I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
Your question exhibits your ignorance of the law, as the Senate confirmation process is not a legal process; that Kavanaugh might be charged with a crime or not is completely irrelevant, having no bearing whatsoever on the question as to whether he’s fit to sit on the Supreme Court.
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!

More trolling, shocker. Welcome to the IGNORE lounge stupid.
Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
Problem stormy is they don't care if the slime wins ,,as long as the slime is on their side This pos will be voting for every thing republican that comes before the court for the next 30,40, years.....and this investigation is a gd sham
Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
Problem stormy is they don't care if the slime wins ,,as long as the slime is on their side This pos will be voting for every thing republican that comes before the court for the next 30,40, years.....and this investigation is a gd sham

Kavanaugh has the support of many LIBERAL legal professionals and scholars, they think he would make an excellent SC justice. Yet you call the man a pos and a slime, that makes you look pretty stupid.
We didn't have cell phones back then............

When and Where did this happen.........specific.........

Attempted Rape...........file the complaint with Maryland and get on with it..............but of course if she's lying about it.............she may not want to do it......get caught in a lie won't go well.............

So........if it's true............FILE IT..........

Enough with the games..........get on with it............
O.B. : I was a dude who went to parties in the eighties, and worked on the yearbook staff, so let me shed some light on a few things:

"Boofing" doesn't refer to farts or flatulence. Boofing is a very specific category of anal insertion. He lied about that. Under oath.

"The devil's triangle" is not and has never been a drinking game. It's a euphemism for a threesome involving two men and one woman. He lied about that too. Under oath.

Yearbook editors do not doctor or change copy provided by students for their dedication page without their permission. Whatever he wrote in his yearbook is 100% his own words. He lied about that as well. Under oath.

Just like he lied about his drinking, just like he lied about never having assaulted anyone, just like he lied about the reasons why he won't agree to an FBI investigation to prove his innocence, just like he lied about not having tried to rape Dr. Ford at that party.

The boy who tried to rape Dr. Ford at that party was exactly the same entitled, binge-drinking jock douchebag who got away with the same exact crap at your school in the eighties and nineties.

That's who Brett Kavanaugh is.

I don't even have to believe Dr. Ford. I do, but I don't have to. I just don't believe him. None of what he said today was true, and it was obvious. His lies were absurd and easy to debunk. He isn't even a good liar.

Here's a photo of the real Brett Kavanaugh. Not the sniveling gaslighting jackass in a cheap suit who barked at Senators today and whined about not being handed a job he feels entitled to.

Here's the guy who shoved an innocent girl into a room with his friend, locked the door, tried to rape her, and then went on about his day. That's his true face.

He lied under oath for the better part of an hour today, and every man who grew up in the same era fucking knows it
Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
Problem stormy is they don't care if the slime wins ,,as long as the slime is on their side This pos will be voting for every thing republican that comes before the court for the next 30,40, years.....and this investigation is a gd sham
Your side has done this before.............so you are not credible on this issue to me...........purposely waiting til the last minute..........trying every delay they can get............can't fly but flew anyway...........which house and when did it happen............how you got there.......how you got home............

WTF...........shouldn't be that dang hard to answer those questions which are required information on a criminal complaint...........if they say Kav is a criminal then that is exactly what they should do if they feel it was attempted rape.................Are they claiming 1st degree.......2nd degree..............Which is it...........she is lawyered up..............can't figure that out.............hmmm
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.


You Nazis hated Kavanaugh before he even was Kavanaugh.


America has seen the depths you Nazis will stoop to in order to retain power.
Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...

And what exactly does that have to do with you Nazis ending the rule of law and discarding the presumption of innocence along with all rights for the accused? :dunno: Trump doesn't respect you? Why would he?
UN have no fear The FBI will be glad to help trump out lol lol lol

So eddie munster, what exactly does an FBI investigation look like to a Nazi/Stalinist like you? Describe the process?
why lie? is that going to get you in to heaven? :rolleyes:

Why do you Nazis lie? Well, because you're scumbags who seek power.

What kind of god does an animal like you serve? You slander and libel a good man because you fear he will infringe on abortion, essentially child sacrifice.

Does the god you worship demand infant sacrifice? what does this "god" of yours look like?


Makes sense for a Nazi like you.
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
The clear answer is no but as I am sure someone has already said this not a criminal trial even so there should have to be more than an allegation to deny Kavanaugh the seat on the high court.
Trump really does not respect drunkards, or men crying.... as long as he gets someone on the federalist society's list, his followers will forgive him...

And what exactly does that have to do with you Nazis ending the rule of law and discarding the presumption of innocence along with all rights for the accused? :dunno: Trump doesn't respect you? Why would he?
UN have no fear The FBI will be glad to help trump out lol lol lol

So eddie munster, what exactly does an FBI investigation look like to a Nazi/Stalinist like you? Describe the process?
NO HOLDS BARRED Allowed to question whomever , and take it as far as it goes with not limiting them in any way
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.
Kavanaugh isn't fit for dog catcher
That's the best argument you have. Isn't it?

eddie serves his party, blindly and mindlessly. eddie is not a thinker, eddie is a solder of the Nazicrat order.

I was a republican so what you say WAS true
If you say yes you go by feelings and not by the rule of law and the constitution

If you say no then you go by rule of law and the constitution.

Let's see what side these sentators are on ..

Prosecutor tells wavering senators she wouldn't charge Kavanaugh, as vote looms

The sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's hearing told senators the case would not hold up in a courtroom, sources told Fox News—guidance that could prove critical as wavering lawmakers prepare to vote.

The prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, spoke at an overnight meeting where all 51 Republican senators were present, two people briefed on the session said.

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn't even seek a search warrant.

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.
The clear answer is no but as I am sure someone has already said this not a criminal trial even so there should have to be more than an allegation to deny Kavanaugh the seat on the high court.

The Nazicrats are desperate. They are a cornered animal lashing out.

Two years ago these Stalinist pigs who are the democrats had the world as their oyster. 8 years of Bolshevik Barack had destroyed most of the foundation of civil society. His FSB and Department of fuck justice were rigging the elections to hand the reigns to Hillary Clinton. The supreme ruler of the Nazicrats promised Hillary and his soldiers in the DNC that it was "in the bag". Oh, they feared Donald Trump, but between the FSB using Russian and other foreign spies to corrupt the election and the criminal thugs under Loretta Lynch perverting the election mechanisms they were convinced they had done Obama's idol Robert Mugabe proud.

Once in, Hillary would appoint a Bolshevik like Kagan to the bench and America would be over once and for all. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments would be crushed by the court within months.

The Nazi democrats were a hair away from the destruction of their enemy which is America.

So the Nazicrats were bitter and rage filled to begin with. Now they see that the Constitution could survive another generation with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Moreover, because Judge Kavanaugh DOES serve the Constitution (which the democrats so bitterly hate) they fear he would rule against the clearly unconstitutional Roe V. Wade law passed by the court.

This is the highest stakes since we declared independence from England. The Nazi democrats WILL get violent, they have no other option.
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.
Kavanaugh isn't fit for dog catcher

Seig Heil indeed, Nazi fuck.
You kiss his ass just like you do scumbag trumps How republican of you

You've lost Nazi. America will survive. We will have a Constitution and a bill of rights for another generation, Stalinist pig.
Mitchell is a political operative - Of course she wouldn't :rolleyes-41:
How many times we gotta tell you Dotards - Nobody is interested in trying or convicting Kav.

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