I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...

And what exactly does that have to do with you Nazis ending the rule of law and discarding the presumption of innocence along with all rights for the accused? :dunno: Trump doesn't respect you? Why would he?
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

Thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about. The answer is it might.

Ford's testimony would be enough to sustain a conviction, if the trier of fact decides they find the witness credible.
Wrong. There are no facts. None.

That would be for a jury to decide, but thank you for demonstrating your ignorance.
A jury in Blase Ford's defamation trial?
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.
Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...

And what exactly does that have to do with you Nazis ending the rule of law and discarding the presumption of innocence along with all rights for the accused? :dunno: Trump doesn't respect you? Why would he?
UN have no fear The FBI will be glad to help trump out lol lol lol
Thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about. The answer is it might.

Ford's testimony would be enough to sustain a conviction, if the trier of fact decides they find the witness credible.

Testimony of I don't know when or where, or who was there?

You Nazis are as stupid as you are evil.
why lie? is that going to get you in to heaven? :rolleyes:
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
What horseshit. I think he'll be much calmer and cooler when he isn't being accused of rape by a bunch of scumbag Dim senators. Don't you?
that's unknown...

He showed his cards and weaknesses... he's belligerent, an angry off the wall conspiracy theory lunatic, that would not know how to be unbiased or non partisan if it hit him in the face...

THAT is what he showed Americans, and the world... you 35% ers who support Trump at even the cost of your very souls to the devil himself, may not see how Kavanaugh acted as anything bad, but I can assure you.... it was very very very bad for him, to put on that kind of performance and extremely SHOCKING to most Americans, that he can even be an impartial judge, in the job he holds...

AND he's a lush... :D

neither is suitable for the Supreme Court...

give it up... he simply failed the interview...
That you call what the democrats have done to this man and his family an interview speaks volumes about you. Sugarcoat it to yourself all you want, it doesn't make that display less wretched. Only fools or democrats expect to attack someone with impunity and then whine when they fight back. You support democrats, you own the nastiness.
Kavanaugh, innocent or not on the ford accusation is no longer the issue for most people, his actions in thursday's hearing, PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, he is not cut out to be a Justice on the SC...

he was unhinged, biassed, partisan, irate, belligerent, un-respectful and out of protocol in any public setting, for ANY Judge serving in ANY position. It would be bad for all the other Supreme Court members and the Supreme Court itself for him to get the job.

He lost it.

And I don't care how much pressure he was under, he can not and will not ever hold a SC justice position due to his own actions.... he simply does not qualify anymore....

No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
What horseshit. I think he'll be much calmer and cooler when he isn't being accused of rape by a bunch of scumbag Dim senators. Don't you?
that's unknown...

He showed his cards and weaknesses... he's belligerent, an angry off the wall conspiracy theory lunatic, that would not know how to be unbiased or non partisan if it hit him in the face...

THAT is what he showed Americans, and the world... you 35% ers who support Trump at even the cost of your very souls to the devil himself, may not see how Kavanaugh acted as anything bad, but I can assure you.... it was very very very bad for him, to put on that kind of performance and extremely SHOCKING to most Americans, that he can even be an impartial judge, in the job he holds...

AND he's a lush... :D

neither is suitable for the Supreme Court...

give it up... he simply failed the interview...
That you call what the democrats have done to this man and his family an interview speaks volumes about you. Sugarcoat it to yourself all you want, it doesn't make that display less wretched. Only fools or democrats expect to attack someone with impunity and then whine when they fight back.
democrats did not create Dr Ford or her story on what happened to her that night by Kavanaugh and Judge.... :rolleyes:

your guy made his own fate years ago....

and sealed it with his absolutely bizarre and unhinged, belligerent, unprofessional, performance in his hearing like he was trying out for a budweiser commercial at the hearing... i'm sorry, but the guy should not even be a Judge with those kind of actions and talk.... he needs to be committed for a while, to get help.... a judge is suppose to be independent, unbiased, non partisan and that guy was a complete freak... the complete opposite.... he is not worthy to serve us on the Supreme Court for a lifetime..... he just really really really spelled that out in capital letters, for everyone to see, in his hearing.

I LIKE BEER commercial coming your way soon! Featuring, Judge Kavanaugh!
It would take more than Ford but Bill Cosby was convicted without forensic evidence.

What sunk Cosby is that a woman made a charge STILL in the statute of limitation, there was video evidence (forensic) and a wealth of witnesses.

You are correct.

