I have one question: would Ford's testimony convict kavanaugh in a court room?

Ford's testimony is not even in the same zip code as credible. Here are some of the gaping holes.

Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

1. Can't recall who invited her to the party. She's at the country club swimming, still has her bathing suit on, didn't go home first to change, no cell phone, at the club but somehow got invited to this party.

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
The reason she can't remember who drove her home is because they would immediately start questioning that person, and it would blow her entire story out of the water.
O.B. : I was a dude who went to parties in the eighties, and worked on the yearbook staff, so let me shed some light on a few things:

"Boofing" doesn't refer to farts or flatulence. Boofing is a very specific category of anal insertion. He lied about that. Under oath.

"The devil's triangle" is not and has never been a drinking game. It's a euphemism for a threesome involving two men and one woman. He lied about that too. Under oath.

Yearbook editors do not doctor or change copy provided by students for their dedication page without their permission. Whatever he wrote in his yearbook is 100% his own words. He lied about that as well. Under oath.

Just like he lied about his drinking, just like he lied about never having assaulted anyone, just like he lied about the reasons why he won't agree to an FBI investigation to prove his innocence, just like he lied about not having tried to rape Dr. Ford at that party.

The boy who tried to rape Dr. Ford at that party was exactly the same entitled, binge-drinking jock douchebag who got away with the same exact crap at your school in the eighties and nineties.

That's who Brett Kavanaugh is.

I don't even have to believe Dr. Ford. I do, but I don't have to. I just don't believe him. None of what he said today was true, and it was obvious. His lies were absurd and easy to debunk. He isn't even a good liar.

Here's a photo of the real Brett Kavanaugh. Not the sniveling gaslighting jackass in a cheap suit who barked at Senators today and whined about not being handed a job he feels entitled to.

Here's the guy who shoved an innocent girl into a room with his friend, locked the door, tried to rape her, and then went on about his day. That's his true face.

He lied under oath for the better part of an hour today, and every man who grew up in the same era fucking knows it
Teenage cliques often have their own meanings for slang terms. Furthermore, Nothing in the yearbook says he actually did what you claim, even if the meaning is what you claim. Even if everything you claim is true, it's utterly meaningless in terms of his confirmation. What he did in high school doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Your Lord and Savior disagrees with you. He found her "very credible."

Your basing your position on a teenager in the early 80s not having a cell phone?

For the love of god, how do these idiots breath without a mechanical device?

Adults are talking, go play outside. :itsok:

There ya go. Unable to handle intelligence levels higher than a chihuahua, so you just bark and bark and bark and bark and bark....

:anj_stfu: you ignorant troll, its not my fault you are too stupid to intelligently discuss the points I made. Go ahead explain her amnesia, you can't. Explain who invited her. Explain how she got there. Explain how any 1980's girl goes to a party without first going home, changing and dolling up her face. :eusa_hand:

:laughing0301: Yer so angry! Facts and reason aren't working out for you so time to throw a tantrum!

Let's make sure to also find out what color panties she was wearing when this all happened. And what brand of shoes she was wearing. Oh, and most importantly, what did she have for breakfast that morning!
Problem stormy is they don't care if the slime wins ,,as long as the slime is on their side This pos will be voting for every thing republican that comes before the court for the next 30,40, years.....and this investigation is a gd sham
That's funny coming from someone who supported a piece of slime in the White House for 8 years.
If nothing else we got a look at Kavanaugh and that was all that was needed for many Americans. It was a new low for Republicans and Trump.
Kavanaugh isn't fit for dog catcher

Seig Heil indeed, Nazi fuck.
You kiss his ass just like you do scumbag trumps How republican of you
So if you don't accept baseless smears, that means you're kissing his ass?

Such is the "logic" of the modern day snowflake.
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:

How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:


She has an excuse - Nobody tried to rape Kav
No one tried to rape her either. However, she and the Democrat douchebags on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to rape Kavanaugh.
How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:


