I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism

So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
In America we got Christians who hate non Christians. We don't condemn all Christians for it.

Don't worry about radical religions in America. They are slowly fading away. Their grandkids will be wise atheists when they shed their ancient ancestors customs.
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.

No one is shitting their pants, but please do keep making fun of anyone concerned that a terrorist attack could come here.
The majority doesn't want the refugees coming here, keep it up and the majority will only increase.
Since 9/11, when Bush was president and Republicans controlled both houses, who have killed more Americans in the US. Right winger Republican terrorists or ME terrorists?
Who are black men in liberal cities, Alex

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So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
In America we got Christians who hate non Christians. We don't condemn all Christians for it.

Don't worry about radical religions in America. They are slowly fading away. Their grandkids will be wise atheists when they shed their ancient ancestors customs.

Cool, how about we let it all fade away somewhere else ? Is that asking for too much ?
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
In America we got Christians who hate non Christians. We don't condemn all Christians for it.

Don't worry about radical religions in America. They are slowly fading away. Their grandkids will be wise atheists when they shed their ancient ancestors customs.

Cool, how about we let it all fade away somewhere else ? Is that asking for too much ?
You lost me. My point is Isis couldn't take over one town in America.

Here's the problem with Muslims. Like the Boston bombers, they had it all. No reason to be mad at us. Im greek. I can't see some Greek in Greece turning me against the USA. Why come here if you don't like us?
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
Idiot libtard, obuthole and dildory already look bad. It is the left that are the spineless pussies wanting something to happen here.

Only cowards call others spineless pussies while hiding behind their keyboard.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
In America we got Christians who hate non Christians. We don't condemn all Christians for it.

Don't worry about radical religions in America. They are slowly fading away. Their grandkids will be wise atheists when they shed their ancient ancestors customs.
Atheists are far from wise, they are just dumb deniers.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
Idiot libtard, obuthole and dildory already look bad. It is the left that are the spineless pussies wanting something to happen here.

Only cowards call others spineless pussies while hiding behind their keyboard.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims
Hey. Romney had a great idea, let's let the immigrants and their kids - born here or not - self deport. The Governor of Louisiana and Senator from Florida can start by returning to their native homeland.
Only if Obama goes home as well

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The President's mom was born here, as were her parents. Now, maybe we can get Cruz to self deport too?
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
In America we got Christians who hate non Christians. We don't condemn all Christians for it.

Don't worry about radical religions in America. They are slowly fading away. Their grandkids will be wise atheists when they shed their ancient ancestors customs.

Cool, how about we let it all fade away somewhere else ? Is that asking for too much ?
You lost me. My point is Isis couldn't take over one town in America.

Here's the problem with Muslims. Like the Boston bombers, they had it all. No reason to be mad at us. Im greek. I can't see some Greek in Greece turning me against the USA. Why come here if you don't like us?

How'd that work out with the Tsarnaev brothers ?
Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
Idiot libtard, obuthole and dildory already look bad. It is the left that are the spineless pussies wanting something to happen here.

Only cowards call others spineless pussies while hiding behind their keyboard.
I am not a libtard, therefore not a coward.
You're a pussy who is afraid of Muslims

I'm an American who loves western culture and who doesn't wish to see it eroded any further.
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.

I'm encouraging my lawmakers to work to halt or to at least stem the tide of Muslims coming here.
We should be looking at ways to pressure countries like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia to take these people.
Except for American liberals, the world would much rather see them end up in places where their own culture is the dominant one.
France has found out they allowed immigration of people who HATE the culture they were allowed to come to. Why would these refugees think any different when they come here?
When we are attacked by one or two that has been let in our country, then we can come back and make a thread of how Democrats have the blood on their hand of all those killed from it. but they won't care, like Obama he see's us as just collateral damage by those he vowed to stand with. and that vow wasn't to stand with us and you people still put him in as President.
The refugees are mainly grown men.

Prove it.
Open your eye's and quit believing Obama's lies.

You can't even produce a photo?
How many are you letting in to live with your family?

This is a major nutjob talking point. Weird.

I've actually investigated how that is done. It is very complicated. There are no easy ways to take in a refugee, it's turns out.

I'm doing what I can at this point, though. And that is WELCOMING THEM INTO THIS COUNTRY as is our promise to mankind.
I think it's wonderful that you're letting Habib and his 4 brothers move into your home. He's an artist you know, Maybe he'll show you his wood carving skills.

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