I heard some news that saddens me this morning.

Remember when the Tea Party turned on Richard Lugar in the Indiana primary, resulting in the election of the Democrat in the general election?

Apparently, a lot of people don't remember. The Democrats control the senate now only because the Tea Party helped them so many senate elections. Thanks Tea Partiers! We encourage your further help in Kentucky!
The radical right is simply going to have to accept the fact that they’re a minority in a minority.

They harbor these pathetic fantasies that some rightwing extremist is going to win the presidency.

When in fact that will never happen.

Rightists glom onto these ‘dream candidates’ only to find they’ve either abandoned TPM insanity, as was the case with Rubio, or have been relegated to the political sidelines, correctly perceived as the fools they are, such as Paul and Cruz.
The Tea Party is full of people with good beliefs and intentions, but many of them have no clue how to choose a candidate that will win the election then know how to beat the Democraps in DC.

Pulling shutdown stunts pissing off millions of Americans isn't the way to win the next election that will help us get rid of obamacare. Take back the Senate in 2014 and obamacare is on the verge of dying.

Many clueless people in the Tea Party are anti-anything Government, even the US military. They have no clue the US military is the backbone of the conservatives in this country. The first thing for conservatives is personal freedom and you don't get that with a weak US military putting this country at risk and not keeping the socialists like Obama in check from creating a police state. The US military is the one organization that would prevent a socialist take over of this country, but many Tea Party wackos actually believe their little militias are the front line....insane.
The Tea Party is full of people with good beliefs and intentions, but many of them have no clue how to choose a candidate that will win the election then know how to beat the Democraps in DC.

Pulling shutdown stunts pissing off millions of Americans isn't the way to win the next election that will help us get rid of obamacare. Take back the Senate in 2014 and obamacare is on the verge of dying.

Many clueless people in the Tea Party are anti-anything Government, even the US military. They have no clue the US military is the backbone of the conservatives in this country. The first thing for conservatives is personal freedom and you don't get that with a weak US military putting this country at risk and not keeping the socialists like Obama in check from creating a police state. The US military is the one organization that would prevent a socialist take over of this country, but many Tea Party wackos actually believe their little militias are the front line....insane.

While I agree that political strategy and political tactics should be learned I would also warn against putting too much value on the sleaziness of those tactics, because doing business as usual is not benefiting the usual people and actually does not put much difference between the two parties. McConnell is a perfect example of sleaziness and while I agree that he is despicable, I also tend to think that if his seat is safe in general election it is better to preserve it than take a risk and losing it to another dimocrap scum.
the most targeted should be dimocraps seats which are 21 for reelection - leave the safe republican alone ( even if that is likes of McConnell) - the goal is to gain the majority, not to vote in purists, but in minority.
In exchange for the not opposing safe rinos the candidates should demand a lot of money support in the possible dimocrap gains.
That is the tactic.
And the strategy would be - if the majority could be won - change McConnell to somebody else
Remember when the Tea Party turned on Richard Lugar in the Indiana primary, resulting in the election of the Democrat in the general election?

Apparently, a lot of people don't remember. The Democrats control the senate now only because the Tea Party helped them so many senate elections. Thanks Tea Partiers! We encourage your further help in Kentucky!

One can only assume that the radicalism of the TPM is so extreme that they’d rather see democrats elected than ‘RINOs.’

In fact, that makes a kind of perverted sense, as it’s likely the TPM can only survive as a minority political entity, always at odds with the ‘political establishment.’

Once an insurgent has won the revolution and is expected to govern, he can no longer enjoy the advantages of being an insurgent, and consequently finds it impossible to govern.
The Tea Party is full of people with good beliefs and intentions, but many of them have no clue how to choose a candidate that will win the election then know how to beat the Democraps in DC.

Pulling shutdown stunts pissing off millions of Americans isn't the way to win the next election that will help us get rid of obamacare. Take back the Senate in 2014 and obamacare is on the verge of dying.

Many clueless people in the Tea Party are anti-anything Government, even the US military. They have no clue the US military is the backbone of the conservatives in this country. The first thing for conservatives is personal freedom and you don't get that with a weak US military putting this country at risk and not keeping the socialists like Obama in check from creating a police state. The US military is the one organization that would prevent a socialist take over of this country, but many Tea Party wackos actually believe their little militias are the front line....insane.
ONE WORD...Constitution.

The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I am a huge fan of Rep. Trey Gowdy and liked what he said, yesterday. If the GOP doesn't find common ground on which to stand for, it will fail. (paraphrased) Obama is counting on it, and so are all socialists, New World Order supporters, communists and freeloaders, in America.

The GOP is too divided and need to get together on issues and they need a strong charismatic leader and Gowdy would be one.

A big fan? Why?
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

A month ago I posted the link which relates to this very thing in Businessweek.
Jim Demint, the Christian Coalition/evangelicals, Heritage Foundation, i.e. THE TEA BAGGERS are behind this.

