I have the solution for welfare/freeloaders!!!!!!!

Why doesn't everyone on welfare do community service to pay back everyone who works for a living? Greatest plan that will make people get jobs and stop being lazy motherfuckers. BOOM!

In other words, you want the government to provide everyone on welfare with a job. You do understand where that will lead, do you not? Sometimes good ideas are really very very bad ideas.

Care to elaborate or do you just like to talk?
I have a better solution. We cut taxes so people can keep what they work for. Then we make it so working for money is easier than taking it from the tax payers.

Of course, that would require us to be responsible and charitable as a society.
Well, Liar, an apt name for you, from your post we understand where you are coming from. And that you have no aquitance with facts.

There are a great many people that would work in a minute if they could find a job that they are qualified for.

Sometimes you have to take the jobs that are there and not necessarily the job you want.

It's called doing what needs to be done to survive.
I have a better solution. We cut taxes so people can keep what they work for. Then we make it so working for money is easier than taking it from the tax payers.

Of course, that would require us to be responsible and charitable as a society.

That's crazy talk. It's no fun without a bloated bureaucracy to manage things for us.
I have a better solution. We cut taxes so people can keep what they work for. Then we make it so working for money is easier than taking it from the tax payers.

Of course, that would require us to be responsible and charitable as a society.

and that's where it all goes to shit
I have a better solution. We cut taxes so people can keep what they work for. Then we make it so working for money is easier than taking it from the tax payers.

Of course, that would require us to be responsible and charitable as a society.

and that's where it all goes to shit

Then start with yourself
I have a better solution. We cut taxes so people can keep what they work for. Then we make it so working for money is easier than taking it from the tax payers.

Of course, that would require us to be responsible and charitable as a society.

and that's where it all goes to shit

Then start with yourself

And it still goes to shit because people aren't ants..They'll do whatever they want
Why doesn't everyone on welfare do community service to pay back everyone who works for a living? Greatest plan that will make people get jobs and stop being lazy motherfuckers. BOOM!

I have often said public works is the best way to do this.
And it still goes to shit because people aren't ants..They'll do whatever they want

That's a pretty sad excuse. "Im not going to do it because no one else will"

Show me the where I said that...You cant

You don't like the fact that your solution requires millions of people to all do the same thing. Blame free will, not me.

Actually, I quoted where you used the excuse.

I didn't say anything about not liking that my solution requires millions of people to be responsible. Im quite aware that my solution requires people to freely choose good things. That's why I am actively encourage people to do that. Because it's the only way our society will function.
That's a pretty sad excuse. "Im not going to do it because no one else will"

Show me the where I said that...You cant

You don't like the fact that your solution requires millions of people to all do the same thing. Blame free will, not me.

Actually, I quoted where you used the excuse.

I didn't say anything about not liking that my solution requires millions of people to be responsible. Im quite aware that my solution requires people to freely choose good things. That's why I am actively encourage people to do that. Because it's the only way our society will function.

Call Human nature an excuse all you want but just stop lying. I didn't say I wouldn't do anything for any reason. As long as you're honest you don't have a problem.

Free will will show you that if a solution requires millions of people to all do something for it to work it not a solution its a dream
Only a right wing moron would come to this conclusion, facts have no place in the wingnut world.

"THE FACT IS, MORE WHITES RECEIVE aid than blacks or Hispanics. Two out of three welfare recipients are children, not adults. And contrary to the stereotype of families forever dependent, nearly three out of four women receiving aid get off welfare within two years."

The four biggest lies told about welfare reform

The only people on welfare in America who are adults are our Congress. They are the real welfare recipients considering they do absolutely nothing.

The right wing clings to myth because they have nothing else on their plate or mind.

"Reduce the deficit, they chant, by curtailing programs supporting the middle and poor classes. Quietly accept the double-trickle down process. But don’t you dare touch the entitlements of the rich that put everyone else at risk." The Contemporary Condition: The Real Entitlement Crisis

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