I heard some news that saddens me this morning.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

Republicans don't need to "start winning elections". Republicans are already winning elections. Red swept across the nation in 2010 and the GOP held the House in 2012.

That line of bull from Obama about how Republicans need to win some elections is just that -- bull. Republicans won elections. Lots of them. And SOME Republicans are trying to do what we sent them to do. And the hypocritical "we need a better tone" Obama, Reid and McCain trash-talked them for trying to keep their promises to the people who elected them. Those are the ones who get out the base and give us the best chance of holding the House and making gains in the Senate in 2014.

Look at an electoral map.

Rs won seats because of gerrymandering and cheating (voter suppression). Watch them between now and the next general. They will be pushing for more and more voter repression because its the only way they can win anything.

That is not why Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin.

People who stand for something will be elected. People who act like Democrat-lites aren't needed. Why would someone elect a Democrat-lite when they can get the real deal?
Considering McConnell is the Senate Republican leader and controls the purse strings on who gets reelection money, I am fairly certain every elected Republican will support him publically, even if they are hoping for him to get beaten in the primary. They want to stay in office.
Indeed...and those that play ball to get money, prestige, and power for the sake of it...lack principle...and are exactly the ones that got us into this mess. SCREW THEM ALL that have this notion. THEY are not statesmen...but greedy politicians...and I don't care what 'side' they pretend to be on. I have NO TIME for gratuitous politicians. ONLY I make TIME to defeat them.
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John McCain definitely is bad news, the way he trash-talked members of his caucus.

Louie Gohmert of East Texas calling McCain an AQ supporter?

Like that, you mean?

I don't know what Louie Gohmert said -- I won't judge him until I see the evidence. I know what John McCain said. And John McCain was horrible.

John called them weirdos and wackos. Louie called him an AQ supporter (you can look it up).

I will take the McCains over the Gohmerts and Cruzes any and every day.
Cruz was clueless what the shutdown would do, he is a political amateur. He had no clue the Democraps WANTED A SHUTDOWN to sneak obamacare past the media.

The media was focused on the shutdown for 17 days, not obamacare that was screwing up all over the nation. Cruz gave the Democraps a present with a bow on top and he also screwed over many GOP supporters that were out of work due to the shutdown in the DoD.

Many military contractors were stopped because their FY14 contracts were not being paid thanks to idiots like Cruz pulling some unwinnable stunt in Congress. Only a dumbass believes Reid and Obama were going to tear up their prized possession in obamacare.

Cruz has no clue about DC and no strategy. obamacare sucks but one needs to understand how to destroy it without destroying the GOP and its supporters.....which he was doing during the shutdown.

Oh, now Obama and his goons will blame Cruz and the shutdown for obamacare failing.....congrats.

Pretty much most GOP in the Senate have some bad qualities.

McConnell is a limp dick and hardly stands up to Reid.

Rubio is an illegal supporter.

McCain flips and flops.

Cruz actually thought the shutdown would work and just created a backlash on the GOP.

Plenty of idiots to go around and people wonder how the corrupt Democraps keeping winning the Senate...

Did you ever stop and think that what Cruz did was shed light on problems IN the GOP? How they are out of touch with the people as much as the Democrats are?

How the elites in the District of criminals just don't care? I wish there were hundreds of Ted Cruzes in Congress to bust the elite establishment up and free the people from their tyranny. (And that's BOTH sides of the aisle)!

From all interviews I've heard during and SINCE Ted Cruzs' action? He was fully aware...and what does that make YOU?


Republicans don't need to "start winning elections". Republicans are already winning elections. Red swept across the nation in 2010 and the GOP held the House in 2012.

That line of bull from Obama about how Republicans need to win some elections is just that -- bull. Republicans won elections. Lots of them. And SOME Republicans are trying to do what we sent them to do. And the hypocritical "we need a better tone" Obama, Reid and McCain trash-talked them for trying to keep their promises to the people who elected them. Those are the ones who get out the base and give us the best chance of holding the House and making gains in the Senate in 2014.

Look at an electoral map.

Rs won seats because of gerrymandering and cheating (voter suppression). Watch them between now and the next general. They will be pushing for more and more voter repression because its the only way they can win anything.

That is not why Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin.

People who stand for something will be elected. People who act like Democrat-lites aren't needed. Why would someone elect a Democrat-lite when they can get the real deal?

Only in 2010 could Walker have been elected in WI. That set of circumstances will never occur again as the TeaP current is not even at neap tide yet.
Look at an electoral map.

Rs won seats because of gerrymandering and cheating (voter suppression). Watch them between now and the next general. They will be pushing for more and more voter repression because its the only way they can win anything.

That is not why Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin.

People who stand for something will be elected. People who act like Democrat-lites aren't needed. Why would someone elect a Democrat-lite when they can get the real deal?

Only in 2010 could Walker have been elected in WI. That set of circumstances will never occur again as the TeaP current is not even at neap tide yet.

That's a funny statement considering he was reelected in 2012.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

that the exact platform of the Tea party :D
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

I'm not sure if he's a "person" at all. Perhaps he is the first in congressional robots. Fully programmed to toe whatever the current party line. :eusa_doh:
I will support any candidate that runs against MCConnell in a primary.
I don't have a lot of cash this time of year but I will start to put as much as I can away
hoping someone does oppose him.

