I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.

I can document $500,000 - but no doubt you are correct.

There's a separate "legal fund" that already has $250,000 in it.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
She's definitely insane. Have you noticed that Dims just don't care about the facts? They obviously believe the voters are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.
She's a psych teacher..............I don't believe she is completely insane.......unhinged..........Yup....

But don't underestimate her acting skills.....................

She now walks the tight rope set up by her own request............a place she can get nabbed by the FBI on..............we'll see if she is really as crazy as people think so......

I think a few years down the road this millionaire will not look so insane basking in the wealth she is now receiving............

Don't underestimate her.
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
She's definitely insane. Have you noticed that Dims just don't care about the facts? They obviously believe the voters are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.
She's a psych teacher..............I don't believe she is completely insane.......unhinged..........Yup....

But don't underestimate her acting skills.....................

She now walks the tight rope set up by her own request............a place she can get nabbed by the FBI on..............we'll see if she is really as crazy as people think so......

I think a few years down the road this millionaire will not look so insane basking in the wealth she is now receiving............

Don't underestimate her.
I was referring to Care4all, not Ford.
It would take more than Ford but Bill Cosby was convicted without forensic evidence.
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.
Well, that is the case, with most alleged sexual assaults... it is usually only 2 people as witnesses, the him and the her....

Women need to learn and rid themselves of the fear and shame of reporting it right away, so evidence of other sorts can be gathered... if it is just an attempted rape, with no semen to collect and identify with DNA, it still is probably going to be a he said, she said.... even today... and decided in a court of public opinion if someone famous.

But there is a 3rd witness, and he too may not remember because he too was skunking drunk, however, the FBI are the investigative branch of the federal government and their professionals could probably get more out of him than his lawyer writing a letter of denial for him to sign.

No one needs beyond a reasonable doubt, this is not a trial but a fact gathering mission, for Senators to decide on whether to approve of his appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States for the next 30 to 40 years.

It will be a couple of Republican Senators, (my Senator being one of them, and is taking a lot of heat from both sides of the aisle) making that decision.... not Democratic Senators.... they've made up their minds more than likely... the Republicans have the majority in Senators, so it is up to them... and their conscientious vote.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....
Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.

I can document $500,000 - but no doubt you are correct.

There's a separate "legal fund" that already has $250,000 in it.

Gofundme is a boon to Soros and other illicit groups to funnel bribes through.
It would take more than Ford but Bill Cosby was convicted without forensic evidence.

What sunk Cosby is that a woman made a charge STILL in the statute of limitation, there was video evidence (forensic) and a wealth of witnesses.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

You Nazicrats hated Kavanaugh before you knew it would be Kavanaugh.

CRTV on Twitter

Chuck Schumer said that you Nazis would do ANYTHING to stop a shift in the court toward the Constitution.

You lied, slandered, smeared, had a clown show and did everything you could to delay in hopes that you Nazis would gain the Senate and could block all judicial appointments.

When all that failed. Chinese Agent Dianne Feinstein paid Christine Blasy Ford $750,000 to make false allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.

You Nazis must be stopped. You cannot be allowed to utterly destroy the system of justice this nation has.

If you evil scum win, then America will sink into civil war - a hot war.

We are not going passively to the death camps this time around. You have a fight on your hands.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

You Nazicrats hated Kavanaugh before you knew it would be Kavanaugh.

CRTV on Twitter

Chuck Schumer said that you Nazis would do ANYTHING to stop a shift in the court toward the Constitution.

You lied, slandered, smeared, had a clown show and did everything you could to delay in hopes that you Nazis would gain the Senate and could block all judicial appointments.

When all that failed. Chinese Agent Dianne Feinstein paid Christine Blasy Ford $750,000 to make false allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.

You Nazis must be stopped. You cannot be allowed to utterly destroy the system of justice this nation has.

If you evil scum win, then America will sink into civil war - a hot war.

We are not going passively to the death camps this time around. You have a fight on your hands.
Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

Thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about. The answer is it might.

Ford's testimony would be enough to sustain a conviction, if the trier of fact decides they find the witness credible.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.

I can document $500,000 - but no doubt you are correct.

There's a separate "legal fund" that already has $250,000 in it.

Gofundme is a boon to Soros and other illicit groups to funnel bribes through.

True. I never thought about it like that. She doesn't have to explain a mysterious large deposit in her checking account that way. It's always leftwing scum buckets who get these enormous GoFundMe accounts.
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

Thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about. The answer is it might.

Ford's testimony would be enough to sustain a conviction, if the trier of fact decides they find the witness credible.
Wrong. There are no facts. None.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
What horseshit. I think he'll be much calmer and cooler when he isn't being accused of rape by a bunch of scumbag Dim senators. Don't you?
The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.

I can document $500,000 - but no doubt you are correct.

There's a separate "legal fund" that already has $250,000 in it.

Gofundme is a boon to Soros and other illicit groups to funnel bribes through.

True. I never thought about it like that. She doesn't have to explain a mysterious large deposit in her checking account that way. It's always leftwing scum buckets who get these enormous GoFundMe accounts.

The more that time went by the more I feel sorry for her, the ones that really raped her and assaulted her were the democrats , the lawyers that worked for free to advise/ defend her (who had way of a motive to get even with Trump)

It's like how the democrats used Cindy Sheehan and her tradegy with her son dieing in Iraq.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
What horseshit. I think he'll be much calmer and cooler when he isn't being accused of rape by a bunch of scumbag Dim senators. Don't you?
that's unknown...

He showed his cards and weaknesses... he's belligerent, an angry off the wall conspiracy theory lunatic, that would not know how to be unbiased or non partisan if it hit him in the face...

THAT is what he showed Americans, and the world... you 35% ers who support Trump at even the cost of your very souls to the devil himself, may not see how Kavanaugh acted as anything bad, but I can assure you.... it was very very very bad for him, to put on that kind of performance and extremely SHOCKING to most Americans, that he can even be an impartial judge, in the job he holds...

AND he's a lush... :D

neither is suitable for the Supreme Court...

give it up... he simply failed the interview...
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

Thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about. The answer is it might.

Ford's testimony would be enough to sustain a conviction, if the trier of fact decides they find the witness credible.
Wrong. There are no facts. None.

That would be for a jury to decide, but thank you for demonstrating your ignorance.

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