I Have Only Regretted Two Votes for POTUS

I can’t think of a POTUS I voted for, that I haven’t regretted.

Which one? I bees confused.

Trump or Mittens? I voted for Mittens, myself. The alternative was too unbearable to think about.

I too voted for Carter. Biggest mistake of my political life. I was so pissed off at Gerald Ford that I couldn't see straight. Still don't like him.

He had those murdering commie, NVA scumbags out in the open and could have wiped them from the Earth with one B-52 strike.

He lacked balls. And Southeast Asia lost nearly 5 million people murdered by communist scum afterwards

Which one? I bees confused.

Trump or Mittens? I voted for Mittens, myself. The alternative was too unbearable to think about.

I too voted for Carter. Biggest mistake of my political life. I was so pissed off at Gerald Ford that I couldn't see straight. Still don't like him.

He had those murdering commie, NVA scumbags out in the open and could have wiped them from the Earth with one B-52 strike.

He lacked balls. And Southeast Asia lost nearly 5 million people murdered by communist scum afterwards
Romney belongs in a janitor job.
Yeah...I too, voted for RINO Romney, because there was Obama as the alternative.
That’s the thing. We vote for the lesser of two evils, when there really isn’t a lesser evil. They are all EVIL.

It shows Mitt Romney has some integrity. Something most Trump supporters would know nothing about. This judge should not have been confirmed. This judge has shown his bias and we should expect judges to maintain a modicum of objectivity. It is very sad that he allowed the Republican establishment to drive him out of the 2016 primaries. He would have beaten Clinton in both the electoral college and the popular vote.

Carter, agreed. Was a big mistake. Good man, but a lousy president.

With Romney there was no choice.

I agree. I voted for Carter as well and what a mistake that was. He's a good guy but the lousiest POTUS we've ever had.

Never voted for Romney. I voted for Johnson when Romney was running for POTUS.

It shows Mitt Romney has some integrity. Something most Trump supporters would know nothing about. This judge should not have been confirmed. This judge has shown his bias and we should expect judges to maintain a modicum of objectivity. It is very sad that he allowed the Republican establishment to drive him out of the 2016 primaries. He would have beaten Clinton in both the electoral college and the popular vote.

Sure he would have. He couldn't even beat Obama with the economy in the tank and UE through the roof.

You truly are an idiot.

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