I've learned about economics and how the parties make things worse for economics and what I hear from people is, "I don't care." I don't have enough money to retire on but everyone tells me that I shouldn't worry about taxes. What is good for you isn't necessarily good for me. How merciful are the taxes by taking from me and not giving me retirement and giving them to other people. Haven't I worked hard enough? Now I have to work till I die.

Why should I care? I'll tell you why. I spent too much of my younger adult years being a petty partisan. I will not go through life acting as such. Being objective transcends politics, Chuck. I wish to be impartial.
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


Don't feel too bad. I'm not liked by hardcore Republicans and I'm literally hated by Democrats. I can't really say that I belong to any group at this point. I'm not even liked by many fundamental Christians because I don't bow my head and drop to my knees when the name "Israel" is mentioned. And I'm hated by atheists and evolutionists. But I can sleep well at night knowing that I can think for myself and don't need a political leader or a popular pastor to dictate my thoughts for me. I read the news and I read my Bible and I reach my own conclusions.

Stand for what you believe and let the cards fall where they may. I respect anyone (left or right) who is able to stand on his own without leaning on a gang or a country club.
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Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid

Libertarian is the party where you throw your vote away and unless you are Republican or Democrat, you don't win because you will never have a majority of the votes so your vote is thrown away.

Libertarian is that party that wants to legalize things that are illegal and think I'm going to go along with it when I'm not.
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years.
It is easy to get annoyed with other people on internet forums, have been away from this one for ages. But surprisingly non-religious and atheist forums have been the most unwelcoming forums I have visited, as they can be intolerant in areas like race, beliefs, and ideology.

Good for you that you are still trying to keep some objectivity, and confute political arguments (while keeping yourself at a distance). I don't try anymore, it was ages ago when I actually bothered to seriously debate people on forums that hate my guts. I usually save proper debates for people offline, or people that agree with the same sort of things I do.

Respect, though. :)
You are realizing that the racist pussies don't represent your views. Stay conservative...race is not an issue!
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid


Thank you for proving my point!
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid

Libertarian is the party where you throw your vote away and unless you are Republican or Democrat, you don't win because you will never have a majority of the votes so your vote is thrown away.

Libertarian is that party that wants to legalize things that are illegal and think I'm going to go along with it when I'm not.

Libertarians believe that all people and corporations are essentially good, which is why I call it the preschool of political ideology.
You are realizing that the racist pussies don't represent your views. Stay conservative...race is not an issue!

But yet real conservatives (rich old white men) ARE racist. I know many.

Middle class conservatives are miserly cheap, idiotically believe they live in a shack in the woods with a shot gun and believe the government is after them. Most are divorced because the wife had enough, and the ones that remain married through death have wives that buy a new car with power windows and air conditioning, upgrade the house from 1950, and install a garage door opener before their hubby's body is cold.
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


Objectivity is over rated, it works great if you are a scientist, or looking for a new BBQ, but in politics it only works if you don't care about the issues.
It's USMB. I acted like a moderate my entire life until I saw some of the unbelievable BS spewed by people on here. I guess I'm not exposed enough to the other side in real life.

Another possibility, you were never actually a moderate, you just thought you were because everyone around you was as whacky as you.
Yep. I have. For the first time in forever, I slipped, and will freely admit it. I became the petty partisan I once was in my younger years. For a few days now I have been that way. As such, I must apologize to my friends and foes alike, for not getting me at my best. For that a promise will be made to make the more objective arguments most of you have come to expect from me. Objectivity is valuable to me.

I was a neoconservative in 2011. But I finally shed the tin foil hat and became a Moderate Republican in 2012. As of last year, I became a libertarian and ditched the Republican Party for good. There is no hope for either party in my mind. Likewise, there is no excuse for my lack of objective debate. That is it, that is all.

Have thee all a splendid night, my friends.


You seem to have forgotten that Libertarianism Makes You Stupid

You seem to have forgotten that you don't have a brain.

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