I feel the same way. Matter of fact I have already begun.. I donated to Matt Bevin who is running against Mitch McConnell in the primaries. Hope he wins. I like what he stands for.

Matt Bevin for Senate | MattBevin.com
Hummmm ..... "...I like what he stands for." Hummm.............. Bevin is a republican which means he will say anything while standing for nothing (except filling his pockets with money). However, you are certainly free to vote for the baffoon of your choice.
That is not why Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin.

People who stand for something will be elected. People who act like Democrat-lites aren't needed. Why would someone elect a Democrat-lite when they can get the real deal?

Only in 2010 could Walker have been elected in WI. That set of circumstances will never occur again as the TeaP current is not even at neap tide yet.

That's a funny statement considering he was reelected in 2012.

There you go scaring Fake away with facts
I will support any candidate that runs against MCConnell in a primary.
I don't have a lot of cash this time of year but I will start to put as much as I can away
hoping someone does oppose him.

I feel the same way. Matter of fact I have already begun.. I donated to Matt Bevin who is running against Mitch McConnell in the primaries. Hope he wins. I like what he stands for.

Matt Bevin for Senate | MattBevin.com
Hummmm ..... "...I like what he stands for." Hummm.............. Bevin is a republican which means he will say anything while standing for nothing (except filling his pockets with money). However, you are certainly free to vote for the baffoon of your choice.

see: Barack Obama
I will support any candidate that runs against MCConnell in a primary.
I don't have a lot of cash this time of year but I will start to put as much as I can away
hoping someone does oppose him.

I feel the same way. Matter of fact I have already begun.. I donated to Matt Bevin who is running against Mitch McConnell in the primaries. Hope he wins. I like what he stands for.

Matt Bevin for Senate | MattBevin.com
Hummmm ..... "...I like what he stands for." Hummm.............. Bevin is a republican which means he will say anything while standing for nothing (except filling his pockets with money). However, you are certainly free to vote for the baffoon of your choice.

His opponent was supposed to be standing for one thing for the country and then folded, settling for an earmark, but you don't know that. You don't know anything.
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If the TEA Party holds their ground or better in the Senate I'll believe they're for real.

I still can't bring myself to vote republican as long as trickle-down economics using a complicated tax code of favoritism remains their economic policy plank.

And if you vote democrat you are getting the exact same thing on steroids. The only difference is that the democrats say they are going to do that and then do it where the republicans try and give those of us that are fiscally conservative a lot of lip service.

If you are voting third party then good for you, you are standing on the morals that you just spoke about in this post but if you are voting democrat then this is a REALLY hypocritical thing to state.
That is not why Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin.

People who stand for something will be elected. People who act like Democrat-lites aren't needed. Why would someone elect a Democrat-lite when they can get the real deal?

Only in 2010 could Walker have been elected in WI. That set of circumstances will never occur again as the TeaP current is not even at neap tide yet.

That's a funny statement considering he was reelected in 2012.
Here's the facts, HortySir. Amelia did not give them all because it would give her game away.

That's funny in that you ignored that it was a recall election while Obama was re-elected. 2012 was a general rejection of the TeaPs and 2014 will be even worse. Walker does not have the support he once did.

However, WI normally does not elect a president and a governor of the same party, so Walker may be the exception that proves the rule. That would be a shame: Wisconsin's deserve so much better.
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Only in 2010 could Walker have been elected in WI. That set of circumstances will never occur again as the TeaP current is not even at neap tide yet.

That's a funny statement considering he was reelected in 2012.
Here's the facts, HortySir. Amelia did not give them all because it would give her game away.

That's funny in that you ignored that it was a recall election while Obama was re-elected. 2012 was a general rejection of the TeaPs and 2014 will be even worse. Walker does not have the support he once did.

However, WI normally does not elect a president and a governor of the same party, so Walker may be the exception that proves the rule. That would be a shame: Wisconsin's deserve so much better.

Game? In 2012 Wisconsin reelected Walker, reelected David Prosser, and in November returned control of the state senate (and thus the whole legislature) to the Republicans. And the Tea Party has gotten new life with the government's admission of state-sponsored repression of their voice.

Obamacare fueled the fires of the 2010 shellacking and it's back again bigger than ever ready to drive Republicans to the polls in 2014.

Ted Cruz excited people -- exactly the people the GOP needs to have voting in the off-year election.

The Democrats have nothing with which to fire up their lackadaisical base. A lot of scandals, the embarrassment of the O-care rollout, the reality that a sizable portion of the Dem base still won't be covered -- these things do not work in the Dem's favor. Won't necessarily send any D's to the polls to vote for R's, but will not get them out to vote for D's.

The Republicans are still in a good position on the state and local level.
Louie Gohmert of East Texas calling McCain an AQ supporter?

Like that, you mean?

I don't know what Louie Gohmert said -- I won't judge him until I see the evidence. I know what John McCain said. And John McCain was horrible.

John called them weirdos and wackos. Louie called him an AQ supporter (you can look it up).

I will take the McCains over the Gohmerts and Cruzes any and every day.

Of course you would jakey, you all are in the same clown union.
I don't know Gohmert. I didn't know much about Cruz but thanks to recent events I have come to know him a little and he has steadily risen in my estimation.

McCain keeps sinking.

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