I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism

I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.
You are embracing and cheering and defending terrorism.
THE DHS/CIA/FBI are reading everyone of your pro terrorist posts. Hope you like cat food sandwiches when they arrest you.

Because I care about the people who died in the WTC? You're one sick puppy...
ahhhh, he cares. Like you're the only one right?
UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

Now it's been proven to you twice...You want to admit your failure or continue to deflect and ignore?

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According to your link, 22.1% of the refugees are males aged 18-59.

They're "mainly" women and children.

Since ISIS is training children as young as 10, they don't count in those the idiots supporting this say we shouldn't be worried about.

How do we know you're not a secret ISIS sleeper agent?

If you think I am, provide the proof. If you can't, STFU.

Right back at you - "provide the proof" that any of the Syrian refugees are ISIS agents.

Or as you said, you can shut the fuck up.
Do you think it's possible there is one ...only one... Isis agent passing as a refugee?
According to your link, 22.1% of the refugees are males aged 18-59.

They're "mainly" women and children.

Since ISIS is training children as young as 10, they don't count in those the idiots supporting this say we shouldn't be worried about.

How do we know you're not a secret ISIS sleeper agent?

If you think I am, provide the proof. If you can't, STFU.

Right back at you - "provide the proof" that any of the Syrian refugees are ISIS agents.

Or as you said, you can shut the fuck up.
Do you think it's possible there is one ...only one... Isis agent passing as a refugee?

Sure. It's also possible that you're an ISIS agent.
I'm encouraging my lawmakers to work to halt or to at least stem the tide of Muslims coming here.
We should be looking at ways to pressure countries like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia to take these people.
Except for American liberals, the world would much rather see them end up in places where their own culture is the dominant one.
France has found out they allowed immigration of people who HATE the culture they were allowed to come to. Why would these refugees think any different when they come here?

Once they arrive here, they will be tomorrows protesters in our colleges demanding more American traditions be destroyed.
Just like these assholes:

Students want Woodrow Wilson's name removed from Princeton

PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — Students staged a protest Wednesday inside the office of Princeton University's president, demanding the school remove the name of former school president and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson from programs and buildings over what they said was his racist legacy.

Students want Woodrow Wilson's name removed from Princeton
If righties are gonna hate on Robert Byrd, why do they love Woodrow Wison?

I don't love him. He was the president, he and his wife led us through WWI. Move on and worry about something relevent.
Move on? You brought him up, dude!

I was referring to the thug kids at the university.
Only cowards call others spineless pussies while hiding behind their keyboard.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims
Nope. Pussies are you balless libtards.
Yeah well you're the pussy who is afraid ISIS will come and hurt you
Your the retard who refuses to see reality. Wake up idiot.
Just you keep on living in fear of stuff that never happens to you
I'm not usually too keen on Rush, but he's got a point here.

A few weeks ago I was on the fence about which side I'd be voting on because of the LGBT issues, not so much anymore... We can work back into LGBT rights, but we can't undo a terrorist attack, we can't bring those folks back to life and put back together the families that would be destroyed. I'm a big LGBT rights person, my sisters a lesbian, good friends of the family, and my own friends are LGBT, but I'm going to have to vote against their interests this year - not because I feel that all Muslim's are terrorists, but because it's become pretty clear that the Democratic party makes no sense. They scream about "safety" with the gun control issue, then poo poo a valid concern about refugee terrorists our own government states unequivocally that they cannot vet. This is beyond "social rights issues", we are talking about American lives, not how they live their lives, but actually living at all... I cannot in sane mind commit to the frivolous action of dismissing national safety. I am a "swing vote" and I can assure you that the mocking of sensible precaution is absolutely the one thing that has driven me from even considering a vote for the Democrats this year.
Keep on ignoring this libs:

Kentucky refugee case highlights worries over Syrians in US

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP) — From a Kentucky college town, two Iraqi refugees plotted to send sniper rifles, Stinger missiles and money to al-Qaida operatives waging an insurgency back home against U.S. troops. The scheme was foiled and both are in prison, but the case has left jitters about whether extremists might slip in among Syrian refugees resettling in the U.S.

