I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
Lets get personal, you become a suspect in a rape case. The victim states you got her drunk at a party and the rape occured in a small closet just off the hall. Ok the Deputy takes her report and has a crime scene work the scene. You are sitting in court and the Crime scene tech reports that she found hair, and stains at the scene. They have your DNA and that they found nothing that shows you had ever been at the scene. So good so far. Next the victime takes the stand and makes the statement that you raped her in the closet and that you held your hand over her mouth to keep her from calling for help. She states that two days went by because she was in fear. She crys like a waterfall. Well it goes to the jury. They have no evidence except her word. You have no idea who she is and you know you were not there. Convict under the law?
one time a rapist in Montana went out the door with the victim's pants in his hands. he took them as a trophy of his conquest. they could not use it in court and he was not charged.

court is not God, is what i'm trying to say
But this is not a court room

It is a job interview to see if this guy deserves a promotion
Clinton - I did not have sex with that woman
Obama - There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
But this is not a court room

It is a job interview to see if this guy deserves a promotion
Clinton - I did not have sex with that woman
Obama - There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.

WTF are you babbling about Fingerboy
Stay on topic
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

By itself, no. What the FBI may uncover this week to corroborate it, yes.

You'll be surprised what the FBI can go back to uncover after 30 years.
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
If the judge is an obama libtard, yes.
^LOCK HER UP crew still whining
She has 700 k in the gofundme accounts already...........plenty of money to go after for a civil case and slander............

She is being rewarded by the left and will be a millionaire now..............:CryingCow:
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

In a courtroom a prosecutor would bring tons more evidence before going to trial.

In a courtroom, Brett doesn't get to mouth off to the judge and prosecutor... it's called contempt of court.

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