I heard some news that saddens me this morning.

Bipartisanship and negotiation are good thing in the constitutional Republic.
Did you ever stop and think that what Cruz did was shed light on problems IN the GOP? How they are out of touch with the people as much as the Democrats are?

How the elites in the District of criminals just don't care? I wish there were hundreds of Ted Cruzes in Congress to bust the elite establishment up and free the people from their tyranny. (And that's BOTH sides of the aisle)!

That was when he was quoting "Green Eggs & Ham", right?

The funny thing about that is Cruz is what’s wrong with the GOP.

The funny thing about that is McConnell is what is wrong about the GOP.
Actually idiot, I'm a conservative....the GOP only gets my vote because the Democraps are evil.

If the GOP had more people like me, they would destroy the Democraps and scum like you.

I'm pro-national defense, pro-gun rights, anti-abortion, pro-family, pro-small GOV, pro-low taxes, anti-illegal immigration, pro-strong border control, anti-obamacare, anti-affirmative action.....PRO FREEDOM.

Pretty much most GOP in the Senate have some bad qualities.

McConnell is a limp dick and hardly stands up to Reid.

Rubio is an illegal supporter.

McCain flips and flops.

Cruz actually thought the shutdown would work and just created a backlash on the GOP.

Plenty of idiots to go around and people wonder how the corrupt Democraps keeping winning the Senate...

And you’re an example of what’s wrong with the GOP.

The Tea Party is full of people with good beliefs and intentions, but many of them have no clue how to choose a candidate that will win the election then know how to beat the Democraps in DC.

Pulling shutdown stunts pissing off millions of Americans isn't the way to win the next election that will help us get rid of obamacare. Take back the Senate in 2014 and obamacare is on the verge of dying.

Many clueless people in the Tea Party are anti-anything Government, even the US military. They have no clue the US military is the backbone of the conservatives in this country. The first thing for conservatives is personal freedom and you don't get that with a weak US military putting this country at risk and not keeping the socialists like Obama in check from creating a police state. The US military is the one organization that would prevent a socialist take over of this country, but many Tea Party wackos actually believe their little militias are the front line....insane.

The Tea Baggers are primarily comprised of a bunch of old white men who are worried about losing their grip on a country that they have had since landing on Plymouth Rock.

They succeeded in beating back the native Americans and keeping women from voting and owning property up until about a hundred years ago, but...the PARTY is over.

Women, Hispanics, Blacks, LGBT are sick and tired of them and couldn't be more pleased that they are imploding.

So true.
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

Rubio has been caught in lies before but still, I'm surprised you readily admit you expect him to lie.

Whatever. The continuing PubPotty's circular firing squad is always enjoyable entertainment.
Is that a question for me?

Are you suggesting that McCain has an appropriate spirit of compromise? The guy who called principled Republicans "wacko birds"?

I thought he called Cruz and the other traitors wacko birds. Cruz has no principles, no ethics, no morals. He is a self-employed traitor. He works for himself and against the US.

What the heck is a principled Republican anyway?
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

Their problem isn't their message, it's their product.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

Winning doesn't matter if nothing changes or gets better. As long as the establishment stays in control of the GOP, nothing will change or get better.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

Their problem isn't their message, it's their product.

Product / message - whatever, Bro'... Terminology. Call it what you will, it's the reason to vote republican in the general.

I hate voting democratic, but until the republicans disavow trickle down, voting republican is like voting for leeches and herbal candles when brutal but effective surgery is available.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

Republicans don't need to "start winning elections". Republicans are already winning elections. Red swept across the nation in 2010 and the GOP held the House in 2012.

That line of bull from Obama about how Republicans need to win some elections is just that -- bull. Republicans won elections. Lots of them. And SOME Republicans are trying to do what we sent them to do. And the hypocritical "we need a better tone" Obama, Reid and McCain trash-talked them for trying to keep their promises to the people who elected them. Those are the ones who get out the base and give us the best chance of holding the House and making gains in the Senate in 2014.
If the TEA Party holds their ground or better in the Senate I'll believe they're for real.

I still can't bring myself to vote republican as long as trickle-down economics using a complicated tax code of favoritism remains their economic policy plank.
Republicans don't need to "start winning elections". Republicans are already winning elections. Red swept across the nation in 2010 and the GOP held the House in 2012.

They lost two seats in a Senate they should have taken and six seats in a House they should have expanded.

The next three elections will be their final chance to do anything because the bluing of America demographically and culturally is expanding.
The Senates Conservative Fund is going to fund a conservative to primary against McConnell in the next election and Rubio was asked who he would support. He replied Mitch.

Not sure if he is just playing along to get along until then or if he is not the person I thought he was.

Must have been a different interview than I saw, you got a link? In the one I saw hes said he thought McConnell did a good job representing a diverse cacus in a difficult situation. That was on Chris Wallace's program.
The Republicans best chance at winning in 2014 and 2016 is to stop the infighting. Establishment Republicans like Rubio understand this, and are not trying to go at each other.

I disagree. If the republicans want to start winning elections they need to change their message.

Trickle down economics does not work. It's time to go libertarian and try fair and simple taxes.

Republicans don't need to "start winning elections". Republicans are already winning elections. Red swept across the nation in 2010 and the GOP held the House in 2012.

That line of bull from Obama about how Republicans need to win some elections is just that -- bull. Republicans won elections. Lots of them. And SOME Republicans are trying to do what we sent them to do. And the hypocritical "we need a better tone" Obama, Reid and McCain trash-talked them for trying to keep their promises to the people who elected them. Those are the ones who get out the base and give us the best chance of holding the House and making gains in the Senate in 2014.

Look at an electoral map.

Rs won seats because of gerrymandering and cheating (voter suppression). Watch them between now and the next general. They will be pushing for more and more voter repression because its the only way they can win anything.
Considering McConnell is the Senate Republican leader and controls the purse strings on who gets reelection money, I am fairly certain every elected Republican will support him publically, even if they are hoping for him to get beaten in the primary. They want to stay in office.
No, Mitch McConnell and John McCain are what's wrong with the GOP. Of course, those who want to defeat the GOP are big defenders of McConnell and McCain.

John McCain definitely is bad news, the way he trash-talked members of his caucus.

Louie Gohmert of East Texas calling McCain an AQ supporter?

Like that, you mean?

I don't know what Louie Gohmert said -- I won't judge him until I see the evidence. I know what John McCain said. And John McCain was horrible.

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