There was more than enough evidence to convict Cosby. The most damning evidence came out of Cosby's own mouth. During a deposition in 2005 he admitted giving quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with.

“Prosecutors in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault retrial will present the jury with the disgraced comedian’s 2005 testimony about giving quaaludes to women after a judge ruled it admissible on Tuesday, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.

“In the testimony, Cosby admitted under oath that he obtained a prescription for the now-illegal drug in the 1970s and gave it to women he wanted to have sex with. “

Bill Cosby's Admission Of Giving Quaaludes To Women Allowed In Retrial | HuffPost

“Speaking out for the first time, the jury that convicted Bill Cosby at his sexual assault retrial said Monday its decision was influenced only by what happened in court. The youngest member of the panel said the comedian's own words sealed his fate.

“Harrison Snyder, 22, said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" that Cosby's deposition -- in which he admitted giving women drugs to have sex with them -- was the evidence that made him believe he was guilty.”

Bill Cosby 'admitted to giving these quaaludes to women' juror says of sexual assault verdict
Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...

And what exactly does that have to do with you Nazis ending the rule of law and discarding the presumption of innocence along with all rights for the accused? :dunno: Trump doesn't respect you? Why would he?
UN have no fear The FBI will be glad to help trump out lol lol lol
You didn't answer his question, dirtbag.
No different then some asshole judges up in chicago I ran across in my life.
and you rightfully, did not like it, and felt it was unjust...

This is a supreme court justice position... you must be calm, cool, and collected... you must be independent from any person or political party and their influence, you must be unbiased, non-partisan, respectful, and show no belligerence tendencies....

And you probably should not be a lush...

it's a life time position that represent 1 out of only 3, Equal in power, branches to our gvt...

The other Supreme court members and the SC itself, does not deserve him and what he brings...

pick another conservative nominee...
What horseshit. I think he'll be much calmer and cooler when he isn't being accused of rape by a bunch of scumbag Dim senators. Don't you?
that's unknown...

He showed his cards and weaknesses... he's belligerent, an angry off the wall conspiracy theory lunatic, that would not know how to be unbiased or non partisan if it hit him in the face...

THAT is what he showed Americans, and the world... you 35% ers who support Trump at even the cost of your very souls to the devil himself, may not see how Kavanaugh acted as anything bad, but I can assure you.... it was very very very bad for him, to put on that kind of performance and extremely SHOCKING to most Americans, that he can even be an impartial judge, in the job he holds...

AND he's a lush... :D

neither is suitable for the Supreme Court...

give it up... he simply failed the interview...
That you call what the democrats have done to this man and his family an interview speaks volumes about you. Sugarcoat it to yourself all you want, it doesn't make that display less wretched. Only fools or democrats expect to attack someone with impunity and then whine when they fight back.
democrats did not create Dr Ford or her story on what happened to her that night by Kavanaugh and Judge.... :rolleyes:

Really? I think they did.

your guy made his own fate years ago....

By working his tail off and being the best qualified judge in the country? He certainly did nothing to deserve this circus.

and sealed it with his absolutely bizarre and unhinged, belligerent, unprofessional, performance in his hearing like he was trying out for a budweiser commercial at the hearing... i'm sorry, but the guy should not even be a Judge with those kind of actions and talk.... he needs to be committed for a while, to get help.... a judge is suppose to be independent, unbiased, non partisan and that guy was a complete freak... the complete opposite.... he is not worthy to serve us on the Supreme Court for a lifetime..... he just really really really spelled that out in capital letters, for everyone to see, in his hearing.

I LIKE BEER commercial coming your way soon! Featuring, Judge Kavanaugh!

There is certainly nothing bizarre given the circumstances. What's truly bizarre is that U.S. Senators are sleazy and unscrupulous enough to defend these disgusting smears. It takes a true moral reprobate to support such accusations given the quality of the evidence and the obviously lack of credibility of the only witness.
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.
Kavanaugh isn't fit for dog catcher
That's the best argument you have. Isn't it?
How's this bri? Imagine a lady or a black person speaking with the disrespect and anger with bs tears in their eyes,in the same position as Kavanaugh? He' or she'd be voted down so quickly it'd make your head spin Now this LIMITED investigation is BS Hopefully some Republicans realize it and vote accordingly
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

2. Can't recall how she got to the party or where the party was.

3. Can't recall how she got home. Fleeing the house is "seared" into her memory yet a fraction of a second later she got amnesia? She fled in fear of her life, she's outside the house fearing Kavanaugh would chase her down, no car, no drivers license, miles from home but can't recall what happened next?
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

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