I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

If we had a real election Dementia wouldn't have come close. They slapped ballots on the kitchen table of morons who don't understand the first thing about policy or politics and that's how we ended up with Biden.

The Democrats love the stupid vote because it's the only way they can win, that's why they want to make it standard. Even with my serious medical conditions that covid could end my life, I made sure I went in person to vote. If you're too lazy to vote, then stay home. it's obviously not that important to you. Voting from home should only be provided to the disabled and people in circumstances where there is no way to vote in person.
Circumstances like a pandemic?

I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?​

The question suffers from the flawed premise that these are intelligent, thoughtful, or logical people.
Why would journalists or anybody else want to give a grifter like Trump any money?

Lets see…

Trump openly attacked reporters, called them fake news, turned his minions against the media, deligitimizes the free press

Then wonders why they don’t contribute to his campaign
Lets see…

Trump openly attacked reporters, called them fake news, turned his minions against the media, deligitimizes the free press

Then wonders why they don’t contribute to his campaign
Evidently you didn't pay attention to the studies...
A study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton
study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden.
So Biden received the least negative news means
A)The MSM agrees with all of Biden's EOs ,etc.
B) The MSM disagreed with Trump putting America first as you, Biden and other uninformed people do.
C) The MSM credibility has continued to decline started BEFORE Trump

Americans' Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record​

Americans' trust in the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage points since last year to 36%, making this year's reading the second lowest in Gallup's trend.

Almost 2 out of 3 Americans like me don't trust the MSM while dummies evidently like you believe every word.
Well tell me you agree with Biden's latest act which most Americans find extremely distasteful.
But wait... remember this is what Biden told these illegals..
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. "
Think about it... Biden's encouraged illegals "surge" and then will pay the $450,000! Really???

Biden Administration Could Pay Illegal Immigrant Families Separated at Border​

$450,000 Per Person in Settlements​

You understand why logical thinking Americans like millions like me and evidently NOT you agree with Trump?
Think about ... you support a 47 year politician who's primary source of "KNOWN" income is from dummies like you?
Evidently you didn't pay attention to the studies...
A study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.

Lets see

That is like complaining that the Class Bully gets detention more than the honor roll student
I and millions of others filled it out at home and mailed it in, avoiding the crowds, the hassle, and minimizing our exposure to the virus. Just as secure, and much safer.

And then you went to how many bars, restaurants, sports events, movies...........................
And then you went to how many bars, restaurants, sports events, movies...........................
No, that’s what you horse paste eaters do. I go to work, buy groceries, etc when needed. I wear a mask where required and social distance from others. I got vaccinated back in January/February and will get the booster as soon as possible.
No, that’s what you horse paste eaters do. I go to work, buy groceries, etc when needed. I wear a mask where required and social distance from others. I got vaccinated back in January/February and will get the booster as soon as possible.

Right, so all these public places are filled with only conservatives?
Right, so all these public places are filled with only conservatives?
More likely than not. Or just ordinary people unconcerned about the virus. Unconcerned until they contract the virus and have to deal with its effects. Surprising how many people think they’re invincible.
More likely than not. Or just ordinary people unconcerned about the virus. Unconcerned until they contract the virus and have to deal with its effects. Surprising how many people think they’re invincible.

You can catch the virus from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. The vaccines don't prevent you from catching or spreading it.
You can catch the virus from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. The vaccines don't prevent you from catching or spreading it.

The greatest risk of transmission is among unvaccinated people who are much more likely to get infected, and therefore transmit the virus. Fully vaccinated people get COVID-19 (known as breakthrough infections) less often than unvaccinated people.
You can catch the virus from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. The vaccines don't prevent you from catching or spreading it.
Nothing is certain in life, except eventual death. Taking the standard precautions has kept my family and I virus free so far, coming up on two years since the initial outbreak.
Nothing is certain in life, except eventual death. Taking the standard precautions has kept my family and I virus free so far, coming up on two years since the initial outbreak.

But you're wrong, Biden making at least one more huge screw up this year is guaranteed.

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