Google the SCF, drill down and see where they get there money. In the meantime, here's the link to the article:

Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker - Businessweek

McConnell folded during the shutdown and now he's toast.
The Tea Party is full of people with good beliefs and intentions, but many of them have no clue how to choose a candidate that will win the election then know how to beat the Democraps in DC.

Pulling shutdown stunts pissing off millions of Americans isn't the way to win the next election that will help us get rid of obamacare. Take back the Senate in 2014 and obamacare is on the verge of dying.

Many clueless people in the Tea Party are anti-anything Government, even the US military. They have no clue the US military is the backbone of the conservatives in this country. The first thing for conservatives is personal freedom and you don't get that with a weak US military putting this country at risk and not keeping the socialists like Obama in check from creating a police state. The US military is the one organization that would prevent a socialist take over of this country, but many Tea Party wackos actually believe their little militias are the front line....insane.

The Tea Baggers are primarily comprised of a bunch of old white men who are worried about losing their grip on a country that they have had since landing on Plymouth Rock.

They succeeded in beating back the native Americans and keeping women from voting and owning property up until about a hundred years ago, but...the PARTY is over.

Women, Hispanics, Blacks, LGBT are sick and tired of them and couldn't be more pleased that they are imploding.
Pretty much most GOP in the Senate have some bad qualities.

McConnell is a limp dick and hardly stands up to Reid.

Rubio is an illegal supporter.

McCain flips and flops.

Cruz actually thought the shutdown would work and just created a backlash on the GOP.

Plenty of idiots to go around and people wonder how the corrupt Democraps keeping winning the Senate...

Why? Because enough of the reactionaries to the right support candidates the rest of America can't stand.
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

The same Senate Conservative Fund is backing a Tea Party challenge to Thad Cochran in Mississippi. Primary Thad Cochran?
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

The same Senate Conservative Fund is backing a Tea Party challenge to Thad Cochran in Mississippi. Primary Thad Cochran?

The Republicans are eating their own and the Koch brother's money is paying for the feast.
The TeaPs will fail on most of their primary challenges, and will lose most of their candidates in the primaries.

Life is good.
Pretty much most GOP in the Senate have some bad qualities.

McConnell is a limp dick and hardly stands up to Reid.

Rubio is an illegal supporter.

McCain flips and flops.

Cruz actually thought the shutdown would work and just created a backlash on the GOP.

Plenty of idiots to go around and people wonder how the corrupt Democraps keeping winning the Senate...

Did you ever stop and think that what Cruz did was shed light on problems IN the GOP? How they are out of touch with the people as much as the Democrats are?

How the elites in the District of criminals just don't care? I wish there were hundreds of Ted Cruzes in Congress to bust the elite establishment up and free the people from their tyranny. (And that's BOTH sides of the aisle)!

That was when he was quoting "Green Eggs & Ham", right?
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

A month ago I posted the link which relates to this very thing in Businessweek.
Jim Demint, the Christian Coalition/evangelicals, Heritage Foundation, i.e. THE TEA BAGGERS are behind this.

Google the SCF, drill down and see where they get there money. In the meantime, here's the link to the article:

Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker - Businessweek

McConnell folded during the shutdown and now he's toast.

good post.
Pretty much most GOP in the Senate have some bad qualities.

McConnell is a limp dick and hardly stands up to Reid.

Rubio is an illegal supporter.

McCain flips and flops.

Cruz actually thought the shutdown would work and just created a backlash on the GOP.

Plenty of idiots to go around and people wonder how the corrupt Democraps keeping winning the Senate...

Did you ever stop and think that what Cruz did was shed light on problems IN the GOP? How they are out of touch with the people as much as the Democrats are?

How the elites in the District of criminals just don't care? I wish there were hundreds of Ted Cruzes in Congress to bust the elite establishment up and free the people from their tyranny. (And that's BOTH sides of the aisle)!

That was when he was quoting "Green Eggs & Ham", right?

The funny thing about that is Cruz is what’s wrong with the GOP.
Did you ever stop and think that what Cruz did was shed light on problems IN the GOP? How they are out of touch with the people as much as the Democrats are?

How the elites in the District of criminals just don't care? I wish there were hundreds of Ted Cruzes in Congress to bust the elite establishment up and free the people from their tyranny. (And that's BOTH sides of the aisle)!

That was when he was quoting "Green Eggs & Ham", right?

The funny thing about that is Cruz is what’s wrong with the GOP.

No, Mitch McConnell and John McCain are what's wrong with the GOP. Of course, those who want to defeat the GOP are big defenders of McConnell and McCain.
So compromise and bipartisanship is a bad thing?

or only when republicans do it?

Is that a question for me?

Are you suggesting that McCain has an appropriate spirit of compromise? The guy who called principled Republicans "wacko birds"?

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