I Have No Need Or Desire To Even Prove Such As A Man Named Jesus Was Real Because I'm Going Upon Wha

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
I Have No Need Or Desire To Even Prove Such As A Man Named Jesus Was Real Because I'm Going Upon What The Religious Themselves Share.

I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that a human named Jesus Christ existed at one time.

It is the religious claiming that he is / was a god / son of a god.

I share the factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god which reveals that the whole thing is a a lie in the first place.

Thousands of years reveal religious lies lead to war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people such as what the religious share about the lie that Jesus lived leading to his own death by the Roman Empire. Soon after was the collapse of the Roman Empire and for those of the Roman Empire who survived, their once followed Greek mythology fell as they were forced into Catholic hence the religion referred to as Roman Catholic. A fine example of religious lies leading to war and divide. A man walks into an Empire who has many so called gods while claiming he is the son of the only god. Religious lies insult the followers of lies of other religions, so they killed him. Then the Empire collapses and the other religion is forced upon the survivors for conversion.

This is why I fight for the destruction of religion, for the well being of the future of the life on this planet. I value life more than I value filthy religious foundations of factually proven lies and the fact remains that as a globe of humans co existing at some point we are going to have to start accepting responsibility and do what needs to be done as a whole because our children and future generations need to be taken care of by our actions in current adult generations right here in the first half of the 21st century thus to ensure our better chances of survival by in this instance with the destruction of religion as the human race with our many variations of our human race for the well being of the future of life on this planet. Thousands of years this has been going on and it's time to grow up as a human race into adulthood instead of a globe with 5 year old mentalities calling themselves adults while supporting lies that have already proven for thousands of years to lead to the death of millions if not billions of people. This is not rocket science, it's a simple matter of recognition of fact along with a matter of simple deduction.

The foundation of a religion is the ridiculous story of how we and everything came into existence.

Again, the simple question. What part of this is way too hard for you to understand all by yourself?

Many religious for example are those who claim that this lie that they refer to as god is the creator of everything. They also claim that it has intelligence hence they pray to / worship this lie.

Yet the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. Not anything can develop an intelligence out of nothingness let alone make anything go poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter an time to re create energy and matter.

Otherwise just share even just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness.

You / no one ever will share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness because the facts remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for anything to to come into existence let alone be able to develop and intelligence which proves that even the most remote possibility of there be a god does not exist!

Not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness and not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Everything always was, is and always will be enduring an endless duration of constant change and the simple factual evidence which proves it is the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Again, Proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness which proves that everything always was and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness which proves that everything will always be.

You may not be the smartest groups of people that ever lived or will live, but I suspect that even you, the religious deep down beyond your religious barrier of ignorance embedded within you from the very religion you follow itself, have conscience and are capable of learning as you seem to be inquisitive in your own callus ways. The question is, are you capable of recognizing what fact has already proven, willing to accept responsibility for your actions by throwing religion is the garbage where it belongs permanently and globally?!

I am here to get through to the world including everyone even you no matter who you are and that means directly or indirectly.

I suspect that there is good in you, you likely have been deceived for so long by religious rhetoric, and perhaps for even generations in your family (part of the insanity that comes with religion is that the religious take advantage of those from a time of weakness such as innocent little babies which leads to generations being sucking into filthy religious lies from day 1. Your great great great great grandmother could have lost your great great great great grandfather and suffered great sadness which could have been her time of weakness when the religious took her generations ago for example) that perhaps you just don't know any better and I can understand that. It is my job to dig deep to get through to all of you to get the job done for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

The only reason that this is my job to accomplish this, is because I care.

My pleasure to be here for all of you.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

To top off the madness a country was created through terrorism to perpetuate the insane belief in Yahweh with its associated Catholic Church vs. Jew false dichotomy. The changing of Palestine to "Israel" is the equivalent to changing the name of Bermuda to Atlantis and invading it with folks claiming to be Atlantians based on a Greek myth that they have been stupidly believing for generations.

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