Kentucky refugee case highlights worries over Syrians in US
Since ISIS is training children as young as 10, they don't count in those the idiots supporting this say we shouldn't be worried about.

How do we know you're not a secret ISIS sleeper agent?

If you think I am, provide the proof. If you can't, STFU.

Right back at you - "provide the proof" that any of the Syrian refugees are ISIS agents.

Or as you said, you can shut the fuck up.
Do you think it's possible there is one ...only one... Isis agent passing as a refugee?

Sure. It's also possible that you're an ISIS agent.
If I was, I wouldn't tell you until it's too late. As for my question, I pray that the Syrian terrorist posing as a refugee moves in next door to you. I don't want the bastard near me and my family.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims
Nope. Pussies are you balless libtards.
Yeah well you're the pussy who is afraid ISIS will come and hurt you
Your the retard who refuses to see reality. Wake up idiot.
Just you keep on living in fear of stuff that never happens to you

Obutthole's job is to keep us secure. That job he is failing. We can't trust these Marxist called democrats running things.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims
Nope. Pussies are you balless libtards.
Yeah well you're the pussy who is afraid ISIS will come and hurt you
Your the retard who refuses to see reality. Wake up idiot.
Just you keep on living in fear of stuff that never happens to you
Quit mocking us. The refugee crises is real. ISIS is coming to our shores.
Getting gunned down at a church, school, movie theater...no problem. As long as the shooter is a white guy who was born here. WTF?
Quit mocking us. The refugee crises is real. ISIS is coming to our shores.
Mockery is all the left has any more, so that is all they do.

These retards use a logic that applied to any other subject would be plainly idiotic. Why carry a spare tire if you personally have never had a flat? Why be concerned about being murdered in some small rundown bar in some crime filled neighborhood if no one there has personally harmed you?' etc, etc

It is just pure retard thinking on their part and there is nothing to remedy it for them. Reason and fact cannot penetrate the closed minds of the left. They do not believe in reason any more.

There has to be paid Agitators on this board. every thread it's the same thing from them. stir agitate stir agitate. it's pathetic really. that's why I have most of them on IGNORE
There has to be paid Agitators on this board. every thread it's the same thing from them. stir agitate stir agitate. it's pathetic really. that's why I have most of them on IGNORE
It is no secret that George Soros is hiring astroturfers to flood the web with inane posters like Closed Caption. These people make the same kind of stupid half baked responses in post after post and thread after thread, just as you said.

They will always fight to get the last word because that is what they are paid to do, and they do a poor job of any of it.

Soros should fire them and go hire newly graduated unemployed instead. At least the posts would be coherent.
There has to be paid Agitators on this board. every thread it's the same thing from them. stir agitate stir agitate. it's pathetic really. that's why I have most of them on IGNORE
It is no secret that George Soros is hiring astroturfers to flood the web with inane posters like Closed Caption. These people make the same kind of stupid half baked responses in post after post and thread after thread, just as you said.

They will always fight to get the last word because that is what they are paid to do, and they do a poor job of any of it.

Soros should fire them and go hire newly graduated unemployed instead. At least the posts would be coherent.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims
Nope. Pussies are you balless libtards.
Yeah well you're the pussy who is afraid ISIS will come and hurt you
Your the retard who refuses to see reality. Wake up idiot.
Just you keep on living in fear of stuff that never happens to you
Quit mocking us. The refugee crises is real. ISIS is coming to our shores.
You're doing a great job supporting the goals of ISIS.

You're afraid. You're trying to get others to be afraid. You're trying to get others to hate the Muslims that had nothing to do with Paris, Mumbai, or 911, so they can have their religious war.

You're being played too

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