She has an excuse - Nobody tried to rape Kav
No one tried to rape her either. However, she and the Democrat douchebags on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to rape Kavanaugh.
Early Friday morning, the AP reported that, the day before, Judge Brett Kavanaugh "misstated" the drinking age in Maryland when he recalled his days of downing brewskis with P.J. and Squi. From Time:
The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. In a Fox News interview on Monday, Kavanaugh said, “Yes, there were parties. And the drinking age was 18. And yes, the seniors were legal.” In testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he said all of his comments during the Fox interview were accurate and could be made part of the record.
In plain terms, for all his spleen and outrage, Judge Kavanaugh lies about everything. In his earlier hearings, he lied about his judicial philosophy, and he lied about his days as a Republican operative, both in and out of the White House. On Monday, he lied to Martha McCallum of Fox News. On Thursday, he lied about his entire adolescence and his college days.
He lied even when he didn't have to lie. He lied in preposterous ways easily disproven by common sense. (The "Devil's Triangle"? "Renate Alumnius"?) He lied like a toddler, like a guilty adolescent, and like a privileged scion of the white ruling class, which is a continuum with which we all are far too familiar. He lied and he dared the Democratic members of the committee, and the country, to call him on his lies. And now, he is a couple of easy steps away from having lied his way into a lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. This guy is going to be deciding constitutional issues for the next four decades, and the truth is not in him.
The organizer of the violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, was until recently a Barack Obama supporter and was also a member of the leftist radical Occupy Wall Street Movement, according to a report from a hard-left activist group.

The details from his recent past have many in the blogosphere and on social media asking: Is the Charlottesville rally organizer really a left-wing plant?

Jason Kessler organized the Aug. 12 “Unite the Right” rally in which white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other groups battled in the street with “Antifa” and counter-protesters.

The torch-lit rally was held in response to the Charlottesville City Council’s plan to remove a statue of the Confederate General Robert E. Lee. James Fields, 20, who attended the pro-monument rally, killed a woman named Heather Hayer and injured 19 others when he rammed his car into a gathering of counter-protesters, who then responded by smashing in the car’s windows with bats. Authorities are investigating the act as a potential terrorist attack, though it is not immediately clear if the attack was premeditated.}

Setup? Man behind white-supremacist rally supported Obama - WND

Those were YOUR people.

Try again, Nazi.

Sure Trumptard ... SURE! :D

Says the guy who gets his "news" from SNL

How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:


She has an excuse - Nobody tried to rape Kav
No one tried to rape her either. However, she and the Democrat douchebags on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to rape Kavanaugh.
Early Friday morning, the AP reported that, the day before, Judge Brett Kavanaugh "misstated" the drinking age in Maryland when he recalled his days of downing brewskis with P.J. and Squi. From Time:
The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. In a Fox News interview on Monday, Kavanaugh said, “Yes, there were parties. And the drinking age was 18. And yes, the seniors were legal.” In testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he said all of his comments during the Fox interview were accurate and could be made part of the record.
In plain terms, for all his spleen and outrage, Judge Kavanaugh lies about everything. In his earlier hearings, he lied about his judicial philosophy, and he lied about his days as a Republican operative, both in and out of the White House. On Monday, he lied to Martha McCallum of Fox News. On Thursday, he lied about his entire adolescence and his college days.
He lied even when he didn't have to lie. He lied in preposterous ways easily disproven by common sense. (The "Devil's Triangle"? "Renate Alumnius"?) He lied like a toddler, like a guilty adolescent, and like a privileged scion of the white ruling class, which is a continuum with which we all are far too familiar. He lied and he dared the Democratic members of the committee, and the country, to call him on his lies. And now, he is a couple of easy steps away from having lied his way into a lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. This guy is going to be deciding constitutional issues for the next four decades, and the truth is not in him.

Do you have a link they didn't have a grandfather rule?

In 1983 the drinking age in illinois was 21 all us cook county illinois kids would just drive the few miles over the border to Wisconsin where it was 18 .


In Colorado in 1983 you could drink 2% beer if you were 18 btw.

How can we expect him to be anything but angry when he is under attack........................If he wasn't angry then I'd be thinking.........hmmmm......

Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:


She has an excuse - Nobody tried to rape Kav
No one tried to rape her either. However, she and the Democrat douchebags on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to rape Kavanaugh.
Early Friday morning, the AP reported that, the day before, Judge Brett Kavanaugh "misstated" the drinking age in Maryland when he recalled his days of downing brewskis with P.J. and Squi. From Time:
The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. In a Fox News interview on Monday, Kavanaugh said, “Yes, there were parties. And the drinking age was 18. And yes, the seniors were legal.” In testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he said all of his comments during the Fox interview were accurate and could be made part of the record.
In plain terms, for all his spleen and outrage, Judge Kavanaugh lies about everything. In his earlier hearings, he lied about his judicial philosophy, and he lied about his days as a Republican operative, both in and out of the White House. On Monday, he lied to Martha McCallum of Fox News. On Thursday, he lied about his entire adolescence and his college days.
He lied even when he didn't have to lie. He lied in preposterous ways easily disproven by common sense. (The "Devil's Triangle"? "Renate Alumnius"?) He lied like a toddler, like a guilty adolescent, and like a privileged scion of the white ruling class, which is a continuum with which we all are far too familiar. He lied and he dared the Democratic members of the committee, and the country, to call him on his lies. And now, he is a couple of easy steps away from having lied his way into a lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. This guy is going to be deciding constitutional issues for the next four decades, and the truth is not in him.
You failed to notice that nowhere did Kavanaugh claim he didn't drink until he was of legal age. Once again, you post horseshit. You call Kavanaugh a liar, but he doesn't lie 1/100th as much as you or any other snowflake in this forum.
Awwww - BOO HOO!! :rolleyes:

Oh BOO HOO. Look at the crazy lying slut cry:


She has an excuse - Nobody tried to rape Kav
No one tried to rape her either. However, she and the Democrat douchebags on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to rape Kavanaugh.
Early Friday morning, the AP reported that, the day before, Judge Brett Kavanaugh "misstated" the drinking age in Maryland when he recalled his days of downing brewskis with P.J. and Squi. From Time:
The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. In a Fox News interview on Monday, Kavanaugh said, “Yes, there were parties. And the drinking age was 18. And yes, the seniors were legal.” In testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he said all of his comments during the Fox interview were accurate and could be made part of the record.
In plain terms, for all his spleen and outrage, Judge Kavanaugh lies about everything. In his earlier hearings, he lied about his judicial philosophy, and he lied about his days as a Republican operative, both in and out of the White House. On Monday, he lied to Martha McCallum of Fox News. On Thursday, he lied about his entire adolescence and his college days.
He lied even when he didn't have to lie. He lied in preposterous ways easily disproven by common sense. (The "Devil's Triangle"? "Renate Alumnius"?) He lied like a toddler, like a guilty adolescent, and like a privileged scion of the white ruling class, which is a continuum with which we all are far too familiar. He lied and he dared the Democratic members of the committee, and the country, to call him on his lies. And now, he is a couple of easy steps away from having lied his way into a lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. This guy is going to be deciding constitutional issues for the next four decades, and the truth is not in him.
You failed to notice that nowhere did Kavanaugh claim he didn't drink until he was of legal age. Once again, you post horseshit. You call Kavanaugh a liar, but he doesn't lie 1/100th as much as you or any other snowflake in this forum.

You are an unpaid volunteer for the biggest liar on the planet

Stop helping Donald Trump spread his lies. Don't correct, don't rage, just turn away.
Says the guy who gets his "news" from SNL

Satirical news viewers are infinitely better informed that those who get their "news" from Fox

by "better informed" they mean the people polled swallowed leftwing propaganda.

No, I mean better informed.

Yet Another Study Shows US Satire Programs Do A Better Job Informing Viewers Than Actual News Outlets

More loaded questions, who the fuck are you fooling?

Says the guy who gets his "news" from SNL

Satirical news viewers are infinitely better informed that those who get their "news" from Fox

by "better informed" they mean the people polled swallowed leftwing propaganda.

No, I mean better informed.

Yet Another Study Shows US Satire Programs Do A Better Job Informing Viewers Than Actual News Outlets

More loaded questions, who the fuck are you fooling?


Were you home skooled my furry friend? :cool-45:
Says the guy who gets his "news" from SNL

Satirical news viewers are infinitely better informed that those who get their "news" from Fox

by "better informed" they mean the people polled swallowed leftwing propaganda.

No, I mean better informed.

Yet Another Study Shows US Satire Programs Do A Better Job Informing Viewers Than Actual News Outlets
I recall the study. They asked a lot of questions that required the subjects to agree with leftwing propaganda to have it scored as "correct."

The study was just another example of sleazy leftwing propaganda.
Says the guy who gets his "news" from SNL

Satirical news viewers are infinitely better informed that those who get their "news" from Fox

by "better informed" they mean the people polled swallowed leftwing propaganda.

No, I mean better informed.

Yet Another Study Shows US Satire Programs Do A Better Job Informing Viewers Than Actual News Outlets
I recall the study. They asked a lot of questions that required the subjects to agree with leftwing propaganda to have it scored as "correct."

The study was just another example of sleazy leftwing propaganda.

No you hopeless idiot - These are questions like:

Who is your governor?
Who is the president of Russia?
Name one Supreme Court Justice

You know, questions you'd be likely to flub. :lol:
Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions | Pew Research Center

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