I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

And come again saying it's not a court ..??

The Senate Judiciary Committee, established in 1816, considers topics ranging from criminal justice to antitrust and intellectual property law, as well provides advice and consent for judicial nominations. The committee typically conducts confirmation hearings for nominees to the Supreme Court, courts of appeals (circuit courts), and district courts. These judicial officers, known as Article III judges, are appointed for a life term
the Senate hearings are not trials? they are fact finding missions!!! :)
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

This has happened before...........just never with the net and hyped social media....so it's far worse..........

His family is under attack...........In regards to the nominee............I was hoping Trump would put the woman up because I felt a borking was coming up........strategy would have been better nominating the woman........Hard to try an use sexual assault tactics on her...........tough sell........

So I disagreed with that nominee.......not because I think he did this.......but for political strategy.
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
of course not!
there had not even been a law enforcement investigation....

this was not even close to a trial and was not suppose to be...

if it was a trial, Kavanaugh would have been in contempt of court

as rightwinger said, it's vetting for a job, the highest and most powerful job in the country... that is not an elected position.

Kavanaugh's lack of cool temperament. lack of candor when questioned, and partisan rants and disrespect shown in the hearing, disqualified him, for the SC Justice position.... you don't even need Ford and his incident with her.

pick another conservative nominee worthy to serve the entire nation in an unbiased manner and you could have a Justice seated by December.

Acording to what I read he has been investigated 6 times ..

So is this a

Court case/ criminal case

Or a

Job interview and just want to know about his character?

And come again saying it's not a court ..??

The Senate Judiciary Committee, established in 1816, considers topics ranging from criminal justice to antitrust and intellectual property law, as well provides advice and consent for judicial nominations. The committee typically conducts confirmation hearings for nominees to the Supreme Court, courts of appeals (circuit courts), and district courts. These judicial officers, known as Article III judges, are appointed for a life term
the Senate hearings are not trials? they are fact finding missions!!! :)
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?
the Senate hearings are not trials? they are fact finding missions!!! :)
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

This has happened before...........just never with the net and hyped social media....so it's far worse..........

His family is under attack...........In regards to the nominee............I was hoping Trump would put the woman up because I felt a borking was coming up........strategy would have been better nominating the woman........Hard to try an use sexual assault tactics on her...........tough sell........

So I disagreed with that nominee.......not because I think he did this.......but for political strategy.
You are right about picking a woman.... for political purpose and positioning.

Yes, this digital age is a NIGHTMARE waiting to happen for most everyone... Outside of this board, I stay away from it.... no facebook, to twitter, no Instagram...

Teach your kids to parse and watch, every word said...because every word, every picture, is saved forever in a digital library.

Kavanaugh is LUCKY that there was no digital media in the 80's and you can only research actual film developed pictures, yearbooks, and hand written calendars or diaries, and failed memories....
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

This has happened before...........just never with the net and hyped social media....so it's far worse..........

His family is under attack...........In regards to the nominee............I was hoping Trump would put the woman up because I felt a borking was coming up........strategy would have been better nominating the woman........Hard to try an use sexual assault tactics on her...........tough sell........

So I disagreed with that nominee.......not because I think he did this.......but for political strategy.
You are right about picking a woman.... for political purpose and positioning.

Yes, this digital age is a NIGHTMARE waiting to happen for most everyone... Outside of this board, I stay away from it.... no facebook, to twitter, no Instagram...

Teach your kids to parse and watch, every word said...because every word, every picture, is saved forever in a digital library.

Kavanaugh is LUCKY that there was no digital media in the 80's and you can only research actual film developed pictures, yearbooks, and hand written calendars or diaries, and failed memories....
Companies like Google record and save the information......which of course could be used to frame someone in the future for whatever reasons......

The digital age makes communication easy........but it also makes it a nightmare for anyone who runs for office..........

Sometimes the old pay phone doesn't seem that bad.............
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

But what the democrats are doing isn't a court of law, it's a lynch mob.
the Senate hearings are not trials? they are fact finding missions!!! :)
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

No they won't, they have already investigated 6 times, and Dr. Ford offered zero evidence or corroboration for her allegation.

There is nothing there.

What do you Nazis think this investigation will look like?

Do you think the FBI will kick in every door in Bethesda and interrogate people about what they remember from 36 years ago?

Since they have no location for the supposed party, they'll have to kick in every last door.

And since Dr. Ford has no idea when the supposed party occurred, not even what year, it will be difficult to find anything out.

Maybe you Nazis can have your Brown Shirt mobs back people into corners in elevators and scream at them until they submit? You vile thugs are good at that.
They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

No they won't, they have already investigated 6 times, and Dr. Ford offered zero evidence or corroboration for her allegation.

There is nothing there.

What do you Nazis think this investigation will look like?

Do you think the FBI will kick in every door in Bethesda and interrogate people about what they remember from 36 years ago?

Since they have no location for the supposed party, they'll have to kick in every last door.

And since Dr. Ford has no idea when the supposed party occurred, not even what year, it will be difficult to find anything out.

Maybe you Nazis can have your Brown Shirt mobs back people into corners in elevators and scream at them until they submit? You vile thugs are good at that.
She thinks that because Kavanaugh has a note on his calendar that he went to his country club in July, and Ford says she had her swimsuit on, that proves he tried to rape her.

Seriously, that's what she said.
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

They are political shit throwing machines................let's dig dirt up and accuse the one being nominated from being naked in front of nurses at birth...............oh the shame........

When this is all said and done...........Ford will be a millionaire and no longer SCARED...........retired having the time of her life................well paid for doing her part...........in a complete SCRIPTED PLAY.

Enjoy the BS..............because that is all this is...........
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

This has happened before...........just never with the net and hyped social media....so it's far worse..........

His family is under attack...........In regards to the nominee............I was hoping Trump would put the woman up because I felt a borking was coming up........strategy would have been better nominating the woman........Hard to try an use sexual assault tactics on her...........tough sell........

So I disagreed with that nominee.......not because I think he did this.......but for political strategy.
You are right about picking a woman.... for political purpose and positioning.

Yes, this digital age is a NIGHTMARE waiting to happen for most everyone... Outside of this board, I stay away from it.... no facebook, to twitter, no Instagram...

Teach your kids to parse and watch, every word said...because every word, every picture, is saved forever in a digital library.

Kavanaugh is LUCKY that there was no digital media in the 80's and you can only research actual film developed pictures, yearbooks, and hand written calendars or diaries, and failed memories....
It isn't luck, moron. Kavanaugh is innocent.
Look, I hate ALL of this coming out and being public, it would have been best to be behind closed doors and Kavanagh asked to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination.

Instead, in this Trumpian era that we are in, and with the Republicans holding all cards with the majority in both houses, they believed these allegations meant nothing and they could plow through the nomination... even in this day and age of women saying, enough is enough... the me too movement.

They were mistaken. And now Kavanaugh is paying the price, for the Trump and Republican's hubris...

They did not read the Tea Leaves correctly...

Kavanaugh's drinking problem has been exposed, not just being a nasty drunk, as a kid... and his "Lack of Candor" when he was questioned, was revealed as well.... he really does NOT have the temperament for being an IMPARTIAL Justice. It would be a disservice to the Supreme Court, to put him on there, now.

He needs to bow out, because this is going to get worse for him and his family.... it is the society we live in now.... :(

Even when the FBI ends their background check in 7 days, the press will look under every leaf if his nomination goes through.

Pick another Gorsuch like conservative, who is not a politico, like Kavanaugh always was, and you could have another Justice by December.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
She's definitely insane. Have you noticed that Dims just don't care about the facts? They obviously believe the voters are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.
Nothing has been proven.............and you can't deny the timing of the so called leak.

Evidence or nothing.......anyone can make accusations............but Ford has been unable to back them up.........Her testimony is all over the dang place.............she can't even say which house it was at.............Give me a break..........she should at least be able to know that.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
She's definitely insane. Have you noticed that Dims just don't care about the facts? They obviously believe the voters are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.

They are a party of sociopaths,

The ends justify the means. kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, hence they will say or do anything to destroy him.

They are Nazis.
Kavanaugh's calendar just backed up, parts of her claims....

But even if Ford's allegations and the other 3 new women's allegations never existed, Kavanaugh exposed himself in the hearing to being nothing but a hot headed, belligerent Politico, and showed he does not have the impartial temperament to be seated on the Supreme Court....

he really really really failed his interview... I'm sorry, but he did!
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
She either has witnesses to back up the claim or not.............without it.....she has nothing.

The witnesses refuted her.

If they change their story now in exchange for payment, it's perjury.

Blasy-Ford was paid $500,000 to do this. Apparently the Nazis didn't think to pay the witnesses.

She's actually getting $750,000. I'm sure it will be well over a million by the time this thing is over.

I can document $500,000 - but no doubt you are correct.
How did his Calendar backup anything the crazy lying slut said?

Well, the FBI will find out more but to start with,

On, I believe it was July first, he has on his calendar/diary, that they were at a friend's house in the general area that night... having (brew)-skis, around the general time that Ford makes her claim,

With Judge and PJ, the two other boys Ford mentioned in attendance, written on his calendar, of which Ford had never seen.

July also puts it right in the spot of Ford's story that she was at the Country Club swimming earlier in the day, and had her one piece bathing suit on, under her clothes....also feasible....

The FBI, if they can get sign in logs for the members that day, Ford could be on there, also verifying her story....

And a couple of other names on that calendar day that the FBI can question.

So, the Calendar is a very very very good lead for the FBI.
What general area? What time? Ford can't remember when or where it happened. Having a beer proves you went to a party and raped someone?

July proves he went to a party and raped her?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You are a fucking dingbat.

She's not a dingbat, she's a Nazi. She doesn't give a fuck about facts or reality, she want's Kavanaugh destroyed because she sees him as a threat to abortion.

She, like the other Nazis, will do or say ANYTHING to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Remember, she was just as shrill and insane BEFORE Feinstein paid Ford to make these absurd allegations.
She's definitely insane. Have you noticed that Dims just don't care about the facts? They obviously believe the voters are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.

They are a party of sociopaths,

The ends justify the means. kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, hence they will say or do anything to destroy him.

They are Nazis.
It's not just abortion. There are a number of issues the Dims can't win on any other way than by getting the SC to ram it down our